62 resultados para Fort Street (Detroit, Mich.)
Specific pages related to the War of 1812 include: Page 385: The capture of Fort Detroit; battles at Plattsburgh and Sackett's Harbour. Page 389: On 10 October 1812, Major General Sir Isaac Brock was knighted. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. The magazine contains accounts of important historical events, abstracts of foreign occurrences, letters from noted figures, articles on geography, biographical entries for prominent people, poems, statistics, obituaries, reviews of books and more.
*Pages 497-504 are duplicated. Please check both November and December for these pages listed in the Index. Specific pages related to the War of 1812 include: Page 574: Battles at Fort Michilimackinac and the Invasion of Upper Canada by the Americans on October 12, 1812. Pages 576, 577, 578: Intelligence from Major General Sir Isaac Brock with mentions of the battles of Fort Detroit, Amherstburg, etc. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. The magazine contains accounts of important historical events, letters from noted figures, articles on geography, biographical entries for prominent people, poems, reviews of books and more.
Board with five postcards. First postcard, Queen Street, Showing Transmission Tower, Fort Erie, Ont. Second postcard, Grand Stand and Betting Ring, Fort Erie, Ont. Third postcard, Ruins of Old Fort, Fort Erie, Ont. Fourth postcard, Crumbling Walls of old Fort Erie, Canada. Fifth postcard, Steel Transmission Tower, Fort Erie, Canada.
Fort George, situated on the west side of the Niagara River in Niagara-on-the-Lake, served as the headquarters for the Centre Division of the British Army during the War of 1812. On May 25, 1813, the Americans launched an artillery attack on the Fort, destroying most of the buildings. Two days later, the Americans invaded the Town of Niagara and occupied Fort George. They remained in the Fort for almost seven months, but suffered defeats at the Battle of Stoney Creek and Beaver Dams. Only a small number of militia remained stationed at the Fort. Fearing an attack by the British, the Americans retreated back across the Niagara River in December, 1813. The Fort remained in British possession for the rest of the War.
A letter written by Mahlon Taylor to his uncle, Samuel Clarke, dated at Marcellus [New York], July 26, 1813. Mahlon Taylor writes that he believes the mail he has sent out is not making it past Princeton, as he has not had a reply to any of his sent correspondence. He also writes that he has heard there are 3500 men at Fort George, 1000 are unfit for duty, and that there is skirmishing daily. He comments that the general opinion is that the troops will withdraw from Canada entirely. The letter is signed Mahlon C Taylor and is addressed to Mr. Samuel Clarke, no. 227 South Front Street, Philadelphia.
Undated plan showing the Lucius S. Oille property on St. Paul Street. The plan shows property occupied by the Noble & Neelon Hardware Store.
The purpose of this cross sectional survey design was to examine self-reported health status and lifestyle behaviours of the residents of the Town of Fort Erie, Ontario, as related to the Canadian Community Health Survey. Using a mail-out survey, entitled the Fort Erie Survey of Health (FESH), a probability cluster sampling technique was used to measure self-reported health status (present health, health conditions, health challenges, functional health limitations) and lifestyle behaviour (smoking, alcohol use, drug use, physical activity, fruit and vegetable consumption, body weight, and gaming). Each variable was described and analyzed in relation to socio-economic variables, age and gender. The findings from this study were compared to the Canadian Community Health Survey 2000/2001. Overall, 640 surveys were completed. The majority of Fort Erie residents rated their present health as good and were satisfied with their overall health and quality of life. The main chronic conditions reported were arthritis, back pain and heart disease. Other main health problems reported were vision, sleeping and chronic pain. Overall, 14.6% smoke; 58.8% engaged in physical activity either occasionally or never as opposed to regularly engaging in physical activity; 52.1% did not eat the required daily fruits and vegetables; and 40.0% were in the overweight category. Persons who practiced one healthy lifestyle behaviour were more likely to practice other healthy promoting behaviours. Therefore, health promotion programs are best designed to address multiple risk factors simultaneously. The ffiSH was generally consistent with the Canadian Community Health Survey in the overall findings. A small number of inconsistencies were identified that require further exploration to determine if they are unique to this community.
Includes routes and rates: p.33-64.
1 map :|bdigital, JPEG file
Specific pages related to the War of 1812 include: Pages 282 to 283: Mention of border hostilities, the occupation of the town of Sandwich (in Canada, near Detroit (present day Windsor, Ontario) and a riot in Baltimore. Click on the pdf links to the right to view the monthly issue. The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Chronicle was a monthly periodical published in England during the years of 1736-1833. The volumes of interest from 1812-1815 were written and compiled by Sylvanus Urban, Gentleman. These volumes were printed in London by Nichols, Son and Bentley at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage and Fleet Street. The magazine contains accounts of important historical events, letters from noted figures, articles on geography, biographical entries for prominent people, poems, statistics, obituaries, reviews of books and more.
Transcript (original grammar and spelling retained): My dear wife I take this time to inform you that I am well hoping that these few lines will Reach you and find you the same I shall in form you of all our Battles that we have had sence I left home we crossed in to Canada the 2 day of July and took fort Erie on the 3 day of July without loss of one man. We then marched down to Chipway eighteen miles below the Fort Erie we got there on the forth day and had our first battle on the 5 day our loss was not jistly known But the inemy loss was double to ours. The 6 day we started with the 2 Brigade to make a bridge a crost the crick two miles a bove the fort in Building the Bridge the inemy Brought up their Canon and playd upon us with their artiliery a bout two hours We drove them from the fort our loss was none the inemy loss was nineteen ciled dead on the ground we then marched to Queenston when we got thare our inemy had fledfrom the fort we then remained thair to Queenston ten days then we marched down to Fort George But that caurdly Chaney did not a rive with the fleet so we had to return back to Queenston thare was a bout six hundred militia formed on the heights of land thay fired up on us from their pickets and retreated to the mane body our flankers ciled and wounded and took about twenty before they got to the Maine body we then marched up the hill they gave us two firs but did not damage and then retreated from the field we stayed there one knight and then marched to Chipway and stayed there one night and the next day just as the sun set the first Brigade marched up in order to give them Battle a bout two miles from the Crick and began the Battle the 2 Brigade has to March up to the Niagara path and ingaged them we charged up on their artlery and took all their Canon Miller commanded the four companys that charged....the battles lasted three hours and forty minutes our loss was about 8 hundred cild and wounded our inemies loss was a bout fourteen hundred cild and wounded the next morning we Marched up in order to give them Battle a gin but thay was afraid to ingage us we then marched to Fort Erie and went to fortiffing and made a strong place the inemy folered us up and Began to cananade and held it fifty three days thay a tacked the fort the fifteenth of august thay atacked a bout one hiour be fore day Light we saw them and Blue up our maggerzean & two hundred of our inemy our loss wasa bout forty cild and wounded and our inemy loss was a bout one thousand on the 7 Day of September we atacked them and took their batteries and Broke all their canon and drove them from the field our loss was a Bout two hundred cild and wounded our inemy loss was a Bout 8 hundred cild and wounded...we crossed in to Canada with five thousand and came out with fifteen hundred we then Marched to Sackett’s harbor....am well and harty for the present....a bout comming home it uncarting for there is not any....given this winter as yet But I shall try to Come home if I Can But if I Cant I want you should take good car of the Phiddness[?] I have not Received any Money as yet But soon as I do receive some I send some home. I want you should write to me as soon as you receive this and and how Much Stock you wintor I Received your Letter with Great pleasure I feel uneasy a bout you I am a frade that you are sick or dead this is from your husband Chase Clough
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; account of the battle of Bridgewater; list of important military figures wounded in the battle; news of prisoner exchange; Americans and the British negotiate and new prisoner exchange convention; Page 2: report of more British troops sailing to North America; report of some Indian tribes signing a treaty to fight against the British; report of battle near Detroit; report of militia moving from Fredricksburg, Virginia to Baltimore, Maryland; report of troop numbers and casualties in the battle of Bridgewater; report that Commodore Chauncey has recovered from his illness; news of American Naval forces sailing from Sackett's Harbor; Indian tribes sign peace treaty with U.S.; news of U.S. relations with Indians in the southern U.S.; account of battle of Bridgewater and list of casualties; report of the number of men killed and wounded on both sides in the battle of Chippewa; Page 3: report of surprise attack on the British; news of warship movements in and out of Halifax; frigate Java launched in Baltimore; news of British ship movements; 3 companies of Massachusetts militia arrive at Fort Warren; news of ship movements in and out of the Port of Boston; various Marshal's notices alleging U.S. ships supplying goods to the British;
A semi-weekly paper that was published from 1801 to 1817. It was previously called the Independent chronicle and the universal advertiser, and was later the Independent chronicle and Boston patriot (Semiweekly). Publishers were Abijah Adams and Ebenezer Rhoades. Topics of interest in this issue include: Page 1: notice from the U.S. War Department seeking proposals for the supply of rations to troops; essay in support of the war; U.S. Secretary of War requests that the Governor of Maryland order 350 militia into active service; statement from the Convention of Republican Delegates in New Jersey in support of the war; statement from U.S. President James Madison in support of the war; statement from Maj. Gen. Isaac Brock to residents of Upper Canada urging their support in the war; U.S. Secretary of war sends 1,500 reinforcement troops to Detroit; Page 2: account from U.S. Gen. Hull of a battle near Fort Malden and news of troops in other areas; editorial against the British alliance with the Indians; letter from a U.S. Officer describing military gains near Detroit; news of U.S. infantry marching from Forts Independence and Warren to Albany, N.Y.; Page 3: news of British cargo ships captured by U.S. ships; 2 reward notices for the return of deserters from the military; report of possible 60 day armistice ratified by James Madison; Page 4: notice to British subjects living in Massachusetts that they must report themselves to the marshall; 2 reward notices for return of deserters from the military;