4 resultados para Procedural consolidation
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
The problem of small Island Developing States (SIDS) is quite recent, end of the 80s and 90s, still looking for a theoretical consolidation. SIDS, as small states in development, formed by one or several islands geographically dispersed, present reduced population, market, territory, natural resources, including drinkable water, and, in great number of the cases, low level of economic activity, factors that together, hinder the gathering of scale economies. To these diseconomies they come to join the more elevated costs in transports and communications which, allies to lower productivities, to a smaller quality and diversification of its productions, which difficult its integration in the world economy. In some SIDS these factors are not dissociating of the few investments in infrastructures, in the formation of human resources and in productive investments, just as it happens in most of the developing countries. In ecological terms, many of them with shortage of natural resources, but integrating important ecosystems in national and world terms, but with great fragility relatively to the pollution action, of excessive fishing, of uncontrolled development of tourism, factors that, conjugated and associated to the stove effect, condition the climate and the slope of the medium level of the sea water and therefore could put in cause the own survival of some of them. The drive to the awareness of the international community towards its problems summed up with the accomplishment by the United Nations in the Barbados’s Conference, 1994 where the right to the development was emphasized, through the going up the appropriate strategies and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of the SIDS. The orientation of the regional and international cooperation in that sense, sharing technology (namely clean technology and control and administration environmental technology), information and creation of capacity-building, supplying means, including financial resources, creating non discriminatory and just trade rules, it would drive to the establishment of a world system economically more equal, in which the production, the consumption, the pollution levels, the demographic politics were guided towards the sustainability. It constituted an important step for the recognition for the international community on the specificities of those states and it allowed the definition of a group of norms and politics to implement at the national, regional and international level and it was important that they continued in the sense of the sustainable development. But this Conference had in its origin previous summits: the Summit of Rio de Janeiro about Environment and Development, accomplished in 1992, which left an important document - the Agenda 21, in the Conference of Stockholm at 1972 and even in the Conference of Ramsar, 1971 about “Wetlands.” CENTRO DE ESTUDOS AFRICANOS Occasional Papers © CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos 4 Later, the Valletta Declaration, Malta, 1998, the Forum of Small States, 2002, get the international community's attention for the problems of SIDS again, in the sense that they act to increase its resilience. If the definition of “vulnerability” was the inability of the countries to resist economical, ecological and socially to the external shocks and “resilience” as the potential for them to absorb and minimize the impact of those shocks, presenting a structure that allows them to be little affected by them, a part of the available studies, dated of the 90s, indicate that the SIDS are more vulnerable than the other developing countries. The vulnerability of SIDS results from the fact the they present an assemblage of characteristics that turns them less capable of resisting or they advance strategies that allow a larger resilience to the external shocks, either anthropogenic (economical, financial, environmental) or even natural, connected with the vicissitudes of the nature. If these vulnerability factors were grouped with the expansion of the economic capitalist system at world level, the economic and financial globalisation, the incessant search of growing profits on the part of the multinational enterprises, the technological accelerated evolution drives to a situation of disfavour of the more poor. The creation of the resilience to the external shocks, to the process of globalisation, demands from SIDS and of many other developing countries the endogen definition of strategies and solid but flexible programs of integrated development. These must be assumed by the instituted power, but also by the other stakeholders, including companies and organizations of the civil society and for the population in general. But that demands strong investment in the formation of human resources, in infrastructures, in investigation centres; it demands the creation capacity not only to produce, but also to produce differently and do international marketing. It demands institutional capacity. Cape Verde is on its way to this stage.
O objectivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma breve contextualização sobre o impacto dos impostos nos orçamentos das Autarquias Locais em Cabo Verde e a forma como as receitas recebidas pelo Estado central são depois distribuídas aos municípios. Convém ainda salientar que este trabalho visa analisar as políticas fiscais e os impostos em particular. Nele ir-se-á demonstrar e comprovar a contribuição das autarquias locais no desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde e a necessidade de serem transferidos mais recursos às câmaras municipais, visando maior e melhor desenvolvimento do país, tendo em conta a experiência acumulada durante as duas últimas décadas. Por outro lado, o presente estudo tem a finalidade de diagnosticar os principais problemas financeiros com que as autarquias locais se debatem, o que sugere a adopção de um conjunto de alterações nos actuais instrumentos financeiros. Algumas medidas aqui previstas, podem e devem ser adoptadas de imediato pelas autarquias locais. Desde logo, o estudo do Sistema Tributário visa promover a difusão de procedimentos amparados por lei com a finalidade de auxiliar os profissionais e ajudá-los a ampliar a sua participação individual na consolidação da autonomia financeira dos municípios. Há claramente avanços em matéria legislativa, mas é preciso aprovar um novo modelo, cuja aplicação irá trazer, seguramente, maiores benefícios para o país, porquanto reclama por um desenvolvimento mais equilibrado e promoverá uma equidade inter-geracional muito mais ampla.
O presente Relatório de Estágio insere-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Estágio, realizado na empresa MundiServiços, Consultoria de Gestão e Formação, Sucursal de Cabo Verde, conducente ao grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação com especialização na área de Formação de Adultos. A Sucursal da MundiServiços em Cabo Verde centra a sua intervenção no mercado cabo-verdiano essencialmente em dois eixos: Consultoria na área de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e Formação Profissional. O meu Projecto de Estágio tem a sua incidência na área da Formação Profissional e visa responder a uma solicitação da ARFA - Agência de Regulação e Supervisão de Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares - organização cliente da MundiServiços em Cabo Verde. Neste contexto, o Projecto de Estágio tem como finalidade a realização de um Estudo de Diagnóstico de Necessidades de Formação e a Elaboração de um Plano Estratégico de Formação que possa satisfazer as necessidades organizacionais, profissionais e pessoais da Agência e dos seus trabalhadores. Este trabalho enquadra-se numa medida estratégica da entidade, que passa pelo desenvolvimento de competências chave dos seus recursos humanos, como forma de responder a novos desafios estratégicos e organizacionais e de aumentar a motivação e satisfação interna dos seus trabalhadores. De acordo com os objectivos pré-estabelecidos para a execução deste estudo, tentou-se combinar as metodologias qualitativa e quantitativa, com recurso a diferentes técnicas de recolha, análise e tratamento de dados, com a principal finalidade de obter informações que permitam responder, de forma efectiva, à solicitação da agência, transformando as necessidades formativas dos trabalhadores em potencialidades.
The main focus of the present investigation is on the transnationalization of the education policies in Cape Verde, Guine-Bissau and San Tome and Prince from 1974 to 2002 and it deals mostly with the role played by the Portuguese co operants in this field, namely teachers, teacher trainers and education technicians. Our investigation is based mostly on the theoretical and empiric analysis of the problematic of the transnatio nalizaton of the education policies, bearing in mind the concepts formulated by several renowned authors like those by Stone(2001, 2004) as well as by Dolowitz and Marsch (2002) concerning the area of knowledge transfer. The concept transnationalization we have used throughout this dissertationshould be interpreted as a carrefour , that is, a crossroad of technical knowledge, resulting from the way the different mediators have shared their expertise and who gradually contributed to the implementation of the new education systems and the consolidation of the education policies of the countries just mentioned before. We have also analyzed specific points of reference connected both with globalization and organization sociology theories since the school is the main scope of action where the participants interact using diversified strategies due to their different interests and aims. Those schools are more and more confronted with education policies resulting from neoliberal assumptions therefore we label them terminals of the education policy journeys. The naturalist paradigm, which includes a qualitative and interpretative approach, answers for the design of this investigation, whose main strategy is the Oral History. The primary sources analyzed and the interviews made have enabled us to build our knowledge based on the grounded theory method (Glasser and Strauss, 1967), supported by the informatic programme Atlas TI. We conclude that despite the weaknesses and fragilities of the Portuguese cooperation, this is the right arena for a more convergent transference of values and education (al) systems; it is a kind of hybrid territory where the knowledge transfer suits the local reality, independently of all the dilemmas resulting from globalization.