27 resultados para Bill drafting
Chart of bill of timber in bridges, culverts, cattle-guard and roadways, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Oct. 18, 1855.
Chart of the bill of timber for the railway bridge near Hurst’s, signed by S.D. Woodruff, Oct. 15, 1855.
Bill no. 2: An act to amend an act entitled “An Act to Incorporate the Long Point Company” (1 printed page), 1885.
Bill no. 20: An act to amend the acts relating to the Long Point Company (2 ¼ printed pages), 1887.
Bill no.71: An act respecting the Public Works of Ontario (10 ½ pages, printed). S.D. Woodruff has signed this copy of the bill and has made a note in pension “regulations for management”, 1868.
Bill to Sheriff Woodruff from J. B. Fowler for work done. This is accompanied by an envelope, Dec. 9, 1865.
Bill from Samuel Browne for furniture, Dec. 14, 1839.
Bill from Geoghegan and Co. Importers of Table Linen and Shirt and Stock Makers for clothing including cravats and hosiery, June 23, 1847 attached to receipt for Receipt from Family Linen Drapery, Shirt and Stock Warehouse, London England for payment on account, July 7, 1847.
Bill of Landing (copy) for packaged goods received at Port Hamilton, Oct. 14, 1839.
Bill of landing (copy) for tea chest and boxes received at Port Hamilton, Sept. 14, 1840.
Letter to Robert Nelles from Robert Stanton which was enclosed with copies of the Naturalization Bill [the bill is not included with this letter] which he asks Mr. Nelles to distribute, Mar. 22, 1824.
Bill to Mr. R. Nelles from Wm. Atkinson and Co., Importers of Hardware, Hamilton for miscellaneous hardware item. There is a note on the bottom of the invoice from Wm. Atkinson requesting payment, Jan. 1850.