67 resultados para Diagonal aberta
Trata-se de uma dissertação de mestrado, fruto de uma pesquisa teórico-empírica desenvolvida em Cabo Verde, cujo objecto incide sobre a análise sectorial da educação no contexto do desenvolvimento nacional, procurando analisar o processo de intervenção neste domínio, a fim de se avaliar efectivamente o contributo da educação para o desenvolvimento da República de Cabo Verde. Com o intuito de fortalecer o quadro teórico-conceptual, procurou-se levar a cabo uma reflexão profunda em torno de três conceitos-chave: Educação, Desenvolvimento e Intervenção, para que se pudesse proporcionar uma melhor compreensão do objecto de estudo. A selecção e tratamento dos diferentes temas têm essencialmente como referencial teórico a área disciplinar de Sociologia nos seus domínios específicos, com particular atenção para a Educação, Política, Desenvolvimento e a Intervenção, como se pode constatar, na tentativa de dar uma maior consistência à parte prática deste trabalho. As unidades de análise demonstrarão as variáveis mais expressivas, relativamente à realidade do sector educacional e às dinâmicas de desenvolvimento por que tem passado o país, de forma a mensurar as políticas de intervenção e de administração educacional face ao contexto de constrangimentos e recursos existentes ao longo dos anos. Uma vez que Cabo Verde, geograficamente, se trata de uma sub-região no contexto do Continente Africano, fez-se uma análise sectorial sobre África nos seus principais aspectos, sem se esquecer da educação e saúde no contexto do desenvolvimento. Do ponto de vista metodológico, recorreu-se essencialmente ao material de análise documental, para se fazer uma avaliação dos indicadores de evolução educacional em comparação com os índices gerais de desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde, passando a traços largos, pelos períodos colonial e pós-colonial, chegando efectivamente aos anos recentes do séc. XXI. Em alguns casos, baseou-se nas 4 entrevistas exploratórias, na medida em que o objecto de estudo também se circunscreveu ao campo mais restrito (Concelho de S. Lourenço dos Órgãos), para se avaliar o impacto local da “Educação – Desenvolvimento” em Cabo Verde. Do ponto de vista dos resultados, atendendo aos índices gerais de evolução analisados, é de realçar a forte intervenção no sector da educação e o real contributo deste mesmo sector no processo de desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde, fazendo ressalvar a clássica perspectiva que defende a Educação como sector-chave, recurso básico e insubstituível na promoção e desenvolvimento das capacidades pessoais e sociais, dotando o cidadão de autonomia e cidadania responsável, de acordo com as oportunidades. Entretanto, constatou-se entraves e desequilíbrios no quadro da administração e gestão educacional em Cabo Verde, dado a persistência de uma discrepância dicotómica: quantitativo/qualitativo, igualdade/desigualdade na promoção da educação. O quantitativo na maior parte das vezes é o mais expressivo em relação aos indicadores qualitativos aquando da medição do nível de desenvolvimento nacional. As dificuldades inerentes à distribuição dos recursos educativos à escala nacional estarão na origem das assimetrias regionais constatadas, tanto no âmbito das ofertas educativas, como no dos resultados conseguidos em termos de contributo da educação. Ao longo dos anos, as desigualdades e o elevado nível de centralização do sistema educativo terão suscitado a separação entre escola e comunidade (inexistência da rede escolar). A intervenção socioeducativa nas comunidades locais ainda é diminuta devido à acentuada dose do centralismo na administração educacional. O Caso do concelho de S. Lourenço dos Órgãos é o reflexo desta problemática. Deste modo, refira-se que, as ofertas não são acompanhadas regularmente pelo processo interventivo nos domínios políticos e sociais, com vista a reduzir as demandas existentes. Por outro lado, e de uma forma geral, desde a Independência ao presente, a intervenção estatal tem sido cada vez mais eficiente, contando também com a contribuição da sociedade civil em geral. Este facto revela a importância acrescida que o sector educacional tem assumido e, por conseguinte, o contributo que também tem dado a outros subsistemas de desenvolvimento em Cabo Verde.
abstract: Cape Verde is a country of bilingual characteristics, where coexist two languages: the mother tongue – the Creole of Cape Verde (CCV) or the Capeverdian Language (LCV) and the Non Maternal language – the Portuguese that is the official language and, therefore, the language used in the process of education and learning. This situation generates conflicts so much to linguistic level as to cultural level. The two languages presents some lexical resemblances, what drives, many times, to misconceptions and linguistics errors that complicate children in the learning, in particular, of reading that constitute the base for the learning of others knowledge. The learning of reading, in the Non Maternal language, requires a development of the oral language in Portuguese Language, which stimulates the reasoning of the child through playful exercises and cognitivists and construtivists approaches. In this way, the competences of phonological processing in the acquisition of the competences of reading are important for the discrimination of written text and favor the learning and the development of reading. The child, through the discovery, begins to elaborate concepts in the way to obtain a relation with the written language, by functional form. Adopting a methodology of case study and through questionnaires, direct observation and collect of documentary information, this dissertation presents and analyzes connected aspects to the literacy of capeverdian children in the beginning of the schooling and to the learning of reading as basic support for the learning of Non Maternal language. The subsidies collected by the study, presented in this dissertation will contribute for the education progress of reading and, also, for implement successfully the learning of reading of the students, developing to practical of reading and the expectations in uncover the multiplicity of the dimensions of experience in that domain and contribute for a relative comprehension of written and reading modes.
The process of changes that have been taking place in contemporary world reaches undoubtedly to the public sector. The quest for a new public management, that seeks to provide quality and effective services to the citizens, has been the target of contemporary State. Within this framework, the study of people inside publics organizations becomes strategic. Knowledge is generated, processed, and communicated at great speed, taking society to adopt new approaches. In order to meet the challenges of the new millennium, organizations must thing more of people and, above all, they must be more concerned with creating incentives that can motivate their collaborators to achieve not only the objectives of the organization but also personal objectives of each individual, since there is no point in gaining profit and having productivity if the organization do not develop policies and practices that focus on the human being. Motivation implies accomplishment feelings and professional recognition, expressed by means of executing tasks and activities that are sufficiently challenging and meaningful to the job. The truth is that the adoption of a public management focused on quality requires changes in organization culture, requiring mainly motivation, which leads to efforts, dedication, persistence, and commitment. This work is intended to research motivation as a tool to achieve productivity and excellence in the performance of activities in Cape Verdean Public Administration. To achieve the aim of this work, a bibliographical research on Human Resources Administration as well as different theories related to work motivation in organizations was conducted. The inquisitive method was used based upon a written questionnaire aimed at obtaining data referring to motivation of Public Administration workers.
This research project has as main objective the design of a project to raise awareness and environmental education in the area of prevention of the urban waste production by focusing on the presentation of a methodological proposal to incorporate this theme in the Course Curriculum of the Basic Education in Cape Verde. The study aimed beyond the project design, the preparation of a guide and a set of activities, instruments to be used by the educational community and more directly by the teachers of the Basic Education (EB) of Cape Verde for knowledge construction in study area and promove the development of skills of those teachers in terms of planning activities for waste prevention. The realized work included visits to various sources of information considered relevant, the application and validation of some activities in the population testing process using the technique of participant observation. This research involved the collaboration of the educational community of Praia namely the BE teachers, Pedagogical team teaching and Promoters of the new BE Curriculum. The study made a contribution in the view of the definition of the methodology of the work project and the assessment tool in order to reflect on the work process and its subsequent correction / improvement of future operations. We also present a proposal of monitoring and evaluation instrument of the project which will be applied during the implementation phase. Its use will enable the school community to improve their practices and will facilitate the involvement of the educational community taking into consideration an environmental sustainability
In the present study we are going to analyze the development of the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation in relation to national groups (Portuguese as ingroup and Cape-Verdeans, Brazilian and Chinese as outgroups) in Portuguese children with ages between 6 and 10 years (60 participants with 6/7 years and 60 participants with 9/10 years). The first aim of this research was to examine whether the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation changes according to the age groups. We started from the idea that the age groups would show ingroup preference. However in relation to negativity outgroup it was expected to be less evident. The second aim of this study was to examine if the ingroup favoritism and outgroup derogation would be relatively independent, or if they would be related to each other, so that positive perceptions of national ingroup were associated with negative perceptions of national outgroups (in particular, Cape-Verde, Brazilian and Chinese). In a nut Shell, the results confirmed the hypotheses, and in both age groups, the children showed ingroup preference, the negativism of the outgroup was less obvious in the Brazilian group but not in the others (Cape-Verdeans and Chinese). Regarding the relation between the preference for the ingroup and the negativity of the outgroup we realized that these are relatively independent. As a result, we found that the ingroup favoritism is not related with outgroup derogation, it means that, positive perceptions of the ingroup are not related with negative perceptions of the outgroups.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The management of Higher Education Institutions is being rethought, with the mission and culture of the institutions changing due to globalization, resulting in new models of management and governance. The quality of Higher Education and its obligations to society are of current importance. The structural changes that the society has gone through requires a response in higher education that matches the changing needs of the society. Higher Education Institutions require new perspectives and a new strategic vision to cope with the uncertainty arising at a global scale, and this plays a role in their quality and whether they are leading institutions. Thus the following question arises: Which forms of management and governance contribute to the improvement of quality in higher education? The methodology for this study was designed with five stages: preparation of a plan of work within the thesis, the gradual progression to understanding the up-to-date understanding of Higher Education Research, generating research hypotheses and creating further understanding, writing the thesis with critical analysis and reflection. In addition to other relevant issues in higher education, different models were studied: Models of excellence, Models for implementation of Quality Management Systems, Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management, Risk Management, among others. Several indicators of Social Responsibility were created in this context and a pilot study was conducted in the area of Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions. Finally the conclusions resulting from the pilot study are presented and questions arising from the theoretical research are discussed. For example, the pilot study showed that there are indicators of a lack of understanding within the institutions to issues related to ethical and environmental education. Moreover, a large proportion of respondents said individuals have no opinion when confronted with questions on Responsible Social Involvement and Social Research and Social Management of Useful Knowledge. It is concluded that people have a vague awareness of these issues, so these concepts are new to them.
The traditional analysis of tourism, having in mind only its economic impacts has been shown to be reductive and insufficient to explain the numerous and versatile modifications these can and will stimulate in a society at many levels, e.g. socially, culturally, politically and in the environment. The complexity of touristic activities and the insufficient measuring instruments that can provide exact data about these, gives terrain to the emergence of myths and value judgments around the effects in countries where tourism is a reality. This study aims at understanding how the impacts of tourism are grasped by the local community in Sal island – Cape Verde – convinced as we are that a quality and sustainable touristic offer can only be done by trialing the population, and involving them in the planning, managing and monitoring processes. The analysis of the perception of the impacts of touristic activities by the population tells us a lot about the levels of satisfaction of such communities towards the way in which the touristic development has been carried out in their surroundings. This study has been made through the inquiry of 231 locals, by means of a questionnaire, that showed that the population in this island has a very clear conscience of the impacts of tourism in their day-to-day lives. Conclusions drawn are that the negative economic and social impacts are greater than the positive; the cultural and environmental impacts are not so significant, and that the people feel that their voice has not been heard in what planning touristic activities is concerned. Nevertheless, they have high expectations regarding tourism as a way of ameliorating their life conditions. The inexistence of a linear behavior of impacts of touristic activities in the receptive countries and a perfect and adjustable model for tourism development make these countries delineate new politics aiming at the sustainability and the creation of conditions that help them monitor and mitigate its negative impacts.
This study, now on presentation, comes as a result of a special relationship established with East Timor. Not necessarily through the several historical presences in that territory but, above all, through the emotional and personal relationships with some of the political and religious leaders of this young country. An invitation, made in 2007 by Xanana Gusmão, led us throughout the whole territory in a short time of three weeks, running the summer of 2008. Its purpose was the analysis, on the ground, of the possibility of installing local administration in a country which had recently became independent. Timor, as a result of its history, but mostly of the anthropological characteristics of its people, is an openly multicultural nation. The ancestral origins of their communities, its scattered kingdoms that spray along such a small territory, its leaders and many dialects, associated with the long portuguese presence, as well as other occupations made by foreign countries, especially Indonesia, became a cultural melting pot truly unique. Here and there we heard the people and interviewed and met the 432 local elected leaders of the country. We interviewed village elders and meet with politicians, priests, teachers and journalists. We have interpreted, or tried to, the actual conditions and cautions that must be observed in preparing the legal framework to govern the municipality in East Timor: its elective, functional, financial and oversight aspects. We have reviewed Timor’s history and took Cape Verde’s example as an international reference on its public administration, mostly its local authorities. We made also the obvious reference to the portuguese local government’s history. From search, and much of the observed and studied, remains a selfless contribution to the implementation of local government in East Timor, with alerts that incorporate conclusions and suggestions.
The main purpose of an Experimental Design resides mainly in the search for relationships between variables and in comparing levels of factors, using statistical treatment of collected data. The use of blocks in Experimental Design is essential because it allows reducing or eliminating the variability introduced by factors that can influence the experience but are not of main interest and/or were not explicitly included during experiments. In this work we present the results of the study and research of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (BIBD), Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with repeated blocks (BIBDR) and the Incomplete Blocks Designs with blocks with different dimensions (VBBD). We explore some properties and construction methods of such designs and illustrate, when possible, with examples. Based on Block Designs, we present an application of BIBDR in Education, with the aim of comparing five domains of algebraic thinking in a sample of 1st year students of higher education in Cape Verde. For the analysis of sample data, the software R was used, version 2.12.1. We observed that significant differences exist between some of the domains of algebraic thinking, especially among the domains of Generalization of Arithmetic and Algebraic Technicality with the remaining areas. For a more representative sample, we recommend a bigger sample consisting of students from all higher institutions of Cape Verde.
Several studies point to the plurality of care systems to deal with illness. They can be organized into professional, popular and alternative systems (the latter includes the complementary and the traditional ones). What the particular setup is in each cultural system is the core question of both the empirical studies we report. The purpose of this article is to understand how lay people deal with mental illness, examining the therapeutic itineraries that are constructed between plural care systems, featuring in particular the use of traditional medicine. The analysis of the two studies (one carried out in the north region and the other in Lisbon) allowed us to interpret these practices and discuss the social and cultural factors that determine and explain the settings that were found. Both researches fit into a qualitative methodology. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were performed and were analyzed using discourse analysis to describe and interpret data. The results point to a plurality of therapeutic itineraries, built around public and private speeches, where the explanatory systems underlying the use of official medicine and/or traditional practices found plural meanings. People may use these systems in several forms, using one or combining more than one, simultaneously or sequentially, depending on the context and on the needs they feel to face both illness and mental suffering. It is in between the space of the impotence and ‘incompetence’ of the ‘wise’ medicine that other therapeutic systems develop. It is important to understand those systems because of their achievements and their heuristic power to explain society and culture.
O objectivo do estudo foi o de verificar o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa em jovens, adultos, idosos e jovens negros. Pretendia-se verificar se o sorriso contribui para os traços diferenciais entre os grupos humanos em estudo e se o mesmo era descritor de género. O estudo envolveu um delineamento transversal analítico ou estudo não-experimental, também classificado por estudo pós-facto, estudo de observação passiva ou estudo correlacional e de observação, de comparação entre grupos, mediante o juízo ou julgamento psicológico da face neutra e do tipo de sorriso contrastados, de matriz factorial 4 x 2 x 2 (face neutra, sorriso fechado, sorriso superior, sorriso largo; género dos estímulos; género dos respondentes) e a sua finalidade foi descrever a percepção psicológica do sorriso em função das variáveis género do estímulo, género do respondente e grupo étnico, na Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS), em formato diferenciador semântico, com 19 itens bipolares opostos, tendo a avaliação sido feita numa escala ordinal de 1 a 7 pontos, nas dimensões Avaliação (12 itens) e Movimento Expressivo (7 itens) resultante dos estudos preliminares sobre a atractividade facial (estudo preliminar 1) e a escolha de dípolos de adjectivos preditores para percepção psicológica da face neutra (estudo preliminar 2). Nos estudos principais 1, 2 e 3 foram utilizados 24 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (12 do estímulo mulher e 12 do estímulo homem) referentes aos três grupos etários (18-25 anos, 40-50 anos e 60-70 anos) e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 480 participantes portugueses de ambos os géneros (240 mulheres e 240 homens) distribuídos por grupos etários de jovens (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 22.2 anos), adultos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 43.1 anos) e idosos (80 mulheres e 80 homens, média: 65.0 anos) No estudo principal 4, foram utilizados 8 estímulos fotográficos apresentando o tipo de sorriso (fechado, superior e largo) e a face neutra (4 do estímulo mulher e 4 do estímulo homem) de universitários de Cabo Verde, a estudar em Portugal, e a Escala de Percepção do Sorriso (EPS) foi aplicada a uma amostra não probabilística ou intencional do tipo homogénea de 160 participantes de ambos os géneros (80 mulheres e 80 homens) e estudantes universitários portugueses (média: 21.8 anos). Os resultados revelam e confirmam o efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica da pessoa, à semelhança de outros estudos, isto é, sorrir torna a percepção psicológica mais positiva ou negativa e verifica-se que tal sucede em função do género do estímulo e do género do respondente. As diferenças significativas na percepção da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados são justificadas pela pertença de género de quem os percepciona e pela pertença do género de quem é percepcionado. Tal apenas não sucede no factor Avaliação do grupo dos adultos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, quer no factor Avaliação quer no factor Movimento Expressivo, os tipos de sorriso largo e superior são os que registam médias ponderadas mais elevadas. Pelo contrário, a face neutra e o sorriso fechado registam valores menos elevados na percepção. A análise da percepção da pessoa em função da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados revelou uma correspondência entre a expressão facial, o género do estímulo e o género do respondente. No factor Avaliação, a mulher é percepcionada mais positivamente que o homem, verificando-se o inverso no factor Movimento Expressivo no grupo dos adultos e dos idosos. Verificou-se efeito do sorriso na percepção psicológica dos estímulos de cor negra. No grupo dos jovens que percepcionaram estímulos de cor negra, o homem é considerado mais positivo que a mulher em ambos os factores. O efeito significativo do género revela que a sua percepção é condicionada pelo seu próprio género. Os resultados apontam ainda para a configuração pronunciada de uma hierarquização ascendente da face neutra e tipo de sorriso contrastados em dois conjuntos bem delimitados e distinguindo diferentes formas topográficas de sorrir: a face neutra e o sorriso fechado e o sorriso superior e o sorriso largo.
Neste trabalho abordamos a intervenção nativista de alguns intelectuais africanos de Cabo Verde com o objectivo de clarificar o seu significado e alcance político. Apesar do seu empenho na defesa dos cabo-verdianos contra a opressão colonial portuguesa, aqueles intelectuais não conseguiriam gerar um movimento anti-colonial capaz de conduzir a colónia à independência, mas deixaram às novas gerações um legado político e cultural que lhes permitiu assegurar a luta pela preservação da sua identidade nacional e, finalmente, alcançar a emancipação de Cabo Verde da dominação colonial.
A afluência de imigrantes a Portugal, nas últimas três décadas transformou radicalmente todo o tecido social português, caracterizando-se hoje pela sua heterogeneidade. Até ao início da década de 90 do século XX, os fluxos migratórios provinham essencialmente dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, com maior incidência de Cabo Verde, Brasil e Angola. É nessa década que se registam movimentos bastante significativos de imigrantes provenientes da Europa Central e Oriental, principalmente da Ucrânia, Rússia, Roménia e Moldávia, assim como da Ásia, destacando-se os naturais da China, Índia, Paquistão e das antigas repúblicas soviéticas. De acordo com a análise apresentada pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística em Dezembro de 2006, residiam de forma legal em Portugal 329 898 cidadãos de nacionalidade estrangeira, sendo as maiores comunidades de Cabo Verde (57 349), Brasil (41 728) e Angola (28 854). A sociedade portuguesa do século XXI, distancia-se cada vez mais do conceito de monolinguismo, tal como se evidencia no Projecto Gulbenkian “Diversidade Linguística na Escola Portuguesa”, que, segundo o estudo feito, onze por cento dos alunos residentes na área da Grande Lisboa nasceram fora de Portugal e têm como línguas maternas cinquenta e oito idiomas. É urgente uma intervenção diferente no que corresponde a esta nova realidade linguística em Portugal e sobretudo no que concerne à integração do “outro”, reconhecendo e respeitando as várias línguas maternas e culturas, como também a sua preservação a fim de possibilitar o desenvolvimento íntegro e harmonioso da identidade. A heterogeneidade da actual sociedade portuguesa impõe um olhar atento para com esta nova realidade no país, sobretudo em muitas das escolas onde a par do uso da língua portuguesa outras línguas são também usadas como forma de comunicação entre os mesmos pares, situação esta perfeitamente desajustada da realidade escolar madeirense Estudo de caso: O uso da Língua Portuguesa por jovens oriundos de outros países nos domínios privado, público e educativo. 10 de inícios da década de 90 do século XX, à excepção dos alunos provenientes da Venezuela, os denominados luso-descendentes. A escola mudara, tudo se alterara, havia que tentar perceber o que estava a ocorrer, um novo Mundo “invadira” as turmas, prontas a aprender, a saber, a descobrir. Era preciso preencher o silêncio expectante. Aprender uma nova língua, a portuguesa, decorrente da obrigatoriedade implícita de tratar-se da língua oficial, obrigava a repensar o ensino, a continuamente desvendar novos caminhos possibilitadores de encontro entre a língua materna e a segunda, de reencontro com a identidade linguística e cultural que não se quer perdidas, só tornado possível na diferença. A par de uma escola que se apresentava de forma diferente, cuja intervenção teria de ser oposta à de então, uma vez que a aprendizagem do português era feita como língua segunda (L2), muitas foram e são as inquietações, um turbilhão de interrogações decorriam deste contacto constante de uma língua que se diz minha, fonte de partilha com outros jovens. O uso da língua portuguesa confinar-se-á unicamente à escola com os professores e colegas ou despoletará curiosidades, vontades, interesses, motivados por objectivos confinados ao percurso e à história humana? Muitas são as interrogações que ocorrem, muitos são também os momentos de sabedoria mútua de línguas e países a desvendar num contínuo ininterrupto e é essa constante procura que determina a busca de respostas. Entre muitas interrogações uma afigurava-se de forma latente, quiçá fonte de resposta para outras interrogações inerentes à língua portuguesa como língua segunda. A sua utilização por parte dos alunos de outras nacionalidades nos domínios privado, público e educativo engloba domínios diversos capazes de informar acerca do uso dessa mesma língua. Importa no entanto reforçar que estes alunos constituem um grupo heterogéneo sob diversos pontos de vista: etário, linguístico e cultural. Do ponto de vista linguístico a população que tem o português como língua segunda abrange alunos falantes de diferentes línguas maternas, umas mais próximas, outras mais afastadas do português, propiciando diferentes graus de transferência de conhecimentos linguísticos e de experiências comunicativas, como também em diferentes estádios de aquisição e que fora da escola o usam em maior ou menor número de contextos e com um grau de frequência desigual. Estudo de caso: O uso da Língua Portuguesa por jovens oriundos de outros países nos domínios privado, público e educativo. 11 Dispõem também de diferentes capacidades individuais para discriminar, segmentar e produzir sequências linguísticas. Já do ponto de vista cultural apresentam diferentes hábitos de aprendizagem, bem como diferentes representações e expectativas face à escola. Todos estes factores determinarão ritmos de progressão distintos no que respeita à aprendizagem do português como língua segunda. As oportunidades de aprendizagem e de uso que cada indivíduo tem ao longo da vida, determinantes no processo de aquisição, desenvolvimento e aprendizagem de uma língua, variam bastante de indivíduo para indivíduo. Os alunos podem viver num mesmo contexto no entanto razões variadíssimas determinarão diferentes oportunidades de aprendizagem e de uso. Viver-se num contexto de imersão não é suficiente para que todos tenham o mesmo grau de exposição a material linguístico rico e variado da L2. Essas oportunidades também se relacionam com a distância linguística entre língua primeira (L1) e a língua segunda, quanto mais afastadas são as duas línguas mais os falantes da L2 se refugiam na sua língua materna, assim como também se associam aos hábitos culturais da comunidade e da família.