11 resultados para log scanner
em Doria (National Library of Finland DSpace Services) - National Library of Finland, Finland
Tukin mittaus ennen sahausta ja sahausasetteen optimointi on kehittynyt paljon viimeisen 10 vuoden aikana. Sahauksen kannattavuuden huonontuessa raaka-aineen tehokas hyödyntäminen on muodostunut tärkeäksi osaksi prosessia. Mittalaitteiden tekniikan kehityttyä on ollut mahdollista mitata tukin muoto ja halkaisijat eri kohdista entistä tarkemmin. Sahausasetteen optimoinnilla pyritään raaka-aineen mahdollisimman tehokkaaseen käyttöön eli saamaan mahdollisimman hyvä saanto jokaisesta yksittäisestä sahatusta tukista. Mittaustarkkuus on suoraan kytköksissä sahausasetteen optimointi tuloksen onnistumiseen. Yleisesti tukin mittaus ennen sahausta ja sahausasetteen optimointi tulevat samalta toimittajalta. Työssä tarkasteltiin kahden eri toimittajan tukkimittareita sekä optimoinnin onnistumista sen perusteella. Käytössä oli lasikuituinen mallitukki, jota mitattiin kummankin toimittajan mittareilla. Näin voitiin suoraan vertailla mittauksen ja optimoinnin onnistumista ja verrata sitä optimaalisiin tuloksiin. Työssä käytettiin kandidaatintyössä luomaani toimintamallia tukkimittarin tarkkuuden toteamiseksi. Mittaus- ja optimointivirheistä pystyttiin laskemaan, kuinka paljon tappiota sahalaitokselle aiheutui verrattuna optimaaliseen mittaus- ja optimointitulokseen. Jo pienetkin virheet optimoinnissa ja mittauksessa vaikuttavat sahauksen kannattavuuteen, kun tarkastellaan sahalaitosta jossa sahataan 8000 – 10 000 tukkia yhden työvuoron aikana. Tulosten perusteella mittarit mittaavat hieman virheellisesti, ja kummankin mittarin mittausten perusteella saatiin eri sahausasete optimointitulokseksi. Mittavirheen takia voitiin todeta, että parantamalla mittaustarkkuutta voidaan sahauksen kannattavuutta parantaa.
Selostus: Tasoskannerin ja digitaalisen kuva-analyysimenetelmän kalibrointi juurten morfologian kvantifioimiseksi
The improvement of the dynamics of flexible manipulators like log cranes often requires advanced control methods. This thesis discusses the vibration problems in the cranes used in commercial forestry machines. Two control methods, adaptive filtering and semi-active damping, are presented. The adaptive filter uses a part of the lowest natural frequency of the crane as a filtering frequency. The payload estimation algorithm, filtering of control signal and algorithm for calculation of the lowest natural frequency of the crane are presented. The semi-active damping method is basedon pressure feedback. The pressure vibration, scaled with suitable gain, is added to the control signal of the valve of the lift cylinder to suppress vibrations. The adaptive filter cuts off high frequency impulses coming from the operatorand semi-active damping suppresses the crane?s oscillation, which is often caused by some external disturbance. In field tests performed on the crane, a correctly tuned (25 % tuning) adaptive filter reduced pressure vibration by 14-17 % and semi-active damping correspondingly by 21-43%. Applying of these methods require auxiliary transducers, installed in specific points in the crane, and electronically controlled directional control valves.
This master’s thesis was done for Andritz Inc. Atlanta Georgia. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a new trolley for a small portal log yard crane. In the beginning of the thesis the basic principles of the systematic design processes have been described, along which the design work of the trolley has proceeded. The second literature part consists of the design and dimensioning of the welded steel structures under fatigue loading. The design work of the trolley consists of the engineering and the selection of the mechanical components and the design of the load carrying structure for the trolley. The realization of the steel structure of the trolley is based on the fatigue and static dimensioning. The fatigue dimensioning is grounded in the life expectations estimated for the trolley and the static dimensioning is based on the CMAA guidelines. The computer aided element method was utilized in the design of the steel structure. The effective notch method and the hot spot method were used in the fatigue calculations. The trolley structure was carried out by using the sheet metal parts in order to manufacture the structure as effective and low cost way as possible. The corner stone of the dimensioning of the trolley structure was the utilization of the open profiles made of welded or cold formed sheet metals, which provide better weldability, weld inspection, access for repairs and corrosion protection. As a last part of the thesis a new trolley traveling system was developed. The distribution of the wheel loads of the trolley bogies on the main girder was also studied, which led to an innovative suspension arrangement between the trolley leg and the bogie. The new bogie solution increases the service life of the main girder of the crane and improves the stability of the bogies. The outcome of the thesis is an excellent trolley structure from the weight and the service life point of view.
Dedikaatio: Petrus Brahe.
Most of the applications of airborne laser scanner data to forestry require that the point cloud be normalized, i.e., each point represents height from the ground instead of elevation. To normalize the point cloud, a digital terrain model (DTM), which is derived from the ground returns in the point cloud, is employed. Unfortunately, extracting accurate DTMs from airborne laser scanner data is a challenging task, especially in tropical forests where the canopy is normally very thick (partially closed), leading to a situation in which only a limited number of laser pulses reach the ground. Therefore, robust algorithms for extracting accurate DTMs in low-ground-point-densitysituations are needed in order to realize the full potential of airborne laser scanner data to forestry. The objective of this thesis is to develop algorithms for processing airborne laser scanner data in order to: (1) extract DTMs in demanding forest conditions (complex terrain and low number of ground points) for applications in forestry; (2) estimate canopy base height (CBH) for forest fire behavior modeling; and (3) assess the robustness of LiDAR-based high-resolution biomass estimation models against different field plot designs. Here, the aim is to find out if field plot data gathered by professional foresters can be combined with field plot data gathered by professionally trained community foresters and used in LiDAR-based high-resolution biomass estimation modeling without affecting prediction performance. The question of interest in this case is whether or not the local forest communities can achieve the level technical proficiency required for accurate forest monitoring. The algorithms for extracting DTMs from LiDAR point clouds presented in this thesis address the challenges of extracting DTMs in low-ground-point situations and in complex terrain while the algorithm for CBH estimation addresses the challenge of variations in the distribution of points in the LiDAR point cloud caused by things like variations in tree species and season of data acquisition. These algorithms are adaptive (with respect to point cloud characteristics) and exhibit a high degree of tolerance to variations in the density and distribution of points in the LiDAR point cloud. Results of comparison with existing DTM extraction algorithms showed that DTM extraction algorithms proposed in this thesis performed better with respect to accuracy of estimating tree heights from airborne laser scanner data. On the other hand, the proposed DTM extraction algorithms, being mostly based on trend surface interpolation, can not retain small artifacts in the terrain (e.g., bumps, small hills and depressions). Therefore, the DTMs generated by these algorithms are only suitable for forestry applications where the primary objective is to estimate tree heights from normalized airborne laser scanner data. On the other hand, the algorithm for estimating CBH proposed in this thesis is based on the idea of moving voxel in which gaps (openings in the canopy) which act as fuel breaks are located and their height is estimated. Test results showed a slight improvement in CBH estimation accuracy over existing CBH estimation methods which are based on height percentiles in the airborne laser scanner data. However, being based on the idea of moving voxel, this algorithm has one main advantage over existing CBH estimation methods in the context of forest fire modeling: it has great potential in providing information about vertical fuel continuity. This information can be used to create vertical fuel continuity maps which can provide more realistic information on the risk of crown fires compared to CBH.