37 resultados para merger and acquisition
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Paperiteollisuus on ollut perinteisesti fragmentoitunut toimiala, mutta viime vuosikymmenen aikana konsolidoitumisprosessi on kiihtynyt. Yrityskaupat ja fuusiot ovat muuttaneet paperiteollisuuden markkinarakennetta merkittävästi. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia yleisesti markkinarakenteen vaikutusta liiketoiminnan tuloksiin sekä analysoida yrityskauppojen ja fuusioiden syitä, tuloksia ja rajoituksia. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia paperiteollisuuden konsolidoitumisen vaikutuksia hintakehitykseen, hintaheilahteluihin ja kannattavuuteen. Keskeisenä syynä konsolidoitumiskehitykselle voidaan pitää uusien paperikoneiden huomattavaa investointikustannusten kasvua. Toinen tärkeä tekijä yhdentymiskehitykselle on se, että paperiteollisuus on saavuttanut elinkaaren kypsyysvaiheen Euroopassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Japanissa. Yrityskauppojen ja fuusioiden motiiveja paperiteollisuudessa ovat mm. kasvu kypsillä markkinoilla, tarve parantaa taloudellista tulosta, mahdollisuus toimia globaalisti ja hyödyntää siitä saatavat edut tai mahdollisuus parempaan arvoketjun hallintaan. Näyttää siltä, että suurempien paperiteollisuusyritysten kannattavuus ei ole parempi kuin pienemmillä yrityksillä. Lisäksi useimmissa paperiteollisuuden yrityskaupoissa ja fuusioissa näyttäisi ostavan osapuolen kurssikehitys ilmoitusta seuraavana päivänä olevan negatiivinen.
The meaning of information technology (IT) and information systems have increased during the last few years. This is mainly because business is nowadays seen more and more as a service business and IT is one of the key elements to support those business services. Since the meaning of IT services has increased also the meaning of IT service support should be a factor paid more attention to. Especially after a merger and acquisition (M&A) it is more important than ever to consider service support. The purpose of this study is to discover the best practices for choosing a suitable service support model. The research question is How to choose a service support organization model for the ERP service desk function after a merger? A qualitative method is selected as a research method. This thesis includes two parts: a literature review and a case study. Theoretical part compiles an integrated model of previous research on the topic. It consists a collection of academic articles, publications and reports. The empirical part focuses on the issues in the case organization. That part tries to answer the question: what would be the most suitable service support model for the case organization? The empirical part is conducted by interviewing the employees of the case organization. This study finds that even though there are many ways of selecting a service support model it is difficult to define an unambiguous guidelines. However, there are few main objectives that should be taken into account regardless the case. Especially by using ITIL processes it is possible to implement a comprehensive service support and raise overall awareness of the existing service support models. The main functions that need to be taken into account are nature, industry and size of the organization. Also the business strategy, goals and resources need to be considered. These are the same factors that are noticed in the case study as well. The suggestions for the case organization are presented based on the interviews and the literature review.
Tutkimuksen päätavoite oli tunnistaa tavallisimmat motiivit teleoperaattoreiden yrityskauppojen taustalla sekä motiiveissa mahdollisesti havaittavat muutokset tarkasteluajanjaksolla vuodesta 2000 kesään 2006 asti. Tutkimusmetodologia on case-tutkimus ja casetapauksina analysoitiin Soneran ja Telian fuusiota sekä Elisan toteuttamaa Saunalahden ostoa. Tutkimus perustui aikaisempaan kirjallisuuteen ja varsinkin empiriaosa toimialan yrityskauppoja kuvaaviin lehtiartikkeleihin ja yritysten itsensä yrityskaupan yhteydessä julkaisemaan materiaaliin. Tutkimuksessa ei löydetty uusia motiiveja. Kuitenkin havaittiin, että tarkasteluajanjaksolla tapahtuneet toimialan muutokset vaikuttivat teleoperaattoreiden yrityskauppojen motiiveihin. Vuosituhannen vaihteen imperiuminrakentamiskaupoissatavallisimpia olivat strategiset ja henkilökohtaiset motiivit. Toimialan taloudellisen tilanteen heikennyttyä seurasivat taloudellisten syiden painoarvoa lisänneet selviytymiskaupat. Nyt strategiset syyt ovat nousseet uudelleen taloudellisten syiden rinnalle, kun toimiala etsii uusia mahdollisuuksia lisätuottojen hankkimiseen hintakilpailun kiristämille markkinoilla.
This thesis is based on studying integration synergies in a merger or acquisition situation with the interest in distribution channel integration. M&As seem to be forever popular and nowadays companies often use them as a certain kind of strategy to develop their business. M&As have attracted research for decades and also distribution in M&As has been found interesting. Moreover, research often concentrates to the horizontal M&A´s potential synergies that emerge in the integration process and so is the case also in this study as the core issue is to study the integration of the distribution channels and its potential synergies. This study concentrates on a single case, an acquisition which took place in 2011. The case consists of two Finnish companies operating in the same business field. Both of the companies are very export orientated, which gives this study its export view. As the companies operate in the same field this acquisition falls into the categorization of horizontal acquisition. The objective of the thesis is to study how the export channels could be integrated after an acquisition? This research question is divided again to three sub-questions asking how the distribution channels of the acquirer and acquired company are organized, what is pursued by the post-acquisition distribution channel integration and what are the integration challenges especially from the logistics point-of-view. The framework was built from the basis of the literature used in this thesis. The framework combines M&A process and distribution channels to a one united model which presents the progress of this thesis. The study was carried out as a qualitative research and as a holistic single case study. The data used in the research includes two interviews, other material from the case companies and also material of the companies collected by the author independently from different sources. There were many motives for the acquisition as usual. From the research results one can find that the integration process is still very ongoing and the synergies have not yet been fully discovered but also they are there to be found. The concentration of the research was in the export distribution which proved to be meaningful since the exports markets of the case companies were found to be quite complementary. The research results brought up also other issues concerning the post-acquisition integration process rather than the distribution channels and export. M&As are always a risky business. The final result can never be predicted. No matter how good the merging companies look on paper the practice is not the same. The acquisition process of this case has not ended yet and there lies potential synergy benefits to be discovered if enough effort is used to go through the process right.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää yritysjärjestelyiden vaikutuksia Suomen markkinoilla, sekä tutkia onko yritysjärjestelyiden eroavaisuuksilla vaikutusta menestymiseen. Yritysjärjestelyt ryhmitellään maksutavan, koon, kansainvälisyyden ja markkina-arvo/kirja-arvon perusteella. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 31 yritysjärjestelystä, joissa ainakin toinen osapuoli on ilmoitushetkellä ollut listattuna Helsingin pörssiin. Tutkimukseen valitut yritysjärjestelyt ovat tapahtuneet vuosien 1999-2007 välillä. Tutkimus suoritetaan kahdella eri menetelmällä: markkinaperusteisia tuottoja ja yritysten taloudellista informaatiota analysoimalla. Markkinaperusteisia tuottoja tutkitaan epänormaaleiden tuottojen avulla. Taloudelliseen informaatioon perustuvaa kannattavuutta tutkitaan kassavirran ja operatiivisen tuloksen avulla, jotka suhteutetaan yritysten markkina-arvoon ja liikevaihtoon. Empiiristen tulosten mukaan yritysjärjestelyt tuottavat ostettavan yrityksen osakkeenomistajille epänormaaleita tuottoja ja ostavan yrityksen osakkeenomistajille nollatuottoja. Tulokset ovat samankaltaisia kuin kansainvälisellä aineistolla aiemmin saadut. Taloudelliseen informaatioon perustuvat tulokset ovat ristiriitaisia mutta niistä on havaittavissa heikohko menestyminen yhdistymisen jälkeen.
Unsuccessful mergers are unfortunately the rule rather than the exception. Therefore it is necessary to gain an enhanced understanding of mergers and post-merger integrations (PMI) as well as learning more about how mergers and PMIs of information systems (IS) and people can be facilitated. Studies on PMI of IS are scarce and public sector mergers are even less studied. There is nothing however to indicate that public sector mergers are any more successful than those in the private sector. This thesis covers five studies carried out between 2008 and 2011 in two organizations in higher education that merged in January 2010. The most recent study was carried out two years after the new university was established. The longitudinal case-study focused on the administrators and their opinions of the IS, the work situation and the merger in general. These issues were investigated before, during and after the merger. Both surveys and interviews were used to collect data, to which were added documents that both describe and guide the merger process; in this way we aimed at a triangulation of findings. Administrators were chosen as the focus of the study since public organizations are highly dependent on this staff category, forming the backbone of the organization and whose performance is a key success factor for the organization. Reliable and effective IS are also critical for maintaining a functional and effective organization, and this makes administrators highly dependent on their organizations’ IS for the ability to carry out their duties as intended. The case-study has confirmed the administrators’ dependency on IS that work well. A merger is likely to lead to changes in the IS and the routines associated with the administrators’ work. Hence it was especially interesting to study how the administrators viewed the merger and its consequences for IS and the work situation. The overall research objective is to find key issues for successful mergers and PMIs. The first explorative study in 2008 showed that the administrators were confident of their skills and knowledge of IS and had no fear of having to learn new IS due to the merger. Most administrators had an academic background and were not anxious about whether IS training would be given or not. Before the merger the administrators were positive and enthusiastic towards the merger and also to the changes that they expected. The studies carried out before the merger showed that these administrators were very satisfied with the information provided about the merger. This information was disseminated through various channels and even negative information and postponed decisions were quickly distributed. The study conflicts with the theories that have found that resistance to change is inevitable in a merger. Shortly after the merger the (third) study showed disappointment with the fact that fewer changes than expected had been implemented even if the changes that actually were carried out sometimes led to a more problematic work situation. This was seen to be more prominent for routine changes than IS changes. Still the administrators showed a clear willingness to change and to share their knowledge with new colleagues. This knowledge sharing (also tacit) worked well in the merger and the PMI. The majority reported that the most common way to learn to use new ISs and to apply new routines was by asking help from colleagues. They also needed to take responsibility for their own training and development. Five months after the merger (the fourth study) the administrators had become worried about the changes in communication strategy that had been implemented in the new university. This was perceived as being more anonymous. Furthermore, it was harder to get to know what was happening and to contact the new decision makers. The administrators found that decisions, and the authority to make decisions, had been moved to a higher administrative level than they were accustomed to. A directive management style is recommended in mergers in order to achieve a quick transition without distracting from the core business. A merger process may be tiresome and require considerable effort from the participants. In addition, not everyone can make their voice heard during a merger and consensus is not possible in every question. It is important to find out what is best for the new organization instead of simply claiming that the tried and tested methods of doing things should be implemented. A major problem turned out to be the lack of management continuity during the merger process. Especially problematic was the situation in the IS-department with many substitute managers during the whole merger process (even after the merger was carried out). This meant that no one was in charge of IS-issues and the PMI of IS. Moreover, the top managers were appointed very late in the process; in some cases after the merger was carried out. This led to missed opportunities for building trust and management credibility was heavily affected. The administrators felt neglected and that their competences and knowledge no longer counted. This, together with a reduced and altered information flow, led to rumours and distrust. Before the merger the administrators were convinced that their achievements contributed value to their organizations and that they worked effectively. After the merger they were less sure of their value contribution and effectiveness even if these factors were not totally discounted. The fifth study in November 2011 found that the administrators were still satisfied with their IS as they had been throughout the whole study. Furthermore, they believed that the IS department had done a good job despite challenging circumstances. Both the former organizations lacked IS strategies, which badly affected the IS strategizing during the merger and the PMI. IS strategies deal with issues like system ownership; namely who should pay and who is responsible for maintenance and system development, for organizing system training for new IS, and for effectively run IS even during changing circumstances (e.g. more users). A proactive approach is recommended for IS strategizing to work. This is particularly true during a merger and PMI for handling issues about what ISs should be adopted and implemented in the new organization, issues of integration and reengineering of IS-related processes. In the new university an ITstrategy had still not been decided 26 months after the new university was established. The study shows the importance of the decisive management of IS in a merger requiring that IS issues are addressed in the merger process and that IS decisions are made early. Moreover, the new management needs to be appointed early in order to work actively with the IS-strategizing. It is also necessary to build trust and to plan and make decisions about integration of IS and people.
This work focuses on the 159.5 kW solar photovoltaic power plant project installed at the Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2013 as an example of what a solar plant project could be in Finland. The project consists of a two row carport and a flat roof installation on the roof of the university laboratories. The purpose of this project is not only its obvious energy savings potential but also to serve as research and teaching laboratory tool. By 2013, there were not many large scale solar power plants in Finland. For this reason, the installation and data experience from the solar power plant at LUT has brought valuable information for similar projects in northern countries. This work includes a first part for the design and acquisition of the project to continue explaining about the components and their installation. At the end, energy produced by this solar power plant is studied and calculated to find out some relevant economical results. For this, the radiation arriving to southern Finland, the losses of the system in cold weather and the impact of snow among other aspects are taken into account.
The escalation in the number of mergers and acquisition transactions involving emerging market firms is a relatively recent phenomenon; as a consequence academic research in such topic is rather limited. The purpose of this research study was to discuss the possible reasons that led the acquisition failure of an emerging multinational firm and an Indonesian player. Extensive theoretical research was performed and it had been achieved, based on this, the finding of a framework that facilitated to understand the way in which the concepts of cultural distances and relate liabilities of foreignness in the process of acquisitions of foreign companies in emerging markets. The theoretical background collects literature related to acquisitions, models of cultural studies between nations and liabilities of foreignness. It has been generated a variety of frameworks that aid to understand the way that the institutional distance and cultural factors together with the concept of liabilities of foreignness can affect the process of market entry of an emerging multinational company to the extent that the best way to stop losing money is to abandon the project. The empirical research consisted of selective semi-structured interviews and an extensive research in available public data on the chosen study case of this research. There were several factors that were identified as the cause of the failure in the market entry of a Mexican multinational firm in Indonesia. The weakness shown by the local government authorities was used by the local community leaders who rioted because of discomfort. These groups were the ones who made the government submit to the extent that the agreements reached at the beginning of the deal were either canceled or modified in a way that favored always the local community. The contributions of this study fall into the knowledge field of emerging multinational firms and market entry process.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin Venäjän elintarviketeollisuuteen vuosina 1992 - 2004 investoineitakansainvälisiä yhtiöitä, niiden käyttämiä investointitapoja ja yritysostojen motiiveja. Viime vuosina Venäjän bruttokansantuote kasvoi yli 4 % vuodessa. Venäjän ostovoima kasvoi talouden mukana. Venäjän elintarviketeollisuudella on vieläkin kasvupotentiaalia. Paikallinen elintarvikevalmistus on varteenotettava vaihtoehto, jota kannattaa harkita. Vuosina 1992 - 2004 meijeri- ja virvoitusjuomateollisuudessa uusien tehtaiden rakentajia oli enemmän kuin tehtaiden ostajia. Panimoteollisuudessa oli enemmän yritysostojen käyttäjiä kuin uuden tehtaan rakentajia. Konditoriateollisuudessa ja kaikilla tutkituilla sektoreilla yhteensä yritysostojen käyttäjiä oli saman verran kuin uusien tehtaiden rakentajia. Tärkeimmät ulkoiset syyt yritysostoihin Venäjällä olivat markkinoiden koko, hallituspolitiikka ja säädökset, ostettavan kohdeyrityksen tuotemerkki ja kohdeyrityksen markkinaosuus. Tärkeimmät sisäiset syyt yritysostoihin olivat ulkomaan markkinoiden rooli strategiassa, tuotteen sopeuttamisen tarve ja yrityksen omat vapaat resurssit.
Tutkimuksessa selvitetään yritys- ja pääomatuloverouudistuksen vaikutuksia konsernien sisäisiin yritysjärjestelyihin. Päätavoite oli selvittää, onko verouudistuksella todellista vaikutusta konsernirakenteiden muuttamisessa käytettyjen yritysjärjestelykeinojen valintaan. Alatavoitteista merkityksellisimmäksi muodostui verouudistuksen mukanaan tuomien epäkohtien etsiminen. Tytäryhtiöosakkeiden purkuvoiton muuttuminen verotuksessa verovapaaksi ja purkutappion vähennyskelvottomaksi, aiheuttaa houkutuksen pyrkiä yritysjärjestelyjen toteuttamiseen siten, että verotusta voidaan kiertää. Tutkimuksessa osoitettiin epäkohtia uudistuksessa, jotka mahdollistavat veronkiertämisen yritysjärjestelyissä. Tutkimustulos osoittaa verouudistuksella olleen vaikutusta yritysjärjestelykeinon valintaan, sillä uudistuksen jälkeen sekä purkamisen ja fuusion veroseuraamukset ovat emoyhtiön osalta toisiaan vastaavat. Merkitykselliseksi muodostuu uudistuksen jälkeen tytäryhtiön verotuksellinen asema. Se on jatkossa syytä selvittää ennen yritysjärjestelykeinon valintaa.
Tässä diplomityössä esitellään langattoman mittaus- ja valvontajärjestelmän protokollakehitys. Työssä selvitetään protokollakehityksessä huomioon otettavat asiat ja esitetään langattoman tilavalvontaan perustuvan pilottijärjestelmän toteutus. Pilottijärjestelmänä käytetään Ensto Busch-Jaeger Oy:n Jussi-kosteusvahtijärjestelmää, joka muutetaan langattomaksi. Järjestelmän tiedonsiirto on yksisuuntaista ja tapahtuu radioyhteydellä. Käytetty taajuus on 433,92 MHz. Tavoitteena työssä oli kehittää yksinkertainen, mutta luotettava signalointijärjestelmä. Siihen toteutettu protokolla koodaa lähetettävän datan NRZ-L -koodauksen tapaisesti. Virheenkorjaus tehdään pariteettibittiä ja Hamming-etäisyyttä hyväksi käyttäen. Lisäksi tiedonsiirron yhteyskäytäntöön on lisätty rinnakkaisuutta yksisuuntaisen tiedonsiirron varmistamiseksi. Kehitetylle protokollalle tehdyt testit osoittavat sen olevan luotettava valitussa tiedonsiirtoympäristössä.
Tämän tutkimuksen päätavoite oli lisätä ymmärrystä yrityksen strategiaprosessista, erityisesti tutkimalla yrityskauppojen osuutta siinä. Käytettävä tutkimusmetodologia oli toiminta-analyyttinen. Teoriaosuudessa syvennyttiin strategian ja strategiaprosessin käsitteistöön sekä yrityskauppaprosessiin ja yrityskauppojen syihin. Empiriaosuudessa tutkittiin Metson strategiaa sekä teorian että julkisen aineiston avulla. Apuna oli myös yrityksestä saatua materiaalia sekä investointipankkien analyyseja, joista osa oli sensitiivisiä. Teorian ja eri sidosryhmien mielipiteiden avulla arvioin valitun strategian järkevyyttä. Vielä ei ole varmuutta siitä, tuleeko paljon huomiota saanut Svedalakauppa toteutumaan. Olen kuitenkin käsitellyt kauppaa ja sen hyviä sekä huonoja puolia. On vaikeata sanoa etukäteen onko jokin strategia hyvä vai huono, mutta olen tuonut esiin joitakin ongelmakohtia, joita on tullut esiin työtä tehdessä ja toivon niiden herättävän keskustelua caseyrityksessä.