13 resultados para single molecule resolution microscopy
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Optical microscopy is living its renaissance. The diffraction limit, although still physically true, plays a minor role in the achievable resolution in far-field fluorescence microscopy. Super-resolution techniques enable fluorescence microscopy at nearly molecular resolution. Modern (super-resolution) microscopy methods rely strongly on software. Software tools are needed all the way from data acquisition, data storage, image reconstruction, restoration and alignment, to quantitative image analysis and image visualization. These tools play a key role in all aspects of microscopy today – and their importance in the coming years is certainly going to increase, when microscopy little-by-little transitions from single cells into more complex and even living model systems. In this thesis, a series of bioimage informatics software tools are introduced for STED super-resolution microscopy. Tomographic reconstruction software, coupled with a novel image acquisition method STED< is shown to enable axial (3D) super-resolution imaging in a standard 2D-STED microscope. Software tools are introduced for STED super-resolution correlative imaging with transmission electron microscopes or atomic force microscopes. A novel method for automatically ranking image quality within microscope image datasets is introduced, and it is utilized to for example select the best images in a STED microscope image dataset.
In this doctoral thesis, a tomographic STED microscopy technique for 3D super-resolution imaging was developed and utilized to observebone remodeling processes. To improve upon existing methods, wehave used a tomographic approach using a commercially available stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscope. A certain region of interest (ROI) was observed at two oblique angles: one at a standard inverted configuration from below (bottom view) and another from the side (side view) via a micro-mirror positioned close to the ROI. The two viewing angles were reconstructed into a final tomogram. The technique, named as tomographic STED microscopy, was able to achieve an axial resolution of approximately 70 nm on microtubule structures in a fixed biological specimen. High resolution imaging of osteoclasts (OCs) that are actively resorbing bone was achieved by creating an optically transparent coating on a microscope coverglass that imitates a fractured bone surface. 2D super-resolution STED microscopy on the bone layer showed approximately 60 nm of lateral resolution on a resorption associated organelle allowing these structures to be imaged with super-resolution microscopy for the first time. The developed tomographic STED microscopy technique was further applied to study resorption mechanisms of OCs cultured on the bone coating. The technique revealed actin cytoskeleton with specific structures, comet-tails, some of which were facing upwards and some others were facing downwards. This, in our opinion, indicated that during bone resorption, an involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in vesicular exocytosis and endocytosis is present. The application of tomographic STED microscopy in bone biology demonstrated that 3D super-resolution techniques can provide new insights into biological 3D nano-structures that are beyond the diffraction-limit when the optical constraints of super-resolution imaging are carefully taken into account.
C-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is traditionally recognized as a crucial factor in stress response and inducer of apoptosis upon various stimulations. Three isoforms build the JNK subfamily of MAPK; generally expressed JNK1 and JNK2 and brain specific JNK3. Degenerative potency placed JNK in the spotlight as potential pharmacological option for intervention. Unfortunately, adverse effects of potential drugs and observation that expression of only JNK2 and JNK3 are induced upon stress, restrained initial enthusiasm. Notably, JNK1 demonstrated atypical high constitutive activity in neurons that is not responsive to cellular stresses and indicated existence of physiological activity. This thesis aimed at revealing the physiological functions of JNK1 in actin homeostasis through novel effector MARCKS-Like 1 (MARCKSL1) protein, neuronal trafficking mediated by major kinesin-1 motor protein and microtubule (MT) dynamics via STMN2/SCG10. The screen for novel physiological JNK substrates revealed specific phosphorylation of C-terminal end of MARCKSL1 at S120, T148 and T183 both ex vivo and in vitro. By utilizing site-specific mutagenesis, various actin dynamics and migrations assays we were able to demonstrate that JNK1 phosphorylation specifically facilitates F-actin bundling and thus filament stabilisation. Consecutively, this molecular mechanism was proved to enhance formation of filopodia; cell surface projections that allow cell sensing surrounding environment and migrate efficiently. Our results visualize JNK dependent and MARCKSL1 executed induction of filopodia in neurons and fibroblast indicating general mechanism. Subsequently, inactivation of JNK action on MARCKSL1 shifts cellular actin machinery into lamellipodial dynamic arrangement. Tuning of actin cytoskeleton inevitably melds with cell migration. We observed that both active JNK and JNK pseudo-phosphorylated form of MARCKSL1 reduce actin turnover in intact cells leading to overall diminished cell motility. We demonstrate that tumour transformed cells from breast, prostate, lung and muscle-derived cancers upregulate MARCKSL1. We showed on the example of prostate cancer PC-3 cell line that JNK phosphorylation negatively controls MARCKSL1 ability to induce migration, which precedes cancer cell metastasis. The second round of identification of JNK physiological substrates resulted in detection of predominant motor protein kinesin-1 (Kif5). Mass spectrometry detailed analysis showed evident endogenous phosphorylation of kinesin-1 on S176 within motor domain that interacts with MT. In vitro phosphorylation of bacterially expressed kinesin heavy chain by JNK isoforms displayed higher specificity of JNK1 when compared to JNK3. Since, JNK1 is constitutively active in neurons it signified physiological aspect of kinesin-1 regulation. Subsequent biochemical examination revealed that kinesin-1, when not phosphorylated on JNK site, exhibits much higher affinity toward MTs. Expression of the JNK non-phosphorable kinesin-1 mutant in intact cells as well as in vitro single molecule imaging using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy indicated that the mutant loses normal speed and is not able to move processively into proper cellular compartments. We identify novel kinesin-1 cargo protein STMN2/SCG10, which along with known kinesin-1 cargo BDNF is showing impaired trafficking when JNK activity is inhibited. Our data postulates that constitutive JNK activity in neurons is crucial for unperturbed physiologically relevant transport of kinesin-1 dependant cargo. Additionally, my work helps to validate another novel physiological JNK1 effector STMN2/SCG10 as determinant of axodendritic neurites dynamics in the developing brain through regulation of MT turnover. We show successively that this increased MT dynamics is crucial during developmental radial migration when brain layering occurs. Successively, we are able to show that introduction of JNK phosphorylation mimicking STMN2/SCG10 S62/73D mutant rescues completely JNK1 genetic deletion migration phenotype. We prove that STMN2/SCG10 is predominant JNK effector responsible for MT depolymerising activity and neurite length during brain development. Summarizing, this work describes identification of three novel JNK substrates MARCKSL1, kinesin-1 and STMN2/SCG10 and investigation of their roles in cytoskeleton dynamics and cargo transport. This data is of high importance to understand physiological meaning of JNK activity, which might have an adverse effect during pharmaceutical intervention aiming at blocking pathological JNK action.
Intermediate filaments are part of the cytoskeleton and nucleoskeleton; they provide cells with structure and have important roles in cell signalling. The IFs are a large protein family with more than 70 members; each tightly regulated and expressed in a cell type-specific manner. Although the IFs have been known and studied for decades, our knowledge about their specific functions is still limited, despite the fact that mutations in IF genes cause numerous severe human diseases. In this work, three IF proteins are examined more closely; the nuclear lamin A/C and the cytoplasmic nestin and vimentin. In particular the regulation of lamin A/C dynamics, the role of nestin in muscle and body homeostasis as well as the functions and evolutionary aspects of vimentin are investigated. Together this data highlights some less well understood functions of these IFs. We used mass-spectrometry to identify inter-phase specific phosphorylation sites on lamin A. With the use of genetically engineered lamin A protein in combination with high resolution microscopy and biochemical methods we discovered novel roles for this phosphorylation in regulation of lamin dynamics. More specifically, our data suggests that the phosphorylation of certain amino acids in lamin A determines the localization and dynamics of the protein. In addition, we present results demonstrating that lamin A regulates Cdk5-activity. In the second study we use mice lacking nestin to gain more knowledge of this seldom studied protein. Our results show that nestin is essential for muscle regeneration; mice lacking nestin recover more slowly from muscle injury and show signs of spontaneous muscle regeneration, indicating that their muscles are more sensitive to stresses and injury. The absence of nestin also leads to decreased over-all muscle mass and slower body growth. Furthermore, nestin has a role in controlling testicle homeostasis as nestin-/- male mice show a greater variation in testicle size. The common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster lacks cytoplasmic IFs as most insects do. By creating a fly that expresses human vimentin we establish a new research platform for vimentin studies, as well as provide a new tool for the studies of IF evolution.
Lähikenttä- ja kaukokenttämikroskopian yhdistäminen: Uusi korkearesoluutioinen menetelmä nanokuvantamiseen. Osteoporoosi on sairaus, jossa luun uudistumisprosessi ei ole enää tasapainossa. Uuden luun muodostuminen on hitaampaa johtuen osteoblastien laskeneesta aktiivisuudesta. Yksi keino estää osteoporoosin syntyä on estää osteoklastien sitoutuminen luun pinnalle, jolloin ne eivät aloita luun syömisprosessia. Tämän Pro gradu -tutkielman tarkoituksena on luoda uusi työkalu osteoklastien sitoutumisen tutkimiseen samanaikaisesti fluoresenssi- ja atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Tätä tarkoitusta varten yhdistettiin atomivoimamikroskooppi sekä STED mikroskooppi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käydään läpi yksityiskohtaisesti molempien mikroskooppitekniikoiden teoriat. Kokeellisessa osiossa esitetään käytetyt metodit ja alustavat tulokset uudella systeemillä. Lisäksi keskustellaan lyhyesti kuvan analysoinnista ImageJohjelmalla. Konfokaalisen fluoresenssimikroskoopin ja atomivoimamikroskoopin yhdistelmä on keksitty jo aikaisemmin, mutta tavallisen konfokaalimikroskoopin erottelukyvyn raja on noin 200 nanometriä johtuen valon diffraktioluonteesta. Yksityiskohdat eivät erotu, jos ne ovat pienempiä kuin puolet käytettävästä aallonpituudesta. STED mikroskooppi mahdollistaa fluoresenssikuvien taltioimisen solunsisäisistä prosesseista 50 nanometrin lateraalisella erotuskyvyllä ja atomivoimamikroskooppi antaa topografista tietoa näytteestä nanometrien erotuskyvyllä. Biologisia näytteitä kuvannettaessa atomivoimamikroskoopin erotuskyky kuitenkin huononee ja yleensä saavutetaan 30-50 nanometrin erotuskyky. Kuvien kerrostaminen vaatii vertauspisteitä ja tätä varten käytettiin atomivoimamikroskoopin kärjen tunnistamista ja referenssipartikkeleita. Kuva-analysointi suoritettiin ImageJ-kuvankäsittelyohjelmalla. Tuloksista nähdään, että referenssipartikkelit ovat hyviä, mutta niiden sijoittaminen tarkasti tietylle kohdealueelle on hankalaa nanoskaalassa. Tästä johtuen kärjen havaitseminen fluoresenssikuvassa on parempi metodi. Atomivoimamikroskoopin kärki voidaan päällystää fluoresoivalla aineella, mutta tämä lisää kärjen aiheuttamaa konvoluutiota mittausdataan. Myös valon takaisinsirontaa kärjestä voidaan tutkia, jolloin konvoluutio ei lisäänny. Ensimmäisten kuvien kerrostamisessa käytettiin hyväksi fluoresoivalla aineella päällystettyä kärkeä ja lopputuloksessa oli vain 50 nanometrin yhteensopimattomuus fluoresenssi- ja topografiakuvan kanssa. STED mikroskoopin avulla nähdään leimattujen proteiinien tarkat sijainnit tiettynä ajankohtana elävän solun sisällä. Samaan aikaan pystytään kuvantamaan solun fyysisiä muotoja tai mitata adheesiovoimia atomivoimamikroskoopilla. Lisäksi voidaan käyttää funktinalisoitua kärkeä, jolla voidaan laukaista signalointitapahtumia solun ja soluväliaineen välillä. Sitoutuminen soluväliaineeseen voidaan rekisteröidä samoin kuin adheesiomediaattorien sijainnit sitoutumisalueella. Nämä dynaamiset havainnot tuottavat uutta informaatiota solun signaloinnista, kun osteoklasti kiinnittyy luun pintaan. Tämä teknologia tarjoaa uuden näkökulman monimutkaisiin signalointiprosesseihin nanoskaalassa ja tulee ratkaisemaan lukemattoman määrän biologisia ongelmia.
PhotoAcoustic Imaging (PAI) is a branch in clinical and pre-clinical imaging, that refers to the techniques mapping acoustic signals caused by the absorption of the short laser pulse. This conversion of electromagnetic energy of the light to the mechanical (acoustic) energy is usually called photoacoustic effect. PAI, by combining optical excitation with acoustical detection, is able to preserve the diffraction limited spatial resolution. At the same time, the penetration depth is extended beyond the diffusive limit. The Laser-Scanning PhotoAcoustic Microscope system (LS-PAM) has been developed, that offers the axial resolution of 7.75 µm with the lateral resolution better than 10 µm. The first in vivo imaging experiments were carried out. Thus, in vivo label-free imaging of the mouse ear was performed. The principle possibility to image vessels located in deep layers of the mouse skin was shown. As well as that, a gold printing sample, vasculature of the Chick Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay, Drosophila larvae were imaged by PAI. During the experimental work, a totally new application of PAM was found, in which the acoustic waves, generated by incident light can be used for further imaging of another sample. In order to enhance the performance of the presented system two main recommendation can be offered. First, the current system should be transformed into reflection-mode setup system. Second, a more powerful source of light with the sufficient repetition rate should be introduced into the system.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia Raman-spektrometrin soveltuvuutta muovipäällystettyjen kartonkien syvyyssuuntaisiin mittauksiin. Lisäksi pyrittiin selvittämään voidaanko kiteisyyttä nähdä Raman-laitteistolla. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on selvitetty Raman-laitteiston teknisiä ominaisuuksia. Kokeellinen osa suoritettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa Membraanitekniikan ja teknillisen polymeerikemian laboratoriossa. Työssä käytettiin Horiban Jobin Yvon¿in valmistamaa konfokaalista Raman-spektrometri-laitteistoa (LabRam). Syvyyssuuntaisissa mittauksissa käytettiin apuna motorisoitua x-, y- ja z-suuntaan liikkuvaa tasoa. Mittaukset suoritettiin pistemäisesti tietyllä askelvälillä fokusoimalla näytteen pinnasta sisällepäin. Syvyysprofilointimittaukset aloitettiinmäärittelemällä laitteiston syvyysresoluutio eri konfokaalireikäkoolla. Lisäksityössä tehtiin syvyysprofilointimittauksia sekä läpinäkyvillä monikerrosmuoveilla että muovipäällystetyillä kartongeilla. Työssä mitatut muovipäällysteet sisälsivät pääasiassa polyeteeniä. Tulokset osoittivat, että Raman laitteistolla voidaan havainnoida Raman-aktiiviset ryhmät näytteen eri kerroksista. Lisäksi polyeteenin kiteisyysaste voidaan havaita tietyillä aallonpituuksilla.
Particulate nanostructures are increasingly used for analytical purposes. Such particles are often generated by chemical synthesis from non-renewable raw materials. Generation of uniform nanoscale particles is challenging and particle surfaces must be modified to make the particles biocompatible and water-soluble. Usually nanoparticles are functionalized with binding molecules (e.g., antibodies or their fragments) and a label substance (if needed). Overall, producing nanoparticles for use in bioaffinity assays is a multistep process requiring several manufacturing and purification steps. This study describes a biological method of generating functionalized protein-based nanoparticles with specific binding activity on the particle surface and label activity inside the particles. Traditional chemical bioconjugation of the particle and specific binding molecules is replaced with genetic fusion of the binding molecule gene and particle backbone gene. The entity of the particle shell and binding moieties are synthesized from generic raw materials by bacteria, and fermentation is combined with a simple purification method based on inclusion bodies. The label activity is introduced during the purification. The process results in particles that are ready-to-use as reagents in bioaffinity. Apoferritin was used as particle body and the system was demonstrated using three different binding moieties: a small protein, a peptide and a single chain Fv antibody fragment that represents a complex protein including disulfide bridge.If needed, Eu3+ was used as label substance. The results showed that production system resulted in pure protein preparations, and the particles were of homogeneous size when visualized with transmission electron microscopy. Passively introduced label was stably associated with the particles, and binding molecules genetically fused to the particle specifically bound target molecules. Functionality of the particles in bioaffinity assays were successfully demonstrated with two types of assays; as labels and in particle-enhanced agglutination assay. This biological production procedure features many advantages that make the process especially suited for applications that have frequent and recurring requirements for homogeneous functional particles. The production process of ready, functional and watersoluble particles follows principles of “green chemistry”, is upscalable, fast and cost-effective.
Immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia Lipase: Kinetic Resolution in Organic Solvents, Ionic Liquids and in Their Mixtures Biocatalysis opens the door to green and sustainable processes in synthetic chemistry allowing the preparation of single enantiomers, since the enzymes are chiral and accordingly able to catalyze chemical reactions under mild conditions. Immobilization of enzymes enhances process robustness, often stabilizes and activates the enzyme, and enables reuse of the same enzyme preparation in multiple cycles. Although hundreds of variations of immobilization methods exist, there is no universal method to yield the highly active, selective and stable enzyme catalysts. Therefore, new methods need to be developed to obtain suitable catalysts for different substrates and reaction environments. Lipases are the most widely used enzymes in synthetic organic chemistry. The literature part together with the experimental part of this thesis discusses of the effects of immobilization methods mostly used to enhance lipase activity, stability and enantioselectivity. Moreover, the use of lipases in the kinetic resolution of secondary alcohols in organic solvents and in ionic liquids is discussed. The experimental work consists of the studies of immobilization of Burkholderia cepacia lipase (lipase PS) using three different methods: encapsulation in sol-gels, cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) and supported ionic liquids enzyme catalysts (SILEs). In addition, adsorption of lipase PS on celite was studied to compare the results obtained with sol-gels, CLEAs and SILEs. The effects of immobilization on enzyme activity, enantioselectivity and hydrolysis side reactions were studied in kinetic resolution of three secondary alcohols in organic solvents, in ionic liquids (ILs), and in their mixtures. Lipase PS sol-gels were shown to be active and stable catalysts in organic solvents and solvent:IL mixtures. CLEAs and SILEs were highly active and enantioselective in organic solvents. Sol-gels and SILEs were reusable in several cycles. Hydrolysis side reaction was suppressed in the presence of sol-gels and CLEAs.
The drug discovery process is facing new challenges in the evaluation process of the lead compounds as the number of new compounds synthesized is increasing. The potentiality of test compounds is most frequently assayed through the binding of the test compound to the target molecule or receptor, or measuring functional secondary effects caused by the test compound in the target model cells, tissues or organism. Modern homogeneous high-throughput-screening (HTS) assays for purified estrogen receptors (ER) utilize various luminescence based detection methods. Fluorescence polarization (FP) is a standard method for ER ligand binding assay. It was used to demonstrate the performance of two-photon excitation of fluorescence (TPFE) vs. the conventional one-photon excitation method. As result, the TPFE method showed improved dynamics and was found to be comparable with the conventional method. It also held potential for efficient miniaturization. Other luminescence based ER assays utilize energy transfer from a long-lifetime luminescent label e.g. lanthanide chelates (Eu, Tb) to a prompt luminescent label, the signal being read in a time-resolved mode. As an alternative to this method, a new single-label (Eu) time-resolved detection method was developed, based on the quenching of the label by a soluble quencher molecule when displaced from the receptor to the solution phase by an unlabeled competing ligand. The new method was paralleled with the standard FP method. It was shown to yield comparable results with the FP method and found to hold a significantly higher signal-tobackground ratio than FP. Cell-based functional assays for determining the extent of cell surface adhesion molecule (CAM) expression combined with microscopy analysis of the target molecules would provide improved information content, compared to an expression level assay alone. In this work, immune response was simulated by exposing endothelial cells to cytokine stimulation and the resulting increase in the level of adhesion molecule expression was analyzed on fixed cells by means of immunocytochemistry utilizing specific long-lifetime luminophore labeled antibodies against chosen adhesion molecules. Results showed that the method was capable of use in amulti-parametric assay for protein expression levels of several CAMs simultaneously, combined with analysis of the cellular localization of the chosen adhesion molecules through time-resolved luminescence microscopy inspection.
Preparation of optically active compounds is of high importance in modern medicinal chemistry. Despite recent advances in the field of asymmetric synthesis, resolution of racemates still remains the most utilized way for preparation of single enantiomers in industrial scale due to its cost-efficiency and simplicity. Enzymatic kinetic resolution (KR) of racemates is a classical method for separation of enantiomers. One of its drawbacks is the limitation of target enantiomer yield to 50%. Dynamic Kinetic Resolution (DKR) allows to reach yields up to 100% by in situ racemization of the less reactive enantiomer. In the first part of this thesis, a number of half-sandwich ruthenium complexes were prepared and evaluated as catalysts for racemization of optically active secondary alcohols. A leading catalyst, Bn5CpRu(CO)2Cl, was identified. The catalyst discovered was extensively characterized by its application for DKR of a broad range of secondary alcohols in a wide range of reaction loadings (1 mmol – 1 mol). Cost-efficient chromatography-free procedure for preparation of this catalyst was developed. Further, detailed kinetic and mechanistic studies of the racemization reactions were performed. Comparison of racemization rates in the presence of Bn5CpRu(CO)2Cl and Ph5CpRu(CO)2Cl catalysts reveals that the performance of the catalytic system can be adjusted by matching of the electronic properties of the catalysts and the substrates. Moreover, dependence of the rate-limiting step from the electronic properties of the reagents was observed. Important conclusions about reaction mechanism were made. Finally, an alternative approach to DKR of amines based on space separated vessels was addressed. This procedure allows the combination of thermolabile enzyme with racemization catalysts active only at high temperatures.
Lanthanum lutetium oxide (LaLuO3) thin films were investigated considering their perspective application for industrial microelectronics. Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques permitted to visualize the surface topography and study the electric properties. This work compared both the material properties (charge behavior for samples of 6 nm and 25 nm width) and the applied SPM modes. Particularly, Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) was applied to characterize local potential difference with high lateral resolution. Measurements showed the difference in morphology, chargeability and charge dissipation time for both samples. The polarity effect was detected for this material for the first time. Lateral spreading of the charged spots indicate the diffusive mechanism to be predominant in charge dissipation. This allowed to estimate the diffusion coefficient and mobility. Using simple electrostatic model it was found that charge is partly leaking into the interface oxide layer.
Biokuvainformatiikan kehittäminen – mikroskopiasta ohjelmistoratkaisuihin – sovellusesimerkkinä α2β1-integriini Kun ihmisen genomi saatiin sekvensoitua vuonna 2003, biotieteiden päätehtäväksi tuli selvittää eri geenien tehtävät, ja erilaisista biokuvantamistekniikoista tuli keskeisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä. Teknologiset kehitysaskeleet johtivat erityisesti fluoresenssipohjaisten valomikroskopiatekniikoiden suosion räjähdysmäiseen kasvuun, mutta mikroskopian tuli muuntua kvalitatiivisesta tieteestä kvantitatiiviseksi. Tämä muutos synnytti uuden tieteenalan, biokuvainformatiikan, jonka on sanottu mahdollisesti mullistavan biotieteet. Tämä väitöskirja esittelee laajan, poikkitieteellisen työkokonaisuuden biokuvainformatiikan alalta. Väitöskirjan ensimmäinen tavoite oli kehittää protokollia elävien solujen neliulotteiseen konfokaalimikroskopiaan, joka oli yksi nopeimmin kasvavista biokuvantamismenetelmistä. Ihmisen kollageenireseptori α2β1-integriini, joka on tärkeä molekyyli monissa fysiologisissa ja patologisissa prosesseissa, oli sovellusesimerkkinä. Työssä saavutettiin selkeitä visualisointeja integriinien liikkeistä, yhteenkeräytymisestä ja solun sisään siirtymisestä, mutta työkaluja kuvainformaation kvantitatiiviseen analysointiin ei ollut. Väitöskirjan toiseksi tavoitteeksi tulikin tällaiseen analysointiin soveltuvan tietokoneohjelmiston kehittäminen. Samaan aikaan syntyi biokuvainformatiikka, ja kipeimmin uudella alalla kaivattiin erikoistuneita tietokoneohjelmistoja. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tärkeimmäksi tulokseksi muodostui näin ollen BioImageXD, uudenlainen avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmisto moniulotteisten biokuvien visualisointiin, prosessointiin ja analysointiin. BioImageXD kasvoi yhdeksi alansa suurimmista ja monipuolisimmista. Se julkaistiin Nature Methods -lehden biokuvainformatiikkaa käsittelevässä erikoisnumerossa, ja siitä tuli tunnettu ja laajalti käytetty. Väitöskirjan kolmas tavoite oli soveltaa kehitettyjä menetelmiä johonkin käytännönläheisempään. Tehtiin keinotekoisia piidioksidinanopartikkeleita, joissa oli "osoitelappuina" α2β1-integriinin tunnistavia vasta-aineita. BioImageXD:n avulla osoitettiin, että nanopartikkeleilla on potentiaalia lääkkeiden täsmäohjaussovelluksissa. Tämän väitöskirjatyön yksi perimmäinen tavoite oli edistää uutta ja tuntematonta biokuvainformatiikan tieteenalaa, ja tämä tavoite saavutettiin erityisesti BioImageXD:n ja sen lukuisten julkaistujen sovellusten kautta. Väitöskirjatyöllä on merkittävää potentiaalia tulevaisuudessa, mutta biokuvainformatiikalla on vakavia haasteita. Ala on liian monimutkainen keskimääräisen biolääketieteen tutkijan hallittavaksi, ja alan keskeisin elementti, avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistokehitystyö, on aliarvostettu. Näihin seikkoihin tarvitaan useita parannuksia,