2 resultados para Lipsius, Justus, 1547-1606
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
Loggerhead Caretta caretta is now the only species of marine turtle nesting on the island of Sal, Cape Verde Islands. Since 2008, ADTMA - SOS Tartarugas has patrolled all the southern beaches of the island in order to protect nesting females and to collect nesting data. Although hunting is still a major issue, with 90 turtles killed in 2009, habitat loss and light pollution are becoming an ever more serious threat. Construction sites, hotels, apartment buildings and restaurants close to beaches, bright lights and illegal removal of sand are contributing to a marked decrease in the total number of nesting turtles on some beaches. In 2009, beaches on Sal experienced an average increase in nests of 200%, while the beach most affected by construction (Tortuga Beach) saw a decrease of nests of 7.3% (from 19.1% of total number of nests in 2008 to 11.8% in 2010). This beach also recorded a much lower nest to emergence ratio than normal (17.6% of emergences resulting in nests compared to 29.9% in other areas), indicating reluctance to nest due to light pollution and other disturbances.
O presente trabalho realiza-se no quadro das exigências do regulamento da Universidade de Cabo Verde, em particular do Departamento de Ciências Socais e Humanas e artes, como forma de alargar o nosso conhecimento bem como a apresentação de um trabalho de investigação para a obtenção de grau de licenciatura na área de Educação de Infância. Com este tema pretende-se reflectir sobre a participação dos pais/encarregados de educação nas actividades realizadas na escola de zona de Boca Larga dos Órgãos.