18 resultados para counties


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By-laws included are numbers 31-34 and deal with school issues, raising funds for the municipality, payment of fees, and remuneration to the sheriff of the municipality.


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Farmer and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Halton, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Welland for the year 1892 - 1893.


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Farmer and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Halton, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Welland for the year 1895.


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Farmer and business directory of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland, and Wentworth for the year 1902.


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Farmers and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland, and Wentworth for the years 1917 - 1918.


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Farmers and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland, and Wentworth for the years 1923 - 1924.


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List (4 pages, handwritten) of lands in the counties of Lincoln and Welland for which the Sherriff has made new deeds, n.d.


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Niagara Region Municipality Records 1962-1963, 1969-1976, 1980


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The Lincoln County Historical Council began meeting December 17,1960 under the advisement of the Publicity, Planning and Development Committee of Lincoln County. The group was composed of three members appointed from each of the four existing historical societies: one member appointed from the executive of the Women’s Institute, one member from Lincoln County Council, the Deputy-Clerk and Treasurer of the County and a member from the Niagara Editorial Bureau. The Welland County Historical Council was soon formed after this along the same lines. In the early 1960’s the Lincoln and Welland County historical councils began work on an inventory of historic buildings with the intent to emphasize the historical significance of this area. The information gathered by volunteers and a professional photographer and an architect was used to present a “brief” to the federal government in 1962 and the provincial government in 1963. This brief, An Area of Historical Interest in the Counties of Lincoln and Welland, Ontario was published in 1962 and revised and distributed to schools and libraries in the area in 1965. The Ontario Buildings Inventory Project became a provincial initiative spearheaded by the Department of Public Records and Archives, a branch of the Department of Tourism and Information, ca. 1966. Volunteers collected and photographed buildings of historical interest in Lincoln and Welland counties. This information was recorded on standardized survey forms for every township in the Niagara region. Niagara Regional Historical Council was created with the merger of Lincoln County Historical Council and Welland County Historical Council, at the time of the formation of Niagara Regional Government in 1970. The first meeting of the new council was held January 1970.


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Butler's Rangers were disbanded in 1784. In 1788, British officials organized the Nassau Militia. Nassau was one of the Districts of Upper Canada, Niagara being only part of the district. The Nassau Militia was a military presence from 1788-1793. With the reorganization of the province into sixteen counties in 1792, Lincoln County (with 20 townships) came into existence. The militia was renamed as the Lincoln Militia. At the outbreak of the War of 1812, the Lincoln Militia was organized into five regiments. Later, members of the Lincoln Militia were called out for duty to track and subdue insurgents during the 1837 Rebellions. In 1846, Lincoln County divided into Lincoln and Welland counties, and militia regiments were reformed. This changed many times until 1936 when they became known as The Lincoln and Welland Regiment.


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The origins of the Welland County Fair date back to the founding of the County of Welland in 1852. A provincial charter was issued in 1853 to create the Welland County Agricultural Society that was to operate the Fair. In 1970, the Welland County Fair became the Niagara Regional Exhibition, and the Society became known as the Niagara Regional Agriculture Society. The Society seeks to “encourage interest, promote improvements in and advance the standards of agriculture, domestic industry and rural life”. The Welland Festival of Arts was developed in 1986 in order to revitalize the town’s economy. An “outdoor art gallery” was created by painting murals on buildings that depicted the town’s heritage, a concept successfully adopted by the town of Chemainus, B.C. The first mural was completed in the summer of 1988, and by 1991 there were a total of 28 murals around the city. The endeavour proved successful: in the years that followed the creation of the Festival, two new hotels were constructed, a third was expanded, and there was an addition to the Seaway Mall to accommodate the increased tourist traffic. Optimist International is a non-profit organization that strives to “bring out the best in kids” . The first Canadian club was formed in Toronto in 1924. The Welland branch of the Optimist Club was founded in 1937. The first Welland County General Hospital opened in 1908. As the population increased, it became necessary to expand the existing facilities. Additions were made to the original structure with an East wing in 1930 and a children’s ward in 1931. However, in the 1950’s, the hospital was operating beyond optimum capacity and the need for a larger facility was clear. It was decided that a new hospital would be built, which opened in April 1960. The new hospital had 259 beds and 51 bassinets. Further additions were made in 1967 and 1978. The County of Welland was formed in 1850 when it was officially separated from Lincoln County, however, the two counties continued to operate together until 1856 when a new County building and jail for Welland County were completed. That same year, the first meeting of the Council of the Corporation of Welland County took place. The final meeting of the Council took place on December 18, 1969. The following year, the County of Welland merged with Lincoln County to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The Welland Mills in Thorold, Ont., was built in 1846-1847 by Jacob Keefer and is thought to have been one of the largest flour mills in Upper Canada. Ownership of the mill changed several times over the years and previous owners include the Howland family, the Hedley Shaw Milling Company and the Maple Leaf Milling Company. In 1986, the building received a heritage plaque from the Ontario Heritage Foundation, an agency of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation. At this time, the mill was no longer in operation and was being used for storage by Fraser, Inc. By 2006, the dilapidated building had been redeveloped into18 apartments and 2 floors of commercial space, while maintaining many heritage features. The building is currently known as the Welland Mills Centre.


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Transcript [original spelling and grammar retained]: Albany June 28 1812 Sir Your letter of the 23d has been received. I had anticipated your request by ordering the detachment from Washington, Essex, Clinton and Franklin Counties into service and have fixed the days and places of their Rendezvous. Upon application to the quarter master General I find there are but 139 tents & 60 camp kettles at this place & even those I take by a kind of stealth. The Deputy Quarter Master General declines giving an order for their delivery until he shall have a written order from the Quarter Master General, and the latter is willing I Shall take them but will not give the Deputy a written order for that purpose. Under Such circumstances I shall avail myself of the rule of Possession and by virtue of the Eleven Points of Law Send them tomorrow morning without a written order from anyone. You may remember that when you were Secretary of the war department I invited you to forward and deposit in our Frontier Arsenals, arms ammunition and camp equipage free of expense to be ready in case of war and the same invitation to the war department has been repeated some time, Since The United States have now from 5 to 600 regular troops at Plattsburgh, Rome, Canandaigua & c, where those arsenals are, and yet those recruits are now and must be for weeks to come unarmed and unequipped in every respect although within musket Shot of arsenals. The recruits at Plattsburgh are within 50 miles of two tribes of Canadian Indians. In case of an attack upon the Frontiers that portion of the United States army would be as inefficient and unable to defend the inhabitants or themselves even. The Militia Detachments on the Western Frontiers received the news of war with [cherafulness] and determined courage, and I am happy to find they are united late brothers, highly improved in Discipline & ready to devote themselves to any Service or danger which the good of the Country may require. But they are in barracks from which they cannot move a days march for the want of tents and other equipage, and they are in Separate and Independent Detachments without a General Officer to command them or combine their exertions for the accomplishment of any desirable and important object. The only officer of the United States here who can do anything is the Quarter Master General and he has not a tent Camp Kettle or Knapsack in this arsenal except what I have concluded to send off tomorrow morning as above mentioned to furnish men As to Cannon Muskets and Ammunition. I can find now one here who will exercise any authority over them or deliver a Single article upon my requisition. Neither can I find any Officer of the army who feel himself authorized to exercise any authority or do any act which will aid me in the all important object of protecting the Inhabitants of an extended Frontier exposed to the Cruelties of Savages and the depredations of the enemy. If I must rely upon the Militia Solely for Such protection I entreat you to give orders to your Officers to furnish upon my orders, for the use of the Militia Detachments , all needful weapons and articles with which the United States are Supplied and of which we are destitute . You may rely upon all the assistance which my talents, influence or authority can furnish in the active prosecution of the first & necessary way which has been declared by the Constituted Authorities of our beloved Country. I am, Sir, respectfully Your ob. Servt. Daniel D. Tompkins


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The County of Lincoln dates back to 1798, when the first Lincoln County was formed. It was comprised of the townships of Clinton, Grimsby, Saltfleet, Barton, Ancaster, Glanford, Binbrook,Gainsborough, Caistor, Newark (Niagara),Grantham, Louth, Stamford, Thorold, Pelham, Bertie, Willoughby, Crowland, Humberstone and Wainfleet. The County boundaries were revised over the years, and the formation of Welland County in 1856 left only 7 townships in Lincoln County (Niagara, Grantham, Louth, Clinton, Gainsborough, Caistor and Grimsby). A County Council was also established at this time, which consisted of a Clerk, Warden, and a representative from each township. In 1862, the County Seat was moved from Niagara-on-the-Lake to St. Catharines. In 1970, Lincoln and Welland Counties were amalgamated to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara.


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The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland & Wentworth.


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The County of Lincoln dates back to 1798, when the first Lincoln County was formed. It was comprised of the townships of Clinton, Grimsby, Saltfleet, Barton, Ancaster, Glanford, Binbrook, Gainsborough, Caistor, Newark (Niagara), Grantham, Louth, Stamford, Thorold, Pelham, Bertie, Willoughby, Crowland, Humberstone and Wainfleet. The County boundaries were revised over the years, and the formation of Welland County in 1856 left only 7 townships in Lincoln County (Niagara, Grantham, Louth, Clinton, Gainsborough, Caistor and Grimsby). A County Council was also established at this time, which consisted of a Clerk, Warden, and a representative from each township. In 1862, the County Seat was moved from Niagara-on-the-Lake to St. Catharines. In 1970, Lincoln and Welland Counties were amalgamated to form the Regional Municipality of Niagara.