17 resultados para Concord Railroad Corporation
The role of the hospital-employed nurse educator is evolving. Factors influencing this change include the introduction of standards for nurse educators by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), a change in the way nurses are educated, the emergence of nursing as a profession, and hospital restructuring as a result of budgetary constraints. Two of these influencing factors: the introduction of the updated Standards of Practice for Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses (1996) and hospital restructuring occurred over the last 7 years at several hospitals in southern Ontario. Current literature as well as the Standards of Practice (1996) were utilized to examine the current roles and responsibilities of nurse educators and subsequently develop a questionnaire to study the impact of these influencing factors on the role of the nurse educator. This questionnaire was piloted and revised before its distribution at 4 hospitals in southern Ontario. Twenty-five of the 41 surveys (61%) distributed were returned for analysis. The data reflected that the Standards of Practice had a positive influence on the role of the nurse educator, while hospital restructuring had a negative impact. In addition, many of the roles and responsibilities identified in the literature were indeed part of the current role of nurse educators, as well as several responsibilities not captured in the literature. The predictions for the future of this role in its current state were not positive given the financial status of the health care system as well as the lack of clarity for the role and the current level ofjob satisfaction among practicing nurse educators. However, a list of recommendations were generated which, if implemented, could add clarity to the role and improve job satisfaction. This could enhance the retention of current nurse educators and the possibility of recruiting competent nurse educators to the role in the future.
Grape (Vitis spp.) is a culturally and economically important crop plant that has been cultivated for thousands of years, primarily for the production of wine. Grape berries accumulate a myriad of phenylpropanoid secondary metabolites, many of which are glucosylated in plantae More than 90 O-glucosyltransferases have been cloned and biochemically characterized from plants, only two of which have been isolated from Vitis spp. The world-wide economic importance of grapes as a crop plant, the human health benefits associated with increased consumption of grape-derived metabolites, the biological relevance of glucosylation, and the lack of information about Vitis glucosyltransferases has inspired the identification, cloning and biochemical characterization of five novel "family 1" O-glucosyltransferases from Concord grape (Vitis labrusca cv. Concord). Protein purification and associated protein sequencIng led to the molecular cloning of UDP-glucose: resveratrollhydroxycinnamic acid O-glucosyltransferase (VLRSGT) from Vitis labrusca berry mesocarp tissue. In addition to being the first glucosyltransferase which accepts trans-resveratrol as a substrate to be characterized in vitro, the recombinant VLRSGT preferentially produces the glucose esters of hydroxycinnamic acids at pH 6.0, and the glucosides of trans-resveratrol and flavonols at 'pH 9.0; the first demonstration of pH-dependent bifunctional glucosylation for this class of enzymes. Gene expression and metabolite profiling support a role for this enzyme in the bifuncitonal glucosylation ofstilbenes and hydroxycinnamic acids in plantae A homology-based approach to cloning was used to identify three enzymes from the Vitis vinifera TIGR grape gene index which had high levels of protein sequence iii identity to previously characterized UDP-glucose: anthocyanin 5-0-glucosyltransferases. Molecular cloning and biochemical characterization demonstrated that these enzymes (rVLOGTl, rVLOGT2, rVLOGT3) glucosylate the 7-0-position of flavonols and the xenobiotic 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (TCP), but not anthocyanins. Variable gene expression throughout grape berry development and enzyme assays with native grape berry protein are consistent with a role for these enzymes in the glucosylation of flavonols; while the broad substrate specificity, the ability of these enzymes to glucosylate TCP and expression of these genes in tissues which are subject to pathogen attack (berry, flower, bud) is consistent with a role for these genes in the plant defense response. Additionally, the Vitis labrusca UDP-glucose: flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VL3GT) was identified, cloned and characterized. VL3GT has 96 % protein sequence identity to the previously characterized Vitis vinifera flavonoid 3-0-glucosyltransferase (VV3GT); and glucosylates the 3-0-position of anthocyanidins and flavonols in vitro. Despite high levels of protein sequence identity, VL3GT has distinct biochemical characteristics (as compared to VV3GT), including a preference for B-ring methylated flavonoids and the inability to use UDP-galactose as a donor substrate. RT-PCR analysis of VL3GT gene expression and enzyme assays with native grape protein is consistent with an in planta role for this enzyme in the glucosylation of anthocyanidins,but not flavonols. These studies reveal the power of combining several biochemistry- and molecular biology-based tools to identify, clone, biochemically characterize and elucidate the in planta function of several biologically relevant O-glucosyltransferases from Vitis spp.
The Buffalo and Brantford Railway Company was formed in 1850. The railway was renamed the Buffalo, Brantford & Goderich Railway in 1852 to reflect the plans to extend the line to Goderich. Financial problems led to a British group taking over the railway a few years later and the name was changed to the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. It was June 1858 before the line to Goderich was completed. Source: (http://brantford.library.on.ca/genealogy/railways.php#buffalo) March 8, 2010
The fragment appears to be part of a larger group of bylaws for the Town of Welland, 1878. The fragment includes bylaws Cap. I and Cap. II. Cap. I is a bylaw appointing auditors for the town for the year 1878. Due to paper loss only a portion of the title of the Cap. II bylaw is extent but appears to be a bylaw appointing a Hey…….trustee for the town. Welland was incorporated in 1858 as a town and became a city in 1917.
A letter from special events representative, T.O. Wiklund of the CBC. It is a response to a letter sent by Mrs. E.F. McCordick in regards to a hockey game that was not broadcast. The letter details the situation of the CBC and the BBC during the war and the unreliable transmission for special events like the hockey game. The letter is dated February 26, 1940.
Indenture of bargain and sale between The Corporation of the Township of Grantham of the County of Lincoln and Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines regarding part of the road allowance between Lots no. 12 and 13 of the 8th Concession of the Township of Grantham. This was registered January 8, 1874 in the County of Lincoln - instrument no. 1650, October 24, 1873.
Indenture of agreement between Samuel DeVeaux Woodruff of St. Catharines and the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines regarding part of Lot no. 20 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Grantham - instrument no. 1013, December 8, 1877.
Indenture between St. Catharines Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Samuel D. Woodruff, cemetery deed no. 1253, May 18, 1883.
Indenture between Victoria Lawn Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Samuel D. Woodruff for 112 sq.ft. known as part of section P. This is deed no. 1905, Oct. 21, 1901.
Indenture between Victoria Lawn Cemetery of the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and Hamilton K. Woodruff for 216 square feet, Lot no.2 in division 9, section G of the Victoria Lawn Cemetery. This is a handwritten copy. The deed no. is 1937, Jan. 6, 1903.
Certificate for 500 shares in La Paz Oil Corporation to Hamilton K. Woodruff, Jan. 24, 1923.
Cross sections of excavation required to make a ditch on the earth side of the railroad near Port Dalhousie. This is a 12 page booklet of hand- drawn charts and diagrams which is slightly stained. Text is not affected, Mar. 1860.
Voucher #22 to James McCoppen (copy) which includes a letter from James McCoppen regarding a claim for having water backed up into his grain and grass by the embankment of the railroad. The letter is dated June 24, 1857 and the voucher is dated Jul. 1, 1857.
The New Continental Line Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad West and Southwest schedule. The schedule is slightly torn. This does not affect the text, Sept. 4, 1881.
The new California Line via Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad and Southern Pacific Railroad. This schedule is torn. This does not affect text, n.d.