6 resultados para madeira tropical
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
O teor deste trabalho consiste na contribuição conceptual de construção em madeira, inerente á temática “Da Arquitectura e de Processos Construtivos Contemporânea em Estrutura de Madeira para Habitações – Da Possibilidade de Aplicação em País Lusófonas”, empregando um material sustentável e amigo do ambiente. Tal temática, suscitou a minha sensibilidade devido à necessidade de aproveitamento das potencialidades e recursos naturais e humanos nacionais, em benefício do bem-estar social, designadamente, na construção de habitações condignas para todos e a baixo custo. Procedeu-se ao estudo de processos construtivos praticas empregues num país “leader” da construção de madeira, o caso da Finlandia, e ensaiou-se a discussão da aplicação dessas práticas em Portugal para uma sua transposisão para Países lusófonos.
World health organization
The Culex pipiens complex includes two widespread mosquito vector species, Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus. The distribution of these species varies in latitude, with the former being present in temperate regions and the latter in tropical and subtropical regions. However, their distribution range overlaps in certain areas and interspecific hybridization has been documented. Genetic introgression between these species may have epidemiological repercussions for West Nile virus (WNV) transmission. Bayesian clustering analysis based on multilocus genotypes of 12 microsatellites was used to determine levels of hybridization between these two species in Macaronesian islands, the only contact zone described in West Africa. The distribution of the two species reflects both the islands’ biogeography and historical aspects of human colonization. Madeira Island displayed a homogenous population of Cx. pipiens, whereas Cape Verde showed a more intriguing scenario with extensive hybridization. In the islands of Brava and Santiago, only Cx. quinquefasciatus was found, while in Fogo and Maio high hybrid rates (~40%) between the two species were detected. Within the admixed populations, second-generation hybrids (~50%) were identified suggesting a lack of isolation mechanisms. The observed levels of hybridization may locally potentiate the transmission to humans of zoonotic arboviruses such as WNV.
Many species of Apiaceae are found in the Macaronesien Region. Several have been introduccd by human activities, but a number of taxa is endemic to the different archipelagos or even rrstrictcd to a single island. The following enumeration is based mainly on HANSEN & SUNDING ( 1993). In the Arores 28 different taxa of Apiaceae occur; among them four endemic species [AUIMI; hrrrrii WATSON, A. trifoliatum (WATSON) TKEL., Clrtrc~,y~l~~ll~r~~~ cl:oricrm TREL.. SOErich trwrictr GUTIINICK ex SEUB.]. In Madeira the Apiaceae are very diverse and consist ol’ 29 species and subspecies. From the archipelago two monotypic genera, rC/c/trtio. velitru~rr t/ccipicvr.s (SCHRAD. & J. C. WENDL.) Ho~+hl. md kJorli:ia edu[is LOWE and ~hrcc cndcmic species [Oemmrlre diwricore (R. BR.) MABB.. I/nperrr/orio lotvei COSS. and Burrirr~r hre~$~lirrnr LOWE] are described. The Canary Islands have the highest numbcr of plant-species and a high level of endemism. 5-l taxa of Apiaceae are recorded including three endemic genera (Rtrrheopsis A. HANSEX & KUNKEL, Todm-oa PARL. and Tiqyrmm PARL.) and further I5 endemic taxa. The Apiaceae are represented in the Cape Verde Islands by I2 species. Most of the taxa have been introduced by human activities (LOBIN & ZIZKA 1957) like Amvhm grm’eo- 1efr.s L., Apirm grmvolerrs L, Foerricrrhrr urlgore MILL.. Corimrtlru~t~ srrtirvrrrr L. or Petrosilerrm crisprrm (FRILL.) A.W.HILL. These species are cultivated and some of them later became \\esdy. Other species like Ciclosper- UWL /e/~fo/~/l~ll~rrtr (PER%) SPRAGUE (= Apimr leproplr~llrr~rr) are weeds of cultivated grounds or wasted lands. All these species are today widespread in temperate. subtropical or tropical regions all over the world. The only native species are to be found in the endemic genus To~wI~~I~~~ PARL.
"Estamos a bordo d´um dos paquetes da Empreza Nacional Portugueza e é a segunda vez que viajamos ao abrigo da BANDEIRA;..."