6 resultados para Origins
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
This paper deals with the linguistic and historical relationships between Papiamentu and Upper Guinea Creole as spoken on the Santiago island of Cape Verde and in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance. In the linguistic section, the hypothesis that Papiamentu is a relexified offshoot of an early Upper Guinea Creole variety is lent support by focusing on the structural correspondences of the function words in five grammatical categories (pronouns, question words, prepositions, conjunctions and reciprocity and reflexivity). In addition, salient data from several early (18th and 19th century) Papiamentu texts is presented. The historical section provides a framework that accounts for the linguistic transfer from Upper Guinea to Curaçao in the second half of the 17th century
This paper is concerned with both the linguistic and historical relationships between papiamentu, spoken on the ABC-Island.
The African Republic of Cape Verde consists of nine inhabited and several uninhabited volcanic islands set out in the Atlantic Ocean, about 500 km off the most westerly point of the African mainland and 1500 km south of the Canary Islands @g. 2). Most are rugged and mountainous; three (Sal, Maio, and Boavista) are flat, desert islands with sand beaches. Precipitation is meagre and very erratic; indeed Cape Verde can be seen as an island extension of the arid Sahel zone. Three species of the genus Phoenix are recorded from the Cape Verde Islands, P. akzctyli&a L., P. canariensis Chabaud and P. atlantica A. Chev. While the former two species have almost certainly been introduced by man, the latter is said to be endemic to the islands. Perhaps because the Cape Verdes are a particularly isolated set of islands or because palms are notoriously awkward to collect, little is known about the taxonomy, origins and natural history of this species. Phoenix atlantica was described by the French botanist Auguste Chevalier (1935a) following field exploration in the Cape Verdes in 1934 (Chevalier 1934: 1153). Chevalier provided limited diagnostic characters, defining the species as a clustering palm with 2-6 trunks, 5-15 m in height with dark green leaves 2-3 m in length. He considered it to be most similar in form to P. &ctyZzjkra and P. canariensis, possessing characters of both (Chevalier 1935a). Chevalier’s description indicates that Phoenix atlantica can be distinguished easily from P. canariensis by its clustering growth form (P. canariensis always has a single, stout trunk) and its shorter, straighter leaves. However, the differences between P. atlantica and P. dactylzjkra appear much more subtle. For example, while P. dacfylifera is usually observed as single-stemmed, when left undisturbed for a number of years it becomes clustering like the Cape Verde Phoenix, so this character on its own is unreliable. Further alleged distinctions include acuminate (P. atlantica) versus rounded (P. dactylzjkra) petals in the male flowers (Chevalier 1935a, b, Greuter 1967: 249, and Brochmann et al. 1997), fruit 2 cm long (P. atlantica) versus fruit more than 2.5 cm long (P. dactyl&a) (Brochmann et al.
O trabalho que agora se apresenta é fruto, antes de mais, de uma relação especial com Timor. Não necessariamente pela dimensão histórica das várias presenças naquele território mas, e acima de tudo, pela relação pessoal e afectiva com alguns dos responsáveis políticos e religiosos daquele jovem país. Um convite, formulado em 2007 por Xanana Gusmão, levou-nos a calcorrear todo o território num curto espaço de três semanas, corria o Verão de 2008. O objectivo era a análise, no terreno, da viabilidade da instalação de um poder local num país recentemente tornado independente. Timor, fruto da sua história e, muito em especial, das características antropológicas do seu povo, é uma nação assumidamente multicultural. Das origens ancestrais das suas comunidades, dos reinos dispersos que pulverizam o pequeno território, das suas lideranças e dos vários dilectos, associados à longa e marcante presença portuguesa, bem como outras ocupações de países estrangeiros, com destaque para a Indonésia, resulta um caldo cultural, a todos os níveis peculiar. Aqui e acolá ouvimos o povo, entrevistámos e reunimos com os 432 chefes de suco existentes no país, entrevistámos chefes de aldeia e anciãos, reunimos com políticos, sacerdotes, professores e jornalistas. Interpretámos, ou tentámos interpretar, as condicionantes e os cuidados que se devem observar na preparação do quadro jurídico para reger a municipalidade em Timor: as suas vertentes electivas, funcionais, financeiras e fiscalizadoras. Revistámos a História de Timor e passámos por Cabo Verde, país de referência internacional ao nível da sua gestão pública, muito em especial a autárquica. Fizemos, também, óbvia referência à história do poder local em Portugal. Das consultas, do muito que observámos e estudámos, resulta um desinteressado contributo para a implementação do poder local em Timor, com as conclusões que incorporam alertas e sugestões.
This study, now on presentation, comes as a result of a special relationship established with East Timor. Not necessarily through the several historical presences in that territory but, above all, through the emotional and personal relationships with some of the political and religious leaders of this young country. An invitation, made in 2007 by Xanana Gusmão, led us throughout the whole territory in a short time of three weeks, running the summer of 2008. Its purpose was the analysis, on the ground, of the possibility of installing local administration in a country which had recently became independent. Timor, as a result of its history, but mostly of the anthropological characteristics of its people, is an openly multicultural nation. The ancestral origins of their communities, its scattered kingdoms that spray along such a small territory, its leaders and many dialects, associated with the long portuguese presence, as well as other occupations made by foreign countries, especially Indonesia, became a cultural melting pot truly unique. Here and there we heard the people and interviewed and met the 432 local elected leaders of the country. We interviewed village elders and meet with politicians, priests, teachers and journalists. We have interpreted, or tried to, the actual conditions and cautions that must be observed in preparing the legal framework to govern the municipality in East Timor: its elective, functional, financial and oversight aspects. We have reviewed Timor’s history and took Cape Verde’s example as an international reference on its public administration, mostly its local authorities. We made also the obvious reference to the portuguese local government’s history. From search, and much of the observed and studied, remains a selfless contribution to the implementation of local government in East Timor, with alerts that incorporate conclusions and suggestions.
This work aims the applicability of the Transient electromagnetic method at an arid and semiarid environmental condition in the Santiago Island – Cape Verde. Some seashore areas of this island show an increasing salt contamination of the groundwater. The main objective of present work is to relate this water-quality condition with parameters taken from the transient sounding’s data. In this context, transient soundings have been acquired from 2005 through 2009, at several chosen valleys near the sea, in a mean rate of one field campaign each year. The first phase of this work was the understanding of the geophysical method details, problems and applicability, as the chosen and acquired equipment was the first one to be permanently available to the Portuguese geosciences community. This first phase was also accomplished with field tests. Interpretation of the transient sounding’s data curves were done by application of 1-D inversion methods already developed and published, as also with quasi 2-D and quasi 3-D inversion algorithms, where applicability was feasible. This was the second phase. The 2-D and 3-D approximation results are satisfactory and promising; although a higher spatial sounding’s density should certainly allow for better results. At phase three, these results have been compared against the available lithologic, hydrologic and hydrochemical data, in the context of Santiago’s island settings. The analyses of these merged data showed that two distinct origins for the observed inland groundwater salinity are possible; seashore shallow mixing with contemporary seawater and mixing with a deep and older salty layer from up flow groundwater. Relations between the electric resistivity and the salt water content distribution were found for the surveyed areas. To this environment condition, the electromagnetic transient method proved to be a reliable and powerful technique. The groundwater quality can be accessed beyond the few available watershed points, which have an uneven distribution.