8 resultados para Rusia-China Relationship

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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Depois de alcançada a ideologia de Estado e ter defenido assim a sua posição política, com as conhecidas consequências acarretadas, a nova RPC de Mao Zedong caminha, depois da sua morte, para um outro processo de mudança, a mudança económica. A administração Deng assume as responsabilidades de abertura do dragão asiático ao mundo, pela implementação de um conjunto de reformas que conduzam ao desenvolvimento económico. Em algumas cidades, consideradas como “laboratórios experimentais”, apesar das contrariedades constantes à actividade privada levada a cabo, o impacto das reformas foi tão intenso que essas passaram a ser consideradas como modelos de desenvolvimento. São exemplos os casos de Wenzhou, Sunan, e de algumas regiões do Sul da China. Todos esses casos têm em comum os factores envolvidos, que são: o Estado/PCC; as autoridades locais; as famílias; as empresas familiares e a capacidade empreendedora das mesmas. Esse desenvolvimento da China, sem precedentes, faz com que a potência procure fora do seu território recursos que dêem prosseguimento ao mesmo, nesse contexto, encontra em África um novo parceiro. A cooperação entre África e China, apesar de não recente, é a partir de então intensificada, numa relação que se pretende de igualdade e de ganhos comuns. Sempre com vários pontos que definem o objectivo desta parceria, destaca-se o desenvolvimento comum como aquele que perdura desde a era maoísta. Com esse objectivo China investe em África, oferece condições de parceria aliciantes e compromete-se em transmitir ao continente o seu modelo de desenvolvimento. Mas, tendo em conta que África, apesar de poder aprender com o desenvolvimento chinês, não pode fazer depender do discurso chinês o seu desenvolvimento, consideramos os mesmos factores destacados no caso da China, o caminho prosseguido pelo continente para um desenvolvimento sustentável, e analisámos o caso específico de Cabo Verde, onde a presença chinesa, a sua actuação empreendedora e competitividade se fazem sentir na vida diária dos cabo-verdianos, com algumas lições a transmitir para o desenvolvimento futuro do país, perspectivando este futuro a curto, médio-prazo.


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A Comparison of the Management Models of Protected Areas between China and the African South Region allows reading and evaluating the similarities and differences in the use of management model as a management tool for protected areas in China and South African Region. Specifically, some positive and negative features of the management approaches for the two regions. Secondary data was collected from various related literature such as policy documents, students‟ dissertations/thesis, scientific articles and magazines. Based on the method above, the study found out that China's first nature reserve was the Dingus Mountain Nature Reserve in Zhaoqing, Guangdong province established in 1956. By the end of 2005, about 2,349 nature reserves of various kinds were set up throughout the country, covering a total area of 149.95 million ha and accounting for 15 percent of the total land territory. The study further found that Southern Africa has approximately 4,390 protected areas out of 11487920 total land areas and Eastern Africa has approximately 1838144 protected areas, which is equivalent to 15.0% of the total land areas. South Africa in this region had its first declared natural park in 1926 after Paul Kruger (a war hero) had alerted the authorities of the extinguishing threat of some animal species of region.


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This study examines the relationship between teacher’s use of English textbooks and the way teachers evaluate and adapt them, looking at a particular context, the Capeverdean secondary schools, specifically in Praia. The referred relationship was analyzed through teachers’ responses about how they use, evaluate and adapt their textbooks. The results of the study revealed that, on the one hand, the way teachers use their textbooks influences the way they evaluate the same textbooks; on the other hand, the use of textbooks doesn’t necessarily influence the way teachers adapt them. Moreover, the findings revealed that, in general, due to some particular constraints the Capeverdean English teachers are using their textbooks as resources, in which several textbooks are used in combination with one another. Additionally, although teachers assume that they are doing their best, they still need more confidence concerning the way they use, evaluate and adapt available textbooks. Teachers’ confidence in the way they are using their textbooks can be reinforced by establishing an intensive teacher training module on materials evaluation and adaptation, taking into account that a textbook is one of the most important tools in the process of teaching and learning. I hope that the elements presented may lead to further studies on this matter, specifically regarding textbook evaluation and adaptation.


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The objective of this study was to find out the relationship between students’ perception of Social Studies and their academic performance in the subject in Colleges of Education in Kaduna State. The respondents of the study comprised NCE 2 and NCE 3 students of Social Studies at the Federal College of Education in Zaria and the Kaduna State College of Education in Gidan Waya. The data for the study was collected using a questionnaire with reliability coefficient of 0.87. The Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance with df = 232. The findings were as follows: 1. The Social Studies students in colleges of education in Kaduna State do not record high academic performance in the subject. 2. Students’ perception of the Social Studies curriculum does affect their academic performance in the subject 3. Students’ perception of relevance of Social Studies education has no bearing on their academic performance in the subject. 4. Students’ perception of public attitude towards Social Studies has no impact on their academic performance in the subject. 5. Students’ general perception of Social Studies does not affect their academic performance in the subject. Based on these findings the following recommendations were proffered for Social Studies researchers and policy makers. a. There is need for further research in order to determine the actual cause of students’ failure to display high performance in Social Studies. b. The NCE Social Studies curriculum should be reviewed in terms of volume and difficulty.


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After the international trends towards inclusive education, Chinese legislations mandate the inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom. The purpose of this study was to investigate the kindergarten teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education of children with disabilities in the regular classroom, in Wuhan, China, as well their sense of responsibility to include children with disabilities in regular classroom. Ninety kindergarten teachers from public and private kindergartens in Wuhan participated in this study. Descriptive analysis demonstrated that, in general, kindergarten teachers we studied have negative or contradictory attitudes towards inclusive education of children with disabilities in regular classroom. Statistically non-significant differences were found between teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion and teachers’ demographic variables (age, education degree, teaching experience, experience teaching children with disabilities, time experience with children with disabilities and training in special education). Significant correlation was found between teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education and their sense of responsibility to include children with disabilities in regular classroom. The results allowed the identification of some crucial aspects necessary to achieve the inclusive education


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Esta investigação insere-se na temática do Empreendedorismo Imigrante e do Comércio Étnico. Trata-se de uma pesquisa que se debruça sobre a imigração para Cabo Verde, com destaque para a análise da imigração chinesa, sobretudo dedicada ao comércio na ilha de São Vicente. O objectivo geral deste trabalho prende-se com a identificação do contributo da comunidade imigrante supracitada no processo de desenvolvimento de São Vicente, através da instalação e da prática de actividades comerciais. Para concretização deste objectivo foi desenvolvido, durante 5 meses, um trabalho de terreno em Cabo Verde (Santiago e São Vicente). O trabalho empírico socorreu-se de entrevistas formais à presidente da Câmara Municipal de São Vicente e a personalidades da Embaixada de China em Cabo Verde , e informais efectuadas aos comerciantes chineses e seus funcionários, bem como aos comerciantes locais. Foram ainda aplicados inquéritos a todos os comerciantes chineses na ilha de São Vicente, processo que permitiu obter a informação necessária para a caracterização da comunidade chinesa e das actividades comerciais por ela aqui desenvolvidas. Os resultados destes questionários foram armazenados numa base de dados informática, com recurso ao SPSS- Statistical Package for Social Sciences, também utilizado como instrumento de tratamento da informação, assim como a folha de cálculo Excel. Dos resultados da nossa investigação, ressalta que o comércio chinês tem dinamizado muito o tecido comercial sãovicentino, contribuindo para a criação de novos postos de trabalho, diversificando as ofertas e estabilizando ou levando mesmo à redução do preço dos produtos, o que vem generalizar as possibilidades de consumo a segmentos da população menos solventes, que até então tinham muita dificuldade em comprar bens como brinquedos ou certos artigos para o lar. De realçar também que, entre o comércio chinês e o comércio local, existe para além da concorrência como é óbvio, uma certa complementaridade. Esta relação recíproca é estabelecida através de aquisição e revenda de produtos diversificados adquiridos aos comerciantes locas, permitindo assim oferecer assim mais produtos e de melhor qualidade aos seus clientes. Todavia, conclui-se que o comércio chinês, com todas as implicações que trás, ainda não constitui um vector central do desenvolvimento da ilha, designadamente se entendermos o desenvolvimento numa perspectiva abrangente e integral, que incorpora dimensões culturais, sociais e ecológicas que ultrapassam a esfera económica. Contudo, pode-se dizer que a presença do comércio chinês na ilha tem sido bastante positiva, uma vez que coloca no mercado uma diversidade de produtos a preços razoavelmente acessíveis, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos São Vicentinos.


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The aim of this research is to to investigate how a supportive relationship between teachers and students in the classroom can improve the learning process. By having a good relationship with students, teachers can offer to students chances to be motivated and feel engaged in the learning process. Students will be engaged actively in the learning instead of being passive learners. I wish to investigate how using communicative approach and cooperative learning strategies while teaching do affect and improve students’ learning performance. To achieve these goals qualitative data collection was used as the primary method. The results show that teachers and students value a supportive and caring relationship between them and that interaction is essential to the teacher-student relationship. This sense of caring and supporting from teachers motivates students to become a more interested learner. Students benefit and are motivated when their teachers create a safe and trustful environment. And also the methods and strategies teachers uses, makes students feel engaged and stimulated to participate in the learning process. The students have in their mind that a positive relationship with their teachers positively impacts their interest and motivation in school which contributes to the enhancement of the learning process.


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e article analyses the relationship established between the executive and legislative powers in the Cape Verdean government system where researchers seek to understand it, taking into account their theoretical and constitutional setting practice. It should be noted the prominence of the debate and studies undertaken to understand how the scienti c academy seeks to eradicate this problem. Two issues are relevant in this debate: the rst reporting to the theoretical and constitutional con guration of Cape Verdean government system and the other to its policy and legislative practice. Keywords: Cape Verde. Semi-presidential System. Systems of Government. Legislative and Executive Powers.