3 resultados para Alchornea Sw.
em Portal do Conhecimento - Ministerio do Ensino Superior Ciencia e Inovacao, Cape Verde
We present a comparative analysis of satellite derived climatologies in the Cape Verde region (CV). In order to establish chlorophyll a variability, in relation to other oceanographic phenomena, a set of, relatively long (from five to eight years), time series of chlorophyll a, sea surface temperature, wind and geostrophic currents, were ensembled for the Eastern Central Atlantic (ECA). We studied seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton concentration, in relation to the rest of the variables, with a special focus in CV. We compared the situation within the archipelago with those of the surrounding marine environments, such as the North West African Upwelling (NWAU), North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASTG), North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and Guinea Dome (GD). At the seasonal scale, CV region behaves partly as the surrounding areas, nevertheless, some autochthonous features were also found. The maximum peak of the pigment having a positive correlation with temperature is found at the end of the year for all the points in the archipelago; a less remarkable rise with negative correlation is also detected in February for points CV2 and CV4. This is behavior that none of the surrounding environments have shown. This enrichment was found to be preceded by a drastic drop in wind intensity (SW Monsoon) during summer months. The inter-annual analysis shows a tendency for decreasing of the chlorophyll a concentration.
We present a comparative analysis of satellite derived climatologies in the Cape Verde region (CV). In order to establish chlorophyll a variability, in relation to other oceanographic phenomena, a set of, relatively long (from five to eight years), time series of chlorophyll a, sea surface temperature, wind and geostrophic currents, were ensembled for the Eastern Central Atlantic (ECA). We studied seasonal and inter-annual variability of phytoplankton concentration, in relation to the rest of the variables, with a special focus in CV. We compared the situation within the archipelago with those of the surrounding marine environments, such as the North West African Upwelling (NWAU), North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (NASTG), North Equatorial Counter Current (NECC) and Guinea Dome (GD). At the seasonal scale, CV region behaves partly as the surrounding areas, nevertheless, some autochthonous features were also found. The maximum peak of the pigment having a positive correlation with temperature is found at the end of the year for all the points in the archipelago; a less remarkable rise with negative correlation is also detected in February for points CV2 and CV4. This is behavior that none of the surrounding environments have shown. This enrichment was found to be preceded by a drastic drop in wind intensity (SW Monsoon) during summer months. The inter-annual analysis shows a tendency for decreasing of the chlorophyll a concentration.
Santiago faz parte do grupo de ilhas de sotavento do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. Possui uma superfície de 991 km2, sendo a maior ilha de Cabo Verde. Apresenta um alongamento no sentido SE-NW de cerca de 55 km e uma largura estimada em 37 km. Da sua morfologia evidenciam-se as achadas (superfícies de feição planáltica), as encostas ou vertentes, os vales das ribeiras, e os maciços montanhosos e os montescolinas (Dinis e Matos, 1985). Os maciços montanhosos de Serra da Malagueta e de Pico de Antónia repartem a ilha em duas partes distintas: a fachada orientada a E-NE e a fachada virada a W-SW. Esses dois maciços exercem grandes influências sobre as condições climatéricas da ilha. A fachada exposta a leste possui um relevo muito mais movimentado que determina uma rede hidrográfica muito densa. É beneficiada, contrariamente à fachada ocidental, por valores pluviométricos relativamente elevados e pela humidade transportada pelos ventos húmidos de nordeste. Este quadro morfológico e fisiográfico justifica a concentração dos recursos biológicos, particularmente a vegetação e flora, e das terras ocupadas com agricultura de sequeiro, na fachada oriental. Com uma população, estimada em 236.352 habitantes (censos, 2000), Santiago detém cerca de 54% da população de Cabo Verde. O meio rural ainda continua com uma densidade popucional relativamente elevada. A competição entre a agricultura de sequeiro e a vegetação natural é mais evidente nas zonas mais beneficiadas pelas chuvas e humidade, como Serra da Malagueta, Serra de Pico de Antónia, Rui Vaz, entre outras. Não obstante à pressão da agricultura e pecuária, essas zonas ainda detém valores de vegetação e flora que merecem ser contemplados com acções de conservação.