4 resultados para Student t distribution
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
To evaluate the risk of transmission of vector-borne diseases, regular updates of the geographic distribution of insect vectors are required. In the archipelago of Cape Verde, nine mosquito species have been reported. Of these, four are major vectors of diseases that have been present in the archipelago: yellow fever, lymphatic filariasis, malaria and, currently, an outbreak of dengue. In order to assess variation in mosquito biodiversity, we have carried out an update on the distribution of the mosquito species in Cape Verde, based on an enquiry of 26 unpublished technical reports (1983-2006) and on the results of an entomological survey carried out in 2007. Overall, there seems to be a general trend for an expansion of biological diversity in the islands. Mosquito species richness was negatively correlated with the distance of the islands from the mainland but not with the size of the islands. Human- and/or sporadic climatic-mediated events of dispersal may have contributed to a homogenization of species richness regardless of island size but other ecological factors may also have affected the mosquito biogeography in the archipelago. An additional species, Culex perexiguus, was collected for the first time in the archipelago during the 2007 survey.
New data on the distributibn and conservation status of some angiosperms of the Cape Verde Islands, W Africa Intensive field work aud analysis of the state of biodiversity ou all islands during the years iYY.3 lo IYYY Icd lo lhc publication ol’several contributions lo the flora and vegelalion of the archipclago of Cabo Verde (Brochniann & al. 1997, Gornes & Vera-Cruz 1993. Gonles & al. I9YSa-h. 1998, Games 1997. Kilian & Leyens 1994, Leyens 1998. Leyens & Lobin 1995, Lobin & al. 1995) as well as to the compilation of the First Red Data List for the Cape Verde Islnuds (Lcyrus & Lobin 1996). the elaboration of the National Strategy for Biodiversity Conservation (SIPA 19YY) and ! compilation of all areas in urgent need of protection (Leyens unpubl. diplonla thc.\is IYYJ. Gwnes & al. iu prep.). As part UC the activities of the lnstituto National de Invcstig;u$o c Dcscnvolvitucnto Agriirio (INIDA) and the Dcpurtamcnto de GeociSncias do Institute Supcriot de Educ;u$o t ISE) iutcnsive t’icld studies were conducted PI many diffcrctu localilics OII xcvcr;~I islands. resulting in a thesis tGo~nes IY97) and several terminal study papers (Luz IYYY. Cosi;t 1994. Gonsalvez 1999). The results show that the vegetation and flora of the islands arc still IWI fully known and much more field work is needed. hllhot~gh Sanliiqw is one of lhc islands whcrc lhc firs1 holanicill iIlVcxligilliollx wcrr c:crriul WI (Wcbh 1x49. Schruidt 1x52. Chcvalicr IY35) and where uu~ny intensive field studirs wcrc
The present study is about the relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. Do teachers have the power to influence student achievement? This is the question at hand. Are students under the influence of their teachers in regards to how they perceive themselves as achievers and ultimately how well they perform? What are the other factors that come into play when assessing student’s academic achievement? In light of the literature written on this topic, the two most prevalent theories are (1) Pygmalion in the Class and (2) The Sustaining Effect. These theories show a direct and determinant relationship between teacher expectations and student achievement. The main objective of this study was to investigate if in Cape Verde, teachers follow the same trend. Responses to teacher and student surveys carried out at Domingos Ramos High School gave revealing insights into how Capeverdean teachers view their students and the role the teachers themselves play in supporting the studen’s academic performance. Is the teacher’s expectation of their students the last word? In general, teachers do have a powerful influence on their students for good or for bad, but the key questions are: (1) are they aware of this power and (2) how well do they manage it? This paper includes an in-depth discussion on the different factors that influence student achievement and research carried out at an urban secondary school which characterizes how teachers and students view their roles in the student’s academic success. Recommendations are also provided to assist teachers in managing their expectations to maximize their role as a positive contributor to the success of their students.
A indisciplina na escola é um tema educativo de atualidade e uma preocupação daqueles que estão ligados à educação, quer seja de uma forma direta ou indireta: professores, alunos, pais ou encarregados de educação. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral conhecer as representações que os alunos do 7º e 9º anos de escolaridade têm acerca da indisciplina na escola. Com as nove questões de investigação formuladas, pretendeu-se averiguar a distribuição dos alunos pela disrupção, vitimização e agressão na escola, e, ainda, analisar as diferenças em função do género e do ano de escolaridade nos comportamentos de disrupção, vitimização e agressão na escola. A amostra foi constituída por 240 alunos do 7º e 9º anos de escolaridade de uma escola secundária de Cabo Verde. Para se proceder à avaliação dos comportamentos disruptivos foi utilizada a Escala de Disrupção Escolar Professada pelo Aluno, desenvolvida por Veiga (1996, 2012). Foi também utilizada a escala Peer Victimization Scale, adaptada para Portugal por Veiga (2008), que permitiu avaliar comportamentos de agressor e de agredido. Os resultados indicaram uma disrupção escolar não elevada. Em termos diferenciais, de uma forma geral, os alunos do 7º ano foram mais disruptivos que os do 9º ano; os alunos do sexo masculino revelaram ser mais disruptivos que os do sexo feminino. Em relação à escala de vitimização, os resultados obtidos permitiram encontrar ocorrências de vitimização, sendo a mais frequente a verbal; nesta escala os alunos do sexo masculino foram mais vítimas do que os do sexo feminino; os alunos do 7º ano revelaram ser mais vítima do que os do 9º. Relativamente à escala de agressão, os resultados permitiram observar que não houve registo elevado de ocorrências; nesta escala os alunos do sexo masculino revelaram ser mais agressores do que os alunos do sexo feminino; os alunos do 7º ano revelaram ser mais agressores do que os do 9º ano. Os resultados aproximam-se de outros estudos semelhantes e sugerem a necessidade de novas investigações com amostras mais heterogéneas, envolvendo outros anos de escolaridade.