28 resultados para O Príncipe com Orelhas de Burro


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Trata-se de um documento interactivo que contém dez histórias tradicionais de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Macau, Moçambique , Portugal, S. Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste, ilustradas e adaptadas para crianças. As ilustrações foram concebidas pelas crianças da Escola EB1 Telha Nova nº 1 do Agrupamento de escolas "D. Manuel I" do Barreiro.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Literaturas Lusófonas Comparadas apresentada à Universidade Aberta


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Portugal’s historical past strongly influences the composition of the country’s immigrant population. The main third-country foreign nationals in Portugal originate traditionally from Portuguese-speaking African countries (namely Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea Bissau, and S. Tomé e Príncipe) and Brazil. In 2001, a newly created immigrant status entitled “permanence” authorization uncovered a quantitative and a qualitative change in the structure of immigrant population in Portugal. First, there was a quantitative jump from 223.602 foreigners in 2001 to 364.203 regularized foreigners in 2003. Secondly, there was a substantial qualitative shift in the composition of immigrants. The majority of the new immigrants began coming from Eastern European countries, such as Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania, and the Russian Federation. Thus, European countries outside the E.U. zone now rank second (after African countries) in their contribution of individuals to the stocks of immigrant population in Portugal. The differences between the new and traditional immigration flows are visible in the geographical distribution of immigrants and in their insertion into the labour market. While the traditional flows would congregate around the metropolitan area of Lisbon and in the Algarve, the new migratory flows tend to be more geographically dispersed and present in less urbanized areas of Portugal. In terms of insertion in the labour market, although the construction sector is still the most important industry for immigrant labour, Eastern European workers may also be found in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. The institutional conditions that encourage immigrants’ civic participation are divided at three different levels: the state, the local, and the civil society levels. At the state level, the High Commissioner for Migrations and Ethnic Minorities is the main organizational structure along with a set of interrelated initiatives operating under specific regulatory frameworks, which act as mediators between state officials and the Portuguese civil society, and more specifically, immigrant communities. At the local level, some municipalities created consultative councils and municipal departments aiming at encouraging the participation and representation of interests from immigrant groups and association in local policies. In the civil society sphere, the main actors in Portugal spurring immigrants civic participation are immigrant associations, mainstream associations directed toward immigration topics, and unions. The legal conditions framing immigrants’ access to social housing, education, health, and social security in Portugal are also considered to be positive. Conditions restricting immigrants’ civic participation are mainly normative and include the Portuguese nationality law, the regulations shaping the political participation of immigrants, namely in what concerns their right to vote, and employment regulations restricting immigrants’ access to public administration positions. Part II of the report focuses on the active civic participation of third country immigrants. First, reasons for the lack of research on this issue in Portugal are explained. On the one hand, the recent immigration history and the more urgent needs regarding school and economic integration kept this issue out of the research spotlight. On the other hand, it was just in the beginning of the 1990s that immigrants took the very first steps toward collective mobilisation. Secondly, the literature review of Portuguese bibliography covers research on third country immigrants’ associative movement, research on local authorities’ policies and discussion about ethnic politics and political mobilisation of immigrants in Portugal. As political mobilisation of these groups has been made mainly through ethnic and/or migrant organisations, a brief history of immigrants' associative movement is given. Immigrant associations develop multiple roles, covering the social, the cultural, the economic and the political domains. Political claiming for the regularisation of illegal immigrants has been a permanent and important field of intervention since the mid-1990s. Research results reveal the com5 plex relations between ethnic mobilisation and the set of legal and institutional frameworks developed by local and national governmental authorities targeted to the incorporation of minority groups. Case studies on the Oeiras district and on the Amadora district are then presented. Conclusions underline that the most active immigrant groups are those from Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau, since these groups have constituted a higher number of ethnic associations, give priority to political claiming and present a more politicised discourse. Reflecting on the future of research on civic participation of third country immigrants in Portugal, the authors state that it would be interesting and relevant to compare the Portuguese situation with those of other European countries, with an older immigration history, and analyse how the Portuguese immigrants’ associative movement will be affected by a changing legal framework and the emergence of new opportunities within the set of structures regarding the political participation of minority groups.


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Trata-se de um documento interactivo que contém dez histórias tradicionais de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Macau, Moçambique , Portugal, S. Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste, ilustradas e adaptadas para crianças. As ilustrações foram concebidas pelas crianças da Escola EB1 Telha Nova nº 1 do Agrupamento de escolas "D. Manuel I" do Barreiro.


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The paper examines the cooperation between Portugal and the African Portuguese Speaking Countries (APSC: Angola, Cabo Verbe, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and S. Tomé and Príncipe) in media-relevant fields. It starts off with an outlook into cooperation activities undertaken by various countries in the APSC in such a field and assesses those initiatives in terms of linguistic and cultural significance. Next, I review the Portuguese institutional framework and the legal instruments for this kind of cooperation. The central aspect of the paper is a critical analysis of measures and projects related to training of journalists and other media professionals. The goal is to identify sensitive aspects and difficulties. I conclude with a global assessment of the Portuguese cooperation in the field of media and advance some suggestions for improvement.


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Este estudo analisa as dinâmicas da imprensa e do jornalismo nos territórios da África Portuguesa (Cabo Verde, Angola, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné) ao longo do período colonial, entre 1842-1974. Os papéis desempenhados pelo jornalismo e as características do sistema de imprensa são observados, discutidos e analisados no contexto sociopolítico do império colonial português nos séculos XIX e XX. No estudo das relações entre a imprensa e o império adopta-se uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, na qual dialogam a história, a sociologia e a ciência política, permitindo uma compreensão aprofundada das interacções e interdependências entre a imprensa, o império colonial e os regimes políticos. O estudo de caso da África Portuguesa demonstra que a imprensa e o jornalismo nos cinco territórios apresentaram dinâmicas e características similares no período colonial. A imprensa foi decisiva na afirmação do colonialismo português, mas o jornalismo também contestou e opôs-se e ao projecto imperial. Foi ao longo do colonialismo que a imprensa emergiu, desenvolveu-se e consolidou-se como uma instituição de perfil político e como plataforma dos conflitos sociais.


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Este estudo analisa as dinâmicas da imprensa e do jornalismo nos territórios da África Portuguesa (Cabo Verde, Angola, Moçambique, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné) ao longo do período colonial, entre 1842-1974. Os papéis desempenhados pelo jornalismo e as características do sistema de imprensa são observados, discutidos e analisados no contexto sociopolítico do império colonial português nos séculos XIX e XX. No estudo das relações entre a imprensa e o império adopta-se uma perspectiva multidisciplinar, na qual dialogam a história, a sociologia e a ciência política, permitindo uma compreensão aprofundada das interacções e interdependências entre a imprensa, o império colonial e os regimes políticos. O estudo de caso da África Portuguesa demonstra que a imprensa e o jornalismo nos cinco territórios apresentaram dinâmicas e características similares no período colonial. A imprensa foi decisiva na afirmação do colonialismo português, mas o jornalismo também contestou e opôs-se e ao projecto imperial. Foi ao longo do colonialismo que a imprensa emergiu, desenvolveu-se e consolidou-se como uma instituição de perfil político e como plataforma dos conflitos sociais.


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Trata-se de um documento interactivo que contém dez histórias tradicionais de Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné Bissau, Macau, Moçambique , Portugal, S. Tomé e Príncipe e Timor Leste, ilustradas e adaptadas para crianças. As ilustrações foram concebidas pelas crianças da Escola EB1 Telha Nova nº 1 do Agrupamento de escolas "D. Manuel I" do Barreiro.


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The pattern of genetic variation of the lizard Mabuya maculilabris from São Tomé Island (Gulf of Guinea) was investigated using a combination of three mitochondrial DNA gene fragments. Forty-eight haplotypes were recovered among 66 individuals covering the whole island. The genealogy inferred from the most parsimonious network of haplotypes allows us to detect two main and long branches departing from the putative group of oldest haplotypes. The tips of these branches exhibit star-like phylogenies, which may indicate of recently expanded populations, most probably from a small number of founders. A nested clade analysis suggests a complex pattern of past events that gave rise to the extant geographical pattern found in the haplotype distribution: past and allopatric fragmentation, range expansion, restricted gene Xow and long-distance dispersal. These results are consistent with the complex geological history of the island where important volcanic activity with extensive lava Xows has occurred during several periods. Mismatch- distribution analysis and AMOVA also support these conclusions. Substantial genetic structuring among these lizards was detected as well as high levels of diVerentiation between the southern edge populations (particularly those from the Rolas Islet) and the remaining ones. However, variation is low relative to the geological age of the island. Our results indicate that patterns of variation observed in reptiles in other oceanic islands are not indicative of those observed in the islands of the Gulf of Guinea.


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O povoamento da ilha deo Vicente foi mais ou menos pontual até aos finais do século XVIII, servindo como ilha de criação, como a descreve, em 1699, o engenheiro Duplessis, e para aguada dos navios. A primeira tentativa de povoamento parece deverse a João de Távora, que passando por Cabo Verde, em 1734, propôs fortificar a baía, com a condição de receber os rendimentos do porto por um período de 10 anos, mas não deve ter passado de intenção. Em 1793 assumia o povoamento, João Carlos da Fonseca Rosado, que vivia então na ilha do Fogo, pelo tempo de 6 anos, mas que haveria de acabar na miséria, descalço, vivendo de alguma coisa que conseguia pescar e de leite das cabras que conseguia ordenhar. Alguns anos depois, coube ao governador António Pusich tentar novamente o povoamento, em 1819, levando então famílias da vizinha ilha de Santo Antão, e baptizando-se a povoação de Leopoldina, nome da arquiduquesa de Áustria que casara com o príncipe D. Pedro do Brasil.


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Entrevista com Pires Laranjeira, professor universitário e especialista em Literatura Africana de Língua Portuguesa.


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Foca-se o surgimento das cinco literaturas africanas, sobretudo a partir de meados do Séc. XIX, com o surto da imprensa e, depois, do ensino, seguindo-se a literatura colonial e, depois dos anos 40-50, a vigência do Neorrealismo e da Negritude, passando pela temática da guerra (anos 60), até à pós-independência.