6 resultados para Financial investments
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
A tendência, hoje em dia, é para a captação directa das poupanças aos investidores. Esta captação faz-se através da emissão de produtos financeiros. Dada a incerteza e diversidade de produtos financeiros, o investidor terá de analisar cuidadosamente as múltiplas alternativas existentes e tomar a decisão de investir de acordo com a rendibilidade que pretende obter e o nível de risco que está disposto a correr. O trabalho ora apresentado espelha uma análise dos Riscos/Rendibilidade associados aos Investimentos Financeiros tais como Depósitos a Prazos, Obrigações, Acções e Bilhetes de Tesouro, com foco nos dois primeiros. O desenvolvimento da temática foi orientado numa primeira etapa para através da pesquisa necessária a construção do referencial teórico centrado por um lado, nos conceitos associados a mercados financeiros bem como os riscos associados as transacções desses produtos financeiros nesse mercado. Mencionamos diferentes tipos de produtos financeiros transaccionados neste mercado, bem como a importância da cotação destes produtos na Bolsa de Valores. A sustentabilidade deste rico referencial teórico ficou evidenciada através de um estudo de caso de uma empresa que dedica ao comércio - geral de Materiais de Construção, partindo de uma análise gráfica comparada que irá demonstrar qual o risco e a rendibilidade que há em canalizar parte do valor aplicado no depósito a prazo para investir em obrigações do BCA emitidas em Dezembro de 2010. Nowadays the tendency is for the reception all-nighter of the savings to the investors. This reception is made through the emission of financial products. Owing to the uncertainty and diversity of financial products, the investor has to analyze carefully the multiple existent alternatives and then decide to invest according to the profitability he intends to obtain and the risk level he is willing to run. The work for now presented mirrors an analysis of the risks / profitability associated to the Financial Investments as Deposits to periods, Obligations, Shares, Tickets of Treasury, with focus in the first two. The development of the theme was guided in a first stage for through the necessary research for the construction of the theoretical referential system centered on one side, in the concepts associated to financial markets as well as the risks associated to the transactions of those financial products in that market. We referred to different types of financial products transacted in this market, as well as the importance of the quotation of these products in the stock exchange. The sustainability of this rich theoretical referential system was evidenced through a study of case of a company that dedicates to the trade of construction materials, leaving from a compared analysis that will demonstrate Which the risk and the profitability that there is in channeling part of the applied value in the deposit to period to invest in obligations of „BCA‟ emitted in December of 2010.
O aumento da competitividade das empresas caboverdeanas impõe-se sobretudo por causa do momento histórico que particularmente o país atravessa. A graduação para país de rendimento médio, a adesão à Organização Mundial de Comércio e o estatuto de parceria especial com a União Europeia constituem razões de grande vulto para as empresas nacionais e outras que empreendem no mercado caboverdeano, definirem eficazmente e eficientemente os seus processos organizacionais de forma a atingirem patamares de produtividade e performance aos níveis internacionais. A envolvente externa às empresas caboverdeanas tem sido alvo de alterações profundas com a globalização dos mercados e o novo paradigma de economia baseada no conhecimento. Para que as empresas mantenham posições competitivas são muitos os desafios que terão que superar. Inexoravelmente, terão que reorganizar e redefinir os seus processos de negócio e suas estratégias de forma coerente. Os SI/TI constituem o factor potencial de reorganização e modernização, a alavanca de diferenciação competitiva e da concretização de negócios e resultados adicionais. O objectivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento e a validação de uma metodologia de enquadramento, análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI. O procedimento proposto é fundamentado pela literatura e nas práticas das empresas cabo-verdianas e visa apoiar as empresas a atingirem estágios de performance e produtividade elevados, decorrentes da utilização optimizada dos recursos oferecidos pelos SI/TI. Porque elevadas somas de recursos financeiros são investidos em Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação e nem todos os benefícios associados são quantificáveis e dado que os riscos associados são elevados, propõe-se com este trabalho um procedimento metodológico de apoio às empresas. Esta metodologia simplificada de análise de investimentos em Sistemas e Tecnologias da Informação propõe uma abordagem científica, sólida e objectiva de avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI, visando propiciar incremento do valor acrescentado dos produtos e/ou serviços das empresas. Os resultados obtidos a partir das análises quantitativas e qualitativas elaboradas permitem retratar a prática das empresas caboverdeanas no domínio de análise e avaliação de investimentos em SI/TI e gerar inferências importantes sobre o comportamento dos responsáveis empresariais e de SI/TI. The increase in competition by the Capeverdean companies is taking place mainly because of the historic moment the country is going through. The recent nomination of Cape Verde as a medium development country, the adhesion to the WCO (World Commerce Organization) and the special partnership with the European Union are relevant reasons for the national companies and others that operate in the Capeverdean market to define efficiently their organizational processes in order to reach levels of productivity and performance comparable to the international ones. The external component of the Capeverdean companies has been undergoing deep changes with market globalization and with the new economic paradigma based on kowledge. In order to maintain their competitive position there are many challenges to overcome. Surely and steadily, they will have to reorganize and redefine their business processes and strategies in a coherent way. The IS/IT (information systems / information technologies) constitute the potential factor of reorganization and modernization, the boost-lever that will produce competitive diferentiation and concretization of businesses and additional results. The main goal of this work is development and validation of a methology of insertion, analysis and evaluation of investments in the IS/IT. The proposed procedure is fundamented by the literature and practice of the Capeverdian companies, and aims at supporting these companies so that they can reach high stages of performance and productivity due to the correct use of the resources offered by the IS/IT. As high amounts of financial resources are invested in Information Systems and Tehnologies, and because of the fact that not all associated benefits may be quantified, and since the associated risks are high, with this work we propose a methodological procedure to support these companies. This simplified analysis methodology in Information and Technologies Systems proposes a sound and objective scientific approach to evaluate investments in IS/IT aiming at providing an increase of the added value of the products and/or services supplied by these companies. The incoming results from the quantitative and qualitative analyses made will allow portraying the practice of the capeverdean companies in the domain of analysis and evaluation of investments in IS/IT and generating important inferences on the behaviour of the executives and IS/IT.
The problem of small Island Developing States (SIDS) is quite recent, end of the 80s and 90s, still looking for a theoretical consolidation. SIDS, as small states in development, formed by one or several islands geographically dispersed, present reduced population, market, territory, natural resources, including drinkable water, and, in great number of the cases, low level of economic activity, factors that together, hinder the gathering of scale economies. To these diseconomies they come to join the more elevated costs in transports and communications which, allies to lower productivities, to a smaller quality and diversification of its productions, which difficult its integration in the world economy. In some SIDS these factors are not dissociating of the few investments in infrastructures, in the formation of human resources and in productive investments, just as it happens in most of the developing countries. In ecological terms, many of them with shortage of natural resources, but integrating important ecosystems in national and world terms, but with great fragility relatively to the pollution action, of excessive fishing, of uncontrolled development of tourism, factors that, conjugated and associated to the stove effect, condition the climate and the slope of the medium level of the sea water and therefore could put in cause the own survival of some of them. The drive to the awareness of the international community towards its problems summed up with the accomplishment by the United Nations in the Barbados’s Conference, 1994 where the right to the development was emphasized, through the going up the appropriate strategies and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of the SIDS. The orientation of the regional and international cooperation in that sense, sharing technology (namely clean technology and control and administration environmental technology), information and creation of capacity-building, supplying means, including financial resources, creating non discriminatory and just trade rules, it would drive to the establishment of a world system economically more equal, in which the production, the consumption, the pollution levels, the demographic politics were guided towards the sustainability. It constituted an important step for the recognition for the international community on the specificities of those states and it allowed the definition of a group of norms and politics to implement at the national, regional and international level and it was important that they continued in the sense of the sustainable development. But this Conference had in its origin previous summits: the Summit of Rio de Janeiro about Environment and Development, accomplished in 1992, which left an important document - the Agenda 21, in the Conference of Stockholm at 1972 and even in the Conference of Ramsar, 1971 about “Wetlands.” CENTRO DE ESTUDOS AFRICANOS Occasional Papers © CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos 4 Later, the Valletta Declaration, Malta, 1998, the Forum of Small States, 2002, get the international community's attention for the problems of SIDS again, in the sense that they act to increase its resilience. If the definition of “vulnerability” was the inability of the countries to resist economical, ecological and socially to the external shocks and “resilience” as the potential for them to absorb and minimize the impact of those shocks, presenting a structure that allows them to be little affected by them, a part of the available studies, dated of the 90s, indicate that the SIDS are more vulnerable than the other developing countries. The vulnerability of SIDS results from the fact the they present an assemblage of characteristics that turns them less capable of resisting or they advance strategies that allow a larger resilience to the external shocks, either anthropogenic (economical, financial, environmental) or even natural, connected with the vicissitudes of the nature. If these vulnerability factors were grouped with the expansion of the economic capitalist system at world level, the economic and financial globalisation, the incessant search of growing profits on the part of the multinational enterprises, the technological accelerated evolution drives to a situation of disfavour of the more poor. The creation of the resilience to the external shocks, to the process of globalisation, demands from SIDS and of many other developing countries the endogen definition of strategies and solid but flexible programs of integrated development. These must be assumed by the instituted power, but also by the other stakeholders, including companies and organizations of the civil society and for the population in general. But that demands strong investment in the formation of human resources, in infrastructures, in investigation centres; it demands the creation capacity not only to produce, but also to produce differently and do international marketing. It demands institutional capacity. Cape Verde is on its way to this stage.
Este trabalho mostra que a contabilidade pode não estar a evidenciar o real valor do património das empresas (um dos seus objectivos), constatamos nos últimos tempos, que os relatórios fornecidos pela contabilidade financeira não retratam certas realidades das empresas, visto que o valor contabilístico se distancia cada vez mais do valor de mercado, principalmente nas empresas de alta tecnologia e serviços, assim sendo as demonstrações financeiras podem estar experimentando uma perda de relevância para a tomada de decisões de investimentos, de crédito e de gestão. Dentro deste contexto, ressaltamos a necessidade de a contabilidade evidenciar naquelas demonstrações tais informações para que possa divulgar aos vários utentes da informação o real valor da empresa. Visto que o Capital Intelectual é importante para as empresas, torna-se necessário relatar não só informações financeiras como também não financeiras. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo descritivo/quantitativo da empresa CVTelecom, com o objectivo de avaliar o grau de divulgação do Capital Intelectual na empresa. A principal constatação foi o seguinte: uma participação activa da empresa em divulgar o Capital Intelectual, uma forma não normalizada através da divulgação voluntária do Capital Intelectual cujo veículo de divulgação, é o Relatório de Gestão e o Balanço Social. This work shows that the Accounting cannot be evidencing the Real value of the patrimony of the enterprises (one of their objectives), we verified in the last times, that the reports supplied by the Financial Accounting don't portray certain realities of the enterprises, because the value Accounting of the enterprises go away more and more of his market value, mainly in the companies of high technology and services, soon the financial demonstrations are trying a loss of relevance for socket of decisions of investments, of credit and of administration. Inside of this context, we emphasized the need of the Accounting to evidence in the demonstrations such financial information so that it can publish to the several users of the information the Real value of the company. Because the Intellectual Capital is important for the enterprises, it becomes necessary to tell not only financial information as well as any financial. This work presents a descriptive-quantitative study of the enterprise CVtelecom, with the objective of evaluating the degree of popularization of the Intellectual Capital in the enterprise and the impact in the performance of this enterprise. The main verification was the following: A participation active of the company in publishing the Intellectual Capital in spite of being in a way no normalized but a voluntary popularization of the Intellectual Capital, whose popularization vehicle is the Report of Administration and the Social Swinging.
A Evolutec-Computer é uma empresa especializada em engenharia eletrônica, que recebeu um financiamento de uma firma internacional de acionistas, que decidiu entrar no mercado de produção de microcomputador. Por conseguinte, foi criada uma nova divisão de PC Marketing para prosseguir nesta oportunidade de negócio. A fim de iniciar essa divisão, a Cooporate Headquarters forneceu o capital inicial (dinheiro do investimento). O montante concedido seria usado para abrir escritórios de vendas, design das marcas e realizar atividades de pesquisas R&D para as novas tecnologias. A nossa empresa recebeu 500.000 USD nos primeiros quatro semestres e 5.000.000 USD no quinto semestre, somando um total de 7.000.000 USD. A Evolutec-Computer terá o controlo da divisão de PC para os próximos dois anos (8 semestres/períodos de decisão). Dentro desse prazo, a Coorporate Headquarters espera ver a criação de uma divisão autossuficiente. A equipa criada pela Evolutec terá que ser capaz de gerar proveito das operações e contribuir para o lucro da corporação como um todo. Dentro dos 8 semestres, espera-se obter lucro suficiente para cobrir os investimentos iniciais...The Evolutec-Computer is a company specialized in electronic engineering, which has received funding from an international firm shareholder, who decided to enter the PC production market. Therefore, a new PC Marketing Division was created to pursue this business opportunity. In order to start this division, the Corporate Headquarters provided the initial capital (investment money). The sum would be used to open sales offices, design brands and carry out R & D research activities for new technologies. Our company received $ 500,000 in the first four semesters and $ 5,000,000 in the fifth semester, for a total of $ 7,000,000. The Evolutec-Computer will control the PC division for the next two years (eight semesters/decision periods). Within that period, the Coorporate Headquarters hopes to see the creation of a selfsufficient division. The team set up by Evolutec will have to be able to generate profit from operations and contribute to the profit of the corporation as a whole. Within 8 semesters, is expected to make enough profit to cover the initial investment. The performance of our company will be measured by Headquarter through the Balanced Scorecard, which will be based on financial performance, effectiveness of the marketing plan, market performance, investments in the company's future and wealth creation.
This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepr This school in the course of Marketing Business Management and specifically Entrepreneurship in the discipline of Simulation - Games Marketing year was accordingly for the creation of a company in the computer business in business online simulator called Marketplace, in order to put into practice all the theoretical knowledge acquired during all previous semesters. This platform we were confronted with decisions in eight quarters corresponding 4 every year , in order to encourage learning in a practical way, a virtual and dynamic environment. Every quarter acareados with well organized tasks taking as a reference point defined strategies such as market research analysis, branding , store management after its creation , development of the policy of the 4Ps , identifying opportunities , monitoring of finances and invest heavily . All quarters were subjected decisions and are then given the results , such as: market performance , financial performance, investments in the future , the "health" of the company 's marketing efficiency then analyzed by our company , teaching and also by competition Balanced Scorecard ie , semi-annual and cumulative . For the start of activities it was awarded the 1st year a total of 2,000,000, corresponding to 500,000 out of 4 first quarter , and 5,000,000 in the fifth quarter in a total of 7,000,000 . The capital invested was used to buy market research, opening sales offices , create brands , contract sales force , advertise products created and perform activity R & D in order to make a profit and become self- sufficient to guarantee the payment of principal invested to headquarters ( Corporate Headquarters ) .