8 resultados para Disasters risk management

em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde


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É indubitável que o sistema financeiro é parte integrante de qualquer sociedade. Através da sua função de intermediação, as instituições financeiras recebem recursos dos agentes superavitários e emprestam aos agentes deficitários mediante promessa de pagamento futuro. Num banco, que tem intermediação financeira como sua principal actividade, o crédito consiste em disponibilizar ao cliente recursos em valores sob a forma de financiamento e ou empréstimo mediante uma promessa de pagamento numa data acordada entre as partes. A discussão e implementação dos acordos de BASILEIA, nomeadamente o Basileia II, veio dar uma nova forma a esse relacionamento sector bancário/clientes determinando as regras no que respeita a concessão de crédito e gestão de risco, estabelecendo os limites de crédito associado ao grau de risco das operações. Surge então, por parte das instituições uma maior preocupação em gerir o crédito e os riscos inerentes a cada operação, apostando em ferramentas e metodologias adequadas ao processo creditício. As instituições bancárias passam a criar departamentos de risco, colocando a gestão de crédito e de risco nas mãos de profissionais especializados, agindo sob regras e padrões internacionais uniformizados. There is no doubt that the financial system is an integral part of any society. Through their intermediary role, financial institutions receive funds from surplus agents and lend to deficit agents, with promises of future payment. Banks, with their primary activity being the financial intermediation, the credit is provided to customers in the form of funding or loans and a promise of payment on a date agreed between the parties. The discussion and implementation of the Basel Accord, Basel II in particular, has given a new form to that relationship banking/customer, setting out the rules regarding the granting of credit and risk management, establishing credit limits associated with the degree of risk of operations. Banking institutions got more and more concerned with credit and risk management, in all of their operations, using tools and methodologies that are designed to meet the needs of crediting processes. Banking institutions are creating departments of risk, putting the management of credit risk in the hands of trained professionals, acting under internationally uniform rules and standards


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O reconhecimento e mensuração do rédito tornaram-se cada vez mais complexos devido a factores como a concorrência internacional e a rápida evolução dos modelos empresariais. O rédito é a componente do rendimento proveniente da actividade operacional da empresa, daí ser de suprema importância determinar-se o momento em que o mesmo deve ser reconhecido bem como os critérios adequados para mensurá-lo. Neste trabalho debruçamo-nos sobre os processos de reconhecimento e mensuração do rédito. Este trabalho foi elaborado em duas partes, na primeira, efectuou-se uma revisão às normas de referência ao tratamento do rédito, com o objectivo de esclarecer algumas questões que suscitam grandes dúvidas, quer no meio académico, quer no meio profissional como é o exemplo do tratamento a dar ao rédito proveniente dos contratos de construção de imóveis numa empresa do ramo imobiliário. Na segunda parte do trabalho, elaborou-se um estudo de caso sobre a empresa TECNICIL Imobiliária, precisamente para verificar na prática o tratamento dado ao rédito proveniente dos acordos de construção levados a cabo por esta entidade. E desse estudo podemos concluir que a entidade não observa o tratamento prescrito pelas normas de referência, particularmente a IFRIC 15 – Acordos para Construção de Imóveis e IAS 18 – Rédito. There is no doubt that the financial system is an integral part of any society. Through their intermediary role, financial institutions receive funds from surplus agents and lend to deficit agents, with promises of future payment. Banks, with their primary activity being the financial intermediation, the credit is provided to customers in the form of funding or loans and a promise of payment on a date agreed between the parties. The discussion and implementation of the Basel Accord, Basel II in particular, has given a new form to that relationship banking/customer, setting out the rules regarding the granting of credit and risk management, establishing credit limits associated with the degree of risk of operations. Banking institutions got more and more concerned with credit and risk management, in all of their operations, using tools and methodologies that are designed to meet the needs of crediting processes. Banking institutions are creating departments of risk, putting the management of credit risk in the hands of trained professionals, acting under internationally uniform rules and standards.


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A análise de risco de crédito na actividade bancária é um tema bastante discutido no contexto das decisões das instituições financeiras. O presente estudo tem como objectivo demonstrar o processo de análise de crédito e avaliação do risco em instituições bancárias, evidenciando a utilização do modelo de rating. A implementação do acordo de Basileia veio dar uma nova forma ao relacionamento do sector bancário para com os seus clientes, estabelecendo regras no que respeita à concessão de crédito e avaliação do risco. Com isto as instituições passaram a ter uma maior preocupação em gerir o crédito e o risco inerentes a cada operação, apostando em ferramentas metodológicas adequadas ao processo creditício. As instituições bancárias acabaram por criar departamentos de risco, colocando a gestão de crédito e de risco nas mãos de profissionais especializados, agindo sobre regras e padrões internacionais uniformes. De realçar que o processo de análise de crédito envolve diversas etapas, cujo objectivo é avaliar o risco de incumprimento associado ao tomador de crédito, bem como suas consequências junto de quem concede o crédito. O rating de crédito é um instrumento cujo objectivo é atribuir uma nota que sintetiza o risco de incumprimento no pagamento de crédito, com o objectivo de reduzir a subjectividade associada ao processo de avaliação do risco. Da pesquisa realizada, constatou-se perante entrevistas junto das instituições bancárias locais que o modelo de rating ainda não é muito utilizado no nosso mercado bancário, e os que o utilizam tomam-no apenas como um indicador de risco. Segundo os entrevistados a realidade das PME’s Cabo-Verdianas não é adequada para a implementação de um modelo tão objectivo. The analysis of credit risk in banking activity is a widely discussed topic, and within the context of decisions of financial institutions. The present study aims to demonstrate the process of credit analysis and risk assessment in banking institutions, evidencing the use of internal rating model. The implementation of Basel II Accord has given a new shape to the relationship of the banking sector with its customers, establishing rules regarding the granting of credit and risk assessment. Consequently, institutions now have a greater concern in managing credit and the risk inherent to each transaction, relying on methodological tools that are appropriate to the credit process. The banks end up creating risk departments, placing credit risk management in the hands of skilled professionals that act conforming to international rules and standards. It should be noted that the credit analysis process involves several steps, aiming at assessing the default risk associated with credit borrower, and its consequences to whom grants credit. The credit rating is a process with the objective of assigning a grade, which summarizes the risk of default in payment of credit, in order to reduce the subjectivity associated with the process of risk assessment. The survey undertaken through interviews with local banking institutions showed that the rating model is not yet widely used in our banking market, and that the banks that actually use it, only do it as an indicator of risk. According to those interviewed, the reality of SMEs in Cape Verde is not suitable for the implementation of a model with such objectivity.


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Este trabalho busca analisar o contributo da Auditoria Interna na melhoria da gestão de riscos de uma empresa cabo-verdiana. Auditoria Interna é uma ferramenta importante e eficaz para a melhoria da gestão de riscos da empresa pois, ela identifica e avalia áreas que requeiram atenção especial, identifica problemas e insuficiências que careçam de solução e a partir daí, propõe medidas com vista a eliminar ou atenuar as principais deficiências detetadas. Ela proporciona vantagens imprescindíveis como eficácia do controlo interno, simplificação do trabalho do auditor externo, proteção do património da empresa contra actos indesejáveis e a própria melhoria no desempenho dos órgãos da gestão. É o suporte necessário dos órgãos da administração para auxiliá-los na melhoria da gestão e minimização dos riscos, identificando áreas críticas e sugerindo correções que proporciona melhores resultados à organização a nível geral, contribuindo para uma gestão de riscos eficaz. This paper analyzes the contribution of internal audit in improving risk management of a Cape Verdean company. Internal Audit is an important and effective tool for improving risk management company, because it identifies and appraise sections that require special attention, identifies problems and weaknesses that require solution and thereafter, proposes measures to eliminate or mitigate major deficiencies. It provides essential advantages as effectiveness of internal control, simplifying the work of the external auditor, the company's heritage protection against undesirable acts and the very organ improvement in performance management. It is the necessary support of government agencies to assist them in improving the management and minimizing risk, identifying critical sections and suggesting corrections that the organization gives better results at a general level, contributing to effective risk management.


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A gestão das Instituições de Ensino Superior está a ser repensada num contexto de globalização tendo em conta a missão destas, a responsabilidade e a sua cultura (ou culturas), impondo-se novos modelos de gestão e governação. A Qualidade e a Responsabilidade Social do Ensino Superior constituem um tema pertinente e actual. As transformações estruturais que as sociedades atravessam aconselham e justificam da parte do Ensino Superior uma atitude consentânea com as necessidades daquelas. Os desafios que, as Instituições de Ensino Superior enfrentam, exigem novas perspectivas estratégicas e nova visão perante cenários de incerteza que surgem a nível mundial, desempenhando a liderança um papel fundamental na qualidade destas instituições. Neste sentido, lança-se no presente estudo, a seguinte questão: Que Modelos de Gestão e Governação contribuem para a melhoria da Qualidade no Ensino Superior? A metodologia utilizada para a realização deste estudo passa pelo delineamento de uma estratégia com cinco fases: elaboração de um plano ajustável à evolução do trabalho, levantamento do estado da arte de uma forma gradual, trabalho de pesquisa e criação, escrita da tese e análise crítica e reflexão. Para além de outros aspectos relevantes no domínio do Ensino Superior, foram estudados diversos modelos, Modelos de Excelência, modelos para implementação de Sistemas de Gestão da Qualidade, Gestão Ambiental, Gestão da Segurança e Saúde do Trabalho, Gestão de Risco; entre outros. Criaram-se diversos Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social neste contexto e foi feito um estudo piloto no âmbito da Responsabilidade Social em Instituições de Ensino Superior. Por último, destacaram-se as conclusões que decorrem do estudo piloto efectuado, bem como reflexões que surgem da investigação teórica realizada. O estudo piloto efectuado permitiu concluir, por exemplo, que existem indícios de algum alheamento no seio das Instituições às temáticas relacionadas com os princípios éticos e com a educação ambiental. Por outro lado, uma grande parte dos indivíduos inquiridos disseram não ter qualquer opinião quando confrontados com questões sobre Participação Social Responsável, Investigação Socialmente Útil e Gestão Social do Conhecimento. Conclui-se que as questões para as pessoas ainda são muito vagas, daí que, faça sentido o debate de todas estas questões, bem como estudos que contribuam para uma mudança de paradigma relativamente à educação, e em particular no Ensino Superior, com vista à qualidade, num sentido abrangente.


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The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.


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The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.


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The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.