21 resultados para plastic packages
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Suojakaasupakkaaminen on lisääntynyt voimakkaasti viime vuosina elintarvikkeiden pakkaamisessa sillä pakkaamalla elintarvike suojakaasuun voidaan sen hyllyikää pidentää ilman säilöntäaineita. Tällainen pakkaaminen vaatii kuitenkin täysin kaasutiiviin pakkauksen, jonka kaasunläpäisevyys on myös alhainen. Yleisimmin käytetyt pakkausmateriaalit suojakaasupakkaamisessa ovat monikerroksiset muovimateriaalit, joissa yhdistyy monen eri muovin parhaimmat ominaisuudet. Yleisimmin käytettyjä muovilaatuja näissä monikerrosrakenteissa ovat PE, PET, PA ja EVOH polymeerit. Myös muita perinteisiä polymeerejä käytetään jonkin verran näissä rakenteissa. Uudemmat muovilaadut, kuten biohajoavat muovit, eivät ole vielä yleistyneet kaupallisessa käytössä pääasiallisesti niiden korkean hinnan vuoksi. Muovisten pakkausten korvaamista esimerkiksi muovipäällystetyillä kartonkipakkauksilla on viime vuosien aikana tutkittu enenevissä määrin. Muovipakkausten korvaamista helpommin kierrätettävillä ja mahdollisesti biohajoavilla materiaaleilla edistävät EU:n direktiivit, jotka käsittelevät pakkausjätteen käsittelyä. Kartonkivuokien saumaamista kaasutiiviisti tutkittiin myös tässä työssä. Tavoitteena oli löytää pakkaus, joka soveltuisi kanasuikaleiden pakkaamiseen suojakaasuun. Kana on herkkä mikrobiologiselle hajoamiselle, minkä johdosta se tulee pakata suojakaasuun jossa happipitoisuuden tulee olla alle 1 % pakkauspäivästä viimeiseen käyttöpäivään saakka. Suorittamalla erilaisia tiiveystutkimuksia voitiin osoittaa, että kartonkivuoka on mahdollista saumata kaasutiiviisti luotettavalla tavalla. Tämä vaatii kuitenkin kartonkivuokien valmistuksen optimoimista päällystemuovikerroksen ja kartongin paksuuden mukaan sekä kannen saumaamista optimoiduilla saumausparametreilla. Tiivein vuoka saavutettiin muovifilmikannella, jonka saumaus perustui samaan muoviin kuin vuoan saumaus. Polyeteenillä saavutettiin tiivein ja kestävin saumaustulos.
High barrier materiaaleilla pyritään pidentämään pakattujen elintarvikkeiden hyllyikää. Barrierin tärkein tehtävä on elintarvikkeen suojaaminen hapelta ja kosteudelta. Alumiinin käyttöä barriermateriaalina pyritään vähentämään korvaamalla alumiini polymeereillä, jotka täyttävät elintarvikkeiden asettamat korkeat säilyvyysvaatimukset. Etyylivinyylialkoholin (EVOH) hapenläpäisevyys on kuivissa olosuhteissa alhaisin kaupallisista muovilaaduista. EVOH tarjoaa myös erinomaisen suojan muita kaasuja, rasvoja, hajuja ja aromeja vastaan ja sitä on helppo prosessoida. Polyamideilla on erinomainen kaasutiiveys sekä hyvä lujuus ja sitkeys. Eri muovilaatuja sekoittamalla voidaan vähentää hapenläpäisyä ja parantaa prosessointia. Polyolefiineja käytetään yleisesti päällystysmateriaaleina, koska ne suojaavat tuotetta erinomaisesti kosteudelta. Hapenläpäisyllä tarkoitetaan hapen kulkeutumista materiaalin läpi joko permeaation kautta tai reikien ja vuotojen läpi. Kaasun permeoitumiseen materiaalin läpi vaikuttavat materiaalin vapaa tilavuus, kiteisyysaste, orientaatio, substituointi, suhteellinen kosteus, lämpötila, barrierkerroksen paksuus, paine-ero ja permeoituvan molekyylin ominaisuudet. Kokeellisessa osassa analysoitiin ja vertailtiin kartonkipohjaisia mehutölkkejä, joissa käytettävät high barrier materiaalit olivat EVOH ja PA. Kartonkipohjaisia alumiinitölkkejä käytettiin referenssinä. Pakkausten hapenläpäisevyysmittauksissa saatiin samasta näytteestä toistettavia tuloksia, vaikka vuotomittauksissa saadut tulokset eivät olleet vertailukelpoisia hapenläpäisytulosten kanssa. Tölkkien valmistus vaikutti oleellisesti pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksiin. Hapenläpäisy vuotojen ja reikien läpi oli merkittävämpää kuin hapenläpäisy materiaalin läpi. Pakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksia analysoitiin mittaamalla appelsiinimehun askorbiini-happopitoisuus. Askorbiinihapon hajoaminen mitattiin koetölkkeihin pakatusta appelsiinimehusta, ja lämpötilan, valon ja hapen vaikutusta askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen tutkittiin 12 viikon ajan. Lämpötilalla oli suurin vaikutus askorbiinihapon hajoamiseen huolimatta käytetystä pakkausmateriaalista.
The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.
Selostus: Lajikkeen, muovikatteen ja lannoituksen vaikutus ruohosipulin satoon
Työn tarkoituksena oli testata jo tutkimuskeskuksella käytössä ollutta ja tutkimuskeskukselle tässä työssä kehitettyä pakkauksen vesihöyrytiiveyteen liittyvää mittausmenetelmää. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin keskenään sekä materiaalista mitattuihin arvoihin. Elintarvikepakkauksia tutkittiin myös kosteussensoreiden, säilyvyyskokeen sekä kuljetussimuloinnin avulla. Optimoinnilla tutkittiin pakkauksen muodon vaikutusta vesihöyrytiiveyteen. Pakkauksen vesihöyrynläpäisyn mittaamiseen kehitetty menetelmä toimi hyvin ja sen toistettavuus oli hyvä. Verrattaessa sitä jo olemassa olleeseen menetelmään tulokseksi saatiin, että uusi menetelmä oli nopeampi ja vaati vähemmän työaikaa, mutta molemmat menetelmät antoivat hyviä arvoja rinnakkaisille näytteille. Kosteussensoreilla voitiin tutkia tyhjän pakkauksen sisällä olevan kosteuden muutoksia säilytyksen aikana. Säilyvyystesti tehtiin muroilla ja parhaan vesihöyrysuojan antoivat pakkaukset joissa oli alumiinilaminaatti- tai metalloitu OPP kerros. Kuljetustestauksen ensimmäisessä testissä pakkauksiin pakattiin muroja ja toisessa testissä nuudeleita. Kuljetussimuloinnilla ei ollutvaikutusta pakkausten sisäpintojen eheyteen eikä siten pakkausten vesihöyrytiiveyteen. Optimoinnilla vertailtiin eri muotoisten pakkausten tilavuus/pinta-ala suhdetta ja vesihöyrytiiveyden riippuvuutta pinta-alasta. Optimaalisimmaksi pakkaukseksi saatiin pallo, jonka pinta-ala oli pienin ja materiaalin sallima vesihöyrynläpäisy suurin ja vesihöyrybarrierin määrä pienin.
Suojakaasupakkaaminen (MAP) on yleistynyt viime aikoina, koska sen avulla voidaan säilöä tuoreita tai vähän käsiteltyjä elintarvikkeita pidempään. Suurin syy hyllyiän pidentymiseen on hiilidioksidin aiheuttama mikrobien kasvun hidastuminen. Toisaalta huolena on patogeenisten mikrobien lisääntyminen anaerobisissa olosuhteissa. Pidempi säilyvyys voidaan saavuttaa myös käyttämällä vähemmän lisä- ja säilöntäaineita. Samalla suojakaasupakkaaminen kuitenkin vähentää myös pilaantuneiden tuotteiden määrää. Eniten suojakaasua käytetään lihan pakkaamisessa. Suojakaasupakkaamisessa elintarvikepakkaukseen syötetään normaalista huoneilmasta poikkeava kaasuseos. Pääasiassa kaasuseos koostuu hiilidioksidista, hapesta ja typestä. Lisäksi voidaan käyttää pieniä määriä hiilimonoksidia, argonia ja rikkidioksidia. Kaasuseoksen koostumus määräytyy elintarvikkeiden ominaisuuksien ja vaatimusten perusteella. Halutun kaasukoostumuksen tulee säilyä pakkauksessa muutamasta päivästä muutamaan kuukauteen riippuen elintarvikkeesta. Siksi tärkein pakkaukselta vaadittava ominaisuus on riittävä kaasutiiveys ja erityisesti hapenläpäisevyys. Koska suurin osa suojakaasupakkauksista on tällä hetkellä muovisia, tutkittiin kokeellisessa osiossa kartonkipakkausten tiiveysominaisuuksia. Kokeet tehtiin vertailemalla erilaisten vuoka- ja kansimateriaalien vaikutusta pakkausten tiiveyteen. Vuokien onnistuminen oli suurin yksittäinen tuloksiin vaikuttanut tekijä. Epäonnistuneen vuoan vaikutukset näkyivät myös saumauksessa, koska saumaustyökalun ja vuoan piti sopia yhteen. Lisäksi näkymättömät mikroreiät hankaloittivat todellisten vuotokohtien paikallistamista. Vuototestausten perusteella materiaaleille löydettiin kuitenkin viitteelliset optimiparametrit. Tärkein saumauksessa vaikuttanut tekijä oli sopivan saumauslämpötilan valinta. Prässättyjen vuokien laatu oli epätasainen. Siksi erityisesti rinnakkaisten kansitus- ja hapenläpäisymittausten väliset erot olivat merkitseviä. Lisäksi prässäys laski materiaalien hapenläpäisyominaisuuksia. Yksittäisten vuokien tiiveysominaisuudet täyttivät kuitenkin kaupallisille kaasupakkauksille asetetut vaatimukset. Vesihöyrynläpäisevyydessä materiaalin vesihöyrynläpäisy oli merkittävämpää kuin vesihöyryn kulkeutuminen vuotokohtien tai epäonnistuneiden saumojen kautta.
One of the primary goals for food packages is to protect food against harmful environment, especially oxygen and moisture. The gas transmission rate is the total gas transport through the package, both by permeation through the package material and by leakage through pinholes and cracks. The shelf life of a product can be extended, if the food is stored in a gas tight package. Thus there is a need to test gas tightness of packages. There are several tightness testing methods, and they can be broadly divided into destructive and nondestructive methods. One of the most sensitive methods to detect leaks is by using a non destructive tracer gas technique. Carbon dioxide, helium and hydrogen are the most commonly used tracer gases. Hydrogen is the lightest and the smallest of all gases, which allows it to escape rapidly from the leak areas. The low background concentration of H2 in air (0.5 ppm) enables sensitive leak detection. With a hydrogen leak detector it is also possible to locate leaks. That is not possible with many other tightness testing methods. The experimental work has been focused on investigating the factors which affect the measurement results with the H2leak detector. Also reasons for false results were searched to avoid them in upcoming measurements. From the results of these experiments, the appropriate measurement practice was created in order to have correct and repeatable results. The most important thing for good measurement results is to keep the probe of the detector tightly against the leak. Because of its high diffusion rate, the HZ concentration decreases quickly if holding the probe further away from the leak area and thus the measured H2 leaks would be incorrect and small leaks could be undetected. In the experimental part hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour transmissions through laser beam reference holes (diameters 1 100 μm) were also measured and compared. With the H2 leak detector it was possible to detect even a leakage through 1 μm (diameter) within a few seconds. Water vapour did not penetrate even the largest reference hole (100 μm), even at tropical conditions (38 °C, 90 % RH), whereas some O2 transmission occurred through the reference holes larger than 5 μm. Thus water vapour transmission does not have a significant effect on food deterioration, if the diameter of the leak is less than 100 μm, but small leaks (5 100 μm) are more harmful for the food products, which are sensitive to oxidation.
In this master’s thesis the structural and functional features of a forming tool are developed to meet the needs of modern packaging production for paperboard packaging are studied. The goal of the study is to develop a new type of machine for the manufacture of the paperboard package by pressing. In the structure of the developed forming press the possibility to modify the packaging as well as the requirements of industrial production, food hygiene and other operational matters are accounted for. The press has been sized based on the main dimensions of a single food-grade paperboard tray. In the LUT Packaging Laboratory the forming press is designed suitable for on-line operation. In addition, suggestions for further development of packaging line and equipment have been made based on the information gathered during this thesis study.
The main objective of this thesis was to design a hinge and a closing mechanism for the plastic rim of a paperboard package. Of the hinge and closing mechanisms the 3D-models were designed using SolidWorks program and the functionality of the mechanisms was tested with rapid prototype models. When a mechanism that worked was found, the manufacturability of the mechanisms was tested in an injection molding machine with changeable inserts. Another objective of this thesis was to test the effect of the shape of paperboard package to its manufacturability. The effect of the packages shape was tested with plastic tools made for three different shaped trays. Suggestions for further research were made according to the results of the thesis.
The environmental challenges of plastic packaging industry have increased remarkably along with climate change debate. The interest to study carbon footprints of packaging has increased in packaging industry to find out the real climate change impacts of packaging. In this thesis the greenhouse gas discharges of plastic packaging during their life cycle is examined. The carbon footprint is calculated for food packaging manufactured from plastic laminate. The structure of the laminate is low density polyethylene (PE-LD) and oriented polypropylene (OPP), which have been joined together with laminating adhesive. The purpose is to find out the possibilities to create a carbon footprint calculating tool for plastic packaging and its usability in a plastic packaging manufacturing company. As a carbon footprint calculating method PAS 2050 standard has been used. In the calculations direct and indirect greenhouse gas discharges as well as avoided discharges are considered. Avoided discharges are born for example in packaging waste utilization as energy. The results of the calculations have been used to create a simple calculating tool to be used for similar laminate structures. Although the utilization of the calculating tool is limited to one manufacturing plant because the primary activity data is dependent of geographical location and for example the discharges of used energy in the plant. The results give an approximation of the climate change potential caused by the laminate. It is although noticed that calculations do not include all environmental impacts of plastic packaging´s life cycle.
The goal of this thesis was to make a dimensioning tool to determine the plastic capacity of the boiler supporting header. The capacity of the header is traditionally determined by using FE-method during the project phase. By using the dimensioning tool the goal is to ensure the capacity already in the proposal phase. The study began by analyzing the headers of the ongoing projects by using FE-method. For the analytical solution a plain header was analyzed without the effects of branches or lug. The calibration of parameters in the analytical solution was made using these results. In the analytical solution the plastic capacity of the plastic hinges in the header was defined. The stresses caused by the internal pressure as well as the normal and shear forces caused by the external loading reduced the plastic moment. The final capacity was determined by using the principle of virtual work. The weakening effect of the branches was taken into account by using pressure areas. Also the capacity of the punching shear was defined. The results from the FE-analyses and the analytical solution correlate with each other. The results from the analytical solution are conservative but give correct enough results when considering the accuracy of the used method.
The paper industry is constantly looking for new ideas for improving paper products while competition and raw material prices are increasing. Many paper products are pigment coated. Coating layer is the top layer of paper, thus by modifying coating pigment also the paper itself can be altered and value added to the final product. In this thesis, synthesis of new plastic and hybrid pigments and their performance in paper and paperboard coating is reported. Two types of plastic pigments were studied: core-shell latexes and solid beads of maleimide copolymers. Core-shell latexes with partially crosslinked hydrophilic polymer core of poly(n-butyl acrylate-co-methacrylic acid) and a hard hydrophobic polystyrene shell were prepared to improve the optical properties of coated paper. In addition, the effect of different crosslinkers was analyzed and the best overall performance was achieved by the use of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA). Furthermore, the possibility to modify core-shell latex was investigated by introducing a new polymerizable optical brightening agent, 1-[(4-vinylphenoxy)methyl]-4-(2-henylethylenyl)benzene which gave promising results. The prepared core-shell latex pigments performed smoothly also in pilot coating and printing trials. The results demonstrated that by optimizing polymer composition, the optical and surface properties of coated paper can be significantly enhanced. The optimal reaction conditions were established for thermal imidization of poly(styrene-co-maleimide) (SMI) and poly(octadecene-co-maleimide) (OMI) from respective maleic anhydride copolymer precursors and ammonia in a solvent free process. The obtained aqueous dispersions of nanoparticle copolymers exhibited glass transition temperatures (Tg) between 140-170ºC and particle sizes from 50-230 nm. Furthermore, the maleimide copolymers were evaluated in paperboard coating as additional pigments. The maleimide copolymer nanoparticles were partly imbedded into the porous coating structure and therefore the full potential of optical property enhancement for paperboard was not achieved by this method. The possibility to modify maleimide copolymers was also studied. Modifications were carried out via N-substitution by replacing part of the ammonia in the imidization reaction with amines, such as triacetonediamine (TAD), aspartic acid (ASP) and fluorinated amines (2,2,2- trifluoroethylamine, TFEA and 2,2,3,3,4,4,4-heptafluorobuthylamine, HFBA). The obtained functional nanoparticles varied in size between 50-217 nm and their Tg from 150-180ºC. During the coating process the produced plastic pigments exhibited good runnability. No significant improvements were achieved in light stability with TAD modified copolymers whereas nanoparticles modified with aspartic acid and those containing fluorinated groups showed the desired changes in surface properties of the coated paperboard. Finally, reports on preliminary studies with organic-inorganic hybrids are presented. The hybrids prepared by an in situ polymerization reaction consisted of 30 wt% poly(styrene- co-maleimide) (SMI) and high levels of 70 wt% inorganic components of kaolin and/or alumina trihydrate. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images and characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared Spcetroscopy (FTIR) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) revealed that the hybrids had conventional composite structure and inorganic components were covered with precipitated SMI nanoparticles attached to the surface via hydrogen bonding. In paper coating, the hybrids had a beneficial effect on increasing gloss levels.
Using cellulosic reinforcement to produce plastic composites is a globally growing trend. One of such materials are wood-plastic composites, which are an extensively studied group of materials for which the global industry is looking for new applications. Issues such as bondability, durability and fire resistance still require development to improve the usability of the wood-plastic composite material. Improvement of the usability of wood-plastic composites is studied in this thesis through the effects of using selected modification technology in wood and plastic industry. The applied modification methods are surface by mechanical abrasion and plasma, chemical impregnation of wood flour, and structural modification by the co-extrusion process. The study shows that the properties of WPC can be influenced by the selected modification methods. The selected methods are also found to be able to result as improvement in the properties of the material. The may also affect other than just the targeted properties of the end-product, either in a positive or a negative manner. Therefore modification as performance improvement should be considered as a caseby- case study. Introducing WPC materials for new applications can be done by using modification technology. Structuralmodification can possibly be used to reduce material costs of the modified WPC material.
Background: Controversy exists concerning indications and outcomes of major bariatric surgery procedures. Massive weight loss after bariatric surgery leads to excess skin with functional and aesthetic impairments. The aim of this study was to investigate the major bariatric surgery procedures and their outcomes in two specific subgroups of morbidly obese patients, ≥55-year-olds and the superobese. Further aims were to evaluate whether the preoperative weight loss correlates with laparoscopic gastric bypass complications. The prevalence and impact of excess skin and the desire for body contouring after bariatric surgery were also studied. Patients and Methods: Data from patients who underwent Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB) and Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (LRYGB) at Vaasa Central Hospital were collected and postoperative outcomes were evaluated according to the BMI, age and preoperative weight loss. Patients who had undergone bariatric surgery procedures were asked to complete a questionnaire to estimate any impairment due to redundant skin and to analyse each patient’s desire for body contouring by area. Results: No significant difference was found in operative time, hospital stay, or overall early postoperative morbidity between LAGB and LRYGB. Mean excess weight loss percents (EWL%) at 6 and 12 months after LRYGB were significantly higher. A significant difference was found in operative time favouring patients <55 years. Intraoperative complications were significantly more frequent in the group aged >55 years. No significant difference was detected in overall postoperative morbidity rates. A significant difference was found in operative time and hospital stay favouring all patients who lost weight preoperatively. Most patients reported problems with redundant skin, especially on the abdomen, upper arms and rear/buttocks, which impaired daily physical activity in half of them. Excess skin was significantly associated with female gender, weight loss and ΔBMI. Patients with a WL >20 kg, ΔBMI ≥10 kg/m2 and an EWL % > 50 showed a significantly surplus skin discomfort (p < 0.001). Most patients desired body contouring surgery, with high or very high desire for waist/abdomen (62.2%), upper arm (37.6%), chest/breast (28.3%), and rear/buttock (35.6%) contouring. Conclusions: LRYGB is effective and safe in superobese (BMI >50) and elderly (>55 years) patients. A preoperative weight loss >5% is recommended to improve the outcomes and reduce complications. A WL >20 kg, ΔBMI ≥10 kg/m2 and an EWL % > 50 are associated with a higher functional discomfort due to redundant skin and to a stronger desire for body contouring plastic surgery.