13 resultados para status of condition
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Selostus: Pitkäaikaisen fosforilannoituksen vaikutus Suomen peltojen fosforitilaan. 1. Maan luontainen ja aikaisemmin kertynyt fosfori 24 koepaikalla
Selostus: Pitkäaikaisen fosforilannoituksen vaikutus Suomen peltojen fosforitilaan. 2. Kemiallisten testien muutokset suhteessa fosforitaseeseen sekä aikaisemmin ja koevuosina lisätyn fosforin multaussyvyyteen
This work describes different possibilities of protection and control system improvement of primary distribution substation. The status of condition and main problems of power networks from reliability point of view in Russia are described. This work studies technologies used today in Russia for protection of distribution networks with their disadvantages. Majority of medium voltage networks (6-35 kV) has isolated network point. There is still no any protection available on the market which allows to estimate distance to fault in case of earth fault. The thesis analyses methods of earth fault distance calculation. On the basis of computer simulation the influence of various factors on calculation accuracy is studied. The practical implementation of the method presupposes usage of digital relay. Application of digital relay is accompanied by numerous opportunities which are described in this work. Also advantages of system implemented on the basis of IEC 61850 standard are examined. Finally, suitability of modern digital relays from GOST standard point of view is analyzed.
Kaasutuksen kannattavuus ja toteutustapa on ollut tarkea ja useiden tutkimuksien kohde. Biomassan kaasutuksen ja siina kaytettavien laitteiden nykytila on epavarma. Niinpa lisatutkimukselle ja tarkasteluille on edelleen tarvetta. Tama tyo keskittyy nykyisin kaytettavien kaasutusprosessien ja laitteiden tarkasteluun. Tyossa kaydaan lapi useita uusimpia kaasutusprojekteja ja esitetaan niista tutkimustarpeita. Lisaksi kaasutusprosessissa pitaa saada hallintaan niille tyypillisia ongelmia kuten kaasun puhdistus, kaasun kasittely, biomassan kasittely ja kaasuttimen muuraus, joista esitetaan lisatietoa. Edelleen esitetaan kaasutusprosessien taydellinen luokittelu. On huomattava etta biomassan kaasutusta tarvitaan jotta saadaan toteutettua EUn hahmotteleman ja saataman energiapolitiikan vaatima kasvu ja kehitys.
16 x 23 cm
16 x 24 cm
The aim of this report is to describe the current status of the waste-to-energy chain in the province of Northern Savonia in Finland. This work is part of the Baltic Sea Region Programme project Remowe-Regional Mobilizing of Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Production (2009-2012). Partnering regions across Baltic Sea countries have parallelly investigated the current status, bottle-necks and needs for development in their regions. Information about the current status is crucial for the further work within the Remowe project, e.g. in investigating the possible future status in target regions. Ultimate result from the Northern Savonia point of view will be a regional model which utilizes all available information and facilitates decision-making concerning energy utilization of waste. The report contains information on among others: - waste management system (sources, amounts, infrastructure) - energy system (use, supply, infrastructure) - administrative structure and legislation - actors and stakeholders in the waste-to-energy field, including interest and development ideas The current status of the regions will be compared in a separate Remowe report, with the focus on finding best practices that could be transferred among the regions. In this report, the current status has been defined as 2006-2009. In 2009, the municipal waste amount per capita was 479 kg/inhabitant in Finland. Industrial waste amounted 3550 kg/inhabitant, respectively. The potential bioenergy from biodegradable waste amounts 1 MWh/inhabitant in Northern Savonia. This figure includes animal manure, crops that would be suitable for energy use, sludge from municipal sewage treatment plants and separately collected biowaste. A key strategy influencing also to Remowe work is the waste plan for Eastern Finland. Currently there operate two digestion plants in Northern Savonia: Lehtoniemi municipal sewage treatment sludge digestion plant of Kuopion Vesi and the farm-scale research biogas plant of Agrifood Research Finland in Maaninka. Moreover, landfill gas is collected to energy use from Heinälamminrinne waste management centre and Silmäsuo closed landfill site, both belonging to Jätekukko Oy. Currently there is no thermal utilization of waste in Northern Savonia region. However, Jätekukko Oy is pretreating mixed waste and delivering refuse derived fuel (RDF) to Southern Finland to combustion. There is a strong willingness among seven regional waste management companies in Eastern Finland to build a waste incineration plant to Riikinneva waste management centre near city of Varkaus. The plant would use circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler. This would been a clear boost in waste-to-energy utilization in Northern Savonia and in many surrounding regions.
This study is a part of the Ecologically Friendly Port Ust-Luga (EFP) project. The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental status of the Finnish ports and, more specifically, the Port of HaminaKotka. An analysis of the environmental status is performed mainly as a literature review, because the Finnish ports must comply with Finnish and EU legislation and with the binding international regulations and conventions created by different organizations. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has done groundbreaking work in the field of maritime safety and maritime environmental protection. The MARPOL convention has a great impact on decreasing pollution from international shipping and it applies to 99% of the world’s merchant tonnage. Pollution prevention covers: Oil pollution, Chemical pollution, Air pollution and GHG Emissions, Dumping of Wasted and Other Matters, Garbage, Sewage, Port Reception Facilities, Special Areas under MARPOL and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. There is also Pollution Prevention for other treaties like anti-fouling systems used on ships, the transfer of alien species by ships’ ballast water and the environmentally sound recycling of ships. There are more than twenty different EU and international regulations that influence ports and port operations in Finland. In addition, there is also national legislation that has an effect on Finnish ports. For the most part, the legislation for ports is common in the EU area, but the biggest and most important difference between the legislation in Finland and other EU countries is due to the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure. The Act states that the environmental impact assessment procedure shall be applied to projects that may have significant adverse environmental impacts, due to the special features of Finland`s nature and environment. In this Act, the term environmental impact refers to the direct and indirect effects inside and outside Finnish territory of a project or operations on human health, living conditions and amenity; soil, water, air, climate, organisms, interaction between them and biodiversity; community structure, buildings, landscape, townscape and cultural heritage; utilization of natural resources. In Finland, the Environmental Permit requires that ports collect all necessary information concerning environmental effects and make required reports to the Finnish authorities, stakeholders and the public. Commonly, environmental reporting is public and environmental achievements are emphasized in reporting and in media. At the moment, the problem in environmental reporting is that it’s difficult to compare data from different ports. There is enough data concerning the environmental effects and performance, but the manner of reporting and the quality of the data varies between ports. There are differences in the units and codes used, in some cases the information is not sufficient and it can even be rather unreliable. There are also differences regarding the subjects that are emphasized in reporting.
The research of condition monitoring of electric motors has been wide for several decades. The research and development at universities and in industry has provided means for the predictive condition monitoring. Many different devices and systems are developed and are widely used in industry, transportation and in civil engineering. In addition, many methods are developed and reported in scientific arenas in order to improve existing methods for the automatic analysis of faults. The methods, however, are not widely used as a part of condition monitoring systems. The main reasons are, firstly, that many methods are presented in scientific papers but their performance in different conditions is not evaluated, secondly, the methods include parameters that are so case specific that the implementation of a systemusing such methods would be far from straightforward. In this thesis, some of these methods are evaluated theoretically and tested with simulations and with a drive in a laboratory. A new automatic analysis method for the bearing fault detection is introduced. In the first part of this work the generation of the bearing fault originating signal is explained and its influence into the stator current is concerned with qualitative and quantitative estimation. The verification of the feasibility of the stator current measurement as a bearing fault indicatoris experimentally tested with the running 15 kW induction motor. The second part of this work concentrates on the bearing fault analysis using the vibration measurement signal. The performance of the micromachined silicon accelerometer chip in conjunction with the envelope spectrum analysis of the cyclic bearing faultis experimentally tested. Furthermore, different methods for the creation of feature extractors for the bearing fault classification are researched and an automatic fault classifier using multivariate statistical discrimination and fuzzy logic is introduced. It is often important that the on-line condition monitoring system is integrated with the industrial communications infrastructure. Two types of a sensor solutions are tested in the thesis: the first one is a sensor withcalculation capacity for example for the production of the envelope spectra; the other one can collect the measurement data in memory and another device can read the data via field bus. The data communications requirements highly depend onthe type of the sensor solution selected. If the data is already analysed in the sensor the data communications are needed only for the results but in the other case, all measurement data need to be transferred. The complexity of the classification method can be great if the data is analysed at the management level computer, but if the analysis is made in sensor itself, the analyses must be simple due to the restricted calculation and memory capacity.
Työn tarkoituksena oli suunnitella kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä kahdelle lasivillan tuotantolinjalle. Suunnitteluprosessin lisäksi työssä on esitelty erilaisia kunnonvalvontamenetelmiä. Työn alussa on kerrottu erilaisista kunnonvalvontamenetelmistä, joilla voidaan seurata erilaisten laitteiden ja koneiden toimintakuntoa.Erityisesti työssä on tarkasteltu teollisuudessa yleistyviä kunnonvalvonnan värähtelymittauksia. Työssä suunniteltu kunnonvalvontajärjestelmä perustuu viiteen eri menetelmään, jotka ovat värähtelymittaus, lämpötilanmittaus lämpökameralla, lämpötilanmittaus kannettavalla mittarilla, kuuntelu elektronisella stetoskoopilla ja pyörivien osien kunnontarkkailu stroboskoopilla. Kunnonvalvontajärjestelmän suunnittelu on tehty useassa eri vaiheessa. Ensin työssä on kartoitettu tuotannon kannalta tärkeimmät laitteet ja niiden mahdolliset vikaantumistavat. Seuraavaksi on valittu sopivat kunnonvalvontamenetelmät ja tehty mittaussuunnitelma, jossa on esitetty eri laitteille suoritettavat mittaukset ja mittausten aikavälit.Lopuksi työssä on esitelty muutama esimerkkitapaus kunnonvalvontamenetelmien käytöstä sekä kerrottu mahdollisista tulevaisuuden kehitysmahdollisuuksista.
Marine mammals are exposed to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which may be biotransformed to metabolites some of which are highly toxic. Both POPs and their metabolites may lead to adverse health effects, which have been studied using various biomarkers. Changes in endocrine homeostasis have been suggested to be sensitive biomarkers for contaminant-related effects. The overall objective of this doctoral thesis was to investigate biotransformation capacity of POPs and their potential endocrine disruptive effects in two contrasting ringed seal populations from the low contaminated Svalbard area and from the highly contaminated Baltic Sea. Biotransformation capacity was studied by determining the relationships between congener-specific patterns and concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxyl (OH)- and/or methylsulfonyl (MeSO2)-metabolites, and catalytic activities of hepatic xenobiotic-metabolizing phase I and II enzymes. The results suggest that the biotransformation of PCBs, PBDEs and toxaphenes in ringed seals depends on the congener-specific halogen-substitution pattern. Biotransformation products detected in the seals included OH-PCBs, MeSO2-PCBs and –DDE, pentachlorophenol, 4-OHheptachlorostyrene, and to a minor extent OH-PBDEs. The effects of life history state (moulting and fasting) on contaminant status and potential biomarkers for endocrine disruption, including hormone and vitamin homeostasis, were investigated in the low contaminated ringed seal population from Svalbard. Moulting/fasting status strongly affected thyroid, vitamin A and calcitriol homeostasis, body condition and concentrations of POPs and their OH-metabolites. In contrast, moulting/fasting status was not associated with variations in vitamin E levels. Endocrine disruptive effects on multiple endpoints were investigated in the two contrasting ringed seal populations. The results suggest that thyroid, vitamin A and calcitriol homeostasis may be affected by the exposure of contaminants and/or their metabolites in the Baltic ringed seals. Complex and non-linear relationships were observed between the contaminant levels and the endocrine variables. Positive relationships between circulating free and total thyroid hormone concentration ratios and OH-PCBs suggest that OH-PCBs may mediate the disruption of thyroid hormone transport in plasma. Species differences in thyroid and bone-related effects of contaminants were studied in ringed and grey seals from low contaminated references areas and from the highly contaminated Baltic Sea. The results indicate that these two species living at the same environment approximately at the same trophic level respond in a very different way to contaminant exposure. The results of this thesis suggest that the health status of the Baltic ringed seals has still improved during the last decade. PCB and DDE levels have decreased in these seals and the contaminant-related effects are different today than a decade ago. The health of the Baltic ringed seals is still suggested to be affected by the contaminant exposure. At the present level of the contaminant exposure the Baltic ringed seals seem to be at a zone where their body is able to compensate for the contaminant-mediated endocrine disruption. Based on the results of this thesis, several recommendations that could be applied on monitoring and assessing risk for contaminant effects are provided. Circulating OH-metabolites should be included in monitoring and risk assessment programs due to their high toxic potential. It should be noted that endogenous variables may have complex and highly variable responses to contaminant exposure including non-linear responses. These relationships may be further confounded by life history status. Therefore, it is highly recommended that when using variables related to endocrine homeostasis to investigate/monitor or assess the risk of contaminant effects in seals, the life history status of the animal should be carefully taken into consideration. This applies especially when using thyroid, vitamin A or calcitriolrelated parameters during moulting/fasting period. Extrapolations between species for assessing risk for contaminant effects in phocid seals should be avoided.