38 resultados para wicked problems,
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
One of the most crucial tasks for a company offering a software product is to decide what new features should be implemented in the product’s forthcoming versions. Yet, existing studies show that this is also a task with which many companies are struggling. This problem has been claimed to be ambiguous and changing. There are better or worse solutions to the problem, but no optimal one. Furthermore, the criteria determining the success of the solution keeps changing due to continuously changing competition, technologies and market needs. This thesis seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges that companies have reportedly faced in determining the requirements for their forthcoming product versions. To this end, product management related activities are explored in seven companies. Following grounded theory approach, the thesis conducts four iterations of data analysis, where each of the iterations goes beyond the previous one. The thesis results in a theory proposal intended to 1) describe the essential characteristics of organizations’ product management challenges, 2) explain the origins of the perceived challenges and 3) suggest strategies to alleviate the perceived challenges. The thesis concludes that current product management approaches are becoming inadequate to deal with challenges that have multiple and conflicting interpretations, different value orientations, unclear goals, contradictions and paradoxes. This inadequacy continues to increase until current beliefs and assumptions about the product management challenges are questioned and a new paradigm for dealing with the challenges is adopted.
Harri Raision sosiaali- ja terveydenhallintotieteen alaan kuuluva väitöskirja "Embracing the wickedness of health care : essays on reforms, wicked problems and public deliberation" tarkastustilaisuus pidettiin 12.11.2010.
Lecture given in Helsinki at the invitation of the Finnish Mathematical Society.
Convective transport, both pure and combined with diffusion and reaction, can be observed in a wide range of physical and industrial applications, such as heat and mass transfer, crystal growth or biomechanics. The numerical approximation of this class of problemscan present substantial difficulties clue to regions of high gradients (steep fronts) of the solution, where generation of spurious oscillations or smearing should be precluded. This work is devoted to the development of an efficient numerical technique to deal with pure linear convection and convection-dominated problems in the frame-work of convection-diffusion-reaction systems. The particle transport method, developed in this study, is based on using rneshless numerical particles which carry out the solution along the characteristics defining the convective transport. The resolution of steep fronts of the solution is controlled by a special spacial adaptivity procedure. The serni-Lagrangian particle transport method uses an Eulerian fixed grid to represent the solution. In the case of convection-diffusion-reaction problems, the method is combined with diffusion and reaction solvers within an operator splitting approach. To transfer the solution from the particle set onto the grid, a fast monotone projection technique is designed. Our numerical results confirm that the method has a spacial accuracy of the second order and can be faster than typical grid-based methods of the same order; for pure linear convection problems the method demonstrates optimal linear complexity. The method works on structured and unstructured meshes, demonstrating a high-resolution property in the regions of steep fronts of the solution. Moreover, the particle transport method can be successfully used for the numerical simulation of the real-life problems in, for example, chemical engineering.
Alkyl ketene dimers (AKD) are effective and highly hydrophobic sizing agents for the internal sizing of alkaline papers, but in some cases they may form deposits on paper machines and copiers. In addition, alkenyl succinic anhydrides (ASA)- based sizing agents are highly reactive, producing on-machine sizing, but under uncontrolled wet end conditions the hydrolysis of ASA may cause problems. This thesis aims at developing an improved ketene dimer based sizing agent that would have a lower deposit formation tendency on paper machines and copiers than a traditional type of AKD. The aim is also to improve the ink jet printability of a AKD sized paper. The sizing characteristics ofketene dimers have been compared to those of ASA. A lower tendency of ketene dimer deposit formation was shown in paper machine trials and in printability tests when branched fatty acids were used in the manufacture of a ketene dimer basedsizing agent. Fitting the melting and solidification temperature of a ketene dimer size to the process temperature of a paper machine or a copier contributes to machine cleanliness. A lower hydrophobicity of the paper sized with branched ketene dimer compared to the paper sized with traditional AKD was discovered. However, the ink jet print quality could be improved by the use of a branched ketene dimer. The branched ketene dimer helps in balancing the paper hydrophobicity for both black and color printing. The use of a high amount of protective colloidin the emulsification was considered to be useful for the sizing performance ofthe liquid type of sizing agents. Similar findings were indicated for both the branched ketene dimer and ASA.
Tämän työn tarkoituksena on koota yhteen selluprosessin mittausongelmat ja mahdolliset mittaustekniikat ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi. Pääpaino on online-mittaustekniikoissa. Työ koostuu kolmesta osasta. Ensimmäinen osa on kirjallisuustyö, jossa esitellään nykyaikaisen selluprosessin perusmittaukset ja säätötarpeet. Mukana on koko kuitulinja puunkäsittelystä valkaisuun ja kemikaalikierto: haihduttamo, soodakattila, kaustistamo ja meesauuni. Toisessa osassa mittausongelmat ja mahdolliset mittaustekniikat on koottu yhteen ”tiekartaksi”. Tiedot on koottu vierailemalla kolmella suomalaisella sellutehtaalla ja haastattelemalla laitetekniikka- ja mittaustekniikka-asiantuntijoita. Prosessikemian paremmalle ymmärtämiselle näyttää haastattelun perusteella olevan tarvetta, minkä vuoksi konsentraatiomittaukset on valittu jatkotutkimuskohteeksi. Viimeisessä osassa esitellään mahdollisia mittaustekniikoita konsentraatiomittausten ratkaisemiseksi. Valitut tekniikat ovat lähi-infrapunatekniikka (NIR), fourier-muunnosinfrapunatekniikka (FTIR), online-kapillaarielektroforeesi (CE) ja laserindusoitu plasmaemissiospektroskopia (LIPS). Kaikkia tekniikoita voi käyttää online-kytkettyinä prosessikehitystyökaluina. Kehityskustannukset on arvioitu säätöön kytketylle online-laitteelle. Kehityskustannukset vaihtelevat nollasta miestyövuodesta FTIR-tekniikalle viiteen miestyövuoteen CE-laitteelle; kehityskustannukset riippuvat tekniikan kehitysasteesta ja valmiusasteesta tietyn ongelman ratkaisuun. Työn viimeisessä osassa arvioidaan myös yhden mittausongelman – pesuhäviömittauksen – ratkaisemisen teknis-taloudellista kannattavuutta. Ligniinipitoisuus kuvaisi nykyisiä mittauksia paremmin todellista pesuhäviötä. Nykyään mitataan joko natrium- tai COD-pesuhäviötä. Ligniinipitoisuutta voidaan mitata UV-absorptiotekniikalla. Myös CE-laitetta voitaisiin käyttää pesuhäviön mittauksessa ainakin prosessikehitysvaiheessa. Taloudellinen tarkastelu pohjautuu moniin yksinkertaistuksiin ja se ei sovellu suoraan investointipäätösten tueksi. Parempi mittaus- ja säätöjärjestelmä voisi vakauttaa pesemön ajoa. Investointi ajoa vakauttavaan järjestelmään on kannattavaa, jos todellinen ajotilanne on tarpeeksi kaukana kustannusminimistä tai jos pesurin ajo heilahtelee eli pesuhäviön keskihajonta on suuri. 50 000 € maksavalle mittaus- ja säätöjärjestelmälle saadaan alle 0,5 vuoden takaisinmaksuaika epävakaassa ajossa, jos COD-pesuhäviön vaihteluväli on 5,2 – 11,6 kg/odt asetusarvon ollessa 8,4 kg/odt. Laimennuskerroin vaihtelee tällöin välillä 1,7 – 3,6 m3/odt asetusarvon ollessa 2,5 m3/odt.