47 resultados para new media users
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tavoitteena on tutkia mitä mahdollisuuksia Internet tarjoaa business-to-business markkinointiviestintään. Tämä tutkimus on tyypiltään deskriptiivinen case-tutkimus, jossa casen avulla saadaan käytännön esimerkki siitä miten eräs yritys on käytännössä hyödyntänyt Internetiä markkinointiviestinnässään. Case toteutettiin puhelin-, sähköposti- ja henkilökohtaisilla haastatteluilla. Internet tarjoaa markkinointiviestinnälle sekä haasteen että mahdollisuuden. Se tarjoaa markkinoijalle käyttöön sekä uudentyyppisen median että mahdollisuuden suoriin markkinakontakteihin. Internet-markkinointi pohjautuu perinteisiin markkinoinnin konsepteihin, erottuen yhden tärkeän ominaisuuden, interaktiivisuuden, perusteella. Koska näin yritys pääsee suoraan kommunikoimaan asiakkaidensa kanssa, se saa jatkuvasti tietoja, joiden avulla yritys voi paremmin suunnitella markkinointistrategiaansa ja kohdentaa markkinointiviestintäänsä tarkasti asiakkaiden tarpeiden mukaan.
The general purpose of the thesis was to describe and explain the particularities of inbound marketing methods and the key advantages of those methods. Inbound marketing can be narrowed down to a set of marketing strategies and techniques focused on pulling prospects towards a business and its products on the Internet by producing useful and relevant content to prospects. The main inbound marketing methods and channels were identified as blogging, content publishing, search engine optimization and social media. The best way to utilise these methods is producing great content that should cover subjects that interest the target group, which is usually a composition of buyers, existing customers and influencers, such as analysts and media The study revealed increase in Lainaaja.fi traffic and referral traffic sources that was firmly confirmed as statistically significant, while number of backlinks and SERP placement were clearly positively correlated, but not statistically significant. The number of new registered users along with new loan applicants and deposits did not show correlation with increased content producing. The conclusion of the study shows inbound marketing campaign clearly increasing website traffic and plausible help on getting better search engine results compared to control period. Implications are clear; inbound marketing is an activity that every business should consider implementing. But just producing content online is not enough; equal amount of work should be put into turning the visitors into customers. Further studies are recommended on using inbound marketing combined with monitoring of landing pages and conversion optimization to incoming visitors.
In the beginning of its 10th year of existence Facebook has engaged and connected 1.2 billion monthly active users. This article-based dissertation Disconnect.Me – User Engagement and Facebook approaches this engagement from the opposite direction: disconnection. The research articles focus on social media specific phenomena including leaving Facebook, tactical media works such as Web 2.0 SuicideMachine, memorializing dead Facebook users and Facebook trolling. The media theoretical framework for this study is built around affect theory, software studies, biopolitics as well as different critical studies of new media. The argument is that disconnection is a necessary condition of social media connectivity and exploring social media through disconnection – as an empirical phenomenon, future potential and theoretical notion – helps us to understand how users are engaged with social media, its uses and subsequent business models. The results of the study indicate that engagement is a relation that precedes user participation, a notion often used to conceptualize social media. Furthermore, this engagement turns the focus from users’ actions towards the platform and how the platform actively controls users and their behavior. Facebook aims to engage new users and maintain the old ones by renewing its platform and user interface. User engagement with the platform is thus social but also technical and affective. When engaged, the user is positioned to algorithmic connectivity where machinc processes mine user data. This data is but sold also used to affect and engage other users. In the heart of this study is the notion that our networked engagements matter and disconnection can bring us to the current limits of network culture.
The purpose of this thesis was to understand how industrial buyers utilize social media in the purchasing of knowledge-intensive business services. By combining theories from past research a theoretical framework was formed to visualize the role of the social media at the different stages of the purchasing process. The subject was approached from the industrial buyers’ perspective instead of the knowledge-intensive business firm. The research was conducted using two qualitative research methods: interviews and netnography. The selected interviewees have been involved in the decision-making unit for purchasing knowledge-intensive business services. Additionally all of them are using various social media. Based on the interviews social media is used merely to support decision-making. Some of the interviewees had also shared their own experiences about the service and collaboration with the service provider with other social media users. Based on the interviews two social media were chosen for closer examination. The findings from netnography support the results from the interviews. The outcome of knowledgeintensive business services is dependable of the professionals. Therefore the information is used during decision-making process to confirm the formed image of the service, and the professionals of the service provider. Information obtained from social media complements information provided by the supplier. Even though the interviewees had not themselves used social media to find information about the service during search process, finding from netnography suggest it to exist. Industrial buyers ask other users’ opinions and experience about the services, and receive recommendations to them. Some recommendations are given publicly, but more discreet information is shared in private conversations. Observations in social media show that industrial buyers might be exposed to triggers to promote problem recognition as well. Companies share news and successful customer cases through their social media profiles, which might affect the industrial buyers, but to confirm this requires further research. The industrial buyers’ use of social media during different purchasing processes of knowledgeintensive business services can be conceptualize based on the findings. This helps companies to create right content to their social media pages, and encourage professionals to develop their networks in social media.
Over the past few decades, turbulent change has characterized the situation in the media industry. It has been noted that digitalization and new media are strongly influencing the industry: it is changing the existing market dynamics and requires new strategies. Prior research on the impact of digitalization and the Internet has emphasized news-focused media such as newspaper publishing and broadcasting, yet magazine publishing is very seldom the focus of the research. This study examines how the Internetimpacts magazine publishing. The work presents a multi-level analysis on the role and impact of the Internet on magazine products, companies and industry. The study is founded on strategic management, technology management and media economics literature. This study consists of two parts. The first part introduces the research topic and discusses the overall results of the study. The second part comprises five research publications. Qualitative research methods are used throughout. The results of the study indicate that the Internet has not had a disruptive effect on magazine publishing, and that its strategic implications could rather be considered complementary to the print magazine and the business as a whole. It seems that the co-specialized assets, together with market-related competencies and unchanged core competence have protected established firms from the disruptive effect of the new technology in magazine publishing. In addition, it seems that the Internet offers a valuable possibility to build and nourish customer relationships. The study contributes tomedia management and economics research by moving from product- or industry-level investigations towards a strategic-management perspective.
Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on määritellä kevyt videotuotanto, määritellä verkkoleikkaaminen ja analysoida kevyen videotuotannon tuotteita eli verkkovideoiden roolia mediakentässä julkaisemisen kannalta. Opinnäytetyö sai alkunsa Stadian Videos-hankkeen videotuotantojen yhteydessä. Aihealue tarkentui Helsingissä järjestettävän ESC2007- eli Euroviisut 2007 -monijulkaisutuotannon yhteydessä. ESC2007-tapahtuman ympärillä tuotettiin ammattikorkeakoulu Arcadan sekä Dina-kaapelikanavan yhteistyönä useilla erilaisilla tuotantomenetelmillä materiaalia Euroviisujen tapahtumista, ilmiöistä ja ihmisistä. Yksi näistä tuotantomenetelmistä oli multimediapuhelin-tuotanto. Toimittajat kuvasivat niin sanotuilla kamerakännyköillä videomateriaalia, haastatteluja ja niin edelleen. Näitä kahta tuotantoa eli Videos-hankkeen tuotantoja ja ESC2007-tuotantoa käytetään tässä opinnäytetyössä pohjana kevyen videotuotannon määrittelemiselle. Lisäksi opinnäytetyössä selvitetään verkkovideoeditointia, joka on myös osa Videos-hanketta. Videos- hankkeen tarkoitus on rakentaa verkkoleikkauseditori Fooga, joka on täysin vapaasti asennettavissa kenen tahansa internet-sivuille. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään myös muita verkkovideoeditoreja. Lopuksi määritellään kevyt videotuotanto perusteluineen. Lisäksi kokonaisuudessa kerrotaan verkkovideoiden julkaisemisesta sekä mediakonvergenssin ja divergenssin merkityksestä julkaisemisessa. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena voidaan todeta, että kevyt videotuotanto on nopean reagoimisen videotuotanto, jossa idea näyttelee pääroolia.
Tutkielmassa käsitellään paikallisten yhteisöjen verkkopalveluja. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, mikä on fyysisen ja virtuaalisen yhteisön suhde ja mitkä ovat paikallisen verkkopalvelun toiminnan perusedellytyksiä. Tutkielmassa esitellään kolme tapaustutkimusta. Ensimmäinen tutkittava tapaus on Helsingin kaupunginosayhdistysten liitto HELKA ry:n hallinnoiman Kotikatu-projektin kaupunginosasivut, niiden käyttö, ylläpito ja käyttäjien kokemukset sivuista. Toinen tapaus käsittelee Sitran Oppivat seutukunnat -hankkeen Nettimaunula-projektia, joka toteutettiin Helsingin Maunulassa 2000-luvun alussa. Kolmas tapaus on Valakkatien yhteisö, virtuaalinen paikallisyhteisö, joka toimii yhden korttelin alueella Helsingin Tapaninvainiossa. Valakkatien yhteisö on Stadian mediatuottamisen koulutusohjelman (Ylempi AMK) konseptointikurssin tuloksena syntynyt pilottihanke. Tapaustutkimusten aineistona on käytetty hankeraportteja, tutkimusraportteja, HELKA-kotisivujen käyttäjien, ylläpitäjien ja kehittäjien haastatteluja. Lisäksi Valakkatien yhteisön tapauksessa suoritettiin kyselytutkimus. Aineiston käsittelyssä on käytetty pääosin kvalitatiivisia metodeja. Tapaustutkimuksissa on hyödynnetty induktiivista ja deduktiivista päättelyä. Loppupäätelmien tukena on hyödynnetty aineistolähtöisen teorian (Grounded Theory) menetelmiä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että paikallinen yhteisö voi käyttää toimintansa ja yhteisöllisyyden tukena yhteisöllistä verkkopalvelua, mikäli yhteisöllä on riittävästi yhteisiä intressejä sekä paikallisesti että myös toimintaan verkossa, palvelujen käyttötarkoitus ja toimintalogiikka ovat selkeitä, palvelun tarve on ensisijaisesti asukaslähtöinen ja palvelun ylläpitämiseen tarvittavat resurssit ovat olemassa.
This study concentrates on how to develop a brand communication strategy for ecommerce SMEs in Chinese cosmetic market with new media channels. This study is a qualitative research. Data collection consists of primary data and secondary data. Primary data is from the case company’s websites, observation of benchmarked companies and observation of the case company. Secondary data will be collected from relevant websites and reliable databases. In order to explore the research questions, comparative benchmarking was conducted to develop brand communication strategy for case company April. The results of the study illustrate that e-commerce SMEs have to consider brand positioning strategy, brand awareness strategy, brand attitude strategy, brand media strategy and the brand benefits as well to develop brand communication strategy.
Older age increases the risk of developing a chronic atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as coronary heart disease. Complications of CVDs, myocardial infarction or stroke often lead to loss of functional capacity or premature death. Dyslipidemia, high serum levels of total or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) and low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c), is among the most important modifiable risk factors for CVDs; it can be treated with lifestyle modifications, and with lipid-lowering drugs, primarily statins. In older persons, however, the association of cholesterol levels with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality has been inconsistent in previous studies. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of statins in older persons without previous CVD are still somewhat unclear, and older persons are more prone to adverse effects from statins. This thesis presents a prospective cohort study (TUVA), exploring associations of cholesterol levels with mortality and the changes in cholesterol levels of a 70-year-old population in long-term follow-up. Further, prevalence of CVDs, risk factors and preventive medication use in the TUVA cohort is compared with respective prevalences in another age-matched cohort (UTUVA) 20 years later in order to examine the changes in cardiovascular risk over time. Additionally, to evaluate statin use patterns among older persons, an observational register study was conducted covering the total Finnish population aged 70 and older during 2000-2008. Based on individual-level data retrieved from national health registries, the population was classified into low, moderate and high risk groups according to estimated CVD risk. The prevalence, incidence and persistence of statin use among the risk groups was then evaluated based upon yearly statin purchases tracked from the Prescription Register. The prospective cohort study demonstrated that low total cholesterol, LDL-c and HDL-c were associated with higher mortality in a cohort of home-dwelling 70-year-olds. However, after adjusting for traditional cardiovascular risk factors and cancer this association disappeared. Further, low total cholesterol seemed to be protective, whereas low HDL-c strongly predicted increased risk of CVD death. Cholesterol levels of those elderly who remained available for follow-up and were still home-dwelling at the age of 85 seemed to improve with advancing age. Compared to the TUVA cohort, the later born UTUVA cohort had less CVDs and their risk factors were better controlled, which was reflected in the higher use of preventive medications such as statins and antihypertensives. The register studies confirmed that statin use has increased significantly during 2000-2008 among older persons, especially among the oldest (80+) age groups and among those at high risk for cardiovascular events. Two-thirds of new statin users persisted with their use during the four years of follow-up; the most discontinuations were made during the first year of use. In conclusion, statins are commonly used among older age groups in Finland. Most of the older statin users had a high cardiovascular event risk, indicating that the treatment is well directed towards those who are likely to benefit from it the most. No age-limits should be put on the screening and treatment of dyslipidemia in older persons, but the benefits and adverse effects of statin treatment should be carefully weighed based on an individual assessment of the person’s general health status and functional capacity. Physicians should pay more attention to medication adherence, especially when prescribing preventive medications.
The current research emphasizes on various questions raised and deliberated upon by different entrepreneurs. It provides a valuable contribution to comprehend the importance of social media and ICT-applications. Furthermore, it demonstrates how to support and implement the management consulting and business coaching start-ups with the help of social media and ICT-tools. The thesis presents a literary review from different information systems science, SME and e-business journals, web articles, as well as, survey analysis reports on social media applications. The methodology incorporated into a qualitative research method in which social anthropological approaches were used to oversee the case study activities in order to collect data. The collaborative social research approach was used to shelter the action research method. The research discovered that new business start-ups, as well as small businesses do not use social media and ICT-tools, unlike most of the large corporations use. At present, the current open-source ICT-technologies and social media applications are equally available for new and small businesses as they are available for larger companies. Successful implementation of social media and ICT-applications can easily enhance start-up performance and overcome business hassles. The thesis sheds some light on effective and innovative implementation of social media and ICT-applications for new business risk takers and small business birds. Key words
Social media has become a part of many people’s everyday lives. In the library field the adoption of social media has been widespread and discussions of the development of “Library 2.0” began at an early stage. The aim with this thesis is to study the interface between public libraries, social media, and users, focusing on information activities. The main research question is: How is the interface between public libraries and social media perceived and acted upon by its main stakeholders (library professionals and users)? The background of Library 2.0 is strongly associated with the development of the Web and social media, as well as with the public libraries and their user-centered and information technological development. The theoretical framework builds on the research within the area of Library and Information Science concerning information behavior, information practice, and information activities. Earlier research on social media and public libraries is also highlighted in this thesis. The methods survey and content analysis were applied to map the interface between social media and public libraries. A questionnaire was handed out to the users and another questionnaire was sent out to the library professionals. The results were statistically analyzed. In the content analysis public library Facebook pages were studied. All the empirical investigations were conducted in the area of Finland Proper. An integrated analysis of the results deepens the understanding of the key elements of the social media and public library context. These elements are interactivity, information activities, perceptions, and stakeholders. In this context seven information activities were distinguished: reading, seeking, creating, communicating, informing, mediating, and contributing. This thesis contributes to develop the research concerning information activities and draws a realistic picture of the challenges and opportunities in the social media and public library context. It also contributes with knowledge on library professionals and library users, and the existing differences in their perceptions of the interface between libraries and social media.