6 resultados para Productive pedagogies

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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The problem of small Island Developing States (SIDS) is quite recent, end of the 80s and 90s, still looking for a theoretical consolidation. SIDS, as small states in development, formed by one or several islands geographically dispersed, present reduced population, market, territory, natural resources, including drinkable water, and, in great number of the cases, low level of economic activity, factors that together, hinder the gathering of scale economies. To these diseconomies they come to join the more elevated costs in transports and communications which, allies to lower productivities, to a smaller quality and diversification of its productions, which difficult its integration in the world economy. In some SIDS these factors are not dissociating of the few investments in infrastructures, in the formation of human resources and in productive investments, just as it happens in most of the developing countries. In ecological terms, many of them with shortage of natural resources, but integrating important ecosystems in national and world terms, but with great fragility relatively to the pollution action, of excessive fishing, of uncontrolled development of tourism, factors that, conjugated and associated to the stove effect, condition the climate and the slope of the medium level of the sea water and therefore could put in cause the own survival of some of them. The drive to the awareness of the international community towards its problems summed up with the accomplishment by the United Nations in the Barbados’s Conference, 1994 where the right to the development was emphasized, through the going up the appropriate strategies and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of the SIDS. The orientation of the regional and international cooperation in that sense, sharing technology (namely clean technology and control and administration environmental technology), information and creation of capacity-building, supplying means, including financial resources, creating non discriminatory and just trade rules, it would drive to the establishment of a world system economically more equal, in which the production, the consumption, the pollution levels, the demographic politics were guided towards the sustainability. It constituted an important step for the recognition for the international community on the specificities of those states and it allowed the definition of a group of norms and politics to implement at the national, regional and international level and it was important that they continued in the sense of the sustainable development. But this Conference had in its origin previous summits: the Summit of Rio de Janeiro about Environment and Development, accomplished in 1992, which left an important document - the Agenda 21, in the Conference of Stockholm at 1972 and even in the Conference of Ramsar, 1971 about “Wetlands.” CENTRO DE ESTUDOS AFRICANOS Occasional Papers © CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos 4 Later, the Valletta Declaration, Malta, 1998, the Forum of Small States, 2002, get the international community's attention for the problems of SIDS again, in the sense that they act to increase its resilience. If the definition of “vulnerability” was the inability of the countries to resist economical, ecological and socially to the external shocks and “resilience” as the potential for them to absorb and minimize the impact of those shocks, presenting a structure that allows them to be little affected by them, a part of the available studies, dated of the 90s, indicate that the SIDS are more vulnerable than the other developing countries. The vulnerability of SIDS results from the fact the they present an assemblage of characteristics that turns them less capable of resisting or they advance strategies that allow a larger resilience to the external shocks, either anthropogenic (economical, financial, environmental) or even natural, connected with the vicissitudes of the nature. If these vulnerability factors were grouped with the expansion of the economic capitalist system at world level, the economic and financial globalisation, the incessant search of growing profits on the part of the multinational enterprises, the technological accelerated evolution drives to a situation of disfavour of the more poor. The creation of the resilience to the external shocks, to the process of globalisation, demands from SIDS and of many other developing countries the endogen definition of strategies and solid but flexible programs of integrated development. These must be assumed by the instituted power, but also by the other stakeholders, including companies and organizations of the civil society and for the population in general. But that demands strong investment in the formation of human resources, in infrastructures, in investigation centres; it demands the creation capacity not only to produce, but also to produce differently and do international marketing. It demands institutional capacity. Cape Verde is on its way to this stage.


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Cabo Verde foi alcandorado a PDM recentemente o que traz novos e grandes desafios para o seu processo de desenvolvimento. O país que tem as suas vulnerabilidades decorrentes do seu frágil tecido produtivo e da sua reduzida dimensão, para além da escassez de recursos naturais, enfrenta ainda o desafio da insularidade. Assim terá que ancorar-se em primeiro lugar nos seus recursos humanos, para enfrentar esses desafios. A questão da gestão de desempenho e recompensa começa a emergir-se no sector empresarial quer privado quer estatal, como um processo fundamental para se alcançar a excelência operacional, fundamental para enfrentar a competição nos dias de hoje. O presente estudo focou o sistema de avaliação de desempenho na Shell Cabo Verde uma filial do Grupo Shell, que é uma multinacional com uma história rica e com forte experiência no mercado Global. Procurou-se, através de um estudo de caso, fazer o levantamento e o enquadramento teórico do sistema e analisar até que ponto o mesmo tem potenciado a melhoria do desempenho organizacional através do alinhamento dos objectivos individuais e da organização. Cape Verde has recently been upgraded to a Medium Development Country condition which brings along new great challenges to its development process. The country has already its vulnerabilities due to its week productive tissue and its small dimension and beyond the lack of natural resources it has to deal with the challenge of insularity. Thus it has to anchor itself firstly in its human resources to face the challenges. The performance and reward management starts to emerge in both private’s and State’s entrepreneur sector, as a fundamental process to achieve the operational excellence in order to face the competitiveness now-a-days. This study focused the performance evaluation used in Shell Cape Verde, a company that belongs to the multinational Shell with a rich global market experience. We tried, through a case study, to understand the theoric contents of the system and analyze at what point it has enhanced the improvement of the organizational performance through the alignment of individual objectives and organizational objectives.


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Le Gouvernement Capverdien avec l´assistance de la FAO à élaborer une stratégie de développement du secteur agricole au sens large, à long terme (horizon 2015) ainsi qu‟un Plan d‟action correspondant pour le moyen terme. Dans le cadre de l´initiative de la CEDEAO, Cap Vert c´est lance dans l‟élaboration de la présente sub-composante que s‟inscrit dans le cadre de l‟appui à la Formulation et mise en oeuvre d‟un Programme National d‟ Investissement Agricole (PNIA) pour la mise en oeuvre du PDDAA/NEPAD. Le document de stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté (DECRP) du pays indique la sécurité alimentaire et la garantie de la cohésion sociale en milieu rural comme les axes stratégiques centraux et dans le cadre des stratégies nationales de lutte contre la pauvreté et de sécurité alimentaire, le gouvernement du Cap-Vert a adoptée et mis en oeuvre un certain nombre de programmes pour lever les contraintes multiples auxquelles le pays est confronté, et relancer le secteur agricole. La vision stratégique de développement à court et moyen termes du Gouvernement est présentée dans le document intitulé „Grandes Options du Plan‟, basés sur les orientations suivantes: a. Promouvoir la bonne gouvernance comme facteur de développement, en réformant l‟Etat, en intensifiant la démocratie et en renforçant la citoyenneté, b. Promouvoir la capacité entrepreneur, la compétitivité et la croissance ; élargir la base productive, c. Développer le capital humain et orienter le système d‟enseignement/ formation vers les domaines prioritaires de développement, d. Promouvoir une politique globale de développement social, luttant contre la pauvreté et renforçant la cohésion et la solidarité, e. Développer des infrastructures de base et économiques et promouvoir l‟aménagement du territoire pour un développement équilibré. Étant un secteur important de l‟activité économique et sociale du Cap-Vert, l‟agriculture doit jouer les rôles fondamentaux ci-après: améliorer les conditions d‟existence durable des ruraux par la promotion d‟une approche intégrée du développement des communautés rurales, en misant sur le développement agrosylvo-pastoral comme axe fondamental,  renforcer la sécurité alimentaire des populations rurales et urbaines, l‟approvisionnement du marché interne et le développement du secteur touristique en plein essor. Le gouvernement préconise la modernisation de l‟agriculture, la déconcentration des services et institutions d‟appui a la production, la promotion de la compétitivité dans l‟agriculture et la pêche, notamment par l‟élargissement et la diversification de la base productive. La modernisation du secteur agricole et le développement rural par l‟introduction de nouvelles technologies pour l‟intensification et la diversification, doivent assurer le renforcement du tissu économique rural. A cet effet, la croissance durable de la production agricole dépend prioritairement de mesures de rationalisation et d‟optimalisation de l‟utilisation de l‟eau d‟irrigation. Les orientations devront privilégier le montage de mécanismes d‟investissements dirigés vers une nouvelle agriculture spécialisée, complétée par la formation agro-alimentaire, et le développement d‟autres secteurs stratégiques et, particulièrement le tourisme. Les orientations stratégiques pour le secteur agricole, sont identifiées comme suit :  la réorganisation de la production pluviale (végétale et animale) en vue de renforcer la capacité productive et la protection de ces zones,  la diversification des activités de production et la prestation des services en milieu rural, élargissant ainsi la base productive, en accord avec les grandes orientations du Plan Stratégique,  le développement et la valorisation de l‟écotourisme.


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Le Gouvernement Capverdien avec l´assistance de la FAO à élaborer une stratégie de développement du secteur agricole au sens large, à long terme (horizon 2015) ainsi qu‟un Plan d‟action correspondant pour le moyen terme. Dans le cadre de l´initiative de la CEDEAO, Cap Vert c´est lance dans l‟élaboration de la présente sub-composante que s‟inscrit dans le cadre de l‟appui à la Formulation et mise en oeuvre d‟un Programme National d‟ Investissement Agricole (PNIA) pour la mise en oeuvre du PDDAA/NEPAD. Le document de stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté (DECRP) du pays indique la sécurité alimentaire et la garantie de la cohésion sociale en milieu rural comme les axes stratégiques centraux et dans le cadre des stratégies nationales de lutte contre la pauvreté et de sécurité alimentaire, le gouvernement du Cap-Vert a adoptée et mis en oeuvre un certain nombre de programmes pour lever les contraintes multiples auxquelles le pays est confronté, et relancer le secteur agricole. La vision stratégique de développement à court et moyen termes du Gouvernement est présentée dans le document intitulé „Grandes Options du Plan‟, basés sur les orientations suivantes: a. Promouvoir la bonne gouvernance comme facteur de développement, en réformant l‟Etat, en intensifiant la démocratie et en renforçant la citoyenneté, b. Promouvoir la capacité entrepreneur, la compétitivité et la croissance ; élargir la base productive, c. Développer le capital humain et orienter le système d‟enseignement/ formation vers les domaines prioritaires de développement, d. Promouvoir une politique globale de développement social, luttant contre la pauvreté et renforçant la cohésion et la solidarité, e. Développer des infrastructures de base et économiques et promouvoir l‟aménagement du territoire pour un développement équilibré. Étant un secteur important de l‟activité économique et sociale du Cap-Vert, l‟agriculture doit jouer les rôles fondamentaux ci-après:


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A agricultura cabo-verdiana é caracterizada pela baixa e irregular produtividade e não consegue produzir mais do que 20% das necessidades alimentares do país, sendo que a insegurança alimentar e a pobreza estão intimamente ligadas à fraqueza da base produtiva. A horticultura é considerada como um dos sectores mais rentáveis, com um papel importante na segurança alimentar e no orçamento das famílias. A presente dissertação tem como objectivo principal o estudo da importância da horticultura no rendimento e segurança alimentar das famílias, através da venda e consumo de produtos hortícolas. Foi realizado um estudo de caso às familias com e sem produção hortícola na ilha do Fogo em Cabo Verde e verificou-se que os agregados com regadio têm um rendimento anual bastante superior aos rendimentos auferidos pelos agregados sem regadio e a horticultura teve um contributo notável na formação desse rendimento. A nível da alimentação verificou-se que os agregados com regadio tem um consumo calórico superior aos agregados sem regadio. Verificou-se igualmente que os agregados com regadio tem uma alimentação mais diversificada, quer pela frequência de consumo diária de produtos hortícolas e frutas quer pelo consumo per capita dos mesmos.


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Faced with recurrent drought and famine during five centuries of human occupation, the small and densely populated Cape Verde Islands have a history of severe environmental problems. The arid climate and steep, rocky terrain provide scant resources for traditional subsistance farming under the best conditions, and in years of low rainfall the failure of rainfed crops causes massive food shortages. Agricultural use of steep slopes where rainfall is highest has led to soil erosion, as has removal of the island's vegetation for fuel and livestock. Pressure on the vegetation is particularly severe in dry years. International aid can provide relief from famine, and the introduction of modern agricultural and conservation techniques can improve the land and increase yield, but it is unlikely that Cape Verde can ever be entirely self -sufficient in food. Ultimately, the solution of Cape Verde's economic and environmental problems will probably require the development of productive urban jobs so the population can shift away from the intensive and destructive use of land for subsistance farming. In the meantime, the people of Cape Verde can best be served by instituting fundamental measures to conserve and restore the land so that it can be used to its fullest potential. The primary environmental problems in Cape Verde today are: 1. Soil degradation. Encouraged by brief but heavy rains and steep slopes, soil erosion is made worse by lack of vegetation. Soils are also low in organic matter due to the practice of completely removing crop plants and natural vegetation for food, fuel or livestock feed. 2. Water shortage. Brief and erratic rainfall in combination with rapid runoff makes surface water scarce and difficult to use. Groundwater supplies can be better developed but capabilities are poorly known and the complex nature of the geological substrate makes estimation difficult. Water is the critical limiting factor to the agricultural capability of the islands. 3. Fuel shortage. Demand for fuel is intense and has resulted in the virtual elimination of native vegetation. Fuelwood supplies are becoming more and more scarce and costly. Development of managed fuelwood plantations and alternate energy sources is required. 4. Inappropriate land use. Much of the land now used for raising crops or livestock is too steep or too arid for these purposes, causing erosion and destruction of vegetation. Improving yield in more appropriate areas and encouraging less damaging uses of the remaining marginal lands can help to alleviate this problem.