266 resultados para Depositary receipts
Bill of Landing (copy) for packaged goods received at Port Hamilton, Oct. 14, 1839.
Bill of landing (copy) for tea chest and boxes received at Port Hamilton, Sept. 14, 1840.
Receipt for list of purchases made by Lieutenant Nelles on behalf of the Indian Department from the firm of Taylor and Forsyth for items such as food, buttons and wine Oswego (2 handwritten pages), New York. Robert Hamilton signed on behalf of Taylor and Forsyth, Aug. 4, 1782.
Receipt for clothing paid to Sam Street by Lieutenant Robert Nelles, 1783.
Receipt to John Thompson from Lieutenant Nelles for a gold ring and white ribbon, June 5, 1788.
List of goods shipped to Henry Nelles of Grimsby by Gerrard, Gillespie and Moffat Co. of Montreal (6 ½ page list, handwritten) for blankets, food, clothing and other items Sept. 14, 1821.
List of goods including pots, food and nails ordered by Robert Nelles (2 ½ pages, handwritten). The item is stained and slightly torn, but legible, July 4, 1824.
Shipping form for 2 bundles placed aboard the schooner the Britannia to be delivered to Henry Nelles
Shipping form for 2 bundles placed aboard the schooner the Britannia to be delivered to Henry Nelles. This form has a note written on the second page to Mr. Henry Nelles from Mr. Henderson. This item is badly stained and torn but most of the text is legible, June 6, 1828.
Subscription to Lady’s Book of Philadelphia, a 3 year subscription from July 1835 – June 1838 made out to H. Nelles and signed by S.A. Godey. There is a note from the postmaster on the inner page of this subscription, May 19, 1838.
Bill to Mr. R. Nelles from Wm. Atkinson and Co., Importers of Hardware, Hamilton for miscellaneous hardware item. There is a note on the bottom of the invoice from Wm. Atkinson requesting payment, Jan. 1850.
Promissory note to James C. Henderson and Co. signed by Robert F. Nelles, May 8, 1850.