3 resultados para fuel structure
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
A elevada dependência dos combustíveis fósseis é uma das principais dificuldades sentidas no actual sistema energético de Cabo Verde. O preço dos combustíveis constitui um peso significativo, representando cerca de 70%, da estrutura de custos do preço de energia eléctrica. Com este trabalho, pretende-se analisar o impacto das energias renováveis no sistema energético e na economia de Cabo Verde, destacando a sua contribuição para a formação do PIB, no Preço, na Balança de Pagamentos, no Emprego, e no Serviço da Dívida, e estabelecer uma comparação com as ilhas da Macaronésia, em particular a Região Autónoma dos Açores. Contribuindo assim, para a discussão que poderá demonstrar que o potencial de renováveis por explorar, trará benefícios económicos para o país, pois a expectativa é superar os 50% de taxa de penetração de Energias Renováveis na produção de electricidade em Cabo Verde até 2020. Prevê-se que o consumo de electricidade que em 2010 era de 335 MWh, duplique até o ano de 2020, atingindo os 670 GWh. Segundo estudos efectuados, o país possui um potencial estimado de 2.600 MW de Energias Renováveis, tendo sido analisados mais de 650 MW em projectos concretos com custos de produção possivelmente inferiores aos dos combustíveis fósseis. Cabo Verde goza de boas condições para o aproveitamento de Energias Renováveis, mas a contribuição desse potencial, sobretudo eólica e solar, continuam muito limitado, pelo que o país deverá apostar no incremento da utilização dessas formas de energia para reduzir a dependência externa em matéria de energia. The high dependence on fossil fuels is one of the main difficulties in the current energy system in Cape Verde. The price of fuel is a significant, accounting for about 70%, and the cost structure of the price of electricity. With this work, seeks to analyze the impact of renewable energy in the energy system and the economy of Cape Verde, highlighting their contribution to the formation of BIP, in the Balance of Payments, in Employment, and the Service of Debt, and to draw a comparison with the islands of Macaronésia, in particular the Autonomous Region of Azores. Thus contributing to the discussion that may show that the potential of renewable energy by exploring will bring economic benefits to the country, because the expectation is to exceed the 50% penetration rate of Renewable Energy in the production of electricity in Cape Verde until 2020. It is estimated that the consumption of electricity in 2010 was 335 MWh, will double by the year 2020, reaching the 670 GWh. According to studies carried out, the country has an estimated potential of 2,600 MW of Renewable Energy, having been analyzed more than 650 MW in concrete projects with production costs possibly less than the fossil fuels. Cape Verde enjoys good conditions for the use of renewable energy, but the contribution of this potential, especially wind and solar, are still very limited, so that the country should invest in increasing the use of these forms of energy to reduce the dependence on foreign sources of energy.
The Culex pipiens complex includes two widespread mosquito vector species, Cx. pipiens and Cx. quinquefasciatus. The distribution of these species varies in latitude, with the former being present in temperate regions and the latter in tropical and subtropical regions. However, their distribution range overlaps in certain areas and interspecific hybridization has been documented. Genetic introgression between these species may have epidemiological repercussions for West Nile virus (WNV) transmission. Bayesian clustering analysis based on multilocus genotypes of 12 microsatellites was used to determine levels of hybridization between these two species in Macaronesian islands, the only contact zone described in West Africa. The distribution of the two species reflects both the islands’ biogeography and historical aspects of human colonization. Madeira Island displayed a homogenous population of Cx. pipiens, whereas Cape Verde showed a more intriguing scenario with extensive hybridization. In the islands of Brava and Santiago, only Cx. quinquefasciatus was found, while in Fogo and Maio high hybrid rates (~40%) between the two species were detected. Within the admixed populations, second-generation hybrids (~50%) were identified suggesting a lack of isolation mechanisms. The observed levels of hybridization may locally potentiate the transmission to humans of zoonotic arboviruses such as WNV.
Although the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole (CVC) has been the subject of numerous linguistic works, the second major variety of the language, i.e. the São Vicente variety of CVC (CVSV), has hardly been described. Nevertheless this lack of studies and given its striking differences, on all linguistic levels, from the variety of Santiago (CVST), the implicit explanation for such divergences, echoed for decades in the literature on CVC, has been the presumably decreolized character of CVSV. First, this study provides a comprehensive fieldwork-based synchronic description of CVSV major morpho-syntactic categories in the intent to document the variety. Second, it aims to place the study of CVSV within a broader scope of contact linguistics in the quest to explain its structure. Based on analyses of historical documents and studies, it reconstructs the sociohistorical scenario of the emergence and development of CVSV in the period of 1797- 1975. From the comparison of the current structures of CVSV and CVST, the examination of linguistic data in historical texts and the analysis of sociohistorical facts it becomes clear that the contemporary structure of CVSV stems from the contact-induced changes that occurred during the intensive language and dialect contact on the island of São Vicente in the early days of its settlement in the late 18th and ensuing early 19th century development, rather than from modern day pressure of Portuguese. Although this dissertation argues for multiple explanations rather than a single theory, by showing that processes such as languages shift among the first Portuguese settlers, L2 acquisition, migration of the Barlavento speakers and subsequent dialect leveling as well as language borrowing at a later stage were at stake, it demonstrates the usefulness of partial-restructuring model proposed by Holm (2004).