23 resultados para water production and supply

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Vesilaitokset kuluttavat merkittäviä määriä energiaa, johon on alettu kiinnittää huomiota viime vuosina. Energiatehokkuuden edistämisen hidasteeksi on noussut puutteellinen tietohuolto sekä vesilaitosten yhteisten tunnuslukujen ja kriteerien puuttuminen. Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää tietohuollon ongelmia Tampereen Vedellä. Työn tavoitteena on myös tutkia veden tuotannon ja jakelun energiatehokkaiden ohjaustapojen löytämistä tietohuollon ja tunnuslukujen avulla. Työssä käytetyt metodologiat ovat Tampereen Veden työntekijöiden haastattelut, prototyypin analysointi sekä vedenottamoiden ominaisenergiaan liittyvien mittauspisteiden läpikäynti. Diplomityön tuloksena saatiin laaja kuva Tampereen Veden tietohuoltoon liittyvistä ongelmista. Merkittävimmät tietohuollon haasteet liittyvät työntekijöihin, järjestelmiin sekä mittauspisteiden puuttumiseen. Mittauspisteet ja niiden tallentuminen ovat edellytys tunnuslukujen luomiselle. Tunnuslukuja voidaan hyödyntää energiatehokkaiden ohjaustapojen löytämiseksi, mutta vesilaitosten yhteiset kriteerit tunnusluvuille puuttuvat. Energiatehokkuustunnuslukuja on tarve tutkia lisää ja kehittää yhteistyötä vesilaitosten välillä tunnuslukujen luomiseksi sekä vertailutietojen saamiseksi.


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Finland has large forest fuel resources. However, the use of forest fuels for energy production has been low, except for small-scale use in heating. According to national action plans and programs related to wood energy promotion, the utilization of such resources will be multiplied over the next few years. The most significant part of this growth will be based on the utilization of forest fuels, produced from logging residues of regeneration fellings, in industrial and municipal power and heating plants. Availability of logging residues was analyzed by means of resource and demand approaches in order to identify the most suitable regions with focus on increasing the forest fuel usage. The analysis included availability and supply cost comparisons between power plant sites and resource allocation in a least cost manner, and between a predefined power plant structure under demand and supply constraints. Spatial analysis of worksite factors and regional geographies were carried out using the GIS-model environment via geoprocessing and cartographic modeling tools. According to the results of analyses, the cost competitiveness of forest fuel supply should be improved in order to achieve the designed objectives in the near future. Availability and supply costs of forest fuels varied spatially and were very sensitive to worksite factors and transport distances. According to the site-specific analysis the supply potential between differentlocations can be multifold. However, due to technical and economical reasons ofthe fuel supply and dense power plant infrastructure, the supply potential is limited at plant level. Therefore, the potential and supply cost calculations aredepending on site-specific matters, where regional characteristics of resourcesand infrastructure should be taken into consideration, for example by using a GIS-modeling approach constructed in this study.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan vaikuttavien tekijöiden identifiointi ja analysointi. Nämä tekijät käytiin yhteisesti läpi skenaarioiden avulla. Aluksi kuvattiin teollisuuden ala ja esiteltiin tärkeimmät alaa kuvaavat mittarit. Analyysi tehtiin Porterin kilpailuteorian tekijöiden pohjalta. Työssä listattiin yksittäiset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat sanomalehtipaperin kysyntään ja tarjontaan. Näistä tekijöistä valittiin tärkeimmät ja niiden pohjalta rakennettiin skenaarioita. Skenaariot kuvaavat erilaisia mahdollisia tulevaisuuksia.Kysyntä kuten myös tarjonta on jakautunut epätasaisesti maailmassa. Alueelliset erot ovat hyvinkin merkittäviä. Tästä johtuu laajamittainen kaupankäynti eri alueiden välillä. Käynnissä oleva paperiteollisuuden konsolidoitumisprosessi auttaa vähentämään sanomalehtipaperin hinnan ja tarjonnan heilahtelua. Tämä puolestaan johtuu alan keskittymisestä ja järkevästä kapasiteetin hallinnasta.Diplomityö korostaa sanomalehtipaperin tuottajien vastuuta tarjonnan lisäämisessä. E-median uhkaa tai mahdollisuutta on myös spekuloitu ja kysynnän alueellisen kysynnän kehitystä on analysoitu. Diplomityö antaa ehdotuksia erilaisiksi tulevaisuuden kehitysvaihtoehdoiksi. Sanomalehtipaperin kysyntä tulee kasvamaan maailmanlaajuisesti, tuotanto tulee siirtymään lähemmäksi markkinoita, kaupankäynti Aasiaan tulee kasvamaan ja yrityksen tulevat keskittymään viisaaseen kapasiteetin hallintaan.


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The development of bioenergy on the basis of wood fuels has received considerable attention in the last decades. The combination of large forest resources and reliance on fossil fuels makes the issue of wood chips usage in Russia an actual topic for the analysis. The main objective of this study is to disclose the current state and perspectives for the production of wood chips and their usage as a source of energy in the North-West of Russia. The study utilizes an integrated approach to explore the market of wood chips on the basis of comprehensive analysis of documentation and expert opinions. The analysis of wood chips market was performed for eight regions of the North-West district of Russia within two major dimensions: its current state and perspectives in the nearest five years. The results of the study show a comprehensive picture of the wood chips market, including the potential for wood chips production, the specific features of production and consumption and the perspectives for the market development within the regions of the North-West district of Russia. The study demonstrated that the market of wood chips is underdeveloped in the North-West of Russia. The findings of the work may be used by forest companies for the strategic planning.


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Forest biomass represents a geographically distributed feedstock, and geographical location affects the greenhouse gas (GHG) performance of a given forest-bioenergy system in several ways. For example, biomass availability, forest operations, transportation possibilities and the distances involved, biomass end-use possibilities, fossil reference systems, and forest carbon balances all depend to some extent on location. The overall objective of this thesis was to assess the GHG emissions derived from supply and energy-utilization chains of forest biomass in Finland, with a specific focus on the effect of location in relation to forest biomass’s availability and the transportation possibilities. Biomass availability and transportation-network assessments were conducted through utilization of geographical information system methods, and the GHG emissions were assessed by means of lifecycle assessment. The thesis is based on four papers in which forest biomass supply on industrial scale was assessed. The feedstocks assessed in this thesis include harvesting residues, smalldiameter energy wood and stumps. The principal implication of the findings in this thesis is that in Finland, the location and availability of biomass in the proximity of a given energyutilization or energy-conversion plant is not a decisive factor in supply-chain GHG emissions or the possible GHG savings to be achieved with forest-biomass energy use. Therefore, for the greatest GHG reductions with limited forest-biomass resources, energy utilization of forest biomass in Finland should be directed to the locations where most GHG savings are achieved through replacement of fossil fuels. Furthermore, one should prioritize the types of forest biomass with the lowest direct supply-chain GHG emissions (e.g., from transport and comminution) and the lowest indirect ones (in particular, soil carbon-stock losses), regardless of location. In this respect, the best combination is to use harvesting residues in combined heat and power production, replacing peat or coal.


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Selostus: Kestävän kehityksen vaatimukset kotieläintuotannossa ja -jalostuksessa


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Selostus: Rehun valkuais- ja energiapitoisuuden vaikutus sikojen typen hyväksikäyttöön, veden kulutukseen ja virtsan eritykseen


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Selostus: Alsike-, puna- ja valkoapilan vaikutus laitumen tuottoon luonnonmukaisessa tuotannossa


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Organizations gain resources, skills and technologies to find out the ultimate mix of capabilities to be a winner in the competitive market. These are all important factors that need to be taken into account in organizations operating in today's business environment. So far, there are no significant studies on the organizational capabilities in the field of PSM. The literature review shows that the PSM capabilities need to be studied more comprehensively. This study attempts to reveal and fill this gap by providing the PSM capability matrix that identifies the key PSM capabilities approached from two angles: there are three primary PSM capabilities and nine subcapabilities and, moreover, the individual and organizational PSM capabilities are identified and evaluated. The former refers to the PSM capability matrix of this study which is based on the strategic and operative PSM capabilities that complement the economic ones, while the latter relates to the evaluation of the PSM capabilities, such as the buyer profiles of individual PSM capabilities and the PSMcapability map of the organizational ones. This is a constructive case study. The aim is to define what the purchasing and supply management capabilities are and how they can be evaluated. This study presents a PSM capability matrix to identify and evaluate the capabilities to define capability gaps by comparing the ideal level of PSM capabilities to the realized ones. The research questions are investigated with two case organizations. This study argues that PSM capabilities can be classified into three primary categories with nine sub-categories and, thus, a PSM capability matrix with four evaluation categories can be formed. The buyer profiles are moreover identified to reveal the PSM capability gap. The resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capabilities view (DCV) are used to define the individual and organizational capabilities. The PSM literature is also used to define the capabilities. The key findings of this study are i) the PSM capability matrix to identify the PSM capabilities, ii) the evaluation of the capabilities to define PSM capability gaps and iii) the presentation of the buyer profiles to identify the individual PSM capabilities and to define the organizational PSM capabilities. Dynamic capabilities are also related to the PSM capability gap. If a gap is identified, the organization can renew their PSM capabilities and, thus, create mutual learning and increase their organizational capabilities. And only then, there is potential for dynamic capabilities. Based on this, the purchasing strategy, purchasing policy and procedures should be identified and implemented dynamically.


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Purchasing and supply management (PSM) has become increasingly important for companies to survive in current highly competitive market. Increased outsourcing has extended the role of PSM, making external resource management and supplier relationships critical success factors in business. However, the recent research has mainly concentrated on large enterprises. Therefore the PSM issues related to medium-sized enterprises represent a significant research area. The thesis aims to explore the status and role of PSM in Finnish medium-sized firms, understand how strategic companies consider PSM to be, clarify what are the competence requirements for PSM professionals, and increase the understanding of PSM capabilities needed from the points view of individual competence and organisational capabilities. The study uses data that was collected in 2007 from purchasing executives at the director/CEO level representing a sample of 94 Finnish firms. 54 % of the respondent enterprises had a supply strategy. The total supply cost was on average 60 % of firms' turnover. Centralisation of PSM and outsourcing of logistics will increase in Finnish medium-sized enterprises. The findings point out that Finnish medium-sized enterprises had strategical features of PSM. However, Finnish firms have not concentrated on making strategies that relate to PSM. The elements that explain the existence of a supply strategy could be found in this study. It can be concluded from this study that there is an advantageous base for the development of strategic PSM, because nearly all the enterprises were of the opinion that PSM capabilities have an effect on business success. When reviewing the organisational capabilities, the five most important development elements were supplier relationships, both operational and strategic processes, time management, and personnel's competence. Training in internationalisation, strategic management, and communication could help to improve competences of PSM personnel.