19 resultados para reinforcement
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Fiber damages comprise fiber deformations, characterized as fiber curl, kink, dislocations and strength losses as well as some yet unidentified factors. This recently discovered phenomenon is especially evident in mill scale kraftpulps. Laboratory produced pulps tend to have less damages and superior strength properties compared to those produced in pulp mills. Generally fiber damages pose a problem in the production of reinforcement pulp because they tend to decrease the ability of fibers to transmit load. Previous studies on fiber damage have shown that most of the fiber damages occur during brown stock processing starting from cooking and discharging. This literature review gives an overall picture on fiber damages occurring during softwood kraft pulp production with an emphasis on the oxygen delignification stage. In addition the oxygen delignification stage itself is described in more detailed extent in order to understand the mechanisms behind the delignification and fiber damaging effect. The literature available on this subject is unfortunately quite contradictory and implicates a lotof different terms. Only a few studies have been published which help to understand the nature of fiber damages. For that reason the knowledge presented in this work is not only based on previous studies but also on research scientist and mill staff interviews.
Tavoitteena tällä tutkimuksella on soveltaa modernin optimisuunnittelun keinoja komposiittimuovisen nestesäiliön lieriömäisen vaipparakenteen suunnittelemiseksi optimaalisen tyydyttäviksi valmistustekniikan ja kustannusten kannalta. Kuormituksia on kahdenlaisia. Säiliön sisällä on neste, joka tuottaa hydrostaattisen painekuorman ja järjestelmään kytketty puhallin tuottaa ulkoisen ylipaineen. Säiliöt ovat pystysäiliöitä ja ne tukeutuvat alustaan suoran pohjalaatan avulla. FEM- malleissa kuoren alaosat ovat jäykästi kiinnitettyjä ja yläosissa säteensuuntaiset siirtymät ovat estettyjä. Materiaaleiksi kuoreen on valittu kahdella eri menetelmällä lujitetut komposiittimateriaalit. Kantavan kerroksen toimintona on kantaa kuormat. Sulkukerros toimii korroosiosuojana ja sen lujuus on kantavaa kerrosta pienempi. Keinoina käytetään ensin innovatiivista suunnittelua optimaalisten lähtövaihtoehtojen ideoimiseksi ja valitsemiseksi jatkokehittelyä varten. Tavoitteena on asiakkaan tyytyväisyyden maksimointi huomioiden tuotteen kustannukset ja kesto. Yhtenä suunnittelun keinona on käytetty kuoriteoriaa ja komposiittien materiaalimalleja. Kestoehtoina on sovellettu komposiiteille soveltuvia kriteerejä. Toisena keinona käytetään FEM-laskentaa. Elementtityypiksi on valittu kaksiulotteinen kuorielementti, jossa on ortotrooppisen ainemallin mukaiset materiaaliominaisuudet. Jännitystuloksien merkittävyys keston kannalta selvitettiin Tsai-Hillin kriteerillä. Tuloksina saatiin ensin innovoitua rakenteelle kaksi päävaihtoehtoa, joita alettiin optimoida. Valitussa ratkaisussa on huomioitu kokonaisuus ja eri yksityiskohdat, kuten paino, jäykisteet kustannustehokkuus, valmistusnopeus, laatu, hävikit, päästöt, lujuus ja kilpailukykyinen myyntihinta. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että käytetyt keinot ovat hyvin tehokkaita ja niillä voidaan suunnitella ja toteuttaa komposiittirakenteita, jotka tyydyttävät optimaalisesti loppukäyttäjän teknis- taloudelliset vaatimukset. Lisäksi tulokset osoittavat, että standardin ja FEM-laskennan ennustukset ovat lähellä toisiaan sylinterimäisillä kuoriosilla, mutta standardit suosittavat suurempia mittoja itse jäykisteille.
Nykyään laivan kansirakenteet suunnitellaan pääosin kantaviksi rakenteiksi, mikä edellyttää niiltä suurta lujuutta. Jatkuvasti kasvavissa risteilijöissä ja muissa suurissa aluksissa ongelmaksi muodostuu kansirakenteiden suuret jännitykset. Kansirakenteet sijaitsevat kauimpana laivan neutraaliakselilta, jolloin niissä syntyy suuria venymiä. Kansirakenteista pitää näin ollen suunnitella hyvin kestäviä tai vaihtoehtoisesti tarpeeksi lyhyitä rakenteita. Liikuntasaumojen avulla on 1950 -luvulle asti laivoissa katkaistu pitkät kansirakenteet, mutta hitsausmenetelmien kehittyessä kansirakennukset on tehty yhtenäisiksi kansirakenteiksi. Tämä on tähänastisissa risteilijöissäkin toiminut hyvin, mutta laivojen koon kasvaessa on etsittävä keinoja mahdollisiin runkorakenteiden ja varustelun lujuus- ja väsymisongelmiin. Tavoitteena oli saada aikaan työ, joka olisi hyvä ”työkalu” tuleville tutkimuksille liikuntasaumojen soveltamisessa laivarakenteisiin sekä niihin liittyviin varusteluosiin ja -rakenteisiin. Työssä tutustutaan kirjallisuustutkimuksen avulla liikuntasaumasovelluksiin ja esitellään sovelluksia eri aloilta. Kirjallisuusosuuden päätteeksi esitellään muutama laivarakennesovellus, joita löytyy hieman vanhemmista laivarakenteista. FE analyysiosuudessa tutkitaan liikuntasauman pohjan muodon vaikutusta pohjan jännitystasoihin ja liikuntasaumojen vaikutusta laivan kansirakenteiden jännitystasoihin kolmella eri liikuntasaumojen lukumäärällä. Lisäksi kansirakenteiden jännitystasoja tutkittiin kolmella kansirakenteen leveydellä. Esimerkkejä liikuntasaumoista löytyy monelta eri aloilta, joiden ominaisuuksia yhdistelemällä saavutetaan oikea ratkaisu liikuntasaumojen soveltamisessa laivojen kansirakenteisiin. Lisäksi FE -analyysistä voidaan nähdä, että liikuntasaumat laskevat jännitystasoja laivojen kansirakenteissa. Liikuntasaumojen oikea lukumäärä riippuu hyvin paljon siitä, kuinka paljon kansirakenteen jännityksiä halutaan laskea. Liikuntasauman pohjan muotoa on kehitettävä ja se on otettava myös huomioon yhtenä tärkeänä seikkana suunniteltaessa liikuntasaumoja laivojen kansirakenteisiin. Esimerkiksi vahvistelevyillä saadaan jännityksiä laskettua liikuntasauman pohjan läheisyydessä tehokkaasti.
Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää teräspalkkirakenteiden palosuunnittelua ja palosuojauksen toteutusta öljynjalostamolla käytettävien kantavien teräspalkkirakenteiden osalta. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli luoda suunnitteluohjeen runko palomitoituksen toteuttamiseksi Neste Engineering Oy:ssä. Ongelmakohtia työssä olivat rakenteiden kapasiteettien tarkka määritys, toimivien toteutusratkaisujen etsiminen, sekä öljynjalostamolla mitoituspalona käytettävän hiilivetypalon SFS-ENV-1992-1-2 käyttö yleisemmin mitoituspalona käytettävän standardipalo ISO-834 sijaan. Työssä perehdyttiin kirjallisuuden perusteella eri palosuojausmenetelmiin. Tarkemman jatkotutkimuksen kohteeksi otettiin jo käytössä hyväksi havaittu teräsputkipalkkien sisäpuoleinen betonitäyttö. Menetelmässä teräsputkipalkin oletetaan kantavan kuormat normaalitilassa ja sisällä olevan raudoitetun betonin palossa. Palkkirakenteiden kapasiteettimitoitus määritettiin laskennallisesti poikkileikkauksille. Mitoitus perustuu palkissa tapahtuvien sisäisten venymien ja puristumien tarkasteluun, sekä poikkileikkauksen tarkan lämpötilajakauman huomioimiseen. Raudoitustankojen ankkurointia palkki-pilari-liitoksessa kehitettiin valmistuksen kannalta yksioikoisemmaksi ja helpommin toteutettavaksi. Palkkien raudoituksiin suunniteltiin kierremuhvijatkoksella toteutettava ankkurointimenetelmä, jolla palkkien raudoitustangot saadaan ankkuroitua täydestä kapasiteetistaan tapauskohtaisesti pilarin vastakkaisella puolella olevaan palkkiin tai ankkurointikappaleella pilariin. Teräsputkipilarin betonivalun vaihtoehtoisiin menetelmiin tutustuttiin. Pilarin alapäähän asennettavan venttiilin läpi tapahtuva täyttö helpottaa betonointityövaihetta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena luotiin suunnitteluohjeen runko, jonka pohjalta voidaan tehdä lopullinen ohje. Myös työn tuloksena saatu laskentaohjelma palkkien momentti-kapasiteetin ja pilarin nurjahduskuorman laskemiseksi helpottaa suunnittelua. Raudoituksen ankkurointiin ja betonointiin esitettyjen menetelmien toimivuus on syytä kokeilla käytännössä ja tehdä jatkokehitys näistä saatavien kokemusten pohjalta.
Diplomityössä perehdytään lujitemuovikomposiitteihin sekä niiden valmistusmenetelmiin. Tavoitteena on kehittää lujitemuovinen paperikoneen kaavinterän kannatinpalkkirakenne. Suunniteltavalla tuotteella pyritään korvaamaan perinteisesti teräksestä valmistetut paperikoneiden kaavinterän pidikepalkit paremmin tarkoitukseen sopivalla lujitemuovisella rakenteella sekä parantamaan jo tuotannossa olevan tuotteen ominaisuuksia. Työssä selvitetään tuotteen vaatimukset, joiden pohjalta laaditaan tuotteen vaatimusprofiili ja suoritetaan materiaalinvalinta perustuen ominaisarvovertailuihin. Suunnitteluosiossa tutkitaan eri rakenneratkaisujen soveltuvuutta kohteeseen. Tutkimustulosten perusteella saatiin kattava kuva eri materiaalien soveltuvuudesta kohteeseen sekä kehitettiin rakenneratkaisu, joka täyttää tuotteelta vaaditut ominaisuudet. Tutkimustulosten pohjalta syntyi myös uuden tyyppinen rakenne jolla saavutetaan huomattavaa tilansäästöä perinteisiin rakenneratkaisuihin nähden. Tämän rakenneratkaisun kehitystyötä on tarkoitus jatkaa.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli löytää keinot taivekartongin riittävän z-suuntaisen lujuuden saavuttamiseksi tilanteessa, jossa runkokerrokseen annosteltavan hylyn määrää joudutaan pysyvästi vähentämään. Työn kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin taivekartongin tärkeimmät ominaisuudet, joista tarkemmin tarkasteltiin palstautumislujuutta ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Lisäksi käytiin läpi palstautumislujuuden mittausmenetelmät. Merkittävimpiä teoriaosassa käsiteltyjä palstautumislujuuteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä olivat massojen käsittely ja annostelu, kuivalujalisäaineiden käyttö sekä rainanmuodostus. Hylyn annosteluosuuden pienentäminen vähensi taivekartongin paksuussuuntaista lujuutta ja runkomassan vedenpoistovastusta, mutta samanaikaisesti lisääntyivät kartongin paksuus ja taivutusjäykkyys. Hylyn vähäisemmän käytön seurauksena menetettyä lujuutta ei pystytty palauttamaan hylyn jauhatuksen määrää lisäämällä, eikä kartonkikoneen runkoviiraosan vedenpoistoon vaikuttamalla. Kun hylyn annosteluosuus laskettiin 20 %:in, saavutettiin runkokerroksen riittävä lujuus ainoastaan runkomassan pääkomponenttina käytettävän hiokemassaseoksen jauhatusastetta nostamalla tai korvaamalla pieni osa hiokkeesta hyvin hienoksi jauhetulla mäntysellulla. Hiokkeen freeness oli laskettava tasolta 300 ml CSF tasolle 250 ml CSF. Vastaavasti mäntysellu oli jauhettava hyvin pitkälle (°SR 74) tai annosteluosuuden oli oltava vähintään 2 %, jolloin jauhatusaste °SR 49 oli riittävä. Vähäisemmällä hylyn käytöllä saavutettu etu vedenpoistossa saatettaisiin menettää näiden toimenpiteiden vaikutuksesta.
The purpose of this work was to study the effect of aspen and alder on birch cooking and the quality of the pulp produced. Three different birch kraft pulps were studied. As a reference, pure aspen and alder were included. The laboratory trials were done at the UPM Research Centre in Lappeenranta, Finland. The materials used were birch, aspen and alder mill chips that were collected around the area of South-Carelia in Finland. The chips used in the study were pulped using a standard kraft process. The pulps including birch fibres were ECF-bleached at laboratory scale to a target brightness of 85 %. The bleached pulps were beaten at low consistency by a laboratory Voith Sulzer refiner and tested for optical and physical properties. The theoretical part is a study of hardwoods that takes into accounts the differences between birch, aspen and alder. Major sub-areas were fibre and paper-technical properties as well as chemical composition and their influence on the different properties. The pulp properties of birch, aspen and alder found in previous studies were reported. Russian hardwood forest resources were also investigated. The fundamentals of kraft pulping and bleaching were studied at the end of theoretical part. The major effect of replacing birch with aspen and alder was the deterioration (lowering) of tensile and tear strengths. In other words, addition of aspen and alder to a birch furnish reduced strength properties. The reinforcement ability of the tested pulps was the following: 100 % birch > 80 % birch, 20 % aspen > 70 % birch, 20 % aspen, 10 % alder. The second thing noted was that blending of birch together with aspen and alder give better smoothness, optical properties and also formation. It can be concluded, that replacement of birch with alder during cooking by more than 10 % can negatively affect on the paper-technical properties of birch pulp. Mixing pure birch and aspen pulps would be more beneficial when producing printing paper made from chemical pulp.
Polymeric materials have been used in dental applications for decades. Adhesion of polymeric materials to each other and to the tooth substrate is essential to their successful use. The aim of this series of studies was two-folded. First, to improve adhesion of poly(paraphenylene) based rigid rod polymer (RRP) to other dental polymers, and secondly, to evaluate the usability of a new dentin primer system based on RRP fillers. Poly(paraphenylene) based RRP would be a tempting material for dental applications because of its good mechanical properties. To be used in dental applications, reliable adhesion between RRP and other dental polymers is required. In this series of studies, the adhesion of RRP to denture base polymer and the mechanical properties of RRP-denture base polymer-material combination were evaluated. Also adhesion of BisGMA-TEGDMA-resin to RRP was determined. Different surface treatments were tested to improve the adhesion of BisGMA-TEGDMA-resin to RRP. Results were based on three-point bending testing, Vickers surface hardness test and scanning electron microscope analysis (SEM), which showed that no reliable adhesion between RRP and denture base polymer was formed. Addition of RRP filler to denture base polymer increased surface hardness and flexural modulus but flexural strength decreased. Results from the shear bond strength test and SEM revealed that adhesion between resin and RRP was possible to improve by surface treatment with dichloromethane (DCM) based primer and a new kind of adhesive surface can be designed. The current dentin bonding agents have good immediate bond strength, but in long term the bond strength may decrease due to the detrimental effect of water and perhaps by matrix metalloproteinases. This leads to problems in longevity of restorations. Current bonding agents use organic monomers. In this series of studies, RRP filled dentin primer was tested in order to decrease the water sorption of the monomer system of the primers. The properties of new dentin primer system were evaluated in vitro by comparing it to commercial etch and rinse adhesive system. The results from the contact angle measurements and SEM showed that experimental primer with RRP reinforcement provided similar resin infiltration to dentin collagen and formed the resin-dentin interface as the control primer. Microtensile bond strength test and SEM revealed that in short term water storing, RRP increased bond strength and primer with BMEP-monomer (bis[2-(methacryloyloxy)-ethyl]phosphate) and high solvent concentration provided comparable bonding properties to the commercial control primers. In long term water storing, the high solvent-monomer concentration of the experimental primers decreased bond strength. However, in low solvent-monomer concentration groups, the long-term water storing did not decrease the bond strength despite the existence of hydrophilic monomers which were used in the system. These studies demonstrated that new dentin primer system reached the mechanical properties of current traditional etch and rinse adhesive system in short time water storing. Improved properties can be achieved by further modifications of the monomer system. Studies of the adhesion of RRP to other polymers suggest that adhesion between RRP and other dental polymers is possible to obtain by certain surface treatments.
Immaturity of the gut barrier system in the newborn has been seen to underlie a number of chronic diseases originating in infancy and manifesting later in life. The gut microbiota and breast milk provide the most important maturing signals for the gut-related immune system and reinforcement of the gut mucosal barrier function. Recently, the composition of the gut microbiota has been proposed to be instrumental in control of host body weight and metabolism as well as the inflammatory state characterizing overweight and obesity. On this basis, inflammatory Western lifestyle diseases, including overweight development, may represent a potential target for probiotic interventions beyond the well documented clinical applications. The purpose of the present undertaking was to study the efficacy and safety of perinatal probiotic intervention. The material comprised two ongoing, prospective, double-blind NAMI (Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal immunology and Intestinal microbiota) probiotic interventions. In the mother-infant nutrition and probiotic study altogether 256 women were randomized at their first trimester of pregnancy into a dietary intervention and a control group. The intervention group received intensive dietary counselling provided by a nutritionist, and were further randomized at baseline, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lactis) or placebo. The intervention period extended from the first trimester of pregnancy to the end of exclusive breastfeeding. In the allergy prevention study altogether 159 women were randomized, double-blind, to receive probiotics (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) or placebo 4 weeks before expected delivery, the intervention extending for 6 months postnatally. Additionally, patient data on all premature infants with very low birth weight (VLBW) treated in the Department of Paediatrics, Turku University Hospital, during the years 1997 - 2008 were utilized. The perinatal probiotic intervention reduced the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) in the mothers and perinatal dietary counselling reduced that of fetal overgrowth in GDM-affected pregnancies. Early gut microbiota modulation with probiotics modified the growth pattern of the child by restraining excessive weight gain during the first years of life. The colostrum adiponectin concentration was demonstrated to be dependent on maternal diet and nutritional status during pregnancy. It was also higher in the colostrum received by normal-weight compared to overweight children at the age of 10 years. The early perinatal probiotic intervention and the postnatal probiotic intervention in VLBW infants were shown to be safe. To conclude, the findings in this study provided clinical evidence supporting the involvement of the initial microbial and nutritional environment in metabolic programming of the child. The manipulation of early gut microbial communities with probiotics might offer an applicable strategy to impact individual energy homeostasis and thus to prevent excessive body-weight gain. The results add weight to the hypothesis that interventions aiming to prevent obesity and its metabolic consequences later in life should be initiated as early as during the perinatal period.
This work is based on the utilisation of sawdust and wood chip screenings for different purposes. A substantial amount of these byproducts are readily available in the Finnish forest industry. A black liquor impregnation study showed that sawdust-like wood material behaves differently from normal chips. Furthermore, the fractionation and removal of the smallest size fractions did not have a significant effect on the impregnation of sawdust-like wood material. Sawdust kraft cooking equipped with an impregnation stage increases the cooking yield and decreases the lignin content of the produced pulp. Impregnation also increases viscosity of the pulp and decreases chlorine dioxide consumption in bleaching. In addition, impregnation increases certain pulp properties after refining. Hydrotropic extraction showed that more lignin can be extracted from hardwood than softwood. However, the particle size had a major influence on the lignin extraction. It was possible to extract more lignin from spruce sawdust than spruce chips. Wood chip screenings are usually combusted to generate energy. They can also be used in the production of kraft pulp, ethanol and chemicals. It is not economical to produce ethanol from wood chip screenings because of the expensive wood material. Instead, they should be used for production of steam and energy, kraft pulp and higher value added chemicals. Bleached sawdust kraft pulp can be used to replace softwood kraft pulp in mechanical pulp based papers because it can improve certain physical properties. It is economically more feasible to use bleached sawdust kraft pulp in stead of softwood kraft pulp, especially when the reinforcement power requirement is moderate.
The Repair of segmental defects in load-bearing long bones is a challenging task because of the diversity of the load affecting the area; axial, bending, shearing and torsional forces all come together to test the stability/integrity of the bone. The natural biomechanical requirements for bone restorative materials include strength to withstand heavy loads, and adaptivity to conform into a biological environment without disturbing or damaging it. Fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) materials have shown promise, as metals and ceramics have been too rigid, and polymers alone are lacking in strength which is needed for restoration. The versatility of the fiber-reinforced composites also allows tailoring of the composite to meet the multitude of bone properties in the skeleton. The attachment and incorporation of a bone substitute to bone has been advanced by different surface modification methods. Most often this is achieved by the creation of surface texture, which allows bone growth, onto the substitute, creating a mechanical interlocking. Another method is to alter the chemical properties of the surface to create bonding with the bone – for example with a hydroxyapatite (HA) or a bioactive glass (BG) coating. A novel fiber-reinforced composite implant material with a porous surface was developed for bone substitution purposes in load-bearing applications. The material’s biomechanical properties were tailored with unidirectional fiber reinforcement to match the strength of cortical bone. To advance bone growth onto the material, an optimal surface porosity was created by a dissolution process, and an addition of bioactive glass to the material was explored. The effects of dissolution and orientation of the fiber reinforcement were also evaluated for bone-bonding purposes. The Biological response to the implant material was evaluated in a cell culture study to assure the safety of the materials combined. To test the material’s properties in a clinical setting, an animal model was used. A critical-size bone defect in a rabbit’s tibia was used to test the material in a load-bearing application, with short- and long-term follow-up, and a histological evaluation of the incorporation to the host bone. The biomechanical results of the study showed that the material is durable and the tailoring of the properties can be reproduced reliably. The Biological response - ex vivo - to the created surface structure favours the attachment and growth of bone cells, with the additional benefit of bioactive glass appearing on the surface. No toxic reactions to possible agents leaching from the material could be detected in the cell culture study when compared to a nontoxic control material. The mechanical interlocking was enhanced - as expected - with the porosity, whereas the reinforcing fibers protruding from the surface of the implant gave additional strength when tested in a bone-bonding model. Animal experiments verified that the material is capable of withstanding load-bearing conditions in prolonged use without breaking of the material or creating stress shielding effects to the host bone. A Histological examination verified the enhanced incorporation to host bone with an abundance of bone growth onto and over the material. This was achieved with minimal tissue reactions to a foreign body. An FRC implant with surface porosity displays potential in the field of reconstructive surgery, especially regarding large bone defects with high demands on strength and shape retention in load-bearing areas or flat bones such as facial / cranial bones. The benefits of modifying the strength of the material and adjusting the surface properties with fiber reinforcement and bone-bonding additives to meet the requirements of different bone qualities are still to be fully discovered.
The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the possibility to enhance certain qualities of facial prostheses. Polymethyl methacrylate is still being used as base mate¬rial or clip carrier material, but it is hard and heavy, and debonding of the silicone from the acrylic base material is a frequent problem. This thesis aims to evaluate the use of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) as framework material for maxillofacial silicone prostheses. FRC has been used as reinforcement in removable and fixed partial dentures since the 1990s. This material is lightweight and can be fabricated to compress the margins of the prosthesis slightly, to keep it tightly against the skin during jaw movements and facial expressions. Additionally, the use of a thermochromic pigment, colorless in room temperature and red in a cold environment, was studied in order to evaluate the possibility of using this color changing pigment in facial prostheses to mimic the color change of facial skin in cold weather. The tensile bond strength between pre-impregnated, unidirectional FRC and maxillofacial silicone elastomer was studied. Three different bonding agents or primers were compared. Bond strength was improved by one of the primers and by roughening the surface. The effect of a skin compressing glass fiber-reinforced composite framework on facial skin blood flow was studied by using a face mask, constructed with a compression pad corresponding to the outer margin of a glass fiber-reinforced framework beam of a facial prosthesis. The skin blood flow of ten healthy volunteers, aged 23-25 years, was measured during touch, light, and moderate compression of the skin, by using laser Doppler imaging technique. None of the compressions showed any marked effects on local skin blood flow. There were no significant differences between blood flow during compression and at baseline. Maxillofacial silicone elastomer was colored intrinsically with conventional color pigments: a control group containing only conventional pigments was compared to two test groups with 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermochromic pigment added. The color of the material was measured with a spectrophotometer in room temperature and after storage in a freezer. The color stability of the maxillofacial silicone elastomer colored with thermo¬chromic pigment was evaluated by artificial aging. The color dif¬ference of the L* (lightness) and a* values (redness), comparing color after the samples were stored at room temperature and in a freezer (-19°C), was statistically significant for both 0.2 wt% and 0.6 wt% thermo¬chromic pigment groups. The differences in the b* values (yellowness) were statistically significant for the 0.6 wt% group. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation led to visually noticeable and statistically signifi¬cant color changes (ΔE) in all color values in both test groups. The specimens containing thermochromic pigment were very sensitive to UV radiation. In conclusion, a framework of fiber-reinforced composite can successfully be bonded to maxillofacial silicone elastomer, and a framework beam, compressing the facial skin, did not remarkably alter the skin blood flow on healthy, young adults. The thermochromic pigment showed color change in maxillofacial silicone elastomer. However, artificial aging showed that it was too sensitive to UV radiation to be used, as such, in maxillofacial prostheses.
Tapaustutkimus SM-liigan brändiuudistuksesta
Using cellulosic reinforcement to produce plastic composites is a globally growing trend. One of such materials are wood-plastic composites, which are an extensively studied group of materials for which the global industry is looking for new applications. Issues such as bondability, durability and fire resistance still require development to improve the usability of the wood-plastic composite material. Improvement of the usability of wood-plastic composites is studied in this thesis through the effects of using selected modification technology in wood and plastic industry. The applied modification methods are surface by mechanical abrasion and plasma, chemical impregnation of wood flour, and structural modification by the co-extrusion process. The study shows that the properties of WPC can be influenced by the selected modification methods. The selected methods are also found to be able to result as improvement in the properties of the material. The may also affect other than just the targeted properties of the end-product, either in a positive or a negative manner. Therefore modification as performance improvement should be considered as a caseby- case study. Introducing WPC materials for new applications can be done by using modification technology. Structuralmodification can possibly be used to reduce material costs of the modified WPC material.