5 resultados para governmental employ-ers

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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A água é vital para a sobrevivência, saúde e dignidade do ser humano e uma fonte fundamental para o seu desenvolvimento. As reservas de água potável no mundo estão sob pressão constante embora muitos ainda não tenham acesso a esse precioso líquido para atender ás necessidades básicas. A água é um recurso natural com valor económico, estratégico e social. A percepção da escassez tem levado governos, a reorganizar o ambiente institucional e definir novos direitos de propriedade por meio de um sistema de gestão participativo e descentralizado que estimule a utilização do recurso de forma racional. A investigação está direccionada à gestão e à implementação da Lei n.º 41/II/84 de 18 de Junho, que Aprova o Código de Águas que estabelece as bases gerais do regime jurídico de propriedade, protecção, conservação, desenvolvimento, administração e uso dos recursos. O enfoque da pesquisa é as Instituições Governamentais que lidam com a água e as Associações de Bacias hidrográficas que, com os seus olhares e saberes, contribuem com informações para que se construa uma Proposta de Modelo de Gestão numa perspectiva de sustentabilidade. A proposta de modelo pretende contribuir para uma gestão sustentada. A pesquisa é do tipo qualitativa e usa como metodologia o Estudo de Caso. Foi constatada a complexidade da gestão das águas em Cabo Verde, na qual existem ainda muitos entraves e desafios. A Bacia Hidrográfica é a unidade básica de gestão, onde as Associações, as Câmaras Municipais, os Serviços Autónomos de Água e Saneamento, o Instituto Nacional de Gestão dos recursos Hidricos desempenham o papel de gerí-la e preservá-la. Foram identificados como dificuldades: a posse da água não está bem clara, o que dificulta a gestão da Bacia; os conflitos sociais são frequentes quanto ao uso da água no que tange à poluição; a população rural não está devidamente contemplada na gestão dos recursos hídricos. Por fim, constatou-se que Cabo Verde possui as ferramentas para a evolução da Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos, que é o Código de Água. Water is vital for the survival, health and dignity of the human being and a basic source for development. The drinking waters reserves in the world are under constant pressure. The water can be considered a natural resource with economic, strategically and social values. The perception of the scarcity has taken governments, to reorganize the institutional environment and to define new rights of property by means of participation and decentralized system of management that stimulates the use of the resource in rational form. This investigation addressed the Administration of Water Resources in Cabo Verde and the implementation of Law n.º 41/II/84 of 18 of June, which established the National Policy of Water Resources and the National System of Management. The approach of the research is the Governmental Institutions that deal with the water and the Associations that, at a glance, contribute with information that builds the proposal of water resources management in a sustainability perspective. The proposal has as objective to provide subsidies to advance more and more the research regarding sustainability in the administration of waters. The research was qualitative and it used as methodology the Study Case. We identified as difficulties: the ownership of the water is not well clear; the social conflicts are frequent concerning how to use the water. Finally, it was evidenced that Cape Verde has the tools for the evolution of water resources management, which is the Water Code.


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Com a necessidade de adaptação às crescentes mudanças no mundo dos negócios, ao longo dos últimos anos a contabilidade de gestão tem sido criticada, pois os métodos de custeio tradicionalmente utilizados, não estão acompanhando estas mudanças, incapacitando a utilização destes como instrumentos de gestão eficazes. Na busca de ferramentas de gestão para auxiliar na tomada de decisão, foi desenvolvida a Teoria dos Constrangimentos (TOC) ou das Restrições, uma ferramenta de gestão cuja premissa é a identificação de constrangimentos que limitem a capacidade da empresa no alcance da sua meta. Muito se tem escrito sobre a aplicação desta teoria em empresas industriais, uma vez que, nessas organizações a existência de constrangimentos está mais presente. Tendo como objectivo verificar a viabilidade de aplicação desta teoria na actividade de prestação de serviços, o presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo de caso numa empresa de prestação de serviço de transporte público colectivo de passageiros TRANSCOR-SV,S.A., localizada na ilha de São Vicente. Para tal, identificámos factores considerados constrangimentos nos sistemas de transporte colectivo, através da aplicação de um questionário. Com estes factores em mãos, aplicámos a metodologia baseada no Processo de Raciocínio (PR) da OC. With the need of adaption to the growing changes happening in the business world, throughout the last few years, management accounting has been much criticized for the methods of costing used are not following such changes, turning the use of these meth-ods powerless to help provide an effective management in companies. In the search for creating useful tools to help guarantee effectiveness in decision making in companies, the Constraint Theory, or Restriction Theory, was created as a management tool in which the fundamental objective is to identify constraints that limit the capacity of a company to reach its goals successfully. Much has been written about the application of this theory in corporate industries, once in such business the existence of constraints is very present. With the aim of verifying the viability of its use in service rendered in collective public transport, this work is characterized by the case study of one such company in São Vicente. Initially, some factors that can be seen as constraints were identified in the public transport service, through the use of a questionnaire. With the results, follows the employ of the Thinking Process methodology in the analysis based in the Theory of Constraint.


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Portugal’s historical past strongly influences the composition of the country’s immigrant population. The main third-country foreign nationals in Portugal originate traditionally from Portuguese-speaking African countries (namely Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea Bissau, and S. Tomé e Príncipe) and Brazil. In 2001, a newly created immigrant status entitled “permanence” authorization uncovered a quantitative and a qualitative change in the structure of immigrant population in Portugal. First, there was a quantitative jump from 223.602 foreigners in 2001 to 364.203 regularized foreigners in 2003. Secondly, there was a substantial qualitative shift in the composition of immigrants. The majority of the new immigrants began coming from Eastern European countries, such as Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania, and the Russian Federation. Thus, European countries outside the E.U. zone now rank second (after African countries) in their contribution of individuals to the stocks of immigrant population in Portugal. The differences between the new and traditional immigration flows are visible in the geographical distribution of immigrants and in their insertion into the labour market. While the traditional flows would congregate around the metropolitan area of Lisbon and in the Algarve, the new migratory flows tend to be more geographically dispersed and present in less urbanized areas of Portugal. In terms of insertion in the labour market, although the construction sector is still the most important industry for immigrant labour, Eastern European workers may also be found in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The institutional conditions that encourage immigrants’ civic participation are divided at three different levels: the state, the local, and the civil society levels. At the state level, the High Commissioner for Migrations and Ethnic Minorities is the main organizational structure along with a set of interrelated initiatives operating under specific regulatory frameworks, which act as mediators between state officials and the Portuguese civil society, and more specifically, immigrant communities. At the local level, some municipalities created consultative councils and municipal departments aiming at encouraging the participation and representation of interests from immigrant groups and association in local policies. In the civil society sphere, the main actors in Portugal spurring immigrants civic participation are immigrant associations, mainstream associations directed toward immigration topics, and unions. The legal conditions framing immigrants’ access to social housing, education, health, and social security in Portugal are also considered to be positive. Conditions restricting immigrants’ civic participation are mainly normative and include the Portuguese nationality law, the regulations shaping the political participation of immigrants, namely in what concerns their right to vote, and employment regulations restricting immigrants’ access to public administration positions. Part II of the report focuses on the active civic participation of third country immigrants. First, reasons for the lack of research on this issue in Portugal are explained. On the one hand, the recent immigration history and the more urgent needs regarding school and economic integration kept this issue out of the research spotlight. On the other hand, it was just in the beginning of the 1990s that immigrants took the very first steps toward collective mobilisation. Secondly, the literature review of Portuguese bibliography covers research on third country immigrants’ associative movement, research on local authorities’ policies and discussion about ethnic politics and political mobilisation of immigrants in Portugal. As political mobilisation of these groups has been made mainly through ethnic and/or migrant organisations, a brief history of immigrants' associative movement is given. Immigrant associations develop multiple roles, covering the social, the cultural, the economic and the political domains. Political claiming for the regularisation of illegal immigrants has been a permanent and important field of intervention since the mid-1990s. Research results reveal the com5 plex relations between ethnic mobilisation and the set of legal and institutional frameworks developed by local and national governmental authorities targeted to the incorporation of minority groups. Case studies on the Oeiras district and on the Amadora district are then presented. Conclusions underline that the most active immigrant groups are those from Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau, since these groups have constituted a higher number of ethnic associations, give priority to political claiming and present a more politicised discourse. Reflecting on the future of research on civic participation of third country immigrants in Portugal, the authors state that it would be interesting and relevant to compare the Portuguese situation with those of other European countries, with an older immigration history, and analyse how the Portuguese immigrants’ associative movement will be affected by a changing legal framework and the emergence of new opportunities within the set of structures regarding the political participation of minority groups.


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Rural Cape Verdeans employ a number of mutual-help practices to mitigate the uncertainties surrounding activities fundamental to their subsistence. One of these practices is djunta mon (‘to work together’), a loosely planned, non-monetized system of allocating labor at peak intervals during the growing season. By means of djunta mon, neighbors or family members work in each other’s fields until the tasks of every landowning participant are complete. Alongside djunta mon in rural Cape Verde exist a number of other non-remunerated mutual-help practices, such as djuda mutua (‘mutual help’) and laja kaza (‘to add concrete to one’s house’). While less visible than djunta mon, they are nonetheless important in completing tasks essential to rural life in the islands. In this thesis, I will attempt to show how Cape Verdean immigrants in Lisbon have adapted the mutual-help practices of rural Cape Verde to a new, transnational context. The iterations of these practices in Lisbon differ from their rural counterparts in that they involve fewer people, occur on a year-round basis, and are concerned primarily with domestic work. They also help people find employment, access childcare, secure interest-free credit, and construct or repair houses. I will argue that extensive mutual-help ties ensure Cape Verdean migrants in Lisbon a sufficient pool of family and friends upon which they can rely for support and assistance. An additional element I will explore is the perception among Cape Verdean immigrants that these mutual-help practices seem to be occurring with less frequency. While this shift is in part due to the availability of other means of support, I will contend that the changing attitude of Cape Verdeans towards mutual help is also due to their encountering neoliberal notions of ‘self-accountability.’ Thus, Cape Verdeans perceive that their mutual-help practices are in decline, while simultaneously needing the material support that they provide.


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O presente estudo teve como objectivo conhecer e caracterizar as Representações Sociais do consumo de álcool e drogas em estudantes dos cursos de Direito e Psicologia, na Universidade Jean Piaget de Cabo Verde. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, que adopta uma abordagem quantitativa, realizado com uma amostra com 99 estudantes universitários de ambos os sexos, com idade compreendida entre 18 e 48 anos, do 1º e do 4º ano dos cursos de Direito e Psicologia, que responderam a uma Escala de Representações Sociais sobre o consumo de álcool e drogas e a um questionário sobre dados pessoais.Após a recolha de dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas de tipo descritivo, correlacional e inferencial, utilizando-se o programa estatístico SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science), versão 20.0. Os resultados indicaram ser pouco provável que exista uma relação segura (ou melhor, com significância estatística) entre as variáveis sexo, curso e ano escolar de um lado, e as representações sociais no total da escala, de outro. Entretanto, encontramos evidências de uma associação estatisticamente significativa entre a frequência do consumo de álcool e o total da ERS, e de uma associação estatística e altamente significativa entre a frequência do consumo de álcool e a componente Atitudes. Constatámos, outrossim, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os sexos a nível da subescala atitudes, sendo que o sexo masculino apresenta atitudes mais favoráveis e permissivas face ao consumo de álcool e drogas, comparativamente ao sexo feminino.