148 resultados para media-focused terrorism

em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland


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Ever since Siad Barre’s regime was toppled in the beginning of the 1990’s Somalia has been without an effective central government. As a result Somalia has remained in an anarchic condition of state collapse for nearly two decades. This anarchy has often been put forward as a potential breeding ground for terrorism. As a response to this threat the United States has undertaken several policies, initiatives, and operations in the Horn of Africa generally and in Somalia specifically. In this descriptive study a twofold analysis has been undertaken. First, conditions in present day Somalia as well as Somali history have been analyzed to evaluate the potential Somalia holds as a terrorist base of operations or a recruiting- or staging area. Second, US strategies and actions have been analyzed to evaluate the adequacy of the US response to the threat Somalia poses in terms of terrorism. Material for the analyses have been derived from anthropological, political, and security studies dealing with Somalia. This material has been augmented by a wide range of news coverage, western and non-western. Certain different US policy documents from different levels have been chosen to represent US strategies for the Global War on Terrorism. Because Somali social institutions, such as the clan system, hold great weight in Somali society, Somalia is a difficult area of operations for terrorist networks. In addition the changing nature of Somali alliances and the tangled webs of conflict that characterize present day Somalia aggravate the difficulties that foreign terrorist networks would encounter in Somalia, would they choose to try to utilize it in any great extent. The US has taken potential terrorism threats in Africa and specifically Somalia very seriously. US actions in Somalia have mainly focused on apprehending or neutralizing terror suspects. Such policies, coupled with backing the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia may have actually turned out increasing Somalia’s terror potential.


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The aim of this master’s thesis was to examine antecedents of eWOM communication in social media in the higher education context. In order to achieve this goal, eWOM communications of the students’ of international master’s programmes at Lappeenranta University of Technology were studied. The main research question was formulated as follows: What kind of effect do service-, brand-related antecedents, contextual antecedents and moderating factors have on LUT’s international master’s degree students’ eWOM communication in social media regarding their studies? The theory part of the master’s thesis was focused on the discussion of service- and brand related eWOM antecedents, contextual antecedents, as well as moderating relationships between them. The empirical part of the master’s thesis was based on quantitative research method. A web-based survey was carried out among current students of international master’s degree programmes at LUT. Out of 712 e-mail invitations sent, 159 responses were received in total. Thus, response rate was 22%. The results of the study showed that satisfaction, commitment, virtual brand community commitment, need for an advice, positive altruistic concerns, negative altruistic concerns, and attitude towards eWOM communications have an effect on eWOM in higher education context. Several moderating effects on eWOM were determined in the present study as well. On the other hand, it was found that dissatisfaction, loyalty, brand identification, desire to help the organization, need for positive self-enhancement, and social risk perception do not have an effect on eWOM in higher education context.


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Fluid flow behaviour in porous media is a conundrum. Therefore, this research is focused on filtration-volumetric characterisation of fractured-carbonate sediments, coupled with their proper simulation. For this reason, at laboratory rock properties such as pore volume, permeability and porosity are measured, later phase permeabilities and oil recovery in function of flow rate are assessed. Furthermore, the rheological properties of three oils are measured and analysed. Finally based on rock and fluid properties, a model using COMSOL Multiphysics is built in order to compare the experimental and simulated results. The rock analyses show linear relation between flow rate and differential pressure, from which phase permeabilities and pressure gradient are determined, eventually the oil recovery under low and high flow rate is established. In addition, the oils reveal thixotropic properties as well as non-Newtonian behaviour described by Bingham model, consequently Carreau viscosity model for the used oil is given. Given these points, the model for oil and water is built in COMSOL Multiphysics, whereupon successfully the reciprocity between experimental and simulated results is analysed and compared. Finally, a two-phase displacement model is elaborated.


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Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli antaa Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijoille tietoa näyttöpäätetyöhön liittyvistä kuormitustekijöistä ja ergonomiasta. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena on vastata kysymykseen " Mitä media-assistenttiopiskelijoiden tulisi tietää, jotta he osaisivat kuormittaa itseään sopivasti näyttöpäätetyössä?". Koostimme opinnäytetyömme kirjallisuudesta ja tutkimuksista saatujen tietojen pohjalta. Näistä muodostui opinnäytetyömme teoreettinen viitekehys sekä perustelut opinnäytetyömme tuotoksen sisällölle. Tutkimusten mukaan tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kuormituksen tasaamiseen voi vaikuttaa vähentämällä haitallisesti kuormittavia työjaksoja, vaihtamalla työasentoja, säätämällä työvälineitä ja tauottamalla työntekoa. Opinnäytetyömme kirjallisessa osiossa perehdyimme näyttöpäätetyön ergonomiaan ja kuormittavuuteen media-assistenttiopiskelijoilla. Opinnäytetyömme tuotoksena oli "Kevennä kuormitusta näyttöpäätteen äärellä"- CD-Rom, jossa on 39 diaa. CD-Rom sisältää tietoa niska-hartiaseudun ja selän rakenteesta sekä toiminnasta, lihastyötavoista, niskaa ja selkää kuormittavista tekijöistä näyttöpäätteen äärellä työskennellessä, työpisteen säätelystä ja optimaalisesta istuma-asennosta, sekä vinkkejä kuormituksen keventämiseen mm. tauottamisen avulla. Testasimme CD-Rom:n sisältöä yhdellä Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijaryhmällä järjestämällä ergonomiaohjauksen. Palautteen pohjalta kehittelimme työn lopulliseen muotoonsa. Opinnäytetyömme tuotosta käytetään Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijoiden ergonomiaohjauksen välineenä. Työmme soveltuu myös muiden näyttöpäätteen äärellä työskentelevien henkilöiden ja ryhmien ergonomiaohjauksen välineeksi. "Kevennä kuormitusta näyttöpäätteen äärellä" - CD-Romia voivat hyödyntää fysioterapeutit, muut ergonomiaohjauksia antavat toimihenkilöt sekä Kunto-Stadia.


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Tiivistelmä: Turvepohjaisten kasvualustojen tiivistyminen yksivuotisessa paakkutaimikasvatuksessa


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