58 resultados para Montreal, Quebec
A postcard from Montreal, Quebec postmarked 22 August 1930. The front of the postcard is an illustration of a male on the ground drinking out of several alcohol bottles with a sign marked "Canada". The caption reads "This place is wet and I am drinking it dry".
A marriage certificate stating that Joseph Clement and Margaret Duffet were lawfully married according to the Church of England in Montreal, May 9, 1784. The name on the paper appears to be "Margaret Dusalle" and the date appears as "May 7th".
Last Will and Testament of Angus Shaw of Montreal. He leaves his possessions to Marjory Shaw, his wife; children of his sister Marion (wife of Duncan McDougall) and his nieces who are daughters of his deceased sister Isabella, May 9, 1809.
Receipt to S.D. Woodruff from Gibb and Co. of Montreal, Merchants, Tailors and Gentlemen’s Haberdashers for a cloth sack coat, July 1876.
Letter to Messrs. Woodruff and Woodruff of St. Catharines from Thomas Secord of St. Catharines who was applying for the job of a clerk. He states that he would like to make $15 a month plus board, July 31, 1849.
Letter and envelope addressed to Mr. Samuel Woodruff of St. Catharines. The postmarks are Montreal, Dec. 23, 1892 and St. Catharines, Dec. 29, 1892. Clara Cudney is acknowledging sending the mortgage on the land of her late husband Ezekiel. She says that Baker is still in the house but does not want to rent the barn. She asks if she should keep the rent or pass it on to Mr. Woodruff, Dec. 29, 1892.
Receipt from John Henderson and Co., Manufacturers of Hats, Caps and Furs and dealers in Indian Curiosities, Montreal for furs and buttons, Oct. 13, 1887.
List of goods shipped to Henry Nelles of Grimsby by Gerrard, Gillespie and Moffat Co. of Montreal (6 ½ page list, handwritten) for blankets, food, clothing and other items Sept. 14, 1821.
Letter to J. Bradley from B.C.A. Gogy in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, Montreal (1 page, printed) regarding Bradley’s desire to obtain commission as a captain in the Quebec Artillery, Aug. 25, 1845
Letter to J.P. Bradley from B.C.A. Gogy in the Office of the Adjutant General of Militia, Montreal regarding procedures for applying for a captain’s commission in the militia (2 ½ pages, handwritten), Dec. 23, 1845.
"Illustrated with maps, and numerous engravings from original sketches."
Added t. p., engraved.
Reissue of original ed.: Boston : J.P. Jewett ; Cleveland : H.P.B. Jewett, 1857. Cf. TPL 3664.
Sedjrrlents deposited in the Late Quaternary marine sUbrnergences that follov'ted the deglaciation of Ontario} Quebec., and 6ritlst-1 Columbia often contaln an abundant nlarlne invertebrate macrofauna. The rnacrofauna~ dotYllnated by aragonitic pelecypods} is fully preserved In their original mineralogy and cherrlistry 8S deternl1ned by x-ray dlffractlon., scannlng electron tl-,lcroscoDY., trace and r1l1 nor elet11ent analyses and stable isotopes. Ttle trace elernent and stable isotope geochen-Ilstry of chernlcal1y unaltered aragorlitlc molluscs can be used to determine paleoter1-lperatures and paleosallnltles." HO\Never} corrections need to be tllade \fvtlen deterrTIlnlng oxygen-isotope paleotenlperi:ttures due to the lnfluence of isotopically 11gtlt glaciol rneltv-laters and reduced sal1nltles. Ttle eastern Laurentide Ice Sheet probably had an o:~ygen lS0tOP1C composition as low as -8e) 0/00 (Sr1[IW). In additl0fl} corrections need to be rnade to the carbonlsotope values, before salinity deterrnlnatlons are t11ade., due to the reJjuctlon of the terrestrial carbon bl0rnass during glac1al maxlrna. Using geochernlcal data frot11 537 marlne n-'8crolnvertebrates frorTI 72 localities in soutt-,easter Ontarl0 and southern Quebec, it tras been deterrnined that the Late Quaternary Char1lplaln Sea \N6S density stratified along salinity and temperatlJre gradients. The deep-\h/aters of tt-,e Charnplaln Sea tlad salinities that ranged frorn 31 to 36 ppt} and terrlperatures of 00 to 5°C. Conversely.. the st1alloy./-\f*later regirrle of ttle Ctlarnplaln Sea tlad sal1nltles that ranged fron-, 24 to 33 ppt} Y.tltt1 terrlperatures ranglng from 5° to 15°C. Tr,8 rrlajorl rnlnor1 and trace e1et1-,ent geochernlcal analysls of 155 marine lnvertebrates frorn 4 10C611t1es of tt-,e Late Quaternary Ft. Langley Forrnatlon and Capl1ano Sedlments;. souttl\Nestern Brltlsh Columblal suggest l t~lat the 'waters of the o-,arlne lnundation that fol1o....ved the retreating Cordl11eran Ice Sheet had sal1nltles ranglng frorn 32 to 3f. DPt.
Cover title: Tunis's guide to Niagara and traveller's companion, illustrated.