351 resultados para Tooke, John Horne, 1736-1812.


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John Cronyn (1827-1898) emigrated to Canada from Ireland in 1837. He studied medicine at the University of Toronto, but was not granted his degree upon completion of the requirements. He refused to take the test oaths meant to exclude Catholics from the profession and was not granted his degree until several years later, when the discriminatory laws were rescinded. In 1850, he married Elizabeth Willoughby of Toronto. They settled in Fort Erie and he established a successful medical practice there. He was active in the community, serving as Superintendent of schools and one term as Reeve. In 1859 he relocated to Buffalo and continued to practice medicine there. Cronyn was instrumental in the establishment of a medical department at Niagara University, where he was a professor and president of faculty. Nelson Forsyth was the son of William Forsyth (1771-1841), a prominent businessman in Niagara who owned and operated the Pavilion Hotel (later known as Forsyth’s Inn). Nelson was also a businessman and lived in Fort Erie with his wife Archange Warren.


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A letter from Sean O'Sullivan to John G. Doherty, editor of The Spectator, 28 April 1975. The letter includes comments from O'Sullivan regarding the direction of the Progressive Conservative Party.


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A letter from John Diefenbaker, 10 September 1965. It reads "I was delighted with your letter. Your loyalty is surpassed only by your enthusiasm. I hope all of our friends will work as hard as I know you will, and if so, we cannot fail. Keep up the good work, and I will look forward to seeing you during the campaign. With very best wishes"


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John Butler (1728-1796) was originally from Connecticut but settled with his family in the Mohawk valley of New York around 1742. His father was a Captain in the British army and well acquainted with William Johnson (superintendent of Northern Indians). Butler impressed Johnson with his aptitude for Indian languages and diplomacy. He began to work with Johnson in 1755, and received several promotions in the department, until his apparent retirement in the early 1770s. At the onset of the Revolutionary War in 1775, Butler relocated to Canada to join the British forces, settling in Niagara. During the War, Butler was instrumental in maintaining the alliance with the Indians. After the War, Butler became prominent in local affairs in Niagara, but failed to secure any important offices when the province of Upper Canada was formed in 1792. In an effort to recoup some of the financial losses his family suffered during the War, Butler illegally attempted to supply trade goods to the Indian department with his son Andrew, his nephew Walter Butler Sheehan, and Samuel Street, a Niagara merchant.


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An act to charge duty to retailers of liquor and for licensing retailers of liquor. The document beings "At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the Fourteenth Day of January, Anno Dom. 1734 in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Kind, Defender of the Faith, And from thence continued by federal Prorogation to the Fifteenth Day of January, 1735. being the Second Session of this present Parliament."


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There is a note in the front cover written to Mary from B. Johnston on April 22, 1942. He refers to page 73 of the book in which William Woodruff is listed as a Lieutenant and Richard Woodruff is listed as an Ensign in the Niagara District. A full text version is available at the following link: http://www.archive.org/details/officersbritish00instgoog


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Last Will and Testament of John Picard of the township of Niagara. He leaves his land which consists of part of Lot 113 in the township of Niagara to Annie Mariah Steel. The executors are John Stevens and Gilbert Anderson. The document was registered July 3, 1882 – instrument no. 1743, May 9, 1882.


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The wrestler's name is John Katan and the number stamped on the reverse is 341. He was born in the Ukraine and moved to Lethbridge, Alberta and became a coal miner. He wrestled after work until he was discovered and went pro. He bought two wrestling franchises based in Hamilton and became a promoter when he retired from active wrestling. His honours include the Canadian Wrestling Hall of Fame.


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Indenture (vellum) regarding land sold by John Fink and Polly Fink of Clinton Township to Jacob Cross of Clifton Township. The land includes 100 acres in Lot no. 9 in the 4th Concession in the Township of Clinton - instrument no. 6543, May 27, 1818.


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Indenture regarding land sold by John Robertson of Niagara to John Jackson of Niagara. This transaction is for part of Lot no. 93 in Niagara Township. This document was registered in the Lincoln and Haldimand Registry on September 10, 1823 in Book J folio 322 - instrument no. 6357. Date of transaction was May 5, 1823.


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Indenture between David Secord of Niagara Township and John Jackson of Niagara Township regarding the sale of part of Lot no. 90 situated in St. Davids, June 10, 1825.


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Indenture regarding an agreement for a partition wall between William Woodruff and John Plimpton, June 24, 1829.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between John Baptist Clement of Niagara and William Woodruff of St. Davids for part of Lot no. 90 in St. Davids. Instrument no. 9050, February 23, 1833.


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Indenture regarding a bond from William Woodruff of St. Davids that he is bound to John Moir of the Township of London for six hundred pounds to be paid to Mr. Moir for a lot of land in the Township of Nissouri in the township of Middlesex, Lot no. 34, Concession no. 2, July 6, 1853.


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Indenture of bargain and sale between Gilbert Anderson the younger of the Township of Niagara and Phoebe Anderson (his wife) and John Picard of the Township of Niagara. The instrument no. is 6268. April 14, 1855.