23 resultados para Hare, Robert D.: Snakes in suits
Letter to Isabel from J. D. Tait in which he says he feels better after “looking out all the books, folios and engravings etc. that mama wants, Nov. 12, 1896.
Letter (marked confidential) to Isabel from J.D. Tait in which he talks of vindictive slander which he feels is false. He refers to a statue which he believes absolutely belongs to him. He says that he will see Isabel on Sunday to discuss the valuables, June 6, 1899.
Letter (1 page, double sided) to Mr. John F. Day [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he asks Mr. Day to examine the land and make an account of the no. of pine trees, if any that are suitable for making 16 inch broad pine, Apr. 25, 1878.
Letter to F.B. Day (3 pages, unsigned) [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he says he is enclosing the $36.00 owed to him, Nov. 5, 1878.
Letter (1 ½ handwritten pages) to John F. Day from [S.D. Woodruff] in regard to Mr. Woodruff’s sale of timber in berths 192 and 198. He asks Mr. Day to see if the wood is still uncut, July 9, 1880.
Letter to John F. Day from S.D. Woodruff in which he states that he would not think of having Burton perform a service for him again, Aug. 23, 1880.
Letter to H.H. Warner which is unsigned [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he says that he has given his men an explanation of how to reach Pointe Mouillee together with the laws of the club. He believes that Mr. Warner will find much pleasure in the club, May 25, 1886.
Letter to E. Harris which is unsigned [from S.D. Woodruff] in which he suggests raising the cost of the shooting shares, Feb. 7, 1887.