20 resultados para Savela, Ari: Hostile takeovers and directors
Letter from S.D. Woodruff to the president and directors of the Port Robinson and Thorold Macadamized Road Committee regarding extra work done (3 pages, handwritten), Aug. 6, 1857.
Final Report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the Presidents and Directors of the Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies.
Final report of John A. Roebling, Civil Engineer, to the presidents and directors of the Niagara Falls Suspension and Niagara Falls International Bridge Companies, on the condition of the Niagara Railway Suspension Bridge.
Christopher Newton was born in England in June of 1936. He received his education at Sir Roger Manwood’s School in Kent, the University of Leeds, Purdue University in Indiana and the University of Illinois where he received his M.A. He founded Theatre Calgary in 1968 and was the artistic director there until 1971. He was appointed as the artistic director of the Vancouver Playhouse where he established the Playhouse Acting School with Powys Thomas. Mr. Newton has also performed and directed at Stratford Festivals and on Broadway. He became the artistic director at Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake in 1979 and remained there for 23 seasons until 2002. Mr. Newton has many television, radio and film credits to his name as well as having written many stage plays. Mr. Newton has received honorary degrees from Brock University (1986), the University of Guelph (1989), Wilfrid Laurier University (1997) and Buffalo State University. He was made an Honorary Fellow at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto (1993) and of Ryerson Polytechnic University (1995). He has won the Governor General’s performing arts award (2000), the Molson Prize and the Thomas DeGaetani Award from the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. In 1996 he was made an Honorary Life Member of the Association for Canadian Theatre Research and in the same year he received the M. Joan Chalmers Award for Artistic Direction. In 1995, he was made a Member of the Order of Canada and he won a Governor General's Performing Arts Award in 2000. Christopher Newton is currently the Artistic Director Emeritus at the Shaw Festival. Sources: http://www.shawfest.com/the-ensemble/christopher-newton/ http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/christopher-newton
The meeting included an election of officers which resulted as follows: John Reid, President; Geo Barnes, Vice President; Geo. Barnes, Man-Director; J. Evans, Secretary. There are also two more by-laws (14 and 15) signed by both G. Barnes and J. Evans.
Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway Company held in Port Hope, Aug 9, 1855.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff regarding a resolution passed on May 17, 1856 by the Board of Directors of the Port Robinson and Thorold Macadamized Road Committee This is signed by Duncan McFarland, president, May 27, 1856.
Letter to S.D. Woodruff regarding resolution #5 of the Board of Directors. Mr. Woodruff is requested to take steps to ensure the early completion of the Port Dalhousie and Thorold macadamized road. This is signed by James McCoppen, president. The letter is stained and worn torn in spots. This does not affect the text, July 11, 1857.
Notice regarding bonds and shareholders and the rights of the directors of the Long Point Company, n.d.
Receipt to the Estate of the late J.A. Woodruff from McIntyre and Son, Professional Embalmers and Undertakers and Funeral Directors, St. Catharines for funeral services, Oct. 14, 1886.
Aggressive behaviours within the sport of hockey appear to be increasing in both prevalence and consequence (Biasca, Wirth, & Tegner, 2002). Accordingly, this area of inquiry is currently garnering a considerable amount of attention from society and academics alike. The problem however, is that our current understanding of these behaviours has been deemed both incomplete and unreliable. The inconsistencies inherent within this body of knowledge have been traced back to a variety of methodological shortcomings. The purpose of this investigation was to assess hostile aggression using a more ecologically valid and comprehensive research design. Ten Junior B hockey games were tapped and subsequently coded by three independent observers, using a validated operational list. Two hundred and fifty-nine behaviours were extrapolated and examined according to the score differential, period, position of the aggressor, status of the aggressor's team, and whether the aggressor was a member of the home or visiting team. It was concluded that the frequency of aggressive behaviours significantly differed according to the score differential, and status of the aggressor's team (p < .01). However, these hostile acts did not differ according the aggressor's position, period, and the home versus away status of the aggressor's team (p > .01). It was also determined that the majority of aggressive acts (69.1 1%) across these ten games went unsanctioned. This highlights the profound influence that "positive misses" have on penalty measures of aggression, while concurrently highlighting the ecological validity present with observational designs. Consequently, by assessing aggressive behaviour in a more inclusive and ecologically valid manner, a more accurate picture of the frequency and distribution of hostile aggression may be provided.
Youth violence is El Salvador’s most imperative social, economic and health problem today. In an attempt to contribute to youth violence prevention in the country, humanistic physical education has been implemented within schools. Using case study methodology, this study examines twelve Salvadoran school directors’ perspectives of physical education and physical education as a mean of youth violence prevention. School directors’ perceive multiple benefits of physical education including those related to student’s social and emotional health. School directors recognize physical education as a means of reducing violence because it keeps youth busy and provides an outlet to release stress. Results are discussed in relation to long-term violence prevention literature. Results suggest that it would be beneficial for school directors to understand the theory and goals behind humanistic physical education in their schools. Research maintains the continuation of research in the field of humanistic physical education in relation to youth violence prevention.
Taking advantage of the unique Canadian setting, this study empirically analyzes the impact of presence of the board of directors, as an internal governance mechanism, on fees and performance of mutual funds. Further, the impact of the board structure on fees and performance of corporate class funds is analyzed. We find that corporate class funds, which have a separate board of directors for the fund, charge higher fees; however, they also provide superior performance than trust funds. Furthermore, we find that for corporate class funds, smaller board, with higher percentage of independent directors, and with the fund CEO acting as the chairman of the board is likely to charge lower fees. Also, more independent boards are strongly associated with superior fee-adjusted performance.
Studying positive adolescent development requires an examination of the mutually beneficial associations between youth and their environment. These youthcontext relations include both the contributions that youth make to others and society and the youth-context interactions that might predict positive youth outcomes. Community and youth-serving organizations, where youth may be involved in decision-making roles such as service delivery, advocacy, or on boards of directors, can provide one important context for youth contributions and for positive adolescent development. Research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision-making, however, is limited, and largely consists of exploratory qualitative studies. This dissertation is formatted as an integrated article dissertation. It begins with a review of the literature on contexts of structured youth activities and positive youth development. This review is intended to describe theory on development-context relations, in which development is considered an interactive process that occurs between individuals and their contexts, as it pertains the positive development of youth who are involved in various structured activities (e.g., volunteering). This description follows with a review of current research, and conclusions and rationale for the current studies. Following this theoretical and research background, the dissertation includes reports of two studies that were designed to address gaps in the research on youth involvement in organizational decision-making. The first was a qualitative research synthesis to elucidate and summarize the extant qualitative research on the outcomes of youth involvement in organizational decision making on adults and organizations. Results of this study suggested a number of outcomes for service provision, staff, and broader organizational functioning, including both benefits to organizations as well as some costs. The second study was a quantitative analysis of the associations among youth involvement, organizations' learning culture, and youth initiative, and relied on survey data gathered from adults and youth in community-based organizations with youth involvement. As expected, greater youth involvement in organizational decision making was associated with higher learning culture within the organization. Two dimensions of youth involvement, greater program engagement and relationships with adults, were related to greater youth initiative. A third dimension, sense of ownership, was not- .-.- associated with youth's level of initiative. Moreover, the association between relationships with adults and youth initiative was only significant in organizations with relatively low learning culture. Despite some limitations, these studies contribute to the research literature by providing some indication of the potential benefits and costs of youth involvement and by making an important contribution toward the early stages of context-level analyses of youth development. Findings have important implications for practitioners, funders, future research, and lifespan development theory.
Within the crime film tradition there is a plethora of sub-genres all of which relate to crime and its consequences. However, directors Joel and Ethan Coen, Quentin Tarantino and David Lynch, all of whom create plots around crime and criminality, have been difficult to pin down and attribute to any given sub-genre. This thesis demonstrates that an absurdist philosophy can be used to effectively examine the content of the previously mentioned filmmakers. Through an analysis of these filmmakers and their better known works compelling evidence is revealed suggesting that these filmmakers may all belong to the emerging crime film sub-genre known as absurdist crime films.