4 resultados para Emerging Technologies Committee

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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A liderança tem sido um tema central na literatura organizacional sendo definida e operacionalizada de variadíssimas formas, tendo por base funções desempenhadas e/ou comportamentos apresentados, agrupados em diversos conceitos, surgindo muitas vezes sob formas de categorias bipolares apresentadas como contraditórias. Decorrendo da complexidade do ambiente, do desempenho de competências inovadores, do desenvolvimento das sociedades, do desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias, no quadro da globalização que conquista o mundo actual, novas competências são requeridas para conduta das organizações ao contorno da crise e da condução ao sucesso. Surge a necessidade em conceptualizar a liderança tendo por base este novo paradigma. Torna-se necessário utilizar instrumentos fiáveis e adaptados ao contexto cultural e organizacional de cada país. O objectivo deste trabalho é identificar os perfis de liderança existentes em Cabo Verde, identificando ainda os atributos/valores culturais que influenciam as práticas organizacionais e os tipos de comportamentos dos líderes de Cabo Verde. Leadership has been a strong core subject on the organizational literature being defined and operationalized in several ways, and based on functions performed and/or on presented behaviours, gathered according to numerous concepts, and often emerging as bipolar categories presented as contradictory. Due to the environmental complexities, to the innovating skills performance, to the society’s development and the new technologies evolution, in the context of globalization sweeping today’s world, new competencies are required for the organizations to overcome the present crisis situation and consequently achieve success. There’s a need to create a leadership concept based on this new paradigm. It becomes necessary to use trustworthy and adapted tools to each country’s cultural and organizational context. This paper goal is to identify the Capeverdian existing leadership profile, recognizing the cultural attributes/values that may influence the organizational practices and the behaviour types found amongst the Capeverdian leaders.


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Cape Verde is an emerging nation with a truly transformational development agenda. Since achieving independence in 1975, it has evolved into a stable democracy, making considerable progress in terms of growth of gross domestic product (GDP) and income per capita, as well as on human development indicators. At the end of 2007, the country graduated from the UN’s Least-Developed Country (LDC) Group, and in 2008 it acceded to the World Trade Organization (WTO).


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Today, information technology is strategically important to the goals and aspirations of the business enterprises, government and high-level education institutions – university. Universities are facing new challenges with the emerging global economy characterized by the importance of providing faster communication services and improving the productivity and effectiveness of individuals. New challenges such as provides an information network that supports the demands and diversification of university issues. A new network architecture, which is a set of design principles for build a network, is one of the pillar bases. It is the cornerstone that enables the university’s faculty, researchers, students, administrators, and staff to discover, learn, reach out, and serve society. This thesis focuses on the network architecture definitions and fundamental components. Three most important characteristics of high-quality architecture are that: it’s open network architecture; it’s service-oriented characteristics and is an IP network based on packets. There are four important components in the architecture, which are: Services and Network Management, Network Control, Core Switching and Edge Access. The theoretical contribution of this study is a reference model Architecture of University Campus Network that can be followed or adapted to build a robust yet flexible network that respond next generation requirements. The results found are relevant to provide an important complete reference guide to the process of building campus network which nowadays play a very important role. Respectively, the research gives university networks a structured modular model that is reliable, robust and can easily grow.


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Ce mémoire est l’occasion de partager le résultat de la mise en place de ce dispositif de formation à distance que nous avons mené dans l’université du Cap-Vert. Dans la première partie, nous décrirons la nature de la politique éducative au Cap-Vert. Nous contextualiserons les principes de l’installation de l’université publique dans ce pays, ainsi que les intentions d’innovation pédagogique de cette université. La deuxième partie portera un regard complémentaire sur l’utilisation des TIC et de l’internet dans l’enseignement/apprentissage d’une langue, cas du français langue étrangère, et nous nous inspirerons des théories constructiviste et socio-constructiviste. Finalement, la troisième partie détaillera toutes les étapes de la conception et de la mise en place du dispositif de formation à distance. Dans cette troisième partie, nous aborderons dans un premier temps la question des enjeux et des risques du e-Learning et nous présenterons notre mission dans le projet « e-Learning.cv » mené par l’université. Puis, dans un deuxième temps nous analyserons quelques cours que nous avons mis en ligne, en sachant qu’un cours en ligne n’est pas la simple reproduction d’un support pédagogique imprimé mais il offre à l’apprenant un environnement multimédia et interactif. Finalement dans un troisième temps nous essayerons de prendre un peu de recul pour faire une analyse critique de ce que nous avons réalisé et essayer par là même de dégager les perspectives pour améliorer le travail effectué.