16 resultados para Berenson, Gordon (Red)


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Highlights from the creative rationale presented to McDonald's by Vickers & Benson in 1985. By this time, Vickers & Benson had successfully marketed products for McDonald's Restaurants for six years.


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Professor of English Language and Literature.


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The first objective of this study was to identify appropriate sensory descriptors to assess the astringent sub-qualities of red wine. The influence of pH and ethanol on the sensation of astringency in red wine was evaluated, using a de-alcoholized red wine. A portion of the wine was adjusted to the pH values of 3.2, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.8, and another portion was adjusted to ethanol concentrations of 0%, 6%, 12%, and 15%. In addition, the pH 3.4 and 3.6 treatments were adjusted to an ethanol concentration of 12% and 15% all wines were then assessed sensorially and seventeen terms were identified, through panel discussion, to describe the mouth-feel and taste qualities: velvet, aggressive, silk/satin, dry, fleshy, unripe, pucker viscosity, abrasive, heat, chewy, acidity, grippy/adhesive, bitter, balance, overall astringency, and mouth-coat. Descriptive analysis profiling techniques were used to train the panel and measure the intensity of these attributes. It was found that decreasing pH values (averaged across all ethanol concentrations) showed an increase in the overall astringency of the wine. The combined treatments of ethanol and pH, real wine parameters (pH 3.4 and 3.6; 12% and 15% ethanol) did not have an effect on the perception of the astringent sub-qualities of the wine. A time intensity study was also included using the pH and ethanol adjusted wines, which showed that as the ethanol level of the wines increased so did the time to maximum intensity. The second objective was to identify appropriate sensory descriptors to evaluate the influence of grape maturity and maceration technique (grape skin contact) on the astringency sub-qualities of red vinifera wines from Niagara. The grapes were harvested across two dates, representing an early harvest and a late harvest. A portion of the Cabernet Sauvignon grapes wine was divided into three maceration treatments of oneweek maceration, standard two-week maceration, three-week maceration, and MCM. Another portion of both the early and late harvest Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were chaptalized to yield a final ethanol concentration of 14.5%. The wines were assessed sensorially and thirteen terms were identified, through panel discussion, to describe the mouth-feel and taste qualities: carbon dioxide, pucker, acidity, silk/chamois, dusty/chalky/powdery, sandpaper, numbing, grippy/adhesive, dry, mouthcoat, bitter, balance and, overall astringency. Descriptive analysis techniques were used to train the panel and measure the intensity of these attributes. The data revealed few significant differences in the mouth-feel of the wines with respect to maturity; which included differences in overall astringency and balance. There were varietal differences between Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, and Pinot Noir and differences for Cabernet Sauvignon wines due to the length and manner of maceration and as a result of chaptalization. Statistical analysis revealed a more complex mouth-feel for the Pinot Noir wines; and an increase in the intensity of the astringent sub-qualities as a result of the addition of sugar to the wines. These findings have implications for how processing decisions, such as optimum grape maturity and vinification methods may affect red wine quality.


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Poster from the 1960s campaign "Carling Red Cap Ale Society"


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Grantham Township along the outskirts of Merritton. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, Lock House Lot, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Several stones likely used in the measurements are identified on the map. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads(ex. Hartzel Road and Macadamized Road), the Great Western Railroad, Swing Bridge, Thorold Station and its structures (ex. freight house, office, water tank, and wood house), Gordon and Mackay Houses, Gordon and Mackay's Cotton Mill, hydraulic race, a wharf, pond, and an unnamed bridge. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 9 Lots 12 and 13, A. Bradley, John O'Coner, G. Grant, J. Bradley, J. Vanderburgh, O. Clifford and a parcel of land leased Gordon and Mackay.


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Colborne. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Lighthouse, Pier Light, Old Lock House, Collector's Office, Harbour Master's House, Canal Boundary, Back Ditch, Reserved Back Ditch, Basin, Light-Keeper's House and Ferry Recess. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks and businesses are also identified and include Gordon's Woodyard, Welland Rail Road, Welland Railway Elevator and Proposed Elevator, W.R.R. Flour Shed, Roman Catholic Church, School House, Sandhills, Lake Erie, and the High Water Mark. Streets running parallel to Canal include King St., West St., East St., Queen St., Hamilton St., and the Road Allowance are labelled. Streets running perpendicular to Canal include Kent St., Victoria St., Adelaide St., SugarLoaf St., George St., Alexandrina St., William St., Fort Erie St., Lake Rd., and New Road to Dutch Settlement are also labelled. Property owners and leasers as well as buildings on lots are also idenitified and noted as follows: Adams estate, J. Towhig, J.C. Kerr, Mrs. Hill, S. Cooke, Mrs. Yocum, W.T. Cooke, P. Wintermute, J. Shickluna, William Cooke, J. McChesney, John Beatty, W. Robertson, John Gordon, T. Armstrong, John Harper, George Keefer, Estate of James Black, Thomas Park, N. Higgins, S. Hopkins, and L.G. Cartier. Map of the Village of Port Colborne. Being Lot No. 27 and part of Lot No. 28 in the 1st Con. Township of HUMBERSTONE. Scale 2 Chs. per Inch. land shaded in RED Owned by DEPT. Do. Do. BLUE Sold to the COUNTY of WELLAND


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Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the areas in and around Port Colborne and Grantham Township. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Basin, Guard Lock, Two Lock Tender Houses, Lock House Lot, Collectors Office House, Towing Path, North and South Back Ditches, and land reserved for future improvemnt of basin. Surveyor measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink as well as pencil. Local area landmarks dentified include Bridge, Rail Road Swing Bridge, Spoil Bank, Water Tank, Frazer Street Railway Station, Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail Road, Welland Rail Road, and land reserved for "Gardens for Lock Tenders". Local businesses identified include A.K Scholfield Store House Lot and Wharf, two stores and a tavern. Roads running parallel to Canal include King St., "present Travel Road", and the Southern Road Allowance. Roads running perpendicular to Canal include Kent St., Charlotte St., Clarence St., Princess St., Elgin St., George St., Frazer St., Alma St., Eastern Road Allowance. Properties and property owners are also identified and include P. White, John Flynn, George McMicking, Charles Carter, William H. Merritt, A.K. Scholfield, F. Gallgher, Ed McCabe, M. Smith, E. Lawder, J. Hanley, J. Harris, P. Gibbons, M. McGoveran, M. Madden, J. Hardison, T. Nihan, D. Gibbons, J. Cross, William Mellanby, Elis Gordon, Jane McCardy, L.G. Carter, T. Greenwood, C. Armstrong, J. McGillivray, T. Schofield, Mrs. Lanue, D. Mc_______, K. Minor, J. Manly and John McRae.


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Survey map and description of James Gordon's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The map contains a large pond and notes the seperation between lots 20 and 21. No scale is noted, but chains and inches are being used throughout the description of land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. Click on 'detail' to see Map


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This thesis explores notions of contemporary Metis identity through the lens of visual culture, as articulated in the works of three visual artists of Metis ancestry. I discuss the complexities of being Metis with reference to specific art works by Christi Belcourt, David Garneau and Rosalie Favell. In addition to a visual culture analysis of these three Metis artists, I supplement my discussion of Metis identity with a selection of autoethnographic explorations of my identity as a Metis woman through out this thesis. The self-reflexive aspect of this work documents the ways in which my understanding of myself as a Metis woman have been deepened and reworked in the process of conducting this research, while also offering an expanded conception of contemporary Metis culture. I present this work as an important point of departure for giving a greater presence to contemporary Metis visual culture across Canada:


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A place card with an illustration of a girl in a red dress sitting on a yellow chest.


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Life Member pin of the Red Cross Society


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Letter from Gordon Pringle Dallas of Edinburgh inquiring about the reputation of Jarvis, Conklin and Co. The letter is addressed to S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 4, 1884.


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Letter to Gordon Pringle Dallas of Edinburgh ensuring him that Conklin, Jarvis and Co. “act under strict business principles”. The letter is signed S.D. Woodruff, Sept. 20, 1884.