29 resultados para Hobson, Allan J.: Unennäöstä. Johdatus unitutkimukseen
Professor of Classics, Allan Booth, lecturing.
Professor Booth lecturing in the Thistle Complex.
Professor of History
James Allan speaks at the Tower groundbreaking ceremony.
Provincial Treasurer, James Allan, speaking at the Tower groundbreaking ceremony.
Indenture (sheriff's deed) between Robert Hobson, Sherriff of the County of Wentworth to Joseph A. Woodruff of the Town of Clifton regarding Lot no. 10 in Block O in the Town of Clifton - instrument no. 8246, December 31, 1858.
Letter with the letterhead Allan Line of Royal Mail Steamships, Hugh and Andrew Allan, agents, Montreal. The salutation is Dear Sir and it is signed by Andrew Allan. Mr. Allan had enclosed $150 for shooting rights for last season and is asking if there are any rights available for next year, Dec. 16, 1886.
Letter to Mr. B. Allan from Burrow, Chatfield and Co. saying that they will put together all the gas fixtures, Sept. 22, 1876.
Receipt from Allan and Bro. of St. Catharines for building supplies, Oct. 5, 1876.
Receipt from Allan and Bro. of St. Catharines for work done on walls, Oct. 31, 1876.
Receipt from Allan and Bro. for upholstering, Jan. 2, 1877.
Receipt from Allan and Brother, St. Catharines for pillows and furniture, April 5, 1887.
Receipt from Allan Brothers Furniture, St. Catharines for 1 lb. stair[?], Oct. 28, 1887.
Members of Brock University's Founders Committee and the Ontario Advisory Committee on Univesity Affairs tour the Decew site along with Premier John Robarts on June 5, 1963. Premier Robarts had just announced provincial assistance totalling $393,000 for the Brock University project. Pictured here from left to right are Dr. Deeks, Brock University Vice President; Premier Robarts; and James Allan, Provincial Treasurer.
Pictured here from left to right are: Dr. Allan Booth, Classics, an unknown faculty member, and Peter Burtram, Registrar.