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em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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The title of this thesis is “The importance of using games to teach English in the 3rd Cycle”. I choose this topic because I think that games are important in the process of learning and because in my opinion not only students but people in general are more motivated to learn when they are having fun or when they are doing something that is interesting. Some authors argue that games stimulate learners to practise, to activate and extend their English vocabulary, and that most students feel more motivated to learn and learn more easily when they are having fun. Games make demands on learners’ intelligence and imagination and calls for active participation. That is exactly what 3rd Cycle students and teachers need in order to have success in their studies and work respectively. The 3rd Cycle students have covered the majority of the grammar and functions contents of the English curriculum in the previous Cycles (the 1st and 2nd Cycle) and in the 3rd Cycle the students need most of their time to put into practice what they have learned before. Games are an effective method to put in practice what they have learned before and also through games they have several contexts and different situations to explore in order to show their knowledge or their vocabulary. The 3rd Cycle students need methods that motivate them to learn and to participate in class and since they already study a specific language function. If the teacher uses an enjoyable method like games students will not get bored and they will be more motivate to participate in class.


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This research paper has been written with the intention to discuss the problem of discipline in Cape Verdean secondary schools. While many of us discuss the effects that student misbehavior has on the student misbehavior has on the student, school and society as a whole, very few of us seek solutions which would impact on the prevention and management of this problem that each day becomes more complicated and harder to handle. This paper will discuss the need to better define discipline at the school level; identify the causes and factors that aggravate the problem, in addition, to provide what I hope to be useful strategies to better manage the problem as we make the effort to reclaim our schools and better educate our students. My research included surveys completed by teachers and student alike as they baffled over the question: what is discipline and how can we better manage discipline problems at our schools?


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Purpose of the evaluation This is a scheduled standard mid-term evaluation (MTR) of a UNDP implemented GEF LDCF co-financed project. It is conducted by a team of an international and a national independent evaluator. The objective of the MTR, as set out in the Terms of Reference (TORs; Annex 1), is to provide an independent analysis of the progress of the project so far. The MTR aims to:  identify potential project design problems,  assess progress towards the achievement of the project objective and outcomes,  identify and document lessons learned (including lessons that might improve design and implementation of other projects, including UNDP-GEF supported projects), and  make recommendations regarding specific actions that should be taken to improve the project. The MTR is intended to assess signs of project success or failure and identify the necessary changes to be made. The project commenced its implementation in the first half of 2010 with the recruitment of project staff. According to the updated project plan, it is due to close in July 201410 with operations scaling down in December 2013 due to funding limits. Because of a slow implementation start, the mid-term evaluation was delayed to July 201311 The intended target audience of the evaluation are:  The project team and decision makers in the INGRH  The GEF and UNFCCC Operational Focal Points  The project partners and beneficiaries  UNDP in Cape Verde as well as the regional and headquarter (HQ) office levels  The GEF Secretariat.


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Actualmente, um desafio permanente se coloca ao sistema educativo em todo o mundo devido aos impulsos decorrentes das incomensuráveis possibilidades que as TIC oferecem ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem e na mudança que elas acarretam nas atitudes dos agentes educativos e na própria estrutura escolar. Em Cabo Verde as TIC têm despertado interesse dos responsáveis da educação no concernente ao seu uso em contexto pedagógico e a existência de projectos voltados para sua utilização no ensino secundário é uma realidade. Com efeito, iniciou-se no ano lectivo 2009/2010 a experiência de integração das TIC em duas escolas secundárias do país. Porém, volvidos cinco anos, importa saber como estão sendo vivenciadas estas experiências, particularmente no que diz respeito à disponibilidade e acessibilidade das TIC por parte dos principais agentes educativos, a forma como se organiza a escola para colocá-las à disposição destes, o grau de satisfação dos professores com relação à sua formação em TIC, as atitudes dos professores e alunos face as TIC e o nível de sua utilização em contexto de sala de aula. De modo que, o problema em estudo centra-se em saber como está a decorrer o processo de integração das TIC no ensino secundário, no âmbito das atuais políticas de incentivo ao uso das tecnologias na educação. Do ponto de vista metodológico optamos por um estudo de caso de natureza exploratória (Yin, 1993; Gil, 1994; Morgado, 2012) e para recolher os dados aplicamos dois inquéritos por questionário, em formato papel, um dirigido a alunos, (uma turma por ano) e outro a todos os professores da escola em estudo. Foram também realizadas duas entrevistas a dois dirigentes da escola. A escolha de fontes quantitativas (inquéritos) e qualitativas (entrevistas) tem base de sustentação nos argumentos apresentados por Yin (1994) e Coutinho (2005). As conclusões do estudo apontam para o reconhecimento de que há ainda muito por fazer no tocante à integração pedagógica das TIC, principalmente no que tange à disponibilidade das TIC (a maioria dos alunos não tem acesso aos computadores e não existem softwares), na organização da escola (falta de técnicos qualificados, e inexistência de projecto pedagógico para uso das TIC), na formação dos professores (necessidade de formação continua) e na ausência das TIC nas práticas pedagógicas, conforme nos ensina a literatura especializada sobre a integração das TIC (Pelgrum, 2001; Paiva, 2002; Silva & Miranda, 2005; Amante, 2007; OIE, 2008, Sunkel, 2009; Barbosa & Loureiro, 2011).