10 resultados para undergraduation in Chemistry
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
The present dissertation is devoted to the systematic approach to the development of organic toxic and refractory pollutants abatement by chemical decomposition methods in aqueous and gaseous phases. The systematic approach outlines the basic scenario of chemical decomposition process applications with a step-by-step approximation to the most effective result with a predictable outcome for the full-scale application, confirmed by successful experience. The strategy includes the following steps: chemistry studies, reaction kinetic studies in interaction with the mass transfer processes under conditions of different control parameters, contact equipment design and studies, mathematical description of the process for its modelling and simulation, processes integration into treatment technology and its optimisation, and the treatment plant design. The main idea of the systematic approach for oxidation process introduction consists of a search for the most effective combination between the chemical reaction and the treatment device, in which the reaction is supposed to take place. Under this strategy,a knowledge of the reaction pathways, its products, stoichiometry and kinetics is fundamental and, unfortunately, often unavailable from the preliminary knowledge. Therefore, research made in chemistry on novel treatment methods, comprisesnowadays a substantial part of the efforts. Chemical decomposition methods in the aqueous phase include oxidation by ozonation, ozone-associated methods (O3/H2O2, O3/UV, O3/TiO2), Fenton reagent (H2O2/Fe2+/3+) and photocatalytic oxidation (PCO). In the gaseous phase, PCO and catalytic hydrolysis over zero valent ironsare developed. The experimental studies within the described methodology involve aqueous phase oxidation of natural organic matter (NOM) of potable water, phenolic and aromatic amino compounds, ethylene glycol and its derivatives as de-icing agents, and oxygenated motor fuel additives ¿ methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) ¿ in leachates and polluted groundwater. Gas-phase chemical decomposition includes PCO of volatile organic compounds and dechlorination of chlorinated methane derivatives. The results of the research summarised here are presented in fifteenattachments (publications and papers submitted for publication and under preparation).
Biocatalysis can be applied in organic synthetic chemistry to counter challenges posed by increased demands towards chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity, not forgetting the need for greener chemistry. During the last 30 years, biocatalysis with the use of enzymes as chiral catalysts has become more common in chemistry laboratories and industrial processes. In this thesis, the use of lipases as versatile biocatalysts in the acylation of alcohols is examined both in the light of literature examples and four original publications. In the first part of the work presented in this thesis lipases were utilized in two examples concerning secondary alcohols. First, the kinetic resolution of heterocyclic aromatic secondary alcohols through transesterification was thoroughly examined including the studies of competing hydrolysis and esterification reactions. In another example, lipases were utilized in the formation of a dynamic systemic resolution (DSR) process which in turn was used as a developmental tool in the optimization of the dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of five heterocyclic aromatic cyanohydrins in one pot for the preparation of cyanohydrin esters as single enantiomers. In the second part of the work, the regio- and stereoselectivity of lipases was used to form sugar conjugates of glyceric and β-amino acids. The primary hydroxyl groups of methyl α-D-galacto-, -gluco- and -mannopyranosides were now acylated trough lipasecatalyzed transesterification and enantioselective lipase-catalyzed ring-opening of β- lactams, respectively.
Carbohydrates are one of the most abundant classes of biomolecules on earth. In the initial stages of research on carbohydrates much effort was focused on investigation and determination of the structural aspects and complex nature of individual monosaccharides. Later on, development of protective group strategies and methods for oligosaccharide synthesis became the main topics of research. Today, the methodologies developed early on are being utilized in the production of carbohydrates for biological screening events. This multidisciplinary approach has generated the new discipline of glycobiology which focuses on research related to the appearance and biological significance of carbohydrates. In more detail, studies in glycobiology have revealed the essential roles of carbohydrates in cell-cell interactions, biological recognition events, protein folding, cell growth and tumor cell metastasis. As a result of these studies, carbohydrate derived diagnostic and therapeutic agents are likely to be of growing interest in the future. In this doctoral thesis, a journey through the fundamentals of carbohydrate synthesis is presented. The research conducted on this journey was neither limited to the study of any particular phenomena nor to the addressing of a single synthetic challenge. Instead, the focus was deliberately shifted from time to time in order to broaden the scope of the thesis, to continue the learning process and to explore new areas of carbohydrate research. Throughout the work, several previously reported synthetic protocols, especially procedures related to glycosylation reactions and protective group manipulations, were evaluated, modified and utilized or rejected. The synthetic molecules targeted within this thesis were either required for biological evaluations or utilized to study phenomena occuring in larger molecules. In addition, much effort was invested in the complete structural characterization of the synthesized compounds by a combination of NMR spectroscopic techniques and spectral simulations with the PERCH-software. This thesis provides the basics of working with carbohydrate chemistry. In more detail, synthetic strategies and experimental procedures for many different reactions and guidelines for the NMR-spectroscopic characterization of oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates are provided. Therefore, the thesis should prove valuable to researchers starting their own journeys in the ever expanding field of carbohydrate chemistry.
Den viktigaste råvaran i papperstillverkning är pappersmassa. Massan innehåller (ved)fibrer men också finmaterial och andra typers (ved)celler, så som kärlceller. Hur dessa komponenter beter sig under arkformationen i pappersmaskinen eller hur de bidrar till egenskaperna hos det färdiga pappret avgörs till stor del av massakomponenternas ytkemiska sammansättning, fysiska struktur och mängden joniserbara grupper på ytan. I denna avhandling studerades ytegenskaperna hos fraktionerade kemiska massor och returfibermassor med avancerade analystekniker. Rester av avfärgningskemikalier identifierades på både returfibrer och på kärlceller. Dessa kan påverka arkformationen och arkstyrkan på returfiberpapper. Kärlcellernas cellväggsstruktur visade sig skilja sig från fibrernas. Resultaten kan främja utvecklingen av returfiberprosessen och användningen av kärlcellsrika lövvedsmassor.
Iron is one of the most common elements in the earth’s crust and thus its availability and economic viability far exceed that of metals commonly used in catalysis. Also the toxicity of iron is miniscule, compared to the likes of platinum and nickel, making it very desirable as a catalyst. Despite this, prior to the 21st century, the applicability of iron in catalysis was not thoroughly investigated, as it was considered to be inefficient and unselective in desired transformations. In this doctoral thesis, the application of iron catalysis in combination with organosilicon reagents for transformations of carbonyl compounds has been investigated together with insights into iron catalyzed chlorination of silanes and silanols. In the first part of the thesis, the synthetic application of iron(III)-catalyzed chlorination of silanes (Si-H) and the monochlorination of silanes (SiH2) using acetyl chloride as the chlorine source is described. The reactions proceed under ambient conditions, although some compounds need to be protected from excess moisture. In addition, the mechanism and kinetics of the chlorination reaction are briefly adressed. In the second part of this thesis a versatile methodology for transformation of carbonyl compounds into three different compound classes by changing the conditions and amounts of reagents is discussed. One pot reductive benzylation, reductive halogenation and reductive etherification of ketones and aldehydes using silanes as the reducing agent, halide source or cocatalyst, were investigated. Also the reaction kinetics and mechanism of the reductive halogenation of acetophenone are briefly discussed.
Compared to the use of traditional fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), combustion of biomass and waste fuels has several environmental and economic advantages for heat and power generation. However, biomass and waste fuels might contain halogens (Cl, Br, F), alkali metals (Na, K) and heavy metals (Zn, Pb), which may cause harmful emissions and corrosion problems. Hightemperature corrosion occurs typically on furnace waterwalls and superheaters. The corrosion of the boiler tube materials limits the increase of thermal efficiency of steam boilers and leads to costly shutdowns and repairs. In recent years, some concerns have been raised about halogen (Cl, Br, and F)-related hightemperature corrosion in biomass- and waste-fired boilers. Chlorine-related high-temperature corrosion has been studied extensively. The presence of alkali chlorides in the deposits is believed to play a major role in the corrosion observed in biomass and waste fired boilers. However, there is much less information found in literature on the corrosion effect of bromine and fluorine. According to the literature, bromine is only assumed to play a role similar to chlorine; the role of fluorine is even less understood. In this work, a series of bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) bench-scale tests were carried out to characterize the formation and sulfation behaviors of KCl and KBr in BFB combustion conditions. Furthermore, a series of laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the hightemperature corrosion behaviors of three different superheater steels (10CrMo9-10, AISI 347 and Sanicro 28) exposed to potassium halides in ambient air and wet air (containing 30% H2O). The influence of H2O and O2 on the high-temperature corrosion of steels both with and without a salt (KCl) in three gas atmospheres (2% H2O-30% O2-N2, 2% H2O-2% O2-N2 and 30% H2O-2% O2-N2) was also studied. From the bench-scale BFB combustion tests, it was found that HBr has a clearly higher affinity for the available K forming KBr than HCl forming KCl. The tests also indicated that KCl has a higher tendency for sulfation than KBr. From the laboratory corrosion tests in ambient air (also called “dry air” in Paper III and Paper IV), it was found that at relatively low temperatures (≤ 550 °C) the corrosivity of KBr and KF are similar to KCl. At 600 °C, KF showed much stronger corrosivity than KBr and KCl, especially for 10CrMo9-10 and AISI 347. When exposed to KBr or KF, 10CrMo9-10 was durable at least up to 450 °C, while AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 were durable at least up to 550 °C. From the laboratory corrosion tests in wet air (30% H2O), no obvious effect of water vapor was detected at 450 °C. At 550 °C, the influence of water vapor became significant in some cases, but the trend was not consistent. At 550 °C, after exposure with KBr, 10CrMo9-10 suffered from extreme corrosion; after exposure with KF and KCl, the corrosion was less severe, but still high. At 550 °C, local deep pitting corrosion occurred on AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 after exposure with KF. Some formation of K2CrO4 was observed in the oxide layer. At 550 °C, AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 suffered from low corrosion (oxide layer thickness of < 10 μm) after exposure with KBr and KCl. No formation of K2CrO4 was observed. Internal oxidation occurred in the cases of AISI 347 with KBr and KCl. From the laboratory corrosion tests in three different gas atmospheres (2% H2O-30% O2-N2, 2% H2O-2% O2-N2 and 30% H2O-2% O2-N2), it was found that in tests with no salt, no corrosion occurred on AISI 347 and Sanicro 28 up to 600 °C in both the “O2-rich” (2% H2O-30% O2-N2) and “H2O-rich” (30% H2O-2% O2-N2) gas atmospheres; only 10CrMo9-10 showed increased corrosion with increasing temperature. For 10CrMo9-10 in the “O2-rich” atmosphere, the presence of KCl significantly increased the corrosion compared to the “no salt” cases. For 10CrMo9-10 in the “H2O-rich” atmosphere, the presence or absence of KCl did not show any big influence on corrosion. The formation of K2CrO4 was observed only in the case with the “O2-rich” atmosphere. Considering both the results from the BFB tests and the laboratory corrosion tests, if fuels containing Br were to be combusted, the corrosion damage of superheaters would be expected to be higher than if the fuels contain only Cl. Information generated from these studies can be used to help the boiler manufacturers in selecting materials for the most demanding combustion systems.