25 resultados para Gessler, Otto (1875-1955)
Christopher Newton was born in England in June of 1936. He received his education at Sir Roger Manwood’s School in Kent, the University of Leeds, Purdue University in Indiana and the University of Illinois where he received his M.A. He founded Theatre Calgary in 1968 and was the artistic director there until 1971. He was appointed as the artistic director of the Vancouver Playhouse where he established the Playhouse Acting School with Powys Thomas. Mr. Newton has also performed and directed at Stratford Festivals and on Broadway. He became the artistic director at Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake in 1979 and remained there for 23 seasons until 2002. Mr. Newton has many television, radio and film credits to his name as well as having written many stage plays. Mr. Newton has received honorary degrees from Brock University (1986), the University of Guelph (1989), Wilfrid Laurier University (1997) and Buffalo State University. He was made an Honorary Fellow at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto (1993) and of Ryerson Polytechnic University (1995). He has won the Governor General’s performing arts award (2000), the Molson Prize and the Thomas DeGaetani Award from the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. In 1996 he was made an Honorary Life Member of the Association for Canadian Theatre Research and in the same year he received the M. Joan Chalmers Award for Artistic Direction. In 1995, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada and he won a Governor General's Performing Arts Award in 2000. Christopher Newton is currently the Artistic Director Emeritus at the Shaw Festival. Sources: http://www.shawfest.com/the-ensemble/christopher-newton/ http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/christopher-newton
An account with W.M. Forbes dated April 1st, 1875 and amounting to $21.38. There is a line at the bottom of the receipt that reads "I don't care about any money but my creditors seem hard up".
Transcript: Sir I understand that a reward of fifty dollars has been offered by the County of Haldimand for the arrest of any person convicted of horse stealing. I beg to state that I arrested Albert Hucker charged with having stolen a bay mare the property of Eward Hodges in the Township of Walpole Co. of Haldimand and that the said Albert Hucker has been convicted of the offence by A.G. Hill, Esq. police magistrate of the Town of Clifton County of Welland, and sentenced to three years servitude in the provincial penitentiary. I beg therefore to ask of I am entitled to the aforesaid reward and if so what steps are necessary to procure it. I am Sir, Yours respectfully, Thomas H. Young Ontario Police Clifton
A letter from Premier Leslie M. Frost to Dorothy Rungeling wishing her the best in her upcoming All-Woman International Air Race from Washington, D.C. to Havana, Cuba. Mrs. Rungeling is the only Canadian entered in the race. Premier Frost also mentions that Mrs. Rungeling will likely have the chance to meet President Batista of Cuba.
A certificate from the Cuban Tourist Commission "in recognition of his success in crossing the Channel to Cuba from the United States in the Sixth Annual All Women International Air Race". The certificate was awarded to Dorothy Rungeling on July 11, 1955.
An official program from the 9th Annual All Woman Transcontinental Air Race, July 2-6 1955, Long Beach, California - Springfield, Massachusetts. Mrs. Dorothy Rungeling is number 36 in the program. Many of the female pilots have signed their profiles in the program for Mrs. Rungeling.
License no. 5 of season 1875/76 made out to S.D. Woodruff for 36 square miles in berth no. 192, June 1, 1875.
Probate (vellum) of Last Will and Testament of Hervey William Price of Welland who died Jan. 27, 1875. It is proven that the administration of the estate was granted to Joseph Augustus Woodruff, Aug. 19, 1880.