2 resultados para Testosterona, Hormones sexuals
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, synthetic chemicals which do not occur naturally in the environment. PCBs are considered potential endocrine disruptors. They are estrogen-like and anti-androgenic chemicals in the environment contain potentially hazardous effects on male reproductive axis resulting in infertility and other hormonal dependent reproductive functions. These toxic substance cause alteration of the endocrine systems, mimic natural hormones and inhibit the action of hormones. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on testicular development of male reproductive system in mice. The male mice were randomly assigned to five groups with each group comprising twenty-one members. In those mice were administered 0 μg/kg (control group) and 0.5, 5, 50, 500 μg/kg Aroclor 1254 (treated group) by gavages three time per week. Treatment was carried out for 50 days after which the mouse was sacrificed and the body weight, testicular weight; epedidymis weight, sperm mortality, sperm count and sperm abnormality were taken. However, there was no significant difference in testicular/body weight and epididymis/body weight ratio in treated group compared with the control group. According to the analysis of sperm quality, Aroclor 1254 treated group demonstrated significant increased in sperm mortality in 500 μg/kg; decreased the sperm count in 0.5 μg/kg, 5 μg/kg, 50 μg/kg and 500 μg/kg; and significantly elevate the sperm abnormality in 50 μg/kg and 500 μg/kg compared to the control in a dose-dependent manner. The sex hormone levels in the testes were detected by radio-immunoassay (RIA) method. The levels of testosterone and 17β-estradiol did not reveal significant alteration (p< 0.05) in PCBs treated groups compared to the control in a dose-dependent manner. The testis were obtained and subjected to routine histopathology following exposure to PCBs in supplement diet. The diameter of the seminiferous tubule and the number of Sertoli cells in the treated group increased significantly (p< 0.05) in comparison to the control group. For the spermatogenic cell, the number of germ cell in high concentration decreased significantly (p< 0.05). However, spermatogonia cells in PCB treated group showed non-significant difference (p< 0.05) compared to the control. vii Western blot analysis was used to determine the level of protein between the control and treated group. The level of Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was determined and the results have shown no significant alteration between the treated groups and the control. the level of sex hormone receptor (ER α/β); Androgen receptor (AR) were identified in the testes to detect the proliferative effect induced by PCBs. Statistical analyses of AR, ER α and ER β did not reveal significant difference between the control and the treated groups. In the present study, we continue to investigate adverse effect of Aroclor 1254 and their mechanism on spermatogenesis. The result of Sperm quality and histopathology showed that Aroclor 1254 at low concentration induce inhibitory effect on testicular function of male mouse.
Nos vertebrados, incluindo os peixes as hormonas activam e modificam o comportamento, e o comportamento por sua vez altera os níveis de hormonas, em particular os androgénios. A principal fonte de hormonas esteróides são as gónadas, mas o cérebro e outros tecidos também as produzem. A castração produz efeitos variados nos níveis hormonais e no comportamento sexual e agonístico dos teleosteos. Os objectivos deste estudo são: verificar a possível razão porque os níveis de androgénios continuam elevados após a gonadectomia, incluindo a possibilidade de contribuição de secreção de esteróides por tecidos extra-gonadais; e ainda de que forma a gonadectomia afecta o comportamento dos animais. Para isso foram efectuadas cirurgias a mais de 20 indivíduos de tilapia moçambicana e foram também retiradas amostras de sangue. Ainda foram retirados e incubados diversos tecidos - como cérebro, rim anterior e posterior, brânquias, fígado e sangue - para a identificação de fontes extragonadais de esteróides. A medição dos níveis hormonais de testosterona, 11- cetotestosterona e 17,20β-progesterona foi realizada através da técnica do radioimunoensaio. Os resultados obtidos monstram que a castração teve um efeito de diminuição muito ténue nos níveis hormonais, sendo que o comportamento dos animais manteve-se praticamente inalterado. O tecido que demonstrou maior capacidade de metabolização do precursor 17-HP foi o rim. Esses resultados podem ser explicados por regeneração do tecido das gónadas, e hipertrofia com consequente feedback positivo, ou ainda pela produção extragonadal de androgénios.