210 resultados para letter of intent
Letter to Henry Nelles from Michael Harris of the Perth Military Settlement (3 pages, handwritten). He is married to Mary Fanning, sister of Henry Nelles but is having marital troubles as he says he “may have to be on the lookout for another wife”. He thinks that his wife Mary may have departed for the United States, Apr. 6, 1821.
Letter to Henry Nelles from H. Ridout, son of Thomas Ridout, surveyor general of Upper Canada requesting an affidavit for each location that was being presented to his father, Nov. 13, 1821.
Letter to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Nelles of the 4th Lincoln Militia from his daughter Mary Pilkington regarding family matters (1 page, double-sided, handwritten), Feb. 3, 1824.
Letter to Robert Nelles from Robert Stanton which was enclosed with copies of the Naturalization Bill [the bill is not included with this letter] which he asks Mr. Nelles to distribute, Mar. 22, 1824.
Letter to Henry Nelles of Grimsby from Robert Stanton regarding the issuing of the newspaper “The United Empire Loyalist” (2 ½ page, handwritten), June 10, 1826.
Letter to Henry Nelles from Gilles Moffatt regarding the amount of flour sold, June 28, 1830.
Letter (2 letters contained in one with a total of 2 pages) addressed to Henry Nelles. The first part is from Gilles Moffatt and he says that there is a balance of 277 pounds and 13 shillings in their favour. This is dated Jan. 10, 1831. The second part is addressed to Henry Nelles from R. Gillespie and it says that he intends to go to London district before paying Mr. Nelles a visit in Grimsby. The second page of this letter is stained and missing a section. Text is slightly affected, Jan. 29, 1831.
Letter to Colonel R. Nelles, Commander of the 4th Lincoln Militia from Brook Young, Lieutenant Colonel at the Brigade Office in Drummondville regarding instructions that he received from Colonel Kerley for the sedentary militia in this district to hold themselves in readiness to act at a moment’s warning if called to do so, May 27, 1838.
Letter to Lieutenant Colonel Brook Young, Brigade Major, Drummondville from H. Nelles, Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Lincoln Militia stating that Colonel R. Nelles has requested him to say that most of the men did cheerfully comply and would be ready to act at a moment’s notice in defense of their Queen and country, June 12, 1838.
Letter to Colonel Henry Nelles from Colonel William Bullock, Adjt. General of Militia of Toronto stating that His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor is pleased to accept the resignation of Lieutenant Thomas Waddell. This letter is attached to a letter to Colonel Richard Bullock from Henry Nelles reporting on the weekly state of the 4th Lincoln Militia. There is also a copy of the half yearly return of recommendation and appointments of the 4th Regiment of the Lincoln Militia (2 pages in total, handwritten), Dec. 13, 1838.
Letter to Colonel Nelles of the 4th Lincoln Militia in Grimsby from Apt. Military Secrets, Quebec. When this envelope is unfolded it contains the printed words “On his Majesty’s service” “The Ordnance Storekeeper” and “Military Secretary”. This item is badly stained and torn but text is not affected, Jan. 9, 1839.
Letter to H. Nelles from Robert Henry, town clerk of Clinton stating that Mr. Adam Zimmerman would be the proper person to act as the overseer of the west direction of the main road, May 31, 1839.
Letter to Messrs. Summer and Nelles of Grimsby from Thomas Street and Mr. Hamilton in which they state that W.S. Britton has purchased the Grimsby Mills that belonged to W. James Paterson, Jan. 17, 1848.
Letter to Messrs. Summer and Nelles of Grimsby from T.A. Stayner, Postmaster General stating that the accompanying letter [letter is not enclosed] has been returned to the writer on payment of postage. (1 page, printed). This letter is barely legible. Much of the text is missing, July 1848.
Letter to Mr. Summer and Mr. Nelles from the Office of the N.D. Mutual Insurance Company of St. Catharines regarding an assessment of 4 % on the premium notes of this company. This is signed by Mr. Arnold, secretary of N.D. Mutual F. Insurance Company, Aug. 9, 1848.