34 resultados para one-pot condensation

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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The development of cost efficient, selective and sustainable chemical processes for production of chiral building blocks is of great importance in synthetic and industrial organic chemistry. One way to reach these objectives is to carry out several reactions steps in one vessel at one time. Furthermore, when this kind of one-pot multi step reactions are catalyzed by heterogeneous chemo- and bio-catalysts, which can be separated from the reaction products by filtration, practical access to chiral small molecules for further utilization can be obtained. The initial reactions studied in this thesis are the two step dynamic kinetic resolution of rac-2-hydroxy-1-indanone and the regioselective hydrogenation of 1,2-indanedione. These reactions are then combined in a new heterogeneously catalyzed one-pot reaction sequence enabling simple recovery of the catalysts by filtration, facilitating simple reaction product isolation. Conclusively, the readily available 1,2-indanedione is by the presented one-pot sequence, utilizing heterogeneous enzyme and transition metal based catalysts, transferred with high regio- and stereoselectivity to a useful chiral vicinal hydroxyl ketone structure. Additional and complementary investigation of homogeneous half-sandwich ruthenium complexes for catalyzing the epimerization of chiral secondary alcohols of five natural products containing additional non-functionalized stereocenters was conducted. In principle, this kind of epimerization reactions of single stereocenters could be utilized for converting inexpensive starting materials, containing other stereogenic centers, into diastereomeric mixtures from which more valuable compounds can be isolated by traditional isolation techniques.


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Nowadays biomass transformation has a great potential for the synthesis of value-added compounds with a wide range of applications. Terpenoids, extracted from biomass, are inexpensive and renewable raw materials which often have a biological activity and are widely used as important organic platform molecules in the development of new medicines as well as in the synthesis of fine chemicals and intermediates. At the same time, special attention is devoted to the application of gold catalysts to fine chemical synthesis due to their outstanding activity and/or selectivity for transformations of complex organic compounds. Conversion of renewable terpenoids in the presence of gold nanoparticles is one of the new and promising directions in the transformation of biomass to valuable chemicals. In the doctoral thesis, different kinds of natural terpenoids, such as α-pinene, myrtenol and carvone were selected as starting materials. Gold catalysts were utilized for the promising routes of these compounds transformation. Investigation of selective α-pinene isomerization to camphene, which is an important step in an industrial process towards the synthesis of camphor as well as other valuable substrates for the pharmaceutical industry, was performed. A high activity of heterogeneous gold catalysts in the Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement was demonstrated for the first time. Gold on alumina carrier was found to reach the α-pinene isomerization conversion up to 99.9% and the selectivity of 60-80%, thus making this catalyst very promising from an industrial viewpoint. A detailed investigation of kinetic regularities including catalyst deactivation during the reaction was performed. The one-pot terpene alcohol amination, which is a promising approach to the synthesis of valuable complex amines having specific physiological properties, was investigated. The general regularities of the one-pot natural myrtenol amination in the presence of gold catalysts as well as a correlation between catalytic activity, catalyst redox treatment and the support nature were obtained. Catalytic activity and product distribution were shown to be strongly dependent on the support properties, namely acidity and basicity. The gold-zirconia (Au/ZrO2) catalyst pretreated under oxidizing atmosphere was observed to be rather active, resulting in the total conversion of myrtenol and the selectivity to the corresponding amine of about 53%. The reaction kinetics was modelled based on the mechanistic considerations with the catalyst deactivation step incorporated in the mechanism. Carvone hydrogenation over a gold catalyst was studied with the general idea of investigating both the activity of gold catalysts in competitive hydrogenation of different functional groups and developing an approach to the synthesis of valuable carvone derivatives. Gold was found to promote stereo- and chemoselective carvone hydrogenation to dihydrocarvone with a predominant formation of the trans-isomer, which generally is a novel synthetic method for an industrially valuable dihydrocarvone. The solvent effect on the catalytic activity as well as on the ratio between trans- and cis-dihydrocarvone was evaluated.


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Biocatalysis can be applied in organic synthetic chemistry to counter challenges posed by increased demands towards chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity, not forgetting the need for greener chemistry. During the last 30 years, biocatalysis with the use of enzymes as chiral catalysts has become more common in chemistry laboratories and industrial processes. In this thesis, the use of lipases as versatile biocatalysts in the acylation of alcohols is examined both in the light of literature examples and four original publications. In the first part of the work presented in this thesis lipases were utilized in two examples concerning secondary alcohols. First, the kinetic resolution of heterocyclic aromatic secondary alcohols through transesterification was thoroughly examined including the studies of competing hydrolysis and esterification reactions. In another example, lipases were utilized in the formation of a dynamic systemic resolution (DSR) process which in turn was used as a developmental tool in the optimization of the dynamic kinetic resolution (DKR) of five heterocyclic aromatic cyanohydrins in one pot for the preparation of cyanohydrin esters as single enantiomers. In the second part of the work, the regio- and stereoselectivity of lipases was used to form sugar conjugates of glyceric and β-amino acids. The primary hydroxyl groups of methyl α-D-galacto-, -gluco- and -mannopyranosides were now acylated trough lipasecatalyzed transesterification and enantioselective lipase-catalyzed ring-opening of β- lactams, respectively.


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Carbon dioxide is regarded, nowadays, as a primary anthropogenic greenhouse gas leading to global warming. Hence, chemical fixation of CO2 has attracted much attention as a possible way to manufacture useful chemicals. One of the most interesting approaches of CO2 transformations is the synthesis of organic carbonates. Since conventional production technologies of these compounds involve poisonous phosgene and carbon monoxide, there is a need to develop novel synthetic methods that would better match the principles of "Green Chemistry" towards protection of the environment and human health. Over the years, synthesis of dimethyl carbonate was under intensive investigation in the academia and industry. Therefore, this study was entirely directed towards equally important homologue of carbonic esters family namely diethyl carbonate (DEC). Novel synthesis method of DEC starting from ethanol and CO2 over heterogeneous catalysts based on ceria (CeO2) was studied in the batch reactor. However, the plausible drawback of the reaction is thermodynamic limitations. The calculated values revealed that the reaction is exothermic (ΔrHØ298K = ─ 16.6 J/ ) and does not occur spontaneously at rooms temperature (ΔrGØ 298K = 35.85 kJ/mol). Moreover, co-produced water easily shifts the reaction equilibrium towards reactants excluding achievement of high yields of the carbonate. Therefore, in-situ dehydration has been applied using butylene oxide as a chemical water trap. A 9-fold enhancement in the amount of DEC was observed upon introduction of butylene oxide to the reaction media in comparison to the synthetic method without any water removal. This result confirms that reaction equilibrium was shifted in favour of the desired product and thermodynamic boundaries of the reaction were suppressed by using butylene oxide as a water scavenger. In order to obtain insight into the reaction network, the kinetic experiments were performed over commercial cerium oxide. On the basis of the selectivity/conversion profile it could be concluded that the one-pot synthesis of diethyl carbonate from ethanol, CO2 and butylene oxide occurs via a consecutive route involving cyclic carbonate as an intermediate. Since commercial cerium oxide suffers from the deactivation problems already after first reaction cycle, in-house CeO2 was prepared applying room temperature precipitation technique. Variation of the synthesis parameters such as synthesis time, calcination temperature and pH of the reaction solution turned to have considerable influence on the physico-chemical and catalytic properties of CeO2. The increase of the synthesis time resulted in high specific surface area of cerium oxide and catalyst prepared within 50 h exhibited the highest amount of basic sites on its surface. Furthermore, synthesis under pH 11 yielded cerium oxide with the highest specific surface area, 139 m2/g, among all prepared catalysts. Moreover, CeO2─pH11 catalyst demonstrated the best catalytic activity and 2 mmol of DEC was produced at 180 oC and 9 MPa of the final reaction pressure. In addition, ceria-supported onto high specific surface area silicas MCM-41, SBA-15 and silica gel were synthesized and tested for the first time as catalysts in the synthesis of DEC. Deposition of cerium oxide on MCM-41 and SiO2 supports resulted in a substantial increase of the alkalinity of the carrier materials. Hexagonal SBA-15 modified with 20 wt % of ceria exhibited the second highest basicity in the series of supported catalysts. Evaluation of the catalytic activity of ceria-supported catalysts showed that reaction carried out over 20 wt % CeO2-SBA-15 generated the highest amount of DEC.


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Iron is one of the most common elements in the earth’s crust and thus its availability and economic viability far exceed that of metals commonly used in catalysis. Also the toxicity of iron is miniscule, compared to the likes of platinum and nickel, making it very desirable as a catalyst. Despite this, prior to the 21st century, the applicability of iron in catalysis was not thoroughly investigated, as it was considered to be inefficient and unselective in desired transformations. In this doctoral thesis, the application of iron catalysis in combination with organosilicon reagents for transformations of carbonyl compounds has been investigated together with insights into iron catalyzed chlorination of silanes and silanols. In the first part of the thesis, the synthetic application of iron(III)-catalyzed chlorination of silanes (Si-H) and the monochlorination of silanes (SiH2) using acetyl chloride as the chlorine source is described. The reactions proceed under ambient conditions, although some compounds need to be protected from excess moisture. In addition, the mechanism and kinetics of the chlorination reaction are briefly adressed. In the second part of this thesis a versatile methodology for transformation of carbonyl compounds into three different compound classes by changing the conditions and amounts of reagents is discussed. One pot reductive benzylation, reductive halogenation and reductive etherification of ketones and aldehydes using silanes as the reducing agent, halide source or cocatalyst, were investigated. Also the reaction kinetics and mechanism of the reductive halogenation of acetophenone are briefly discussed.


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Carbon materials are found versatile and applicable in wide range of applications. During the recent years research of carbon materials has focussed on the search of environmentally friendly, sustainable, renewable and low-cost starting material sources as well as simple cost-efficient synthesis techniques. As an alternative synthesis technique in the production of carbon materials hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) has shown a great potential. Depending on the application HTC can be performed as such or as a pretreatment technique. This technique allows synthesis of carbon materials i.e. hydrochars in closed vessel in the presence of water and self-generated pressure at relatively low temperatures (180-250 ˚C). As in many applications well developed porosity and heteroatom distribution are in a key role. Therefore in this study different techniques e.g. varying feedstock, templating and post-treatment in order to introduce these properties to the hydrochars structure were performed. Simple monosaccharides i.e. fructose or glucose and more complex compounds such as cellulose and sludge were performed as starting materials. Addition of secondary precursor e.g. thiophenecarboxaldehyde and ovalbumin was successfully exploited in order to alter heteroatom content. It was shown that well-developed porosity (SBET 550 m2/g) can be achieved via one-pot approach (i.e. exploitation of salt mixture) without conventionally used post-carbonization step. Nitrogen-enriched hydrochars indicated significant Pb(II) and Cr(VI) removal efficiency of 240 mg/g and 68 mg/g respectively. Sulphur addition into carbon network was not found to have enhancing effect on the adsorption of methylene blue or change acidity of the carbon material. However, these hydrochars were found to remove 99.9 % methylene blue and adsorption efficiency of these hydrochars remained over 90 % even after regeneration. In addition to water treatment application N-rich high temperature treated carbon materials were proven applicable as electrocatalyst and electrocatalyst support. Hydrothermal carbonization was shown to be workable technique for the production of carbon materials with variable physico-chemical properties and therefore hydrochars could be applied in several different applications e.g. as alternative low-cost adsorbent for pollutant removal from water.


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Tiivistelmä: Turvepohjaisten kasvualustojen tiivistyminen yksivuotisessa paakkutaimikasvatuksessa


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Työssä tarkastellaan vortex-putken soveltuvuutta kostean ilman kuivatukseen ja vapautuvan latenttilämmön hyödyntämiseen. Soveltuvuutta arvioidaan veden ja ilman massataseita hyväksi käyttäen ja stationaarisen systeemin energiataseen avulla. Työn mittauksia varten rakennettiin koelaitteisto, jonka avulla mitattiin miten lämpötilaerot kuumassa ja kylmässä päässä käyttäytyivät mitattaessa kuivalla ilmalla ja ilmalla, jota oli kostutettu. Mitattavia suureita olivat syöttöpaine- ja lämpötila, lämpötilat kuumassa ja kylmässä päässä, kuuman pään paine ja tilavuusvirta tai virtausnopeus ja kuuman pään suhteellinen kosteus. Mittaustulosten avulla laskettiin lämpötilan muutokset kummassakin päässä ja verrattiin kuivan ja kostean ilman mittauksien tuloksia toisiinsa. Lisäksi laskettiin tiivistyneen veden määrä ja veden ja ilman massavirrat molemmissa päissä. Näin voitiin laskea tiivistymisessä vapautuva energia ja tarkastella mihin se siirtyy. Tulosten perusteella vortex-putki soveltuu hyvin huonosti ilman kuivatukseen. Tiivistyneen veden määrä ja sitä kautta tiivistymisessä vapautunut energia, olivat pieniä. Suurin osa kosteudesta meni kuuman pään virtauksen mukana. Tiivistymisessä vapautunut energia siirtyi kylmään päähän.