4 resultados para MAIN-SEQUENCE STARS
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
The objective of this study was the identification of the attributes and dimensions of service quality affecting the service performance of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The reason boosting the initiative to do this research was the paramount role of the resort hotels in the development of the travel and tourism sector in Cape Verde, and the impact that today this sector has had in the economy of that country. The research opens with a literature review on the service quality theory in the hotel industry, starting from the middle of the 1980s with the classic model of service quality and SERVQUAL instrument to the analysis of recent models of service quality measurement in the hotel industry, as it is an example the scale of items developed in 2003 in the Lodging Quality Index (LQI). Furthermore, the study elaborates an analysis on the importance of the travel and tourism activities in the Cape Verde Islands, and it evidences the enormous importance of those activities in the performance of the Cape Verdean hotel industry. In sequence the study analyzes in details the hotel industry of Cape Verde and it identifies the market size of the five stars resort hotels and their current operators in that market. Moreover, the research develops with an online questionnaire elaborated and sent through the platforms of travel websites and communities to the guests whom have experienced the service of the five stars resort hotels located in the Cape Verde Islands. The scope of the questionnaire was to assess the attributes and dimensions of service quality in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde. The results of the questionnaire were in sequence analyzed through descriptive and applied statistics, using Microsoft Excel and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Content validity analysis, factor analysis, and reliability analysis of the factors were made to purify an initial scale of 47 items of service quality. An instrument with three dimensions covering twenty four attributes of service quality assessment in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde was finally created. The three dimensions found were: staff competence; food and entertainment; and physical facilities. This study on the service in the five stars resort hotels of Cape Verde ends with brief comments on the status of service quality according to the identified dimensions and their attributes. In the conclusion, the study summarizes the whole work and gives some directions for future research.
Os processos de erosão hídrica em Cabo Verde são os mais marcantes da dinâmica actual das vertentes, pois são os mais comuns e que afectam áreas extensasdurante a curta estação húmida de três meses. A ocorrência de episódios chuvosos concentrados no tempo e com uma evidente irregularidade espacial permitem umaacentuada erosividade das precipitações, marcada por uma forte irregularidade regional. A forte variabilidade das formas de relevo, a diversidade da natureza das unidadesgeológicas e a multiplicidade de ocupação do solo favorecem condições deerodibilidade muito contrastadas no espaço. O objectivo deste trabalho é estabelecer um modelo desusceptibilidade à erosão hídricaem função de factores geomorfológicos (declive, perfil e traçado das vertentes eerodibilidade das unidades litológicas e dos materiais de cobertura), climáticos(intensidade pluviométrica) e de ocupação do solo para as bacias das ribeiras dos Picose Seca. Os resultados foram obtidos com recurso ao ambiente de Sistemas deInformação Geográfica (SIG). Este trabalho surge na sequência de outros já realizadospelos autores, onde se apresentaram as condições de erodibilidade e erosividade paraáreas mais restritas da Ilha de Santiago. O modelo de susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica resultou do cruzamento dos mapas dedeclives, de perfil e do traçado das vertentes, obtidos a partir do modelo digital deterreno (DTM), do mapa geológico, da distribuição espacial da intensidadepluviométrica e da densidade de ocupação do solo, tendo em conta que são estas asprincipais condicionantes de erosão hídrica, referidas pelos autores que estudaram estaregião. Cada um destes mapas foi reclassificado com base numa análise qualitativa dograu de erodibilidade, sendo atribuído um número de ordem a cada classe, em função da sua susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica, conforme foi localmente reconhecido. Verifica-se que as áreas de maior susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica são as do sectorsudeste da bacia da Ribeira Seca e as vertentes dos principais vales da bacia da Ribeira dos Picos, onde se encontram as unidades geológicas mais friáveis, os declives mais acentuados e onde predominam sectores das vertentes de traçado côncavo, a que seassocia pontualmente a mais elevada intensidade pluviométrica.
The pattern of genetic variation of the lizard Mabuya maculilabris from São Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea) was investigated using a combination of three mitochondrial DNA gene fragments. Forty-eight haplotypes were recovered among 66 individuals covering the whole island. The genealogy inferred from the most parsimonious network of haplotypes allows us to detect two main and long branches departing from the putative group of oldest haplotypes. The tips of these branches exhibit star-like phylogenies, which may indicate of recently expanded populations, most probably from a small number of founders. A nested clade analysis suggests a complex pattern of past events that gave rise to the extant geographical pattern found in the haplotype distribution: past and allopatric fragmentation, range expansion, restricted gene Xow and long-distance dispersal. These results are consistent with the complex geological history of the island where important volcanic activity with extensive lava Xows has occurred during several periods. Mismatch- distribution analysis and AMOVA also support these conclusions. Substantial genetic structuring among these lizards was detected as well as high levels of diVerentiation between the southern edge populations (particularly those from the Rolas Islet) and the remaining ones. However, variation is low relative to the geological age of the island. Our results indicate that patterns of variation observed in reptiles in other oceanic islands are not indicative of those observed in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea.
Les Chantiers à haute intensité de la main d’oeuvre (Faimo) donnent la possibilité aux femmes des Villages d’Achada Costa et Levada l’opportunité de se rencontrer en dehors des espaces traditionnels (funérailles, messe, baptême etc.). Ces rencontres facilitent l’établissement des liens sociaux et d’amitié qui aboutissent à une certaine complicité et à la réalisation de projets communs. Le revenu et l’apprentissage d’un métier que les Faimo procurent aux femmes ouvrent à celles-ci la voie menant à un « empowerment » économique (synonyme d’autonomie financière et économique) et social en leur permettant un certain contrôle de ses ressources et l’accès à une forme de savoir professionnel. Nous sommes ainsi devant un cas de ‘ pouvoir de’ qui renvoie aux capacités intellectuelles (la connaissance objective, le savoir) et émotionnelles (savoir-être), mais aussi économiques (avoir) : avoir l'accès et le contrôle des moyens de production et des bénéfices » (Charlier : 2011). De telles acquisitions sont sources d’une plus grande estime de soi et confiance en soi qui mènent à l’action et donc d’un ‘pouvoir intérieur’ qui « renvoie à la [capacité individuelle d’analyser et d’influencer] sa vie et de proposer des changements » (Charlier : 2011). L’association du développement communautaire est l’espace où les femmes affirment leur pouvoir social et politique en s’appuyant sur une solidarité et complicité intelligentes. Grâce à la solidarité entre elles, les femmes contrôlent l’association locale et parviennent à « négocier » et à faire valoir leur vision des priorités pour leur village et ainsi influencer le processus de son développement. Nous sommes, dans ce contexte, face à un cas de ‘pouvoir avec’, (pouvoir social et politique, [qui] met en évidence la notion de solidarité, la capacité de s’organiser pour négocier et pour défendre un objectif commun) (Charlier 2011) même si la solidarité entre les femmes suscite une certaine méfiance et résistance des hommes.