2 resultados para quantitative study

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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Este trabalho mostra que a contabilidade pode não estar a evidenciar o real valor do património das empresas (um dos seus objectivos), constatamos nos últimos tempos, que os relatórios fornecidos pela contabilidade financeira não retratam certas realidades das empresas, visto que o valor contabilístico se distancia cada vez mais do valor de mercado, principalmente nas empresas de alta tecnologia e serviços, assim sendo as demonstrações financeiras podem estar experimentando uma perda de relevância para a tomada de decisões de investimentos, de crédito e de gestão. Dentro deste contexto, ressaltamos a necessidade de a contabilidade evidenciar naquelas demonstrações tais informações para que possa divulgar aos vários utentes da informação o real valor da empresa. Visto que o Capital Intelectual é importante para as empresas, torna-se necessário relatar não só informações financeiras como também não financeiras. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo descritivo/quantitativo da empresa CVTelecom, com o objectivo de avaliar o grau de divulgação do Capital Intelectual na empresa. A principal constatação foi o seguinte: uma participação activa da empresa em divulgar o Capital Intelectual, uma forma não normalizada através da divulgação voluntária do Capital Intelectual cujo veículo de divulgação, é o Relatório de Gestão e o Balanço Social. This work shows that the Accounting cannot be evidencing the Real value of the patrimony of the enterprises (one of their objectives), we verified in the last times, that the reports supplied by the Financial Accounting don't portray certain realities of the enterprises, because the value Accounting of the enterprises go away more and more of his market value, mainly in the companies of high technology and services, soon the financial demonstrations are trying a loss of relevance for socket of decisions of investments, of credit and of administration. Inside of this context, we emphasized the need of the Accounting to evidence in the demonstrations such financial information so that it can publish to the several users of the information the Real value of the company. Because the Intellectual Capital is important for the enterprises, it becomes necessary to tell not only financial information as well as any financial. This work presents a descriptive-quantitative study of the enterprise CVtelecom, with the objective of evaluating the degree of popularization of the Intellectual Capital in the enterprise and the impact in the performance of this enterprise. The main verification was the following: A participation active of the company in publishing the Intellectual Capital in spite of being in a way no normalized but a voluntary popularization of the Intellectual Capital, whose popularization vehicle is the Report of Administration and the Social Swinging.


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Cape Verde, located off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where a combination of human, climatic, geomorphologic and pedologic factors has led to extensive degradation of the soils. Like other Sahelian countries, Cape Verde has suffered the effects of desertification through the years, threatening the livelihood of the islands population and its fragile environment. In fact, the steep slopes in the ore agricultural islands, together with semi-arid and arid environments, characterized by an irregular and poorly distributed rainy season, with high intensity rainfall events, make dryland production a challenge. To survive in these fragile conditions, the stabilization of the farming systems and the maintenance of sustainable yields have become absolute priorities, making the islands an erosion control laboratory. Soil and water conservation strategies have been a centerpiece of the government0s agricultural policies for the last half century. Aiming to maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil, the successive governments of Cape Verde have implemented a number of soil and water conservation techniques, the most common ones being terraces, half moons, live barriers, contour rock walls, contour furrows and microcatchments, check dams and reforestation with drought resistant species. The soil and water conservation techniques implemented have contributed to the improvement of the economical and environmental conditions of the treated landscape, making crop production possible, consequently, improving the livelihood of the people living on the islands. In this paper, we survey the existing soil and water conservation techniques, analyze their impact on the livelihood condition of the population through a thorough literature review and field monitoring using a semi-quantitative methodology and evaluate their effectiveness and impact on crop yield in the Ribeira Seca watershed. A brief discussion is given on the cost and effectiveness of the techniques to reduce soil erosion and to promote rainfall infiltration. Finally, we discuss the critical governance factors that lead to the successful implementation of such strategy in a country with scarce natural resources.