7 resultados para success factors

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Biotekniikkaa pidetään yhtenä lupaavimmista nykyään tunnetuista teknologioista. Biotekniikan alalta erityisesti uusien lääkeaineiden kehittely on saavuttanut huomiota julkisuudessa. Biotekniikkaa lääkeaineiden kehittämiseen soveltavien yritysten määrä on kasvanut nopeasti viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana, mutta tämänhetkiset tulokset osoittavat, että yritykset voisivat hyötyä riskien hallintaan ja kaupallistamiseen liittyvien prosessien kehittämisestä. Tutkielma keskittyy biolääkkeiden kaupallistamiseen, erityisesti suomalaisten uusien biolääkeyritysten kannalta. Tutkielma jakaantuu kahteen osaan: ensimmäinen osa tutkii kaupallistamista käsitteenä ja biolääkeliiketoiminnan erityispiirteitä. Toinen osa keskittyy kaupallistamisen empiiriseen tutkimukseen, joka kattaa viisi suomalaista uutta biolääkeyritystä. Empiirisen osan tavoitteena oli tunnistaa ne keinot, jotka auttavat menestyksekkään kaupallistamisprosessin luomisessa tuotekehitysvaiheen läpäisseelle lääkeaineelle. Saavutetut tulokset voidaan tiivistää neljän kriittisen menestystekijän ympärille, jotka ovat 1) tuote, 2) viestintä, 3) uskottavuus ja 4) yhteistyökumppanin valinta. Ensimmäinen menestystekijä on ainutlaatuinen biolääke, joka parantaa kansantaloudellisesti merkittäviä tauteja. Toisen menestystekijän avulla yritys viestittää uudesta ainutlaatuisesta tuotteestaan mahdollisille yhteistyökumppaneilleen. Kolmas menestystekijä kohdistuu yrityksen uskottavuuteen uutena korkean teknologian biolääkeaineiden kehittäjänä. Uskottavuustekijä on erityisen tärkeä suhteiden luomisessa kansainvälisiin lääkeyrityksiin. Neljäs tekijä keskittyy yhteistyökumppanin valintaan, joka alan erityisluonteesta johtuen on tärkeä uudelle biolääkeyritykselle. Viimeiseksi havaittiin, että uusi biolääkeyritys virtuaalisen rakenteensa vuoksi tarvitsee hyvät johdon suhdemarkkinointikyvyt.


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Tutkielma tarkastelee vapaa alue konseptia osana yritysten kansainvälistä toimitusketjua. Tarkoituksena on löytää keinoja, millä tavoin vapaa alueen houkuttelevuutta voidaan lisätä yritysten näkökulmasta ja millaista liiketoimintaa yritysten on vapaa alueella mahdollista harjoittaa. Tutkielmassa etsitään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat vapaa alueen menestykseen ja jotka voisivat olla sovellettavissa Kaakkois-Suomen ja Venäjän raja-alueelle ottaen huomioon vallitsevat olosuhteet ja lainsäädäntö rajoittavina tekijöinä. Menestystekijöitä ja liiketoimintamalleja haetaan tutkimalla ja analysoimalla lyhyesti muutamia olemassa olevia ja toimivia vapaa alueita. EU tullilain harmonisointi ja kansainvälisen kaupan vapautuminen vähentää vapaa alueen perinteistä merkitystä tullivapaana alueena. Sen sijaan vapaa alueet toimivat yhä enenevissä määrin logistisina keskuksina kansainvälisessä kaupassa ja tarjoavat palveluita, joiden avulla yritykset voivat parantaa logistista kilpailukykyään. Verkostoituminen, satelliitti-ratkaisut ja yhteistoiminta ovat keinoja, millä Kaakkois-Suomen alueen eri logistiikkapalvelujen tarjoajat voivat parantaa suorituskykyään ja joustavuutta kansainvälisessä toimitusketjussa.


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The thesis begins with the classical cooperation and transfers it to the digital world. This work gives a detailed overview of the young fields of research smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing and links these fields with entrepreneurship. The core research aim is the finding of connections between the research fields smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing and entrepreneurial activities and the specific fields of application, success factors and conditions for entrepreneurs. The thesis consists of seven peer-reviewed publications. Based on primary and secondary data, the existence of entrepreneurial opportunities in the fields of smart city, shareconomy and crowdsourcing could be confirmed. The first part (publications 1-3) of the thesis are literature reviews to secure the fundamental base for further research. This part consists of newly created definitions and an extreme sharpening of the research fields for the near future. In the second part of the thesis (publications 4-7), empirical field work (in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs) and quantitative analyses (fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis and binary logistic regression analysis) contribute to the field of research with additional new insights. Summarizing, the insights are multi-layered: theoretical (e.g. new definitions, sharpening of the research field), methodical (e.g. first time application of the fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis in the field of crowdfunding) and qualitative (first time application of in-depth interviews with entrepreneurs in the fields of smart city and shareconomy). The global research question could be answered: the link between entrepreneurship and smart city, shareconomy and crowdfunding could be confirmed, concrete fields of application could be identified and further developments could be touched upon. This work strongly contributes to the young fields of research through much-needed basic work, new qualitative approaches, innovative methods and new insights and offers opportunities for discussion, criticism and support for further research.


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Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tarkastella suomalaista tieliikenteen tavarankuljetusalaa ja tällä toimialla menestymistä. Tutkielman päätavoitteena on selvittää, mitkä ovat keskisuurten tieliikenteen tavarankuljetusyritysten keskeisimmät menestykseen vaikuttavat tekijät. Tutkielma on rajattu koskemaan suomalaisia 20-50 henkilöä työllistäviä tieliikenteen tavarankuljetusyrityksiä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisesti ja tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun avulla. Tutkielmassa haastateltiin viittä toimitusjohtajaa rajausten mukaisista yrityksistä. Tämän tutkielman tulosten mukaan keskisuurten tieliikenteen tavarankuljetusyritysten keskeisimmät menestystekijät ovat keskittyminen ja erikoistuminen. Erikoistumisella tarkoitetaan erikoistumista johonkin tiettyyn kuljetuslajiin. Keskittymisellä tarkoitetaan pitkäjänteistä keskittymistä arvoa luoviin toimintoihin sekä yrityksen harjoittamaan kuljetuslajiin. Muita yksittäisiä menestystekijöitä olivat muun muassa: kaluston tuottavuuden parantaminen, työntekijöiden tuottavuuden parantaminen, hyvä kustannusjohtaminen, asiakassuhteiden hyvä johtaminen ja pätevien työntekijöiden pitäminen yrityksessä. Tutkielman tuloksissa havaittiin myös, että yrityksen harjoittaman kuljetuslajin vaikutus liiketoiminnan menestykseen todennäköisesti kasvaa tulevaisuudessa kabotaasin vapauttamisen myötä. Tutkielman tulosten yleistettävyyteen on suhtauduttava kuitenkin kriittisesti tutkielman pienestä otoksesta johtuen.


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Recent developments in automation, robotics and artificial intelligence have given a push to a wider usage of these technologies in recent years, and nowadays, driverless transport systems are already state-of-the-art on certain legs of transportation. This has given a push for the maritime industry to join the advancement. The case organisation, AAWA initiative, is a joint industry-academia research consortium with the objective of developing readiness for the first commercial autonomous solutions, exploiting state-of-the-art autonomous and remote technology. The initiative develops both autonomous and remote operation technology for navigation, machinery, and all on-board operating systems. The aim of this study is to develop a model with which to estimate and forecast the operational costs, and thus enable comparisons between manned and autonomous cargo vessels. The building process of the model is also described and discussed. Furthermore, the model’s aim is to track and identify the critical success factors of the chosen ship design, and to enable monitoring and tracking of the incurred operational costs as the life cycle of the vessel progresses. The study adopts the constructive research approach, as the aim is to develop a construct to meet the needs of a case organisation. Data has been collected through discussions and meeting with consortium members and researchers, as well as through written and internal communications material. The model itself is built using activity-based life cycle costing, which enables both realistic cost estimation and forecasting, as well as the identification of critical success factors due to the process-orientation adopted from activity-based costing and the statistical nature of Monte Carlo simulation techniques. As the model was able to meet the multiple aims set for it, and the case organisation was satisfied with it, it could be argued that activity-based life cycle costing is the method with which to conduct cost estimation and forecasting in the case of autonomous cargo vessels. The model was able to perform the cost analysis and forecasting, as well as to trace the critical success factors. Later on, it also enabled, albeit hypothetically, monitoring and tracking of the incurred costs. By collecting costs this way, it was argued that the activity-based LCC model is able facilitate learning from and continuous improvement of the autonomous vessel. As with the building process of the model, an individual approach was chosen, while still using the implementation and model building steps presented in existing literature. This was due to two factors: the nature of the model and – perhaps even more importantly – the nature of the case organisation. Furthermore, the loosely organised network structure means that knowing the case organisation and its aims is of great importance when conducting a constructive research.


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Blogging is one of the most common forms of social media today. Blogs have become a powerful media and bloggers are settled stakeholders to marketers. Commercialization of the blogosphere has enabled an increasing number of bloggers professionalize and blog as a full-time occupation. The purpose of this study is to understand the professionalization process of a blogger from an amateur blogger to a professional actor. The following sub-questions were used to further elaborate the topic: What have been the meaningful events and developments fostering professionalization? What are the prerequisites for popularity in blogging? Are there any key success factors to acknowledge in order being able to make business out of your blog? The theoretical framework of this study was formed based on the two chosen focus areas for professionalization; social drivers and business drivers. The theoretical framework is based on literature from fields of marketing and social sciences, as well as previous research on social media, blogging and professionalization. The study is a qualitative case-study and the research data was collected in a semi-structured interview. The case chosen to this study is a lifestyle-blog. The writer of the case blog has been able to develop her blog to become a full-time professional blogger. Based on the results, the professionalization process of a blogger is not a defined process, but instead comprised of coincidental events as well as considered advancements. Success in blogging is based on the bloggers own motivation and passion for writing and expressing oneself in the form of a blog, instead of a systematic construction of a successful career in blogging. Networking with other bloggers as well as affiliates was seen as an important success factor. Popularity in the blogosphere and a high number of followers enable professionalization, as marketers actively seek to collaborate with popular bloggers with strong personal brands. Bloggers with strong personal brands are especially attractive due to their opinion leadership in their reference group. A blogger can act professionally either as entrepreneur or blogging for a commercial webpage. According to the results of this study, it is beneficial for the blogger’s professional development as well as career progress, to act on different operating models


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Several companies are trying to improve their operation efficiency by implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that makes it possible to control the resources of the company in real time. However, the success of the implementation project is not a foregone conclusion; a significant part of these projects end in a failure, one way or another. Therefore it is important to investigate ERP system implementation more closely in order to increase understanding about factors influencing ERP system success and to improve the probability of a successful ERP implementation project. Consequently, this study was initiated because a manufacturing case company wanted to review the success of their ERP implementation project. To be exact, the case company hoped to gain both information about the success of the project and insight for future implementation improvement. This study investigated ERP success specifically by examining factors that influence ERP key-user satisfaction. User satisfaction is one of the most commonly applied indicators of information system success. The research data was mainly collected by conducting theme interviews. The subjects of the interviews were six key-users of the newly implemented ERP system. The interviewees were closely involved in the implementation project. Furthermore, they act as representative users that utilize the new system in everyday business processes. The collected data was analyzed by thematizing. Both data collection and analysis were guided by a theoretical frame of reference. This frame was based on previous research on the subject. The results of the study aligned with the theoretical framework to large extent. The four principal factors influencing key-user satisfaction were change management, contractor service, key-user’s system knowledge and characteristics of the ERP product itself. One of the most significant contributions of the research is that it confirmed the existence of a connection between change management and ERP key-user satisfaction. Furthermore, it discovered two new sub-factors influencing contractor service related key-user satisfaction. In addition, the research findings indicated that in order to improve the current level of key-user satisfaction, the case company should pay special attention to system functionality improvement and enhancement of the key-users’ knowledge. During similar implementation projects in the future, it would be important to assure the success of change management and contractor service related processes.