7 resultados para teacher growth
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
After reviewing the literature, this work tries to show the importance of teaching vocabulary fõr students’ literacy skills, especially, reading comprehension. Many researchers suggest that the greatest amount of vocabulary growth occurs through incidental word learning in wide reading, and, research indicates that vocabulary instruction is an important vehicle for vocabulary learning. (Anderson& Nagy, as cited in Harmon, 1992, p.306). Word knowledge is one of the best ways of successful reading and comprehension. “Reading enhancement correlates with reader’s vocabulary” (Im, 1994, p.12). Therefore, today’s language teachers and researchers have realized the important role of vocabulary in reading comprehension. A survey carried out on 10th, 11th and 12th grade students, regarding their reading comprehension, shows that unknown words is one of the factors which influences their ability to read and comprehend a passage. It also shows that students feel the need to be instructed on strategy when encountering new words and consequently improving their vocabulary. This inhibits their understanding of a reading selection. As a result it is crucial that teachers equip students with methodological tools to be employed when they encounter unknown words. There are a lot systematic approaches for discerning which skills and words a teacher should focus on and meaningful classroom activities to reinforce the words and strategies that teachers can use to help students increase their word knowledge. Finally research indicates that developing students’ vocabulary correlates with success in all areas of curriculum (Edger, 1999, p.14). The success of vocabulary development depends on students’ active process of learning and strategies used by teachers.
The present study is about the relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. Do teachers have the power to influence student achievement? This is the question at hand. Are students under the influence of their teachers in regards to how they perceive themselves as achievers and ultimately how well they perform? What are the other factors that come into play when assessing student’s academic achievement? In light of the literature written on this topic, the two most prevalent theories are (1) Pygmalion in the Class and (2) The Sustaining Effect. These theories show a direct and determinant relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. The main objective of this study was to investigate if in Cape Verde, teachers follow the same trend. Responses to teacher and student surveys carried out at Domingos Ramos High School gave revealing insights into how Capeverdean teachers view their students and the role the teachers themselves play in supporting the studen’s academic performance. Is the teacher’s expectation of their students the last word? In general, teachers do have a powerful influence on their students for good or for bad, but the key questions are: (1) are they aware of this power and (2) how well do they manage it? This paper includes an in-depth discussion on the different factors that influence student achievement and research carried out at an urban secondary school which characterizes how teachers and students view their roles in the student’s academic success. Recommendations are also provided to assist teachers in managing their expectations to maximize their role as a positive contributor to the success of their students.