111 resultados para Bathurst, Henry Bathurst, Earl, 1762-1834.
A letter from Earl Grey (Sir Albert Henry George Grey) the Governor General of Canada to Wetherald discusses her 1907 publication The Last Robin: Lyrics and Sonnets. The Governor General describes his fondness for Wetherald's sonnets and the "shakespearian" quality.
The material is a printed record of two dispatches sent by Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada to secretary of state for the colonies, the first in 1827 to Earl Bathurst, the second in 1828 to Right Hon. W. Huskisson. The dispatches concern funding for the canal as well as an introduction of William Hamilton Merritt as managing agent of the Welland Canal Company. It was the intention of the Welland Canal Company to send Mr. Merritt to England to gain further assistance from the government and private investors.
Letter to Henry Nelles from S.B. Ritchie (1 page, double-sided) wondering what the prospects for the Welland Canal will be in the next season. This letter is somewhat stained. This does not affect the text. This is accompanied by an envelope, Feb. 3, 1834.
Letter to Henry Nelles from H. Mittleberger regarding the rates for the shipping of flour. This letter is stained, but this does not affect the text, April 4, 1834.
The Clemente Course in the Humanities is an anti-poverty intervention for adults who self-identity as "poor" and humanities instructors. The course was created in 1995 by journalist Earl Shorris, who based the curriculum on a Socratic method of pedagogy and the "great books" canon of Robert Hutchins. It began as a community-based initiative in urban US settings, but since 1997 Mayan, Yup'ik and Cherokee iterations have been created, as well as on-campus bridge courses for non-traditional students to explore college-level education in Canada and the USA. The course potentially conflicts with critical pedagogy because the critical theories of Paulo Freire and contemporary cultural studies reject traditional notions of both the canon and teaching. However, a comparison between Shorris' and bell hooks' theories of oppression reveals significant similarities between his "surround of force" and her "capitalist imperialist white supremacist patriarchy," with implications for liberal studies and critical pedagogy.
Henry Hope & Sons of Canada Ltd. were located at 45 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. at the writing of this letter in 1916. The company specialized in “weathertight casements in iron steel or gun-metal, unbreakable steel windows, fanlight opening-gear, leaded lights and stained glass, patent glass roofing, locks and door furniture, rainwater goods in cast lead and cast iron”. The letter is addressed to Mr. H.Y. [Harry Young] Grant, c/o Fenwick Farm, Lundy’s Lane, Niagara Falls, Ont. from R.W. Smith. The letter is in reply to a query about casement windows. Harry Young Grant (1860-1934), son of Sir James Alexander Grant and Maria Malloch of Ottawa, Ont. was a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the eye, ear, nose and throat. After his retirement he became a member of the Niagara Parks Commission. He was married to Grace A. Smith, daughter of James R. Smith of Buffalo.
The I.O.D.E. as we currently know it today was founded in 1900 by Margaret Polson Murray of Montreal, who recognized a need for loyal support of Canadians departing to fight in the Boer War with the Empire forces in South Africa. She encouraged the formation of a federation of women to promote patriotism, loyalty and service to others. The first chapter was formed in Fredericton, New Brunswick on January 15th 1900. Primary chapters were formed in quick succession across Canada. In 1901, Edith Boulton Nordheimer was elected the first national president, the location of the head office became Toronto, Ontario and the federation was incorporated as Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and Children of the Empire Junior Branch. The Earl Mountbatten Chapter was formed in 1947 and is continuing to be a functioning chapter at the time of writing this finding aid. During the 1970’s the name I.O.D.E. was officially adopted. It is a federally chartered not-for-profit, charitable organization. Structured to report under the jurisdiction of the National chapter are the Provincial chapters, the Municipal chapters and the Primary chapters. The I.O.D.E. is associated with the Victory League in England and Daughters of the British Empire in the United States and it is proud of its heritage and traditions. Queen Elizabeth II is the current patron of the organization and although chapters sometimes disband there are always new chapters forming, including e-chapters that meet through 21st century electronics.
George Henry Cornish (1834-1912) was a Methodist minister whose circuits included Clinton, Ont. (1859), Newcastle, Ont. (1861), and Caledonia/Binbrook/Glanford, Ont. (1864- 1865). He wrote several books on the Methodist Church in Canada, including the Cyclopaedia of Methodism in Canada (1881) and the Handbook of Canadian Methodism (1867).
Survey map and description of Widow Elizabeth Ball's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; locks no. 28, 29, 30, 31, line between Widow Ball and Thomas Ker's land, township line between Grantham and Thorold, waste weir. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land was originally surveyed in 1826(?) and then re-surveyed on November 28th, 1834. The land was used by the Welland Canal Company for canal and hydraulic purposes and was located in lot 9 in the 10th concession of Grantham township.
Survey map and description of Frederick Bouke's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The land is on lot no.29 in the township of Thorold. Noteable features include; line between Bouke and Peter Vanevery's land, orchard, road allowance, line between Bouke and Shriner's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land totals 18 acres, 3 roads and 10 perches. Deed for the land is dated June 25, 1834.
Survey map and description of Daniel Shriner's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; north and south branch of reservoir, line between Bouke and Shriner's land. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of the Estate of Hall Davis and Jeremiah Adley's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Holland road, Adley's house, waste weir. The total land for the Estate of Hall Davis is 27 acres and 2 perches. The total land for Adley is 3 acres. The deed for the Estate of Hall Davis is dated August 16th 1834 and contains Samuel Swayze's name. Swayze's name is also written under Hall Davis' name. The deed for Adley's land is dated December 1st 1827. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.
Survey map and description of Alem Marr's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Marr and Shotwell's land, road allowance. The land totals 10 acres, 1 road and 28 perches. The land was first surveyed in 1830, by George Keefer, before the water had risen to it's full head. The red lines on the survey indicate the corrected survey in 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in red pen on the map.
Survey map and description of Elijah Shotwell's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; road to Quaker settlement, line between Shotwell and Marr's land. The first survey was done in 1830, by George Keefer, and a second survey done in 1834 once the water had reached it's full head. The second survey is indicated in red on the original survey. Lots surveyed are no. 223 and 224. The deed for the land is dated November 3, 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.See also page 138.
Survey map and description of Jonathan Silverthorn's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The lands surveyed include lots 229 and 230. The land was first surveyed in 1830, then again in 1834, by George Keefer. The original survey only included the feeder and resevoir and wood land, whereas the second survey shows all lands owned by Silverthorn. The land totals 19.2 acres, 2 roads and 32 perches. The land is broken down as follows; 7.6 acres cleared land, canal and towpath, 6.6 acres reservoir - Michael Silverthorn, 5 acres woodland. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil and red pen on the map.See also page 138.