34 resultados para Eisner, Will
Notice regarding the late James Middough that anything concerning his will is granted to William Woodruff and Richard Woodruff (merchants) executors of the will, August 3, 1839.
Last Will and Testament (copy) of David Clow of the Township of Stamford. Richard and William Woodruff are listed as executors. Attached to this will is a document stating that this is a true copy of the will, Sept. 12, 1839.
Last Will and Testament of Richard Woodruff of St. Davids. This is a printed copy which is unsigned, June 15, 1872.
Last Will and Testament of John Picard of the township of Niagara. He leaves his land which consists of part of Lot 113 in the township of Niagara to Annie Mariah Steel. The executors are John Stevens and Gilbert Anderson. The document was registered July 3, 1882 – instrument no. 1743, May 9, 1882.
Last Will and Testament of Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff received by the central office in Nov. of 1906 and April 1907. In pencil it is written that the document is from Aug. 2, 1902.
Probate of Last Will and Testament of Alexander Simpson of Crowland Township, January 29, 1872.
Probate (copy) of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Clark Street of Stamford Township. This is a printed copy which is signed by Charles A. Mittleberger, student at law, Oct. 18, 1872.
Last Will and Testament of Jane Caroline Woodruff in which she lists personal items to be left to her children, grandchildren, and nieces. [This appears to be a rough copy], December 31, 1903.
Last Will and Testament of Jane C. Woodruff. This is a handwritten copy of the previous Jane C. Woodruff will, June 15, 1910.
Statement signed by Hume Blake of Toronto (2 ½ pages) who has read the will of Joseph Clement dated May 14, 1810 and has also read the will of Mary M. Clement dated Sept. 10, 1842. He states that the devise to James D. Clement and Joseph Clement is void. “The executor therefore take the personal estate … and the lands devised to James and Joseph Clement descend unencumbered to the heir of the testator Joseph Clement.” This document is slightly burned on the edges but text is not affected. The outer page says “Mr. Hume Blake for Brock Woodruff, May 9, 1845.
Probate of the Last Will and Testament of Joseph Clement of the Township of Niagara, May 14, 1810 but it is noted that this is a copy of the original will and this copy was filed on Feb. 26, 1815, Nov. 25, 1875. This is accompanied by an envelope addressed to Sheriff Woodruff and postmarked Hamilton, Nov. 25, 1875.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Mr. Tisdale stating that William B. Hunter will only pay $60 for shooting for this year. He asks if Mr. Woodruff will accept this. There is a reply at the bottom of the letter in which [S.D. Woodruff] replies that he will not accept $60, but $100 will be acceptable, Sept. 7, 1870.
Letter to Louis Cabot from S.D. Woodruff stating that he will sell his Point McMillen [McMillan], Michigan shares, but he doesn’t think that the sheriff will sell his Long Point shares, Jan. 6, 1886.
Telegram from Great North Western Telegraph Company of Canada to S.D. Woodruff from L. Cabot stating that the draft for $5000.00 will be forwarded on Monday or Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1886.
Telegram from Montreal and Dominion Telegraph Companies’ Lines form with a note on it saying “will wait for receipt”[ no sender nor receiver listed, most likely Louis Cabot to Samuel D. Woodruff], 1886.