2 resultados para Rainwater absorption and retention
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
Dryland agriculture in Cabo Verde copes with steep slopes, inadequate practices, irregular intense rain, recurrent droughts, high runoff rates, severe soil erosion and declining fertility, leading to the inefficient use of rainwater. Maize and beans occupy N80% of the arable land in low-input, low-yielding subsistence farming. Three collaborative field trialswere conducted in different agroecological zones to evaluate the effects ofwater-conservation techniques (mulching of crop residue, a soil surfactant and pigeon-pea hedges) combinedwith organic amendments (compost and animal or green manure) on runoff and soil loss. During the 2011 and 2012 rainy seasons, three treatments and one control (traditional practice) were applied to 44- and 24-m2 field plots. A local maize variety and two types of beanswere planted. Runoff and suspended sedimentswere collected and quantified after each daily erosive rainfall. Runoff occurred for rainfalls≥50mm(slope b10%, loamy Kastanozem),≥60mm(slope≤23%, silt–clay–loam Regosol) and≥40mm(slope≤37%, sandy loam Cambisol). Runoffwas significantly reduced only with themulch treatment on the slope N10% and in the treatment of surfactant with organic amendment on the slope b10%. Soil loss reached 16.6, 5.1, 6.6 and 0.4 Mg ha−1 on the Regosol (≤23% slope) for the control, surfactant, pigeon-pea and mulch/pigeon-pea (with organic amendment) treatments, respectively; 3.2, 0.9, 1.3 and 0.1 Mg ha−1 on the Cambisol (≤37% slope) and b0. 2Mg ha−1 for all treatments and control on the Kastanozem(b10% slope). Erosion was highly positively correlated with runoff. Mulch with pigeon-pea combinedwith an organic amendment significantly reduced runoff and erosion fromagricultural fields on steep slopes, contributing to improved use of rainwater at the plot level. Sustainable land management techniques, such as mulching with pigeon-pea hedges and an organic amendment, should be advocated and promoted for the semiarid hillsides of Cabo Verde prone to erosion to increase rainwater-use and to prevent further soil degradation.
Este trabalho versa sobre a análise de rentabilidade através da margem de contribuição e tem por objectivo evidenciar como a margem de contribuição pode ser utilizada pelos gestores, na rentabilidade dos clientes, dos produtos, dos canais de distribuição e dos segmentos de mercado em que as empresas operam. O estudo está assente num referencial teórico que faz incursões nos principais conceitos conexos ao tema principal nomeadamente: análise custo – volume – resultado, métodos apuramento dos resultados na óptica da absorção e da contribuição, e a curva ABC. Na aplicação prática, procurámos utilizar alguns instrumentos de gestão nomeadamente o ponto de equilíbrio, apuramento dos resultados por segmentos de clientes, negócios e territórios de comercialização e a aplicação da curva de experiência ABC. O caso de estudo incide sobre a empresa nacional de moagem (Moave S.A) e restringe-se ao plano de produção e embalagem através do pequeno ensaque. O processo de colecta de dados foi obtido directamente das informações fornecidas pela Direcção da empresa, nomeadamente os produtos a serem embalados, a estrutura de custos, o plano de produção, a capacidade máxima da máquina e o calendário de trabalho diário e mensal. Os resultados evidenciaram que a utilização da margem de contribuição como ferramenta de gestão, constitui um importante instrumento de análise e avaliação da rentabilidade dos produtos, dos clientes, dos canais de distribuição bem como dos territórios de comercialização. This work focuses on the analysis of profitability through contribution margin and aims to highlight the contribution margin can be used by managers, in the profitability of customers, products, distribution channels and market segments in which companies operate. The study is based on the referential theoretical that makes inroads in key concepts related to the main topic, namely: cost analysis – volume – result, methods of clearance results in optical absorption and contribution, and ABC. In practice, we try to use some management tools in the balance, such as breakeven point, clearance of results by segments of customers, business and marketing territories and the application of experience curve ABC. The case study focuses on the national milling company (Moave s.a), and restricts itself to plan production and packaging through small bagging. The process of collecting data was obtained directly from the information provided by the management of the undertaking, in particular the products to be packed, the cost structure, the production plan, the maximum capacity of the machine and the daily work schedule and monthly. The results showed that the use of the contribution margin as a management tool constitutes an important instrument of analysis and assessment of the profitability of products, customers, distribution channels and marketing territories.