5 resultados para Conring, Herrmann, 1606-1681.
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
O presente trabalho realiza-se no quadro das exigências do regulamento da Universidade de Cabo Verde, em particular do Departamento de Ciências Socais e Humanas e artes, como forma de alargar o nosso conhecimento bem como a apresentação de um trabalho de investigação para a obtenção de grau de licenciatura na área de Educação de Infância. Com este tema pretende-se reflectir sobre a participação dos pais/encarregados de educação nas actividades realizadas na escola de zona de Boca Larga dos Órgãos.
Cape Verde, located off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where a combination of human, climatic, geomorphologic and pedologic factors has led to extensive degradation of the soils. Like other Sahelian countries, Cape Verde has suffered the effects of desertification through the years, threatening the livelihood of the islands population and its fragile environment. In fact, the steep slopes in the ore agricultural islands, together with semi-arid and arid environments, characterized by an irregular and poorly distributed rainy season, with high intensity rainfall events, make dryland production a challenge. To survive in these fragile conditions, the stabilization of the farming systems and the maintenance of sustainable yields have become absolute priorities, making the islands an erosion control laboratory. Soil and water conservation strategies have been a centerpiece of the government0s agricultural policies for the last half century. Aiming to maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil, the successive governments of Cape Verde have implemented a number of soil and water conservation techniques, the most common ones being terraces, half moons, live barriers, contour rock walls, contour furrows and microcatchments, check dams and reforestation with drought resistant species. The soil and water conservation techniques implemented have contributed to the improvement of the economical and environmental conditions of the treated landscape, making crop production possible, consequently, improving the livelihood of the people living on the islands. In this paper, we survey the existing soil and water conservation techniques, analyze their impact on the livelihood condition of the population through a thorough literature review and field monitoring using a semi-quantitative methodology and evaluate their effectiveness and impact on crop yield in the Ribeira Seca watershed. A brief discussion is given on the cost and effectiveness of the techniques to reduce soil erosion and to promote rainfall infiltration. Finally, we discuss the critical governance factors that lead to the successful implementation of such strategy in a country with scarce natural resources.
In the present study we are going to analyze the development of the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation in relation to national groups (Portuguese as ingroup and Cape-Verdeans, Brazilian and Chinese as outgroups) in Portuguese children with ages between 6 and 10 years (60 participants with 6/7 years and 60 participants with 9/10 years). The first aim of this research was to examine whether the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation changes according to the age groups. We started from the idea that the age groups would show ingroup preference. However in relation to negativity outgroup it was expected to be less evident. The second aim of this study was to examine if the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation would be relatively independent, or if they would be related to each other, so that positive perceptions of national ingroup were associated with negative perceptions of national outgroups (in particular, Cape-Verde, Brazilian and Chinese). In a nut Shell, the results confirmed the hypotheses, and in both age groups, the children showed ingroup preference, the negativism of the outgroup was less obvious in the Brazilian group but not in the others (Cape-Verdeans and Chinese). Regarding the relation between the preference for the ingroup and the negativity of the outgroup we realized that these are relatively independent. As a result, we found that the ingroup favoritism is not related with outgroup derogation, it means that, positive perceptions of the ingroup are not related with negative perceptions of the outgroups.
In the present study we are going to analyze the development of the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation in relation to national groups (Portuguese as ingroup and Cape-Verdeans, Brazilian and Chinese as outgroups) in Portuguese children with ages between 6 and 10 years (60 participants with 6/7 years and 60 participants with 9/10 years). The first aim of this research was to examine whether the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation changes according to the age groups. We started from the idea that the age groups would show ingroup preference. However in relation to negativity outgroup it was expected to be less evident. The second aim of this study was to examine if the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation would be relatively independent, or if they would be related to each other, so that positive perceptions of national ingroup were associated with negative perceptions of national outgroups (in particular, Cape-Verde, Brazilian and Chinese). In a nut Shell, the results confirmed the hypotheses, and in both age groups, the children showed ingroup preference, the negativism of the outgroup was less obvious in the Brazilian group but not in the others (Cape-Verdeans and Chinese). Regarding the relation between the preference for the ingroup and the negativity of the outgroup we realized that these are relatively independent. As a result, we found that the ingroup favoritism is not related with outgroup derogation, it means that, positive perceptions of the ingroup are not related with negative perceptions of the outgroups.
No presente estudo vamos analisar o desenvolvimento do favoritismo endogrupal e do “derogation” (desvalorização) exogrupal em relação a grupos nacionais (portugueses como endogrupo e cabo-verdianos, brasileiros e chineses como exogrupos) em crianças portuguesas com idades compreendidas entre os 6 e os 10 anos (60 participantes com 6/7 anos e 60 participantes com 9/10 anos). O primeiro objectivo desta investigação consistiu em examinar se o favoritismo endogrupal e o “derogation” exogrupal variam em função de grupos etários. Partimos da ideia de que os grupos etários evidenciariam preferência endogrupal. Já em relação à negatividade exogrupal era esperado que fosse menos evidente. O segundo objectivo deste estudo foi examinar se o favoritismo endogrupal e o “derogation” exogrupal seriam relativamente independentes, ou se estariam reciprocamente relacionados, de modo que percepções positivas do endogrupo nacional estivessem associadas com percepções negativas dos exogrupos nacionais (em particular, cabo-verdianos, brasileiros e chineses). Os resultados confirmaram as hipóteses, assim em ambos os grupos etários as crianças evidenciaram preferência endogrupal, a negatividade do exogrupo, foi apenas menos evidente para o exogrupo brasileiros e não para os restantes (cabo-verdianos e chineses). Relativamente à relação entre a preferência pelo endogrupo e a negatividade do exogrupo verificou-se que estas são relativamente independentes. Assim verificou-se que o favoritismo endogrupal não está relacionado com a desvalorização exogrupal, ou seja, percepções positivas do endogrupo não estão relacionadas com percepções negativas dos exogrupos.